Resolution-PC 90-9~ RGSOI~]TI N NQ, P~~Q.:~~ ~ A RE50LU:CIQN 0~ THE A~1AHE'1'M CTT1C PLA212~ING COMP~TSSTON A.'10PTING AND RE~COMMENDI~IG TO TH~: CIT~t C~UtdCIL ADOP`TLGN OF GBNERAL PLAN AMENDt•1~NT N0. 289 PERTAINING TO TEI~ I.AND USE E;LEME~IT WHET2RA.S, the City Council ot the City of Anaheim did adopl: t.he Anaheim General Plan by Resolution rTo. 6qR-644, shawixig the general 8esc.ription an~i ex~ent o£ ~ossible £uture develcpment within the city; and WHFFEAS, Planninq Commission ~iiz•ectod staff to initiate an amendment to the Land CJsc~ E). ,ment uf t}ie Gen~:.ral F'lan to re~lesiyna~te the studey area fro~n hfediun~ Density Resiclential to Lcw-Meciium Density Residential, ~or ~he study area consisL•ir;q of ap~roximotely 3 acrc~s gene~2.'_ly bat~nded by 1:he a11~y souLh of Lincoln Avenue to the north, Grand ~+venue to ~he east, Del ?Qonte Drive to #:he aoutYi anci Topanga Drive to the wesL, excepting the southerly 365 fee~:; thereof WAGREAS, the Anaheim City Planni:lq Cormnission did tiold a public hearing at the Anaiieim Civic Cenker, Counczl Chamber~ 200 South Anaheim Bo•~levard, on Jar,uary 3, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public; hearing having been ~uly givan ~.a r~quireci by law and in acau:danc~ wiL•h the provisions of the Anaheim Munica.pal Co~ie, to hear a:id consider sv.idence for and against said 3uiieral Plan Amendment and to investi.yate and make Landings and recomnendatiors in connsction therowith; and WHEREAS, said Commissaon, after due consideration, inspection, investigation and study made b~~ itself, and after due considera~i~n of al:t evidence and r~p~rts offered al: said hearinc~, UUES rti~REAY FIN1): 1. ThaL ~videnc~ p.res~nted substankia-.es the xi2ed for axi amen~lment to the A.naheirn Genezal Plan and that ~xhibit A be adopted redesignating subjecr_ area for Lc~w--M~dium i)ensity Resider.tial land uses, rather than Medium ')ensiL-y R~sidential. 2. ThaL- the proposed amend:neriL is censistent w.ir.r~ the existing laiicl usF; densii:ir,. ~ALIFOR2?7A ENVIRON'McNTAL._Q~AT,ITY F,4T FINDIN~; That the Anaheim City Ylanring Canvnission bas reviewed t.he pr.oposa~ to dmen8 t.he Land Use Element of tha G~neral Plan L•o chang~ tne ~urrent land use deszgnation of Medium Density Rcs.identi.al to Low-Medium Dansity~ Residontial on appraximat:ely 3 acres generally b~un~eJ. by tlia alley south of Lir~coln Avenue to the nnrtli, Grand Avenue to the east, Del Monte Drive to the south and Topanga Drive to the west, excep'ting the southerly 365 feet; and does theref.ore apprave the Negative Declaration on the basis L•hat it has considered the proposed Neqative Declar3tion toqether with any c~mments rr.c~ived during ttxe public reviaw proc.e~s and i:urther finding an tl-e basis U£ L•he 'initial Stuciy and any commenL•s received tihat thexe is no subsLantial Av:idence that Lhe pzojecC will have a si.gnifi~ant effect on the environmenL. _1_ PC 90-09 1223r -- ~ ~ ~ '~' ~ .. ° ~+>s~~~ ~I a~::b`,~G'A , ~, NOW, THERE,E'ORE, AG I:[ RESOLVSD, tha.~ pursuant tu th~ above iinding, th.e Anaheim City P].anning Commission aoAS hereby zdapt and r.ecommend ta Lhe Ci#:y Coun~il o~ the City o.f AnahFim adoption of GenQral Plan Amenclment No. 284 -Land Use Elom~nt, Exh.ibit A, to roc3esignato ~ne s~udy ttre~ from Medium Danslty Reszdential to Luw-Medium UQnsity Re~sidQn~ia1 land u~es. ?;' TFiF I'QREGOING EtLSOLUTION was adoptea at the Planninq Commissi.on meeting of Januar~+ 3, 1990. /,.i ~, ~ . .. { ~ l ~'~ .~f~___ ' ~ r'-1 .~ ~,~;`_~ :"~'.i...~, , CI•iAIRWOMAN• PitO T~:t4, ANAHEIM ITY PLAtJNING CODlMTSSTON ATTEST: ~a;..~;,.~.,.~;Ii~'-~.. ~f '~ '~ y~/l_..~~•1' ~ - ,.7 ':.!.-'---_ -- ------ A~~ING SL~CRE~ARY; J121AT3ET~i CI'i';' PLANNI?1G COMM~SSTON ~ , / ~ I~ ` [.- ,._~. STATE OF CAI~IFORNIA ) COUIQTX OF ORANGE ) ss. CITv OF ANAH~IM ) I, Janet T.. Jensen, Actinq Secretary uf L-he Ana2.eim C.ity Plannxna Commission, clo hezeby certify ttiat the foregoing resolution wa~ passQd and adaptecl at a meating of L•t~e Anaheim Ci.ty Flanning Cornmission he lii on .7anuary 3, 1990, by the ic~llowing vote of the memb~rs thereof•: AXES: COM:dISSIONERS: FiUYDSTUN, BQUAS, 1?ELD'HAU'u, HF.'L~,YI:R h1C BURPiEY, hfE;SSE NQ1;S: COh41ISSI:O~IERS: NONE ABS~NT: (,'OMMISSION~:kS: HER$ST ~% '7 IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I ha~~~ hereurito set my har,.d l-}iis ~ ~ c:i' ~~ ~•~- 1 ,~ ~~"G-G'.-.~~. ~~~, o~J;; ~ ~_/~'1`:/_j 1990 . , /~ . , j~ , , %'/ ° . ~~~--.L~_~~~~~1_l~~' ._ ~_, ~ ;s , ~ , A TING SECRExARY, ANA,F#EIM CITY I'LA~ININC ~ (:dMMISSIQN .~ .~ `i i ~~ -2- PC 90-Q9 '~