Resolution-PC 90-91(:: ~:r;;,s RESO~T i~','T1QN„NO ; k?~'~Q ~,,q~ A RESOLUTION OF THf; ;aNHr,I~t CZ:~Y PLANNTNG ~pt~L'~fzuST.ON AUOPTING i~ND RECUh4~iH;ND7NG TC. THE CITY CC'"NCTI, ADGPTTON OF G~NERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. ;~Oi) I~ERTAIN:LNG 'CU '"I:4 LANU USE ELEM~IdT WHEREAS, the Cir.y Council o" the City of Anaheim did adupt the Anaheirn G~n~ral Plan by R~solu~ion No. 69-6~t.4, showing ttie general descrip~ion and extont of possiL,lo fut~:re ciovelopment wiL-hzn the city; and WHEkEAS, thE~ E~l~nniny f_'ommission dir~cte~i General Ylan Ar,iendrtiei1t re~]e~iy~ati.ng th~ Study Area fromatnq ~U initiate ;~ Medium Density ResidenCi,~l ~3esic~nat.ion to the T,ow-Med~tun Density Residential designation for L-ha Sttidy Area consisting of approximatcly 6.3 acres, apProximately 630 feet on the west side of Willowbroak La P~,j avingYa~maxe.mum deptYi of approximately 500 feet and locatecl approximately 22p fe~t nurt~l o~ tho centerline of Chapman Avenue; rhereot WHGREAS, the City Planning Commission did ho7.d a l:he Civic Center in the Cit ~ublic hearing aL of said y oF ~naheim un April 9, 1990 at 1:3(1 p.m„ norice public hea~ing hav.ing beell ~li~ly gi.ven as requirod by law and in ~ccordanc~ with lhc~ p:ovisions of thc~ Ari,~heim bfi:nicipal C~de. Chapter 18.03, to hear ane: consi.der evidr~nce far and against said proposed General Plan Ainendment ancl tu investig~*~ alld make fiudings and recommenaations in conuection Lherewith; ~n~~ WEiEREAS, said Cotnmission, aPY.Qr due cunsideration,, znspection, invest;igation and stuciy mude bl i~self, and aftEr due ~ ~ ovidence anc] ropart offered at: said heariny, DOES ~~RE~~' ~.Ir~U,~~'d~ratior~ of a11 1. That s~•idence pres~nted subetantiatQS ~he need .for an amendmeut l•o thQ An~hezm l;eneral Plan and t;hat Exh3.biL- A be adopted xedes~gnatinq subjec~ arez for Low-Medium Density Resiclential land uses, ratkier hhan Medium Densi~y Resi3entia'l. 2• :Pl~at the proposr.d amendment is consistent with the ~xi~ting land use densit.iPS. ~ALIFQRNIl~_ENVIR2NMENTAL_QUALITf ACT__I'IND7*fG; T}la~ the Anahefm Ci.ty Plu~ining Commission ha:• reviewed the propocai to am~nd the Land iJse Element of the Genera), f~Ian Lo change ~he current land use desi~~nation of Medium Density FtQSidenti.ai to Low-Med.ium Density Re,^,idenCial for approximatPly 6.3 acres, tiaving a frontag•3 of app~~ximately 630 feet on t}ie west si.de aP Willowbrook I,ane, tiaving a maximum de th approxima~.ely Z20 fQet norkh ~~ ~f aFProxi+~~r_~1y 5G0 feet and locatQd therefor.e approve kYie treqa~Cl~~ DEClkarati~icQnjthe hasi4arm~~ Avc~nua and c7oes the prop~sed Nogat;iv~ Doclaration t~qeY.her cvith any cornment, ,1 r ceived Sdurinq the publac review px~ocess and furr:her ~inciin g o n t h e b asis a f the Initial S t, u d y a n d a ny comrnents rece:ived that ther.~e is no si~bstantial evidence that the prnject wil.l have a siqnific.ant c:f.tect on ;:he environmE+nt I38~jr -1- PC90--91 ~;7i1~~ ~ mR~ `~ . ~i.l'il~~~iiNi NOF~, THERE~ORP;, IiE IT RESOLVED, th3t ~iursuan~ t.o the above find,ings, the Anaheim C3ty Planning Corrani~sion does hgr~by adopt and recommend to ~he City Cauncil oF the City uf Arzaheim adopt;ion of GQnoral P7.an AmendmenC No. 300-Land Use Element, Exhibit A, to rodesignate the S~udy Ar~a fzom Madi~un nensi~y Resident3aY to L~ow-Medium Density Resid~n~ial land uses. TFIr; I'ORrGOING R~50LUTION was adop,ted at the Plan.n..~ng Commissic ~''' maatinc~ oE April 9, 1990. // ~ _. ~..,%' ~ / ~•~-~,~=. ~% -;r~,~.._ CHAIRMr~T, 1~~77~,FlEIM CITY PLANNING G02~fISSTON AT'C'~ST : ` t~:(.li'(C.. ~~ / ~~~ ~n.ut~~- ---- SECRE'.CA~2Y, AN]~HEIM CITY' PLAtIIJxNC COMI~fISSION STATE OF CALIFOI2NIA ) COUNTX UF ORANGE ) S5, CtTY OF ANAFiP:IM ) ~~: ` I, Edith L~. Harras, Secretar~~ of the Analioim City PZanning Commission, da hereby certify that the foregoing reso].ution was passed and ~doptod at a me,eting o.f th~ Anahe.im City P.lanninq Commissiou he:ld on Apiri 9, 1.990, by the tollowinq vote af the members thereofc AYES: CObfMISSIOtTERS: BOYDSTiJN, BOUAS, HELLYER~ HEKBST, F~LDHAUS lv'OES: COMMISSIONERS: NCNE A£SLNT: COMMISSTONI,RS: MC BTJRNr,Y, 2dESS~ IN WTINESS WFiEREUF, I have hereunko sot my hand this ~~aY i of ~~~.~. 1990. ~ (,J~/((/I.~, ~~ '~ ~ L • -~~~. -~-~-~~-=~L=~~.~ . . ~ECRETARY, ANAHBIM CI'TY PLAPiNING COM~!'*SSION ,~ i r: ~Z' PC90-91 ~~ ;` ~~ t,.a; ;; : :~