Resolution-PC 90-81~ ~. ~':,t~-ra~ R~~QL~J_T.TON AjQ._p~~9-81 ~ A RESGI.IJTION OF 7'fik~ ANAF3ETh: CTTY Pi~AN~1ING C.t~hIIyfISSTON ADOPTING AND RECOMMBNUING TO THF CiTY COUNCIG AUOPT.TON Oi' GENF.RAC, PI,AN AMF.NDMENT N0. 29ti i'ERTAINING TO TH~; LAND USE ELEM~NT WHEF2EAS, the Ci~y Council o£ tt-e CiCy of Anahe.im did adopt tY~e Anal~eim General P13n by Resolutzoz~ No. 69R-64A, showing the qeneral descript.ion and oktent of possible futura development withiz~ tYse city; and WIiEFEAS, PJ.ann.ing Comm.issi.on directed staff t~ iniL-i~tt; an amendmenh, to the Land l'Jse Element of. the General Plan to r.~~de~ignate the study areas from t;he Medium UensiCy Residential to "Low Density Res3dential, ~or those 2 parc~rls consisL•ing o: approxitnatell 0.51 ~cre locaL-ed on L-he south~aest corner of ~eranimar Drive and ~Iestern Avenue hav.ing comb.ined appraximate fronta~~es of 7.G5 fe~t on t.he south side of Tec•ani-nar nrive and 135 fset on the west side of Westc~rn Avenue; and for thos~ 2 parcels consistin~~ of approximately 0.36 ~cra loc~t~d on the s~uthwest corr-er of Faircresh llriv~ and Wos?_ern Avenue haviny combined apnroximato front~,~7es ot 143 L•eet on the soutki ~ide n£ Faircre,c Drive and lIl Eeet on ttiR west sidQ of Western Avenue; thereof WHER~;AS, the City Planniny Commissi~n did hold a public hearinr~ at khQ Ci.vic Center in the City of Anaheim on March 26, 1990 at 7.:30 p.m., :~otice of ~aid public hea.rinc~ 2zaviny be~en duly given as required by law Fand in accordance witli the~ pxovisions oF thc~ Ar~ahPim Municip~l Code, Chaptez 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed rec_assificati~n 3nd to invF;stiglte and rnake fi.n~iings and recommenda~inns in connection ttierewith; ar,d W(iFRGAS, said Commission, ~~itez• ciue considera,tion, inspe~tion, inv~stir,at.ion and ;,r.udy maCie by it.yelf, a,~d aPt~r dae cunsideration of ~11 evidence ~nd YP.~Ut'~ offered at said hQaring, DOES ~TEREBY' FIND: 1. That evic~ence present~~d substankiate, the need .Cor an a:nendment to the Anaheim ~eneral Plan and that Exhibit A be adopt.ecl redesignatinq subject ar•ea for T,ow Dezisity Resi~l~nt.ial land u;~,es, rather than Meciium Densiky Res.idet~l•,.ial. 2. Thak the prv~osed amenciment .is ccnsistent wikh the exist.inq land use densiL.ies. 1366r _1^ PC90-81 ~':~S~~~M ~~ ~t.w~r~#0 ~.ALIFQI~N_IA ENVI~QNM~I'~AL OUALITY_ AGT FT~1nzNG: That thQ Anaheim City P'.~*~niiig (,'ommissiun ~as rdvir~wed tlze pro~os~-1 to nmc~r.d the Land Use ~lemont of the General P1a.ix to change thR curront land use d~,s.igiiation of Mediwn pens;ty Residantial to Low Dc~nsity Resiclenk.it~l for for those 2 parcals consis~ing ot approximately 0.51 acrQ located on the southwosC corner of Teran3mar Drive anci West$rn Avonue having eombineci appro:cim~te fz•onLagas of 165 foet on ~he south ~ide of Teranimar vrive and 135 teet o~ the wc~st sido of tiVesterxi Avenuoj ancl for thaae 2 parcels consisting uf approximateZy 0.36 acre located on tlze southwes~ corner of FaS.rcrest llrivP and Westerri Avenue having cambined apprtiximatr~ frantages of 143 feet on ~he south side of F'~tircrest Drive and 111 EeeL ~n the wesL• sicle of West:arn Avenue; and does therefore approve the Negative Dac:zration on the basis th~it it has r.onsidered Che proposed NQgative Daclaration i:oget.hor with any commenk.s receivod during tne ~vblic review pxocess and turther finding ori ttie basi3 of the InitS.al Stucly and any comments r~coived that ~here is no substanl-.ial evidence that the projoct will havo a sic~nifican~ effect on the enviro.iment NOW, THEftEFORE, BC IT RFSOLVEll, t2iat pursuant L•o the ab~ve f3ndings, the Anaheim Ciky Planr~ing C~mmis:;ion does heroby adopt and recornmen~i t~ the City Council of the City c~f Anaheim adoption of Genoral Plan AmQndrient No. 298-Land Use Element, ExhibiL• A, to r~d~si~nate the Study Area from Medium DEnsity R.esidential to Lorr Density Resident.ial laiid ~.~s~s. THE rORGGOI~IG RESOLUTION was ado~ted aG the Planninv (:ommission mF3Qtiny of M2rch ZG, 199~. "~ r ~•~.:ti~;j i~~ ^~- ~ `~~/,( -- I ~--`~~ < ~~e~=--~~--- ~ CHATRMAN, ANAHETM CITY NLANNING COMMI~SI~)N' ATZ~EST: ~ / . ~ __ ~~-~'.~ ~ ~_r~~u.~ __ SECRETAR'1, A~lAHEIM CITY PLAPINING CUMb!ISSION STATE OF CAL,IFORNIA ) COUN~X OF ORANGF ) S5, ; CITY U[' ANAfiFIM ) I, E~3i.t}~ L,. Harr.~is, Sr~:etary of the Anaroim City ~lanning Commissioii, clu :iereby cert_[y ~hat the £oregoing resc:lution was nassed an3 3dopCed ak a m~eting oL• the Anahaim City Planning C~mmission held on March 2ti, X990, by ~he followicig vole of the meniber.^, thereof: AYh'.`~+S C~t~fI5SI0NERS: BOYDST.UN~ AOUAS~ HELLYER. HERAST~ MC HURN~Y~ MGuSE NOES: COhII~iTSSI0KEE25: NONE AHSEt:T: CONdy11SSi0NERS: FF,LDHAUS IN ~ITNk~SS WH~R~OF, I have her~urito set mY hand this ~vµ' da of . 1990. Y -_-_ .~~~~~~I ~SdG~ v ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~-- •~~i~~4~`~'~-'~ SECRET~RY, I~NAHEIM CITY PI~APiNING COhASISSION -2' PC90-81