Resolution-PC 90-92,~ fiESOL~UTIOtd TTO. PC90-9z ~ A RESULUTIpN OF '.fliE PI.,ANNTNG COt~fISSI02~ OF T~i~ CI'rY OF ANAHETM RECQhfirlF'NAING ADOi'TICN OF THE REDEV~LOPMENT PI~AN E'OR THE Y1'1AZA 12EDEVELQPMENI PROJ~CT WH~RGAS, iche Anaheim CommuniY.y Redevelopmerit Commission has submitted to the Plann~ng Conunission a pronosed Redevelopment P1an for the Plaza Redcvelopmen~ Project; and h~HEREAS, th~ ~lanninq Commissior~ oE the City of Anaheim has f`ormulated and adoptad a Prelimin~ry Plan for tii~ Project; and WHERLAS, S~ction 33346 of the Commun'~~y Fa~evelopment I,aw (Hea11:h anci Saf~ty Code, Sectzon 33000 g~ Sea. ) provide:~ that the Plann.3.ng Commission .is to review tlie pro~osed Reclevelopment Plan and makc~ it.s r.eport and r~commei:~ation Chereon to the Commuai.ty ~.ac~ev~lopment Commissic~ ~x~d the City Council, including a dQtermination L-hat the Re~QVe.lopm~rit P:.an conforms to L~e General Plan af tha City of Anaheim; and WT~TEP~A;i, Sectzon 65402 of the Government code prov~des in part: "(a.) Tf a ge.7~ral pl~n or part thereo~ has b~gn adopL-ed, no r~al. pro~erty s.h211 be acquired by dedicatiun pr otherwise for street, squore, part or oL•hex public purposes, and rio real nr.~~perty sha11 be C713~0503 ~f, na sLrvet shall be ~~acal:aci or abancloned, and no public bui.ld.ing or structure shall b~ conskructed or authorized, it khe aciopted general plan or part tk~ez•eaf applie~ t.hersto, unCil the location, purpose anc~ oatent o.E such acguisiCion or dispositior., sixch street vacatici: or ~bandozunent, or such public building or structure have bycn 4ubmitted ro an~~ reported upon by the planninc; agency as tc conEnrmity with said a~9opted general p:lan oi~ ~~,rt thereof" "(c}" A local agericy shall not acquire roal property ~or any o.t the purposes speci£ied in paragraph (a) not disposo of an~• real property, nor construct or authurize a public building ur st.ruc~ure, in any county or city, iE suctx county or :ity has ~~dopted a gexieral p13n or part thor~o.f, until t.te location, purpose and extent; o.f such acquisi~ion, d.is~-osition, or such pUA1~.C bui.lding nr structur~ have been submitted l-oo ana ro~ort:e~ upon by thg planning agency tiaving jurisdiction, as to co:if~rmity witY~ saic: adopted general plan or par.~ thereoc ..,"; ana WF~iER~AS, tha above required r~ports and reccmmendat•ion, inr.luding matter.s re£ereed t~ in Section 3~39E oL• the Health and Safety CoGe ancl Section 65nU2 ot the Goverrxment Code, arQ t~ be made to the Cnmmunity Re~svelopment Cammissiun and the City Council; for their considaration in actinq on the adc,~r~,~:; ~f ~::,; Redevelo~ment Pla.n; and ~ WEIT~REAS, tlie Planning Corrmiss.ipn has considerQd tlzt~ L~r~~~osed Red~valopment Plan, including L•he Draft Envi•rcnmental Impact Report, an1 tti~ General 1~'lan oF the City and pertinent xepoxts alld documents, NOW, TH~PEFO!2~, 1'HE PI~ANIIING COh~dTSSTON OF TIiE CTTY Oi' AN~IHEIM, CALII'~RP~IA, DOF,S k2ESOL,VE AS FOLLOh'S: S~c~iun 1, FinSlinqs, T2if, Planning Corrunission hereby finds and d~termixies t.hat: (a) Purs~;:3nt ~o SecL-.ion 3334q oF the Cpmmuni~y Redevelopmenr. Law, the proposed Redeveloprnent l~lan for the P1Q7a k2edove~.o~ment Proj~ct (at:~achnd hereto as At•tachment No. 1) conforms to ~hQ Gen~ral P:L~tn of the Cit,y og Arlaheim. In ad~ition, Commission recomniends t;rat; 1) the alrernat~.vE~ Meditun Densityh Qs~dential land use des:ignatian proposed Eor t'ra site no•rt;h of Westmoiit be deleted; 2) an alrernative Lpw MF,dium DQnsi.ty Residential l~nd use designati~n be addAd tn the site at the northea:;t cnrr.pr oF Loar.a and Westm~n~,• an~, 31 rhe alt:ernarive Me~diam Uensi~y I,~sidenl:ial land use designation L•or the Loara Post Off.ice site bc desig~.lated f;ur• al':ernative Low Madiwn Density Residontial l~nd uses. tb) Purs~,ant to Section 6590?, of th~ Gover.nment C~a~, wxth 1•e~Qec~ rfl public activiL•ies ~,•hicr may be under~aken witt._~ the Project A.rea pursuant to the RedQVelol~mant Plan, and that are referred to in said section, sucki ac~i.vities and undertakings confo•rm to the General Plan of t,he Ci'cy of Anaheim. Sectior 2. R~'.L4r~~~Y~3~_Rg~ommensl~t._Q~. 7:he Planning Conunission hEreby reports L•o lhe Tnaheim Cnmriunity Redavelopmen~ Comm.i~si.on and ~he City Couriczl of the City oE Anaheim the findings xQfexre~ L~ irl Section 1 her.eoL, and roc~mmen3s tlie ~~prova~ and adoption ot said kedeveloprnent P1an as submit~ted b Rodevelo~-nent Conimission, In I:he event that prior to~ 9,tsn ado tion ~u~ity R~d~veJ.oprn~nt. Plan, tb,e Cit P of the ~echr~ical, or cl~~rif ~n y ~ouncil desires to make any min~r, Y q chaYige., to ~he l2edevelopmen~ Plan Commi;sion her~by Ei.n ~s and de~ermiue~ that any such minor, t chnaca:ln;or c2ari ty.ing changes r~eeci not be reL-erred to it for further report and rocc:~runez~datiorxs, an~a hpraby wa~ves i.ts report and recommenaatioii under Sect.ion 33453 of th~ Corru;~unity Redevelonment 1Law conc~~rn.iug any such Chu71C)!?S . Scction 3, 1_r~nsmi~~al, The planning Commzssfon's Secretary shall ;;~ansmi~ ~ Copy Qg ~his RQSOlution ~~ Comcnuni':y .~edevelopirent Commiss.iori arid tho Cxt• ~hR Anaheim tinaheim tox roii~i.cYeraticn 3s z' Council of che City of part of the Community Radevelopment Comm.issYO:z's ;teporl_ tc~ r.r~e Cit~~ Cpuncil pursuant to Sectior. 33352. of the Community RedevelupmenC Law, ana ~his Resolution shall be deemed the report ar~d recr~;~meridations of th~ Planning Commission concerx~ing the pra~osed Redeve:lap:nenC Plan ancl contompla~ed public prujects and activities t}xereund2r, ~s required b1 applicable provisions of 1aw. -2 PC ~0-92 r ,~ r'>' ;,, ;•~, . ~,,.a.~:,, ~,:~.r•,. , , ;'' i 1'~Aj TI3C FAREGOING RESOL'UTTON was rsdop~ed at tlae PZazining Cammission meet:ing of Apri:l 9, 1990. ;'~ ~ ,-----.`~ ~ ' j " • ~. ..,~. ~- ~ _-, ==~= .__ .. ~-~- ~-:-~L~.-r, l ~~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEJ CITY F~LAN2rING COMMISSION ~, ATTEST: ~(,_ • - ~ l ;, ~ ~" ~-e..~--~'~..~~-' - ~f~~-~,~ ~~ ~ S~;CRETAFX ANAHETM C7TY~pLANNTN~ ~C~ y~~- bIIr1I S S I nN S~ATE OF C'ALIL'ORNIA ) CaIJNTY OF ORANGE ) S~, CITY OF ANAHGIM ) T. Edith L. f;drrzs, 5ecretary of ~he AnaY:eicn City Flanning Commission, do heraby cQrtiL•y t;tia~. L-he foregoing res~lutzon was passed and adopted at a meeting of Che Anab.eim rity Planning (:ommission held on April 9, 1~9U, by the followirbg vote of ~he m~mbers thet~eo~': AY~S: COMMISSTONERS: l3pUAS, $OYDS~UN, FEI.DHAUS, iiELI~Y~R, H$RBST, NOES: COhII~fT.SSIONCRS: NONC ABS~NT: COMhiISSI0NEE2S: MC F3U12NEX I~ND MESSE -. IN~~~ WITNI,SS Y1HERI,OF, I have h~reunto set my hand this ~ o f = t~ ~1.,'~C~_-- , 19 g 0. ay --~ ' 1~ ~ ~~- ~ / . - ~~ - - . ~`~ ' ~ ______ ~~> u..G::~.Gc,~ ~>C . ~ ~~ J SECRETARY, ALlAI3RIM CTTY PLANNTN'G COMMTSSIOk~I 1~0'16Ub --3 - PC 9U••97. ~. ~ ~.r 2773. anh/3 o~os~ro~ ^ REDEVEt.OPM'ENT PI.A~V FOR '('FiE PLAZA ~iEflEVfLOPM~ENT PROJECT Adopted: 4rdinance No. Prepared by the ANAHEINi COMM~)f-lfTY REDEVELOPMEl~6T COMMISSION ANA'r1EIM, CALlFORNlA tor ths AMAMEIM qEDEVELOPMEM' A4~HCY ~ L ~BL _~A~CO~T_~NTS PA ~ !. (Soction 100J IN7RODUCi'ION ......................................................................................................1 li. (at~Ction ~OQJ PROJECT AREA BOUNDAHY AND LEGAL DESCRIP i ION ......... ................................................................................... 3 111. (Section 300) PROP(JSED REDEVELQPMENT ACT{VfTI~S ......:................................................4 A. [Section 30t ~ Generai ........................................................................................................ 4 E~. (Section 302] Owner ?2rticipation and ~usiness Reentry Preferences ....................................................................... ........... 4 i. [Section 303~ Ownor Participation .... ................................................................... 4 ?.. (Sectfon 3(}4J Busi~iess Reentry Preferences ......................................................5 3, (Se~tion 305J Pa~ tic:ipation Agreemants .............................................................. 5 ?~. (~ection 306] Impiomenting Rulos ........................................................................ 6 C. [fioct~on 307j Property Acquisitior: ................................................................................... 6 1. (Section 308J Acauisition oi Real Pro~erty ................................... ...................... 6 2. (Section 309) Acqu;sitior~ of Pe~sonal Property .......... ....................................... 7 D. (Soction 310] Prap~rty Management ................................................................................ 7 E. (Soction 311) Relocation oi Occupants ~isplaced by Agency Acquisition ...................................... .......................................... ' i 1. (Soction 312] Relocation Housing Requirements ............................................... % 2. [Section 313] Replacgmont Hausfng Plan ........................................................... 7 3. [Sect(on 314) ~ssistance fn Finding Other Locations ......................................... 8 a. [Section 315] Relocatlon Payments ... ................................................................. S F. [Section 316j Paymerts to Taxin~ Agencies i~r in Lieu Taxes and Ta Alleviate Financial Surden ......................................................................................... 8 G. (Secf+on 317~ Demolftion, Clearance, Public Improvements, E3uilding and Sita Preparation ................................................................ 8 1. (Section 31 ~] Uemolitfor~ and Clearance ............ ................................... .......... S 2. (S~cttan 3~ 9j Public Improvements ......................................................... ........... 8 3. fSection 32UJ Prep~ration o( E3uilding Sites .................................. ...................... 9 ~ e~=::; ,~. i «~ PAS~ H• (Saction 321 ~ Property U(sposit{on and Oovolopment .................................. .................. 9 1, (Saction 322] R~al F~r~pe-ty Disposition and Development...,,.,..,. a, (S~ction 323J Gen~ral . ................................................................9 b. (Sec~ion 324~ Disposition and Oovelopmont...~...~...~.~......~ ...................~.. ~ Do~uments . .,....... . 9 c. (Sectfon 325J Developrrient by the Agency......~..~....~............~ ..............~. or Other PublEc Bodies or Er~tities ..................................10 d. fSt~ction 326J DevelopmAnt plans ..........................................................1 j 2. (5ectian 327J personal Property Dispn~ition .................................. ...11 ................ I. (Ser,tian 328J Coaperation with Publ(c Rodies ..... ............... .........................................11 J. [Sectior, 329j (~enabilit~ition, Cor~sorvatlon and Movin~ of Structures ..................... .......................1 1 ............. . .................... 1. (S~ction 330j Rehabilitation and Congervatlon ................................. 2. (Section 331 j Maving ~i Structures ......................... ................1 i ...........................................12 K. (Section 33?.j L~w or Moder~.te Income Housing .................... ......................................1 ~ 1. (Soction 333j Au4hority l';enerally..,........ , ~ 2 ........................................................ 2. [SectEon 334J Replacement ~-tausin g .................................................................12 3. (S6ctian 335) Inaroas~, Improvo and preserve the S~apply of Low and ~loderato Income Housing .......................................................... t 3 4. (Sectic,n ;~3SJ New or Rehabilitated Owelling Units Developed Within Project Area ..........................................14 5. [Soction 337J ~uratfon of Dwelling Unit Avail~bility and Agoncy Manitorin~ . .......................................... .14 IV. (Section 4U0J LAND USES ANU DEVEI.OPti1ENT REQUIREMENTS .......................................16 A. (S~ction 4a1 j Redeveloprnent Flan Map and Major Project Ars~ ~and Uses. ,~ 6 B. [Sectlon ~02j Majo~ Land Uses. .......................................................................... ................................................................................ ......1 C. (S~ctfun 403) Atternative Major l.and Usos ........................................ D. (SocUon 404J Otho: Land Uses .......................................................................................16 t. (Sect!on 4~5J Public Rights of Way .................................. ....16 .............................. . (Sectlon 406j Other ~ublic, Semi•Public, In~titutf~ral and Non•Prof~t Uses ............................ ...........17 E. (Section 407j Interim Uses ................................................................ .....17 F. (S~ction 408j Nonc~nfarming Uses ... .......................... .................... .............................17 PAC E G. [Sectinn 4tXJ) C3enerai Controls and l.imitatians .. . 17 . ........................................................ 1. (Sectfon 41 ~J Conatruction .............................................. 17 2. (S~Ctlon 411 ~ ................................... LimitatiUn on the Number ot Building~ t g 3. (Section 412~ ....................................... Number of Dwelling Uniis ................................ 18 4. [Saction 413~ ............................ Limitations on Type, Size and He~ght ot ~uild(ngs ............................................... 18 5. [Soction 414] ........................ Opon Spaces, Landscaping, ught , A(r and Privacy .............................. :.............. ......... ... . .. ... 18 6. [Sectian 415] .. .... . ....... Slgns : 1 ?. (Section ~1 S] .................... ......................................................................... Utilities 8 8. [ ~ci(ar. 417J Incompatib~e Uses ..................................................... .... . 18 9. (Soctfon 418] ....... ........ Subdiv(sion ot Warcel~ ................................................................. 19 10. (Section 419) blfnor Varlation~ 19 ............................................................................ H. (Sectfon 420] Des(gn Guide ............................................................................................19 I. (Section 4~1] 8uilding Porrnits ........................................................................................19 V. (Section 5Q0] METH~QS OF FINAi~ICING TH~ PROJECT .......................................................21 A. (Sec+icn ~01 J Ganeral Oascription of the Propo~ed Financing Mexhnd ................................................ . ............ .21 .. . .. ~3. (Section 502J Tax Increment ~unds ................................................................................21 C. [Section 50a] Agency Band~ .............................................. ............................................22 0. jSection 504~ Time f~mit o~ ~stabli$hment ~f indebtedr.ess ........................................................................................ ?~2 E. [Sertion 505j Other Loans and Grants ...........................................................................23 VI. [S9ction 600J ACTIONS BY THE t:i ~Y ........................................................................................ 24 VII. (Soction 7~0j ENFC?ACCMENT ........ ...........................................................................................25 Vlil. (3ec:tion 840] DURATION O~ THI~ PIAN ...................................................................................26 IX. (Section 900] PROCEDUR~ FOR AMENDMENT .......................................................................27 EXHIBIT "A" REDEV~LUPN9ENT PIAN MAP EXHIBIT "8" i.Et~AL GESCR~PTION OF F~ROJEC7 AREA rJ~HIBfT' "C" PROPOSEO PJ[iLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND ~ACILfTIES P~iOJECTS ,^ RFDEVE~.pp~ENT Pl,.AM ~nR THE PLAZA ~iEDEVELOPMENT PRAJECT ~. [Sect(on 100] INTRUDUGT,LON This is the Rode~~elopmsnt Pian (the °Plan") for the Plaza Redaveic~pmc~r~t ProjACt (the "Proj6ct") in the City of An.~heim (ihe "City"~, County of ,Orange, 5tate of ~aliforni~~. This Plan consists of text (Sections i 00 tivaugh 90~0), the Redevelopment Pl~n Map (Exhibit "A"), a Legal Dascription of ths Project Area (F_xhibit "6"), and ~he Pr~posed pubiic Improvements and Facilit(~s Project^, {Exhibi4 "~")• This Plan was prepared by the Anahefm Aedevelopment Commission th,~~ " wili be implemented by the Anaheim Rad9velopment Aqen the A en Cc,nmission") arid Commimity Redevolopment Law ot the Stdte of California (Health and 5afet~yr Co e, gect(Q~ t33pppr~ s~.; al1 statutary references hereinaftor shall be to the Hoalth and Safoxy Cocle uniess othe.rwis~ designated), the Cafitornia Consti2ufion, and all applicable I~cal codes an~J ordinances. Th~ definitio~ ;; pt ganoral terms which are contained in th~ ~oRimunity F1oclove-opmsnt Law c~overn th6 construc;tion o~ this Plan, unless more specitir terms and definitions ih~refor are ctherwisa provided in this Plan. Many of the requirements contained in this ~'lan are necessitated by and in aGCOrd witn statutory provisi~ns in effect at the time ~f ad~ption Qf tl~is Plan. SuGh statutory provisions may be charyad trom time t~ tfma, In the evAnt th~t any auch changes afiect this Plan s requirements, and would be apFlic~'~le to iho Agency, th~ Froject, Qr this Plan whe!her or not this Plan ~voro formally amended to reflect such changes, then tno requiremonts ot this Plan tha4 ar~ so affected shall b6 ~upErcedPd by such changes, to the Axtent necessary to be in cc~r,form~ty with such changes. The projoct ar~a (tho "Project Area"; includes ~!I propert(os within the Project boundary shown on the Radeveloamont Plan Map and describa~d in the Legat Uescriptior~ of tt~e Project Area. The proposed redevalopment c,f the Prnject Area as ~escribed in this Pian c~n9arms to the Genaral Plan for the City of Anaheim, ~s appliod (n accord with local codas and ordlnar.ces. 'fhi~ Redevelopmen; Plan is baseci upon the Prollminary Plan for~~nulated and adopted by the Pianning Commission o~ the City of Anaheirn (tho "Flanning Commi~s;on") on ~un~ 5, 19f3g, This Plan provides the Agoncy wiih powers, duties and obliga~ions to implement ~nd further :he prngram generally tnrmulate~ in this Pian fur the redevelopment, rehabititation, and revitallzation of tha Project Aroa. This Plan does not preMent a spec;rc plan or estAb{ish prio~~itfes fo~ s~ocific projocts for the rodevelopmen4, rehabilitatir~r., and revitalization of any particular area withln the Project Area. InstBad, this Plan prosents a process and a basic f~amework within which specifiG develop~nent plans will be presented, pri~rities far specific praiects will bo bstablished, and specific solutions will be propased, ~nd by which tools are provided !o the Agency to fashion, develop, and pro~eed with such specific ~lans, proje~cts, ~nd solutions. In goneral, the goal~ and ob~oc!ives ~f a redevelopmont program in the ProJect Are~ a;a as follows: 1. The elfmination and preventi~n o~ the spread of t~light and deterioratian and the ccnservatfon, rehabilitati~n and redevelopment of th~ projoct Are.^. in accord with the Genorat Plan, desic~n guidlinQS, specific plans, this Aedevel~prnent Plan and Iocal codes and ordinances. • 2773.anh; 3 020790/bl 2. The pramotion ot new and contin~~ing privata seator investment within the Project Area to provent the loss of, and to tacilita-te the racapture of r,ommera;al s21os activily. 3, Th4 ar,hiovoment ~f ~n or~viron~nent reilecting a high I~vel of c~ncern tor architectural, landscapa, urban dasign, and I~nd us~ ~rincfplaa appropriate tor attainmenc ot the objectivas of ir~is Redevalopmant Plan. q, The retention and expansion of as many existing businASSes ~n the Froject Area as p~~ssible by mea~~ of redovelopment and rohabilitation activities arid by oncouraging and assisting the coopera!ion and participation of ownors, businessos and public agencies in the r~vitalization of th~ Projec,K ~rea. 5. Tho creation and development of local job r~portun~tic3 and the presarvation of the 7reu's ex.isting employmant basa. 6. 'rhe ; oplanning, redesign and development of underdevolnped areas which ara staynant or improperly utilized. 7, The elimir~tion nr amalior~tion of certain p4alic improvem~ents, tacilitie~ aiid onvironmental deficiencie~, including sub~tanda~d vehicular circulation systems; inadequate water, sev~~er and storm drainage systerris; insutficient aff•street parking; and other similar pubtic impr~vements, ia~ilities and utilities deficioncies ~dversefy afferting the Projec:t Area. S. The improvement and expansion o4 the community's ~upply of housing (insida or outside tho F'roject Area), includir~g oppor4unitios for very I~w-, lowr- and rnodorate- incoma household~. g. The maximizatior oi the iocational advantages of iradway accessibility. 10. Thd devefopmert oi conimerciaf and industrial uses which genorat~ increasad s~les, business liconse, and other iees, taxes and rovenues to the City of Anaheim. t~ "fhe reduction of 1he City's annual costs of the provision of local seNices to and witiiin the ~roject Aro~ resulting trom blighting condition~. Radgvelopment af tiie F'roj9ct Area pursuant to this Flan and 4he above goals 2nd obJectives will a~tain tha Qurposes of the Calilorrla Cammunity Radevelopment Law by: (S ) olimination oi area~s sufi~ring from eco-comic dislncation and disuse; t2) roplanning, r~asign andlor redovelopment ot areas which are stagnant or 1mprQperly utitfzed, and which co~ld nat ~,e accomptished by private 0(1!QfDPI58 ~Ct~>>g alone without public partlcipatfon and a~sistar+ce; (3) proto~ting a~d promoting saund dev~' •~ment and ~odevelopment ot blighted area.s and general w~lfare ot the citizens ot the City by ;~ •~dyin~ such injurfous conditions through the employment of appropriate means; (4j i~~stall~~. ~n of new ar repla: ement of existing public improvaments, tac;ilities, buildings and uttlities in area~ whl~:h ara currently inadequately served ~vith roga~d Yo ~uch improveme~ts, tacilities buildings and utilitles; and (5) othf~r means as determined ap~rapr4ate. 2 ~~ El~ii~?!:".~.:•uu:,.!;r~. , .,.,,..., ., .. ., .. ~ . ~ . ~ ~.' i ?~n i ~?{i ~, y 9 II. [Sectlon 20Aj E~'IO~T..OQ.~~-~-Q-~-~DARY ASID ~„~,.A! DESGRIPTIQ'N Th~+ baunda scr~ibed in thee ogal D~sc iption ot the~~roject Area attac:hed as Exhibit ~ ghad as ~xhib~t A, and is de 3 ~ ~' ; l` ~ i ,; , ,;,;~~ lil. [Sectlon ~00] pRpp~JS~D RED~V'~l.4PM~N ACTI'~'ITI 5 A. ~~action 301] Ger~.a~ The Agency proposes to el(minate and prevent the spraad nf bllght and b{ighting influRncos, and to strengthon th~ economic base of the Project Area and tho cc~mmu~ity by same or all of tha toliowing: Permitting p~rticipatiori ir~ the redc~velopment process ~y ~wners and occu~ants ot propertias tocated in ihe Project Ar4a, co~sistent with this Plan and rul~s ad~pted by the Cornmission for the Agancy; 2. Acqu~sition ot real praperty; 3. Management ot property under the ~v~nership and c4ntr~l of the Agency; 4. Re~ocation assistance to displaced occupants of property acquired b~ the Ager~cy in the Proj~ct Aroa; 5. DQmolition or rernoval af buildings and improvements; 6. Installation, construction, expa~sion, addition, extr~ordinary maintenance or ~e- construction of streets, utilities, and other pubfic facilities, buildinqs and imp~ovoment~; 7. Dispos~tion of properiy tor uses in accardance v~ith this Plan; 8. Redevelopm~nt of land by private enteiprise and public a~enciss for uses in accordance wi3'n trii~ Pl~n; 9, Rehabilitation of structur.~~ and improvements by present ovorners, their succassars, and the Agoncy; 1 p, Ex~onditure ot tiousing hinds authorizad uncier California Ftedeveloprne~t Law. 11. P~n~in~~ w thrthe land so~th~ f proptarty wi I con inuleyta bet sed ntracco danca w'th this 9 Plan. In the accompfishrnont ot thiesa activitids, and in tho imp~ementatio~~ and funherance af this F'lan, the Ager~cV is authorized to use ali the po~vers ~rovi~ed in this Plan and all tha powers ta the ~;xta:~t row or hareaiter permitted by law, which powers are not exprossly limited by this Pls~. Ei. [Secti~n 302] ~J..,~.+~.,r~ Pa~tici~~on a d Buslness Fte~M_~y~.refer n$ 1. [8ectlo~ ~G3J O~vner Participati_o~.l (7wners ot real prop ~rty within the Project area shail ba extended rezsonable opportunitfHS to participat~ in the redov~lopmerit of property in the Rroject Area N such ownars agree tn participate in the redev6lopmsnt in confermity with thf~ Redevelopment Plan and owner participation implementiatEon rules ado~ted by the Commission lor the Agency. Pa~ticipation methods include remaining in substantiafly the ~ame locatinn either by retaining all or po~ti~ns of the praperty, or by retaini~g afl or p~rtions of the property and purchasing adjacent property from the Agency or ~o,ning with ar~other person or entity far the rahabilitation o~ d:,~~alopmQnt of the ow~ , rpparty and, if ap~ra~riate, othar property, An otivner who participates in the same locatian .~e requirod tn rehabilitate ar dem~lish all or part ot his/her existing bui'dings, or the Agenc _~y acquir~ tha buildinc~s only and then romava or c~~molish the buildings, Participatinn rnothAds ~~ incluclo the Agency buying IanrJ and irnpravemonts at tair market value ir~m ownors and ofie .~ other narcels for purchase and rnhabilitation c~r development by such awners, ~r offering : ~pportunity for such ownars to rehabilitat9 ~r develop property jcintly with othar persons or ent s. P~rtic~pation opportunitigs shall nocassarily be subject to anc~ li~mited by fact~rs including but not limiteci to the following; (1) the elimination and changing of some Innd uses; (2) the aonstruction, realignmant, abandanment, wideninq, openin~ and/ar othor alter2tiora ar oliminaf'on of rights-of-v~ay; (3) th~ romoval, relocatian, and/car installatior~ of public utilitfes and p-~blic faci{ities; (4) the abifiry ot particiF~ants ta finance the propased acquisition, davelopment r~r rahabilitatian in acc~rdanc~+ with this Redevelopment Plan; (5) 4he ability and experience of participt,~nts tc~ und9rtake ~r~d complete tho proposed developmsnt; (6) any reduction in the to;ai nurnber of incJividual parcels in tha Project Area; (7) tha c~nstruction or expansio~~ of public improuements ~nd faciiities, and the necRSSity to assemble areas for such; (S) ariy chanqe in oriQntatian and ct~~racter of the ProjQCt Area; (9) the necessity to assemble areas t~r public and/or priva;e d~volopmont; (10; ±ha i~oquiraments of this Pfan and applicablA laws and regulations of the City of A~~aheim; (11) sany Dosiyn Cuide adopted by the Agency pursuant t~ Soction 421 hereof; and (12j ihe feasibility o! 4ho Foter;ii:;~ ~»Ricip~nt's ptopos~l. 2. [~er.tlon 304] Business Reentrv P~ei~r nc ~ Business accupants engaged (n business ir~ the F'roject ,Qrea ~f~all be axtend~d reasor~~k~le pr~terences t~~ raenter in busiriess within th~ redaval~~ped ar ~a it they otherw~se meet the requ~rement~ prescribed by this Redev~lapmen3 E'lan and b;isir,ess r~ent~y preferences implementation rulss ado~ted by the Comrrission far fhe Agt~ncv. W~~enever a businass occupant will be ciisplac~d by A~oncy action irom the Pr~joct Area, the Ager~cy wiil, prior to s~ach displacement, det~rmir~e: 1) whather such busin~ss occupant desires to relocato directly to another location within thg Praject Area, or 2) it suitable relacatian accommodations v~ithin the Project Area a~•e ~ iot available pricr to tiisplacemer;t, whether s~ch business occu~,a~it would desire to rventer in b:~sine5s within the Prr~jact Area at a latar date should suitablo accommadations ~ecorr~e avail~ble. F4r these business accupant~ who desir~a to relna~te directly to ~nother Project Area location, t~e Age~;cy will rnake reasonable efiorts ta ass~st such business occupants to find accommodations at locati~ns a~d i•ents suitabfe to their nesds. A record of th~ business occu~.~ants who cann~t ba or do not want to b~ directly relocate~i within ths Project Area, but who have st.~ted that they desire to reenter in-o business in th~ Project Area whenever suitable locations ~nd r~~ts are avaifable, will be maintaineu by the Agency. The Agoncy will make reasonabie efiorts to ass~st such business occupants :o fi;id reentry ~ccamrnod~tions at locations and rents suitable t~ their r;oeds. Re~ntry preferences shal( necessarily be subject to and ~~mitec~ by factors such as the following: (1) the extent to which suitable relocation or reen2ry ~ccommedatiuns exist or are rohabilitatec~ or developed wilhi~ tho Project Area; (2) the extent to which suitable relocation or reentry accommodatic~ns are available to displaced busines3 occupants within ar~ accoptablo timo period or at rents and other ter,ms that arn acceptable to such displar,ed ~usiness occupants, and within their financial means; anr.i (3) the raquirements of thi~ Redevelopment Plan or anv Desiyn Guide ado~t~d by the ~Agency pur ~uant t~ this Redovelopment PI~~. 3. ~5ection 305~ artfci ~tion Agreeme„~t The Agency may require th~it, as a condition to participate in red~velopment or to obtain a b~.,ilding permit pursuarit co 5ection 422 hereof, each partic:ipant shall enter into a bir~ding written 5 participa4ian agr~ement with ihe Agency by which the participani agreos to contribute, s;oll, lease, acquire, reh~bilitate, dc~val~p or use the ~~ cp~r4y in con4nrmar~c9 with this Plan and ta be ;i~JbJPI;t 1A provisions hereof and such other pravisions ~nd conditians to which'cha parties may agreE~. In s~ach agreements, participttnts wha retain real pr~~erty may be required to :;igi~ and )oln ~~~ the ~et;ordation of such d~cument~ a~ is necessary to make the provisions c+f thi;a F'lan and such participati~n ayreement applicabla to their proport(os, in the event an owner nr participant fails ar ro~'usos t~ devolop, or use and maintain, the~r reai prnp~rty purs~~ar~t to this Pian ~nd $uch particip~t~ .,, agre~ment, the ~ eal property or ~ny i,~terest therein may be acquired by the Agoncy and sold or leased far devElopment in accardance wit1~ !his Plan. Whether or not a potontlai participant onter~ in4o a pariicipation agreernent with tho ~ge~cy, tho pruvisions of thi~ Plan are applicable to a11 p!~blic and privato pr~porty in ttie Projdct Area. 4. [Sertian 306] Imalementing Rules Tho prov,sicns ot Section ~ 302 tnrough 305 sh~ll ba im~lemented ~ccording to the rules adopted by the Comm~~sion far the Agency prior to thca approval of this Plan, and the s~me may be from tim9 to lime amanded ~~ tha Agency. Where there is a conflict between th~a part~cipatic~n and re- entry preferenc~s provisians in this !'lan and sur.,h ~ ules adopted t~y 4ha Cammission for 4he Ag~ncy, the rules shall pravail. C. [Sectf~~ 30T1 ~ronerty Acquisition ~S~ctl~n 309] Ac~uisitio~ of Rer~l Prope~tv The Agoncy may acquire, but is not r~q~~irRd to a~Guir3, •r.; ~y teal praperty located in the Proje~: Area by gift, dovise, ~xchango, lease, purchase, eminent c~emain or any nthor lawtui rnethad. It is in the p~.~blic inierast and is nece~sary in order ta executa #his Pl~n for Yh~ p~wer of Eminent Jomain tc+ '~~e amplcyed by the Ar~~ncy to acq~ire raal property in all portions of the Project Area, No eminent dnmain proceoding to ~cquire pr~aperty within the Project Area shall be cammenced after twelve (12) ye3rs 1oll~wing the F,ffectiva date of the ordinanc~ aFpr~ving and adopting this plan. Such tirne limitatfon may be exterided only by amendmont of this Plan. Tho Ag6ncy is authorized to acquire struci~~~es without ~cquiring the land ~upon which those structures are located. ~'he Agency is also authorized to aequi-~e any other int~rast in r~al property less than a tee. Without the consant oi the awna~, t~o ~gency shall not Acquite property tQ ba rAtair~od by an owner pursuant to a particlpaifnr agreern6nt if th~ owner fully peci~rms under the agreemant. The AaQncy shall noi ~cqufro real property on which ~n existing buildi~q is 3o be continued on its present sitp and in its present lorm and use without the cons~~t of the ow~rier, unless such building requiros structural alteration, improvement, mc~dernizac4en, cr ~c~a~iiiiaiion, or the site or 1ot on which the building is sitUatsd requires mod~flcatio~ ~ ir. sixa, shaps ot use, or it is necessary to Impose upon such proporty any ot the Standards, r~strictions and controls ni this l~lan or af arn~ desifln Guido adopted by the Agency pur^~aant to this Plan, and the awner fafls or refuses to parti~ipate in the Plan or in contormance with any such Design Cuido t~y 9xacuting a^articipati~n agreement. 6 2, [Sect(c~r~ 309] Ac~,uisition of Personal Pro ertX G9neraliy, pers~nal property shall r~ot be acquired. How~ver, whr~re nec;essary in tho Qxecution oi this M~lan, the AgE~ncy is authorized to ~cquiro persQnal proper'ry in the Projoct Area by dny lawful mQans, Includiny eminent dor~~ain. D, fSect(on :~10] Property Management (7~aring s:.rch time as prop~rty, if any, in the Project Area is owned by the Agonc~+, suci~ property shall be under tha management and contr~l. of the Ac~ency or its designated agant. Such prupFJrty may `~e rented ar la~sed hy the Agency pending its dispositian ior redovelopment, and such ren:a! or loase shall be pur5uant tc such pnlicies ~s tho Age~nc~y may ad~pt. E, [5'ection 311] Relacation of Occu~ants Disaiaced bv_~-yency Acqi.iisit;an 1. (Section 312a Relocation Huusin Re~uirem~nts NQ persor~s ot far~tiilies of low and rnoderate inc~rne shall be displaced unl~ss and until thare is a suitable hou:;ing unit availabla and ready for occupanc+~ by such displaced pa~son or fainily at rents romparablo to ihase at the tirne of their displacement. Such housing units shali be suitabls to the nneds of such displaced p~rsons or iamilias and must be decent, ~afe, sanitary, and ath~rwise standard dwellinys, T!~e A~ency shall not displace such ~erson or family until such housing un~4s are available and ready fo~ occupancy. Pflrm~~~ent ~QUSing iacilities shall be mac~e av~ailabl~ within three years from the time occupants are di~p!aced. Fending the developm~nt of such iacilities, there wi11 be avaiiable to such displ~cod accupants adequato terr~par~ry housing f~cilltiAS at rents compa~ abla to tho~e in the community at the time ot their dl:;placeme~it. 2. [Sectlon 3~ ~) Replacemen~t Houatng.Qla,.~ Not less than thirty days prior to tho execution of an ~greamsnt ior acquisitiAn of reai pr~perty, o~ thA exec~:'.:~n of an agr~ement tor the disposition and development of pron~rty, or the Pxecution of ~n awn+~r part'rcipation agr~ement, which ~greement would Isad 4a the destructipn or removal of dwelling unfts irom tho !aw and modarate income h~using market, the Fiyenc,~y shall adopt by resolution a replacemEnt ho~~sing plan. The ropla~cement hou~ing pfan ~hali inciude: (1) tha genera,l location af F~ousing to be rehabilitated, developad, or cunstructed pursu~nt to Se:tion 33413 of t~c~ Community Redevelopment L~w; ~2) an adequate m~aans ot financing such r~habilitation, development, or constru~tion; (3) a finding that the replacQment hous(ng does not require the approval of the votors pursuan4 ~ta Article XXXIV of th~ C~Iifornfa ConstEtutian, or that such appraval has been obtained; (4~ tho r~umber of dwe~ling un:ts ho~isir~g persons and iamilies ot iow ar modarate ir~come pl~nned ior constru~tion or rehabilitaticn; and (5) the timetable for meeting the p!an's ro~ocation, rahabilitation, and replacoment hdusing objectivo~. A d~velling unit whose realaceme~it is r9quired by Section 33413 but for which no replacomenz housing plan has been prepar~d, shall nc~t be destroyed or ramoved irom the Inw and moderate income nousing market until tlzd Agency has i~y resofuti~n adoptad a replacement housing pl~n. s Nothing in this section shall provont the Agency from deGtroyir~g or remaving iram the low and modarate income h~using market ~ dwelling uriit which the Agency owns and which is an immediatA dangar to health and satety. The Agency shall, as soon as practlcable, adopt by r~solution a replacement housing plan with respect to such dwelling unit. 7 3. (Section 314j Assist~nce I~ Findina qt er Locatlans 'fhe Agenay shall assist all ;~ersons (including in~:,~~duals and families), business conc:erns, and othars d(spiacod by Ag9ncy action in the Project iri finding other locations and faciliiies, I~~ oTdar to carry out the Proj~ct w(th a minimum of hardship to persons (including ind~viduals and familias), business ronaorns, and othe~s, ii any, displaced from the~ir ~aspactiv~ places nf residence or businos5, the Ag4ncy sha~l assist such ~ersnns, busines~s concHrns and other~ in tinding new locations that are doGOnt, safe, sanitary, within thoir respective financial mQanS, in reason~biy canvenien4 locations, and othorwise suitable to their r~spective neec~s. The Agency may also provide housing inside or outside 4he Project Area for displaced pe; ~ans, or as otherwise authorize~ by State Law. 4. [Sect(on 315~ ~ielacatfon Pa~m~nts The Ager~~ry shall make all relo;.atian a ments re uired b law to ~nc~ividuals and tamilias), k~usiness c~ncerns, and others dis~fa~~d from property in the F ojeet,l Si~ch relocatlan payments shaN be ma~e pursuant !o tho Calitornia Relocation Assistance Law (Government Code Sect~on 7260 ,e~ e~c and Agency rules and r~,gulatlons adopted pursuant 4hereto as such may b~ amended from time ta tirne. 1'he Agency may rriake such other payments as it may deem apprupriUte a 1 t~r whicti f~nds ~ra avaiiable. F, [Sec4i~n 316] Pa ments to Taxinc~~qaencies for Ir~ ~leu T~xes and ta Allo- viat~nciai CurdEn S~:bJ9ct to the prc~v~sians of Sect(on 33401 of th~ Cnmmunity Hedevelopment Law, tha Agen~,y may ma{cA the ~ayma~~ts spoc~ed in this Section 31 b. In any ye~r during which it owns proparty in tha Pro~ect Aroa, the Aganc~/ Is authorized, but not required, to pay directly ta any City, County, City and ~ounty, ~7i~trict, inclu~~ing, but not limit~d ta, a Sch~ol District, or other Rublic corparation for whoso ~ieneft a tax would tiave been levied upon such praparty had it not be~n exempt, an amount 09 money in 19eu of t~xes, Tiie Agency may al~~ pay ta any taxing agency with territory lacated ~vithin the Pro~ect Area {othsr than the City), any amounts of money which, in the Agency's determination, are necessary an~ approprsate to alloviate any financial burden or detriment causad to such taxing a~ency by 4h~ Project. G. (,~ctlon 31'7a 6emolitfan, Gle~ranca, Public impra~-eme~fis, tiuildl_ na and 5~te Preaaratian 1. [Sc~t(on 31 ~~ t~emolition and Clearance The Agon~y is authorizec! ta demolish ar~d claar buildings, structures, and other Improvement~ from any real praperty in tho Projact ~troa as necessary +o ca ~ry ouz tho purposes of this Plan. 2. [SecZlon 3~19j ~ut~lic Im rovemerns 7he Aq~sncy i~ authorized to instalf arid co~strurt. or to cause ta be installQd ~nd constructed, the publ(c imp~ ~vaments, facilitfes and utilities (within or outside the Proj~ct Area) necessary to carry out ihis Plan, particu~arly thE public ;mprovements, facilities, buiidings and utilities nec~ssar~ for proper Implementation o( the projects contemplated by and in implementation o~ this Pian. Such ~ublic improvements, i~ci!lties and utiliti9s i;~clude, but aro not limited to, the tallowing: (1) nver- and under-passe,;; (2) sewers; (3) storm drains; (~i) electricai, natural gas, teiephane and water distributfon systems; (5) parks an~ plazas; (6) playgraunds; {7) parking ar~d transportatian facilities; (8) lands~aped ateas; (9) street and circulation improvements; and {10) f~ood control improvements ancl facilities, 8 3. (Section ~20J Ere ra l~n oi,°~uJ,ldtn~ 5it~a The Rgenayr is authorized to pr~apare, or causa to b~ prepared, a$ buildinc~ sites any real .~perry in tho Pr~Ject Ar~a owned Uy the Agency. 'i'h~ Agency is also ~uthorirdd to construct toundations, plattorms, and nther struc;ur~l torms noce:~sary far the provision or utilization oi c~i~ :~ghts sites (or buildings to bo used tar comn~erci~l, public, anu othor uses pi;+vi~od in this Plan. H. (S~ ;tl~n 3'L1l F_'t48.4l~aL.4l~.Q~~191L~[1~RSC~.Q ment (Sectlon 322] ~L~LB~.~LA..l~4~4iL~!]~~~ .1~ a. (Section 323) C~onere~ For the purposgs of this Pl~r~, the Agency is author+zod ta s.~ll, lease for a poriod not to oxcaecf 99 years, exchange, subdivide, transfer, assign, ~ledge, encumlier by moRgage or daed of trust, or otherv~ise dispose of any intarest in roal properry. ?he Agency is authorized to ~ispos~ o! real property by negotiatea laase, sa{e, or transior witl~out publfc bidd(ng but only after public hearing. Beto~e any intd~ ost in real prop9rty of the Agancy acquirecJ in wholA or in part, directly ar indirectly, with tax incroment moneys i~ $old, leased, or othernrise disposed oi fo~ dQVelapment pursuant to this F~lan, such sale, tease flr dispositian shall be first approved by the City Council after public hearing in Gon(ormance w~tt~ Sectian 334~3 of the Community Redevelopment Law. All ;~~i prc.,:artv acquired by the /lgency in Uie ProJact Area shall be sald or Ieas4d to public or p~ivate persons o~• entities for developm~ent for the uses Rermittecf in this Pttare, and any such sals or lease may be for an amount at less than fair ma~k~t value if necess~ry to ettectuate UiA purposes oi ihis Plan. Real property may also be conveyod by the Agency lo the City and, where benaficial to fhe ~roj~ct Area, to any other publiu body without charge or for an amount at less than fair market value. Alf purchasers or tosssAS of property from the Agency shal! b9 made obligated to use the property ior the ~UfP039S designatod in this Plan, to begin and completa devvlopment of the property within a p~-iod of time which the Agency fixes as reasonable, and ta comply with other conditians which the Agency deorns necessary to carry o~Jt the purnoses o( thi3 Plan. Ouring the period oi development in the ProJect Area, the Agency shall ensure that the p~ovis~ons of this Pfan and o! oth9r documonts tormulated pursuant to this Pian arg b~ing observed, and that dovelopment in the Project Area is proceeding in accordance with deveiopment documents and time schedules. b. (Sectlon ~2aj jZlsvoai!!un end Deveiopmertt pxum~rtta Tho Agency shall reseNe powers and cantrols in dispo~iti~n and development documerts as may be necossary to prevent transier, retention, or use ~t property tor speculative purposea an~i to onsure that devAlopment is expeditieusly carried eut pur~uant t~ this Plan. To prov{de ~dequate saieguards to ensur9 that the pravisians af this Plan will be catried out and to prevent the recurrence ol blight. ~II real ~,roperty sold, leased, nr conveyeJ by tho Agency, a~ wolt as a!I properry s~bjgct to paRicipation agr~emEnts, shali be mado subject to ttie provisians of this Plan and any adoptod Design Guide and o;her condiUona fmposeci by the A$ency by cna5es, deeds, contracts, agreemonSs, declarations ot r0strictiona, provisions of the zonin~ ordinance, co~diti~nal usA permits, ar othar mdans. Where apprapriate, as d9tarmined by the Agency, such dccuments ~r portions thereof shall no r9carded in tl~e Otfice ot the qecardor ai the Counry. 9 The leasos, deeds, r,untracts, agroamants, and decl~rat~ons ot restrictions m~y contain restric;~ons, covenants, covonants running with the land, rights ot reverter, condltfon~ subsequent, ec~uitable ~@N~tUC1A8, or ~-ny other provision necessary to cnrry out this Plan. All property ir~ the Project Area is hereby subject t~~ the ro~triction that th~re sh~il bo no discrirr~inatfon or segregation base~ upon sex, marital status, race, color, religion, nattor,al origin, or ancestry in tho ~ale, tease, subleaso, transter, use, occupanc~, tc~nure, or enjayment of proparty in the Project ~1roa. All property sold, leased, conveyed, or subject ta a partiripation agreement, by or through the Agency, shall ba ax~ressly subjoct by appropriate documents ta tho restriction that all doeds, leases, or contracts for the sale, lease, subloase, or ather transi~r of tand in the Project Area shall contair~ such non•discriminatinn and non-segrec~ation clauses as are required by law. c. [Sectlon 326j Develo.pment.~y_;he Aaenr,v n! Ot e~ Pu~Jlc 80 1~ „~ es To the e~~nt r~ow or hereafter permiited by law, tho Agoncy may, with the consen~ of the City Cauncil oi th~ City oi Anatieim, pay all nr pari of the value of thA land tor and the Gast ot the installaticn ~nd consiructi~n of any building, facility, structure, or other improvement which is publicly ownod Qither within or outsiclA the Project Area, it the City Councii determines: (1) that such buildings, tacilities, s;ructures, or othor ~mpr~vements are of benefit to the Project Area Qr tha imfnedi~tt~ neighborliood in which ?hc~ Project is located, regardiASS ot whether such lmprovement is ~~ithin another pr~je~t area; and (2) that no other reasonab(a rnoans of financing such bufldings, facilities, structures, or othor irnprovaments are a•Jailable to the communiry. Such determinations by the Agency and tho City C~uncii shall bo final and conclusivo. Specifically, the Agency may pay all or part of the value of the land f~r and the cost af th9 installation and construction ot any building, facilih~, structure ar other ir!~provement set forth in Section 319 of thi3 Plan, including thos~ set forth in Exhibit "C", Pr~posed Public Improvements and FacilitiQS Projec:ts. When the value ot such land or the cast ot the installation anc! c~nstruction of such bu ~ding, (acility, structure, or ~ther imp~ovement, or both, has been, or will be paid ur arovided tor initially by tho City or other public corporation, the Agency may enter into a contract with tr~e City or other public corporaticn under which it agrees t~ reimburse the City or other publ:c corporation for all or ;~art of the value cf such land or all or part of the cost of such building, iacility, structure, cr other in~provement, or buth, by perin~iic psyments over a~eriod o( years. 'rho obliy~tion ot the Agonr,y under such contr~ct shall constitute an indebtedness ot th~ Agency for the purpose of crirrying out the rQdevelopment project for the Prajec~ Area, which indobtodness may be mad~ payable out ot taxes tevisd in the Project Area and alloc~ted to t~e Agency under subdivisicn (b) ai Section 33670 of thr Calitornia Redoyglopment Law and 5ection 5a2 ot this Plan, or out of any othar available funds. In a c~se whore such land has been or will be acquired by, or the cost of the instaNation and r,onstruction cf such building, facility, str~cture or other irnprovement h~s been paid by, a p~rkir~g authority, j~int ~owers entity, or othe~ public corporation to provide a building, facility, structure~ ar ~thor improvement whicti has been or will bo leased to tho City sucn contract may be made with, and such ~eimbursemer.t may be made payable to, the Ciry. Betore t~a Agency commits to use the portion ~f taxes to be allocated and paid to the Agenc~ pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33570 ic,r the purpcs~ ot paying all or paR oi the value of the land for, and the cost o( the installalion ancl construction ot, any publir.ly owned building, other than 10 parkirg f~cilities, the City Council shal! hald a public hoaring in ac~ord with trio provisions of ,oction 33G79 oi the ~nmmunity Redevelopment L~~w, d• (Saction 326J Develo~me~~pl~ All dovelopment plans (whetlier put~lic or priv~te) shall be processed ;n the manner ~rovided by applicabla City codos as they are or as thoy may be aR~ondod from time ta tlme. All develapment in the Praject Area must conform ta Ciry and Agency design review procedures, including any Dosign Guide ~dopted by tha Agency purs~ant to Socticn 421 hereof. 2. (~ection 327] Personal Pr~~t.~Dls~osit(~,Q . For th~ purposes ot this Plan, tha Agancy is authorized to leaso, sell, exchango, 2ransier, assign, pledge, Qncumbor, or othervvise dispose o! personal p;oper;y which is acquired by the Agency. [Sectlon 32~j ~oogera4jo wit P b1 Bodl~$ Certain public bod(os are authorizod by state law to aid ~nd cooperate with or withc~ut consideration in the planning, undertaking, co~ ~struction, or aperatian oi th~s Prdject. 'fhe Agency may seek the aid and conperation of such public bodiss ~nd attompt to coordinat~ thls Plan with th~ activities of such public bodies in order to accomplish the purpos~s ot redevelopment and th~ highest public good. The Agency, by law, is nat authorized to acquire real property ownad by public bodies without the cansent ot ~uc;h publ{c bodies. The Agency, hawever, wifi saek the cooperation of all public bodios which own or intend ta acquiro property in the Project Area. any public bady which owns or leases pr~perty in tFie ?roject Area wiN be affordod ail the privileges oi ~wrier p~rticlpation ii such pubfic bady is willing to enter into a participstion ~groement with the AgAncy. All plan~ for dovetapment of property in the Project Are~ by a public body shall ba subjoct to Agency aForoval. The.~ Agency rnay impose on all public ~odies tt~o planning and design ~ontrols contairZeci in and authorized by tf~is Plan to ~nsure that present use~ a~d any tuture dsvelopment by public bodles will coriorm to the requirement~ oi this Pl~n. The wgency is authorized to financially (and otherwisE) assist ~ny p~blic entity in tho cost of pu4lia land, buildings, faci!ities, sUuctures, or othor improvemonts (within or outside the ?roject Area) w;ifch land, buildfi~gs, faciifties, ~f.ructures, or other improvements aro oi benefit to the Project. J. (Sectlon 3~9] ~q~,iek~! K tion, t~o.~servatt_ Qn and in ot5 uct ~gs t . [Sectlon 330j Rohabllitaticn :n~onserv~t,~ "fhe Agency is aiathorized ta rehabilitate and conserve, or to ~a~se to be rohabi(itat~d an~J cor~served, any buflding or structure in the Projoct Area owr~ed by the Agency in meeting the goals and objectives of thfs ~edevelopm~nt Plan. The Agency is aiso authorized to advise, encourage, and assist (through a loan program or otherwise) in tha rehabilitatior~ and conservation nf prope~ty in the Prajer.t Area not owned by tha Agency. The Agency is also authorized to acquiro, restore, rehabilitats, move and conserve buildinys of historic or architectural significance. It shall he the purpose of thig Plan to allow Ior the retention of as many ex(sting businesses in the Project Area a~ ~ract;cabie and to add to the economic life of these businesse~ by ~ prugram of vofun~~ry participation in their conservation and rehabilitation. The Agency is authorir.ad to conduct a program ~( assistance and enforcemQnt to encourago owners of property within the Project Area tA S1 ~~pgrade and maint~in their property r,onsistent with this Plan and such standards as may b~ devolaped tor the Projoct Area. ~ The ext~nt of rotent(on, conservation and rehabilitatlon in the Proiect Area shai! be sub~ect to tho following lirnitations: a. 7he rehabilitation of the str~cture must be compatlble with land uses as pravidad ior in this plan; b. Rehabilitatinn and conservatfon.aciivitias on a structure miast be carrfed nut in an expeditious manner and in conformanco with tl~e requi~ements of thls Plan and such praperty rehabilitatior~ standards as may ba adopted by the A~ency and ihe City. c. The axpansfon of public improvemants, facilitlas and utilities, d. Th~ ass~mbly anci developmorit of areas in accordance with this ~'i~n. o. Consisto~t with tho astablishe~ goals and ob)octives of this Redevelopment Plan. The Agency may adopt oraperry rehabilitatinn standards for the rehabifitation of propertles in ttie Pr~ject Area. iho Agency shal! not as ~ist in the reh~bilitaticn ar conservation of propenios which, in its ~pinion, aro not dcc~nomically and/or structurally feasible. 2. [Soctlon :i31 J Rllovina ~f Struc t~rea As necossary in carrying uut this Plan, tho Agency is authoriz9d to move or to causo t.o be moved, any standard structuro or builcjing or any atructure or building wt~ich can be rehabilitated to a location within or outsido the Pr~ject Are~. K. (sectinri 33~j ~,ow o~ Wloderate incam~ HousLg t . (Sect(an 333j ~ut or'~tys3enerallrc 7h~ Agency may, inside or outsido th~ Project Area, acquire land, improve sites, or consV~act or re~abilitate sVucturos in ordor to provido housing for persons and tamilies ot law or moderate income. 'i'he tigency may also provide subsi~ies tn, or ior the benetit o4, such persons and famfllos ar ho~soholds to assist them in obtsining housing. The Agency may elsn se11, lease, grant, at donate real property owned or acquired by tne Agency t~ the Anaheim Housing Authority a~ci may ot'~erwise coopsrate with ~he Housing Authorfry in carrying out the provisinns of Sectfan 335 t~ereinbelow. 2. (SecZlon 33aj ~eplacement _ ouslna ~n acccrdanr,e with Se~ctions 33334.5 and 33413 oi tf~e Community Rodevelapment Law, whenever dwelling units housing persona and fam6lies oi low ar moderate incams are destroyed or remaved irom the low and modsrate income housing market as part of a redevelopment pro~oct wt~ich is subject to a writtAn ac~reement Nith ~he Ac~~ncy or where fin~rcial assEstanae has b~en provided by the Agency, tho Agoncy shall, within (our yaars oi such destruction or rem~vai, reh4bilitato, develop, or construct, or cause to bs rohabilitated, developed, or conatiucted, for rental or sale to persons and tamilfes oi low or mode~ ate income an equal number of reptacoment dweliing units at aNordable housing costs as dQfined by Secti~n 5~052.5 ~f the Health and Safety Code, within 12 ths territorlal jurisd(ctlon of the Agency, in accord~nce witli all at the provisions af Soctions 33a13 and 33413.5 ot tha Cummunity Redevelopment ~.aw, Sevenry-five pdreent ("1596} ot the replacement dwelling unit~ s~~all replace dv~ellin~ units «vailable at affordablo h~using aast to t;~e same income levo! of very low incom9 househalds, lower incum4 housoholds and pers4ns ~nd famili~s of low and mncierata incomo as the persons displar,ed from thoso destroy~d or removed units. 3• Is~~~dn 3~5j ncrer~sa~imarove and prne~.y~, ~oderate Income Hc~us[~,g th~ ~upu~v ot l.ow and P«rsuarit to Section 3a33~4.2 af 4h~ Camm~ ~n;ty Redevelopment Law, not loss than 20 percent af a!1 taxes wnich aro allocated to the AgAncy pur~ ,ant to subdi~isi~n (b) of Section 33670 of the Coirmunity F~~devc~lopment LaH~ and Section 502 ~ y tiA Agency for the purposes of Increasing, improving and preserving theiCfty'sns~pp~y of"low ndf moderate income housing avaii~able at attnrdgbio hausing cast, as d~finod by Soctlon 60052.5 vi the Health 8 Safer/ CodE, to persons anc! famflfos of low ~r m4derate Income, as definac! in 5ection 5Q093 of the He31th & Sr~tAry Cade, and very low income householcis, ~~ dofined in S6cxion 5010~ of !he He~ith & Safety God~, unless one oi tha foll~wing findings is made annually by r~~solutian: (1 ~ thaf no need oxists in the City t~ (mQrov~ or inarease the supply oi lo~ and mQderate incr~me housing in a manner which would benefit t~~o Project Area, and that this finding is consistent with tha Wousing E~emer.t ai th~ City's Gonerai Flan required by Article 1 q.t5 (commencing with Sectlori 55.58p) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of tf~e Governmant Coda; or (2) that soma stat~jd percentage fess than 20 o~ the taxos whir,h are aflocated to the A en p~ercent hausin~ naed, and that this ~nding is conss tr~nt rrv'ith the Housinc tElemen ot the C'ty StG neet~) Plan rvquired by Article 10.6 (;.ommencir~g with Sectien 65580) of Ch;~pter 3 of Division t of Titia 7 of the Gov~rnment Code; ar (3) that tha City is makirg a ~ubstantial ~ffo~t tn meat its existing and projocted hausinc~ naeds, including its shar~ o( tha regi~nal housing n~eds, with respect ta persons and families of low and moderatQ income, particularly very low income households, as identifled in the Housing Element of the City's Ganeraf Plan requir~d by Article 1 a.6 (r,ommencing witn Sect(on 6558n) Uf Chapt~r 3 ot Division 1 oi Title 7 of the ~~vornment Code, and that this effort, consisting oi direct financia~ contributions of local tunds used to increasa and improve tha su aflordable to persons and families of low ~r moderat~ incamo and very low incoma h~useh~ ds,~ is ~quivalent in impact to tr~e fUnds othorwiso required to be set aside pursuant to Section 33334.2, In addition to any other local funds, these direct financial contributions may include federal or stata grants p;,id directly to the C;ty and which tr~e City has the discretlon nf using for the purposes far which moneys ir~ the l.ow and Moderate Income Housing Fund may be used. Tha City Council shall consider the need whlch can be reasonably fore3~en because ot di~placem~nt of persons and families of Inrr~ or moderate income or very law income households irom rrrith(n, or adjacent to, the Project Area, becauso of incroased omp~oyment opportunities, or bacause of any other dfrect or indirect result ot Implementatlon of this Plan. No findinq ~~nder this Sectfon ~35 may be made until th~ City has provided or ensured the availability oi replacement dwellino units as defined b~ ~ection 33411.2 ot the C,ommunity Rsdeve(opment Law and until it has complied with all requir~ments within ARicl~ 9 of th~ Community Redevelapment Law (commencing with Section 334101. In ~arrying out tho purposos ot Section 33334.2, the Agoncy may exercise any or ail oi its p~wers, including, but not Ilmited to, t~ia following: Ar.quire land or building sites; 2. ImprovQ land or building sites w~th on-s~tQ or ott-sito imprcverr~onts; 3. Donate land to privato ~r public persons 4~ entitiQS; 4. Coristruct buildings or s:iuctures; t3 5. Acquire buildings or structuros; f. Rehabilitate buiidings or structures; 7, Provide subsidies to or tor the benotit ot persons ar familiea ot v~r~ law, low, or moderato incnme; and 8. Develop plans, pay principal and intarest on b~nds, loans, advarices, or oth~r ir.d9btAdne:;s, or pay (inancing ar carrying charqe~. ~;~~ Agency may usa thesa tunds to moe4, in wfiole o, E~art, t~e replacement housiny provisions in Section 33•3 nbovo. The:e funds may ba used ir,5~de or outside cn9 Project Arsa providod, however, that funds may be used autside the Project Area c~nl y if findings of benefit to the Project ar~ made as roquirQd by safd Section 33334,2 of the Community R~development Law. Tho funds ior this purpose shall bo held in a separata Low and Moderate Income Housing Fun~ until used. Any interest Q~rned by such Low and Moderate Iricome Hou~ing Fund shall accrue to the Fun:l and any repaymonts or other income to tho Agency for loans, advances, ar grants, oi any kind, from such Low and Moderate Incomo Housing Fund, shall accrue to and be deposited in the tund and may only be used in the mannPr prescribed for the Low and ModArate Incom~ Hausin6 Fund. ` 4. ~Sortion 336] New c~r Flehabilttatsd DweIll~ngglnt~s Devela~ed Within Pro ect Area At least thiny percent (30%) ~f all new or rehabilitated dwelling units devdloped by thP P.genry, ii any, shall be availablo at aHordable housing cast to persons and families of low or moderate incorne. Not less than ffty percent (5096) ef the dwelling units required to be avaifable at attardable housing cost 4o persons anci families af low or moderate incom~ shall be available a~ afforda~le housing cost to, and occupied by, very low income h~useholds. At least fifteen percent (1 ~~) of all new or rehabilitated units devel~aped within the Prajvct Are~ by put~lic or private entities or pvrso~s other than the ~gency, if any, shall be available at afiordable housing cost to persons ar~d familios of low or moderate income. Not less than forty percent (40%) of tha dwelling units required ta be available at attordable housing c~st to p~rsons and familias of !ow or modorate inc~me shall bo availablo at afiordahle housing costs to very low incoma nou~eh~lds. The percentage re~uirements ~et forth in this Section sha!I apply independently of the requirements ot 5ection 334 ar~d in the aggregate to housing made av~ilable pursuan; to the first and socond paragraphs, respectively, of this Section 336 and not to each individ4al case of rehabilitation, dev~lopmsnt or construction of dwelling units. , !i all or any port(on of the ProJect :Area is developed with low or moderate inccme housing units, the Agency sf~all require by coniract or other appropriate means that such housi:~g be mado ~vailable to~ rent or purchase to the persons and tami{iea ot low and maderate incom~ displaced by tt~e Project. ~uch persons and tamilios shall be given priority in renting or buying such housinc~; pr~vided, h~wever, failure to give such priority shall not efiect ttio validity ol title to real Qroperty. 5. (Sectlon 33~ Duration oi f;well(nQ Unit Av,~[~i'i~y~~d Agancy Mo~~rina The Agency shall require that thQ aggre~ate number oi reptacoment dwelling u~its and ather dwelling units rehabi{itated, r~eveloped or construr,ted pursuant to S9cticns 334 ar~d 33£ over the life of the plan shall rerriain availabfe at aHorc;able housing cost to persons and familios of low income, ~a ~ i,~~~~~~ ;;~i::i ~ : ~?~~}~ s'r mndorate income and very low income households, respectfvaly, tor not less than the period nf the I~nd use cc-ntrols vstablished in tlifs Plan. ~ The Agency shall manitor, nr7 dn ongoing b~asis, any housing attordable to persons and ~:f:~ tamilies ot low or moderate income develaped pr othen~visa made available pursuant to the provlsions of the Community Redevelopmt~nt Law. As part ot this manitorfng, the Agency shall roquire owners or manago~s of the housin~ to submit an ann~~21 repart to tha Agency, The annual reports shall ~ include tor each rantal unit the rent~l rate and the incom~ and family si~Q ot tha o~cupants, and far "" each owner-occupiad unit whethar there was a change in ownershlp from the prior year and, if so, ~:+; the income and family sixe of the new av~ners. Tf~e income informatlon required by this section shall '` be suppl(ed by tho tena~t in ~a certified statement on a form providad kry the Agency. '' >, it N 15 IV. [Section q00] I~ND US~S APJl~ i~~VFLOpME 'T' E U1R ME . --~R ~_ T' A. [SoCtion a01] e elo r~e.p~pl~rti Ma~~~a o P c, fect A~rea Land ~lggs Th~, Redovelopme~nt Plan ~iap attach~d tierato fllustratos the locatior~ oi the Projact Area b~undary, identities tne major streots within tho Rraject Araa, and des(gnatas the major land uses autharized within the Project Area by the City's current Genoral Plan. The City wiil irom timo tU time update and revise the General plan. It is the intention of th(s Redevelopment Plan that tha major and other iand us~s to bo pe,-r~ii4ted within the Rroj~ct Area shall ~e as provi~led withlri th~ Cfty'S ~Qneral Plan, as it currently exists or as it may trom timo to. time be amendsrl, t~nd as irr~plb^~n~t~d and applied by City ordinances, resolutia~s and oth~r la~vs. Th~a m~jor land uses auth~rized within the Project Area by the Generai Plan are ~described below, Qiher uses rnay be authorized from tima to time by Caneral F~lan amendments, B, [Section 402] ~ or Land U~es ~Vlajor ~rivate land usos permitted witl~in the Project Area shali include: General Commarcial, Gen~ral Industrial, Cammercial Professional, Law L~ensity and A~iodium Density F~esid~ntial, and Public F~~cililies. The ar6as shown on the Redevelopment Plan Map for the foregoing usas may be usod for any of the various kinds of us~s speci9iQd for cr pormitted within such araas by the General Pian and Ciry ordin~nces, r~solUtlons and ~thPr laws. G. (SeGNan 4tDaJ Alternat(vc~ Malar Land U~e~ Cartain araas are shc~wn on the FiedevQlopment Pla:~ ~~ap with alternative land uses. Such areas or any po~tien of such areas may be usgd far the dasignat~d alternate land use, subjoct to ~ Gen~ral Plan amendment providfng tor such use. a• [Se~t(on 404] ~3ther Lar,d Us~s '~. [Sectton 405] Rubllc ~ig_hts o`f Wav Major pubiic street~ i~ the Project Area are generally ~escribed as follnws: Lir~coln Avenue, ~uclid Stroet, the Interstate 5 Freeway, Loara Street and Manchester Avenue. Additional public streets, alleys and easem~nts may be credt~ed in the Projaat Area as needed for proper usa and/or developm~nt. ~aci,ting streets and a(leys may be abandoned, ~lo~ed or modified as necessary for proper uso and/or development. It is anticipated that Pr~jQCt development may entail vacation andJor realignment of certain straots, alley~, and ather rights-o~-way. Any changes in tha ex(sting str~ei layout sha!! ~e in accord with the General PI~ objectives ~f this Plan, and the CI4y's design standards, shall be ef~ec:tuated in the manner prescribod by state and local law, and shall be guided by tlie followinp criteria: A b~tancing of the needs of proposed and potent(a! new deve:opmgnt for adequata pedestrian and vehicular acce~s, vehicular parking, and dQlivery loading docks witt~ similar neRCis oi existing developments proposad or potentially prqposec! to remain. Such balancing shal! take into consideration the rights oi er.lsting owntrs and tenants under 4he participation and preferences rules adopied by tho Agency ~or tho Praject, and any ~articipati~n agreements executed thereunder: 2. The requiremAnts impQSOd by such factors as topography, trafiic safety and aesthetics; 1 fi Ah ~ :~, '~h~ potential nee~ to serve no4 only the f'roject Ar~a dnd n~w or ~xisting ~~evelopments, but to alsc~ serv~ areas nutside th~ Project by pcoviding conv~nient, aNr~ient vehicular acaass a~~d movernent; and 1~, Tn~ potontial neod or desire t~ ac~ommQdate the facilities and/or equipment af mass transportation modes. The public: rights-oi-way rnay be usad tar vohicular and/~r F~~destrian trattic, as well as for ~uhlic improvr3n~e~nts, public and private utilitias, and activi#f~s typically iound in publia rights-oi-way. !n adc:ition, all necessary easementa for public usas, public tacilitiE~s, ~nd public utilities may be retaine~, amendc~d or created. . 2. jSectlon 405J ~her Pub{ic, Somi•Public~ Institu~tion~l and Non~Prt~fit U~~s In any area th~ Agency is authorized to permit the maintenance, establishment n~r enlarqement of publia, semi•public, institutionai, or non-profit uses, inCluding park and r~creaticanal facilities, libr~ries, oducational, fraternal, employe~, priilanthropic, r~ligious ancl charitabla institutions, utilities, railroad rights-~f~•way, and iacilities of ather sfmll«r associations or organizations (I.s. chiid care, elderly, cultural), AI! such uses shall conform so far as ~ossiblo to the pfnvision~ of thia~ Plan applicat~le to thra uses iri the spaaific area involved. The Agency may impaso such other reasor~abl~ restrictions as ar~ necessary to protect th~ dovelopment and uses in th~ Project Area. E. [Se~Ylon ~07~ ~terf Uses Pe~~ding tho ultimate developmant of land by davelopers and participants, th~ A~~ency is authorize~ to use or permit the -~so af any land in the Frojact Area for interim ~ises no3 in con~r~rmity with the uses permitterl in this Plan, Such inte~~im use shall coniorm to alf applicabla Gity Codes. F, [Sectlon aq8] J~}~r,anformipg Uses The Agercy is a~itharizocl to permit a~ existing use to remain in an oxisting buildinc, in .~c ~d condition, which use does not caniorm to the provis~ons ~of this Plan, ~rovia,~d that sucf~ us~ is generally compatiblQ with exist~ng and proposad ~evel~pmants ~nd uses in the Project Are~, an:i abatament oi such uses is not r~quired ~y applicable Ci~y codes. 7he ownor of sucn a property may be required to enter into a p~rtiCip~ation agreemerit, to recotd a cav~ nant o! restrictinns a~ainst t~e proparty, and ugree to tho imposition of such reasonable restrictions a3 may be neces:aary to proteci th4 d~velopment and uses in th~ PraJect Area. 7he Agency may authorizR additions, alteration~, ~opairs ar oth~~ improvernonts in tha Praje~t ~.rea fa~ uses which do not contorn~ 2o th~ provi~ions o~ this Plan whero such impr~vemen2s are within ~ portfon oi the Project where, i~ the doterminatibn at tho Agency, such improvements would ba compatible wi~h surrounding ~nd pf0~9GK use~ and d~~v~lopment and are permitted under applicable Gity code~. G. (Section 409] C~~r~ePal Contrcla snd Limltat(ons AII real pron~rty in tho f~rojec.~t Area is he~eby made subJect to tha cont-als an~! requirements of this Plan. No rE:~l pr~perty shall be developed, rehabilitated, or oth~rwis~ ch~~nged after the date of the ado~tior~ of this Plan, exr~pt ~n cnnf~rmance with the provisioris o! thi~ Pfan. [~bcz(~r~ ~1~ 0~ C4nstructlon All c~rstructis~ri in tho Project Area shall comply with all applicable st:at~ and Iccal laws in efiect a! suc~i t;me. 17 In addition to applicable ct~dos, ordinancos, or other requir9ments gcaverning development in the ~roject Area, additinnal spacific perfarmanco and develupmont standards may be ado{~ted by tha ~igency tr~ c~nirol and direct redevelapm~nt aGt(vities in the Project Aroa, including p~coerty rehabilitat(on s4endards adopted pursuant to Sa~tion 330 hereof, a~d one or rn~re Design G~„~es adoptoci pursuant to Sec~tion 420 here~f. 2, [Saction ~i11] Lfmit~tian_or~ the umbor of Bull~linpa The apprnx~mato number oi '~uildings in th~ Project Area shail no# exceed tl~e maximui~ numb~r allowed under the dansities ar~c~ intansitios permitted under th~a Cirf's General Plan, as imp~emented and applied by lo~,.al codes and ordinancos. 'the number ot buildfngs perrnitted in tho Project AreA will be approxim~tely fOU, 3. ~Se~ian 4~~] u e ,Qf ~I~ ~~,Untt~ The ~~ur.-~ber~ ot dvveliing ~i~its in the Pro~nct Area shall not exceed the ma.acimum number allaweci under the de~sitiss p~rmitte~~i under the City's General Pian, ay implemanted and applied by local codes an~i orciin~nc;es. The n~~mber ot dwelli~g units permi~ted in the PrajeGt Area will be approximately 4t~, 4. [Sect(on ~Z 3] ~i~nita;Fons on Type, Si~e ~nd H~eight of Buil~inas Excep4 as set forth in oti~or sections o! this Plan, the type, siza, and height ot buildings shall be a~ limited k~y the applicable fed;~ral, state ~rc; l~cal statutes and ordinanaes. 5. (Sectlo~ ~9 4) ~ er S~ces• i,~and~capl~g,~i~,,Air an r~ Th~ approxirr~ate amount oi ~pen spaca to bb provided in tho Projact Area is 4he total af ail area which will be in ths public rights-oP-w ~y, the publi~ grour~ds, spaces around buildir~gs, and all ather ou~door areas nc~t permitted tb bo covared by b~~ii7ings. Landscaping shall be dAVeloped in tho Prajec; Area to insure optimum use ot living olant mater;31. In all areaQ. su~cient sps-ce sh~ll ae maintained bstwet~~~ buildings to provide adequate lig,ht, air ar~d privacy. S. [3ect(on ~t1 SJ tlfl~ AI{ sign~ shall confo~m to City requir~mants. Dasi~;r, nf all pr4posed new signs sha~ll be submitted prior to install~tion to tho ,~g~ncy and/or Ciry for rev«w and approva! purs~ant ta the prccedi~res permitted t,y this Plan. 7. [Soctlon 41 P~j ~ltllfti~~ 't'he Agency shall r~quire that all utilEtias bo placed underground whenever physicaily possibin and econoinfcally teasible. 8. (Secfi(o~ 417] lncomp~t!!~-~g ~~g~ No use or structure wriich ~y reason at appeara~nce, tramc, smoke, glare, noise, ador, or simil~r factors would b~a incompatible with the surrounding araas o` structuros shall be permitted in any part of the Project Area. 18 s. ~s~ctto~ ai a; ~ubdivisior~ of Percels Nc~ parcels in the Projgct Area, including any parcel re,tained by a p~~ticipant, shal! be consolidated, subdivid~d or re-~ubdiyided v~~ithout thQ ~pproval nf the ~ppropriate Ciry body, and, 9f necessary for purposes of this Plan, the Agan~y. 10, (SRCtlor~ 419~ fwinor Variations The Ay~nGy is authorizQd to permit minar v~ri~tinns from th~e Ilmits, restrictions and controls esteblished by this F~lan. In order to permit any such v.ariation, the Agency must determine that: a. The applic^tion of c~rtain prnvisicns of the~ Plan would result in practical difficulties nr unnecess~iry I~ardships inconsistent with the general purpose and intent rf the Plan. b. Thera are exceptional circumstances or c~ndition~ applicablo 4o the property or to the intonded development of th9 property wfiich do nat apply genQrGlly to athor properties having the same standards, so~trictians, and c~ntrols. c. PArmitting a variation will not bo materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to pr~perty or improv~menis in the ~rea. d. Permitt;ng a variation will not be contrary ta the objectives of the P{an. No such aariation shall be qranted whieh permits othAr than ~ minor departure lrom the p~ovisions of this Plan. In permit~fnc~ any such variatior~, the Agency shall impc,se such conditions as are necessary to ~rote.t tiio public haalth, safety, or weliare, an~ to assure complianGe with the purpo~as of the ~lan. Any $uch varEation permitted by tl~o Ayency hereunder shall nat supersede any other approval reo,uired under City codes and ardinances. H. [Section ~20] peslan Gui~Se W~thin the I~r,~its, restrictlons, and contrals ~stablishe~i in this Plan, the agency is autharized in establi~h ~~eights of buildings, l~nd caverage, setback r~quireme!~t~, das~gn and sign crilflrfa, tra~c circula-,~n, traffic acaes$, ~arking, and ather developmant and design controls nece~sary for proper developm~nt of b~th privato and public araas within the Pr~ject Area, i'hese may be establlshed by tha apprc,val 04 speGiTic develapments, by the adoption of general rest~i~tions anci controls by resolution of the Agency, or by the adoption ut one nr more Design Guidas ~u~suant 4o this Section. No riew impravement shall be c~nstruct~~ and no existing improvemen' shal! bs substantial!y modified, aftered, rep~ir~d, qr rehabilitated ~xcept in accordance with architectural, I~ndsc~pe, and site pla~s submi~ted ta and appr4ved iii writing by the ~lgency F~cscutivc~ Direc4or o~ designee unlsss ailowod p~~rsuant ta the pro~edures oi Section 4~1 hereof. Or7~ ot the ~bjectEvAS rf this Pian is to creats an attrac:tiv~ and plaasant envirc,nment in ~he Prajoct Araa. Theretore, such plans shall giva consider~tion to good design, o~aen space, and other arnenities to enhance the aesthatir, and architectural quality of the Prn~vct Area. ~"~e Agency F~cQCUtiv~e D'+rectar or designee shal~ not approve any plans that do n~t comply with this F~lan. I. jSectlon 421 ] Bu11c1inc,~ermits PJa permit shal! be lss~~ed tor the construction ot any new building ar any addition, construction, moving, canversfvn or alteration to an existing huilding in the Project 1~rea from the dat~ of adoption of this Plan unti4 tho applicatlon for such permit has been proces~ed in the manner prnvided hereinbelow. A y permit that is issued hereunder must bo iri conformance with the 19 ',f f ~ provisi~ns pf this Plan, ar~y ~esign Guide adonteu by t;io Agency, any rostrictlons ar contrals established by resalution of the Ac~ency, and any a~plicablo participation or ~ther a~raement. Upon receipt of such an application, thp City shall reque~t tf~e ~lgency Executive Director or desiyn~e ta roview the application to determine what ettact, if any, th~ iasuance thereoi would hav~e upon the Plan lor said F'raject Araa. Within 25 days therea~ter the Agency ~hall tile with the Clty a written report setting lorth !ts ~ir. ~ings oi fact, inciuding but not limited to, the !afiowing: a. Whether tP~e propcsQd improvements would be compatible with the skandards ar~d other r~quirem~nts set tortr ~~~ tho Plan and in term~ af design; and b. What rrti~dlii~atfons, it an~, iri the proposod improvFments would bs ~ecessary in arder to meet tho requiren~ents ot the Plan and i-~ terms o1 design; and c. If required, wt~• ,~~r the appllcant hRS enter~d into an ~greement with the Agency far thd devglopmont of said im~rovemen~~ and submitted architectur~l lan~scape and slte pians to the Ager~cy. The Agency is autho~ized ta establish permit procedurss and approv2ls in addition to those sei f~rth abovQ whero reguirod far purpasES of this Plan. A building parmit shail be issusd only af4er the aRp~icant for same has heen granted all apprnyals requirod by the City and the A~ency, or its airector Executive Director pric~r to issu~nce. 20 V. (Sectlon 500J METHOD OF FINANCINf3 7HE F~FiOJ~CT A. (Soctian 541 ]~ r~ Descri tp IOrLa.i, ht e Propose~,~an:.ing Method The Agency ~s authorized t4 financa the Project wit~~ tax incroment funds; interest income, Agoncy b~ndg; dor~ation~; loar~s trcrn privato financia! institutions; the leaso or sale of Agoncy-c~wnecS properry; owner participant or devaloper lo~ns tn or irom the Agoncy; sales or tr~nsient accupancy taxes; participation in <Itivelopmont; or with rnancial assistance irom the City, 5tate of Californ9a, the fodoral goverrmant, or any other availa~le source, public or private Tlie Agenc~ is alsa auth4rized to obtain advance4, borrow i~nds, issu9 ~onds, and craate inciebtedness in carrying ou~ this Plan. 1'ho principal and interest on such indAbtedne~s may bd pai~f irom tax incrc~rnent~ c~r any nther tunds ava~lable to the Agen~y. Advances and loans tor suNey ~nd planning and lor the operating capit~l for administration of the Projec; rnay be prnvided by the City or any other availablg source, public or p~ivate, until adequate tax incremont o- other tunds are available or suttir,i~ntly assurod to repay the advances and loans and to permit borrowing adequate working capital irorn othor so~:rces. 'fne Ci,y, as it is able, may also supply additionAl assistance through issuancc+ of bonds, loaris an~ grsnts and in-kinsf assistance. rho City ar any other public agancy rr~ay expend mor~ey to ass~st the Agency in ca~rying out the Projoct. As available, gas tax funds (ront the state and county may be used f~r street improvoments and ~ublic tra~s~t tacilities. hfl or a portion of the Farking m~y be installed thro~gh a ~arking auth~rity or ether p~!blic or privata entiti~s. Tax incroment financiny, as authorize~i by Sect~on 50?. of this Plan, is in~ended as a source of financing in combi~ation with r~ther sources ~t fnancin~ that may b9 available for specific Project activities. B. (aaction 502j Te ncremPrtt Funds All taxes lov~ed upon taxable pr~porty within the Project P.rea each year, by or for the benefit oi thn St~to oi Calif~rni2, the County af Orange, tho Ciry of Anaheim, any district or any other public corporati~n (hereinafter sametimes called "taxing agancies") after the etfective clato of the ordinance approvi~~ this Plan, shafl be divided as foll~ws: 'fhat portion of the i~uces which would be producod by the rate upon which tho tax is levied each ye~r by oi tor each of said taxing agenc:i~as upo~ the total sum Af tha assessed value of the ta~able propsrty in the ~rojo~-t Area as shown upon the assessment ~oll used iR conner.tion with the taxatioR of such properiy by such taxing ag9ncy, last equeliled prio~ to the efiective ~ate ot s~ch ordinancA, shaU be allacated to and when coll~cted shall bo paid to the rospective tax~ng agencies as taxes by or for said taxing egencias on ail othor property are paid {for the purposo of allocating ta~ces levied by or for any taxing c~Aen .ry or agencies whi ,h did nnt include the territory ot the Pro(ect o~ the ettective date oi such ordin~nce but to which such territory has beon annexed or otherwise +ncluded after such eHec!'rve date, the assessment rall of th~ County ot Orange last equalized on the offe~tive date of said nrdinance shal! be used in determini~g the assESSecf valuatiun ot tl~e taxable p!op~arty in the Proje~t Area an said eHoctive dato): and 2. That porticn oi said lavied t~xes oach year in excess oi such amount shall be allocated to and when coilectad shall be paid into a speciaf fund oi the Agency to pay the princi~al of and intere3t on bands, loans, monies advanced to, or indobtedn9ss {wh~fhQr tunded, refun~+ed assurned or othervvise) incurrod by the Agenry to finan~e or refinance, in wh~Io or in part, the Project. Unless and until the total assessed ?i valuatiai~ af th9 taxablc~ proparty in the Pro~ect Aroa exceeds th~ total a~sessed value af the ta~cabl~ property in the F~ro~ect Aroa as shr~wn by the last aaualiz~d assessment roll referred to in s~~ciivision (t) h~reof, all of the taxes lovio~ and callocted upon the tax~ble pro~erty in the Project Aroa shall be p~id int~ the tunds oi the rospective taxing agencios. Wh9r said bonds, loans, advances ancl indebtedness, if ~ny, and interest thoraon, h~ve baen paid, aH m~nies thereafter roceived from taxes upcn thA taxablg property in the Projact Area shall be paid to the rospective taxi~ig agencles as taxes on alf ~thar prop9rty are paid. The portion of taxes mer,tioned in suhdivision (2) above is hereby irre~iocably plRdQed tor thg paymont of the prinripal of and interost on the advance ~f f1Z4l1IAS, or makl~g 4~ loaris, or the incurriny ot a~y indebtedn~ss (whettior funded, rehanded, assurred or othonnrise) by the Agency to finacice or refinance the Praject, in wholo or in part. '~ho Agonc.~y is auth~rized to maka such pledges as to specific advances, loans and indebtedness as appropriate i~~ c•arrying out tho Project. Th~ porti~n of taxes divided and allocatod to the ~-gency pursuant to subdivision (2} of this Section shall not exceed a cumul~tive tot~l ot $894,c,`OU,000, axcept by amendmant oi this Plan. Such limitation is oxclusive at: (1) any payrnonts to taxing agoncies to alleviate financial burdon made by tho Agency pursuant to Sect~on 3.'.~!01 ~( the Community Fedevefopment L.aw and Sectidn 316 of this Pia~; and 2) a~iy tunds required by Section 33334.2 ~f the Community Redevelopment Law and Sectian 335 of this Plan to bo dapositod by the Agency in a~.ow ar~d Modarato Income Housing Fund as a r9sUlt of such payments ;o taxin~ agancies. C. (Sectl~n 503) A enc onds "rhA Agency is authorizad to issue bonds trom timn to timo, ii it deems it approprlata to do so, in ordor to finance all or anv part of th9 Proj9ct. Neither the members o! the Agency nor any persons executing th6 bonds are liable personally nn the bonds by roason af thc~ir issuance. Th~ bonds and ofher obliyations oi the AgSncy are n~t a debt af tl~e City, the ~tate, or any of its political subdivisions and neither tlie City, the State, nor dny oi its political subdivisions is liable on them, nor in any avent shall the bonds or oblig~tfons be payable aut of any funds Qr properties other than those of the Agoncy; and such bonds and ather obligations shall ~a state on their face. 'f'hs bonds do not constitute an indobtadness within the meaning oi any constitutional ur statutory debt limitation Gr reStriction. 'fr~e amount ot bonddd IndRbtednesa to be repaid in whole or part from the allocation of taxes describe~~ in ~ubdivisions (2) of 56ctfen 502 above which can be ~ut.standing at any one time shall not exceed $301,000,000 in principal amount, except by amendment of this Plan. S~ch limifation is excl-.isive ot: 1) any payrr,ents !o be made irom such principal ~mount by the Agency to any t~xing agency pursuant to Section 33401 af ttie Community Rodevelopment Law and Saction 316 of th.s Plan to alloviato financial burden; a;~d 2) anv funds requirad by SeMirm 33334.2 oi the Gomrnurity Red~velopmont Law and Section 335 ct this Flan to be deposit9d by the Agen~y in a Low and Modera~e tncome Housing Fund as a resutt ~f such payments to taxin~ a~encies. D. [Sectton 504J Time i,lm~~n E~te~i~hmertt of Inde~d -na~ Tho Agoncy sh~ll not astablisn or ~ncur loans, ecivances, or indebtedness ta fnance in whole o; in part thQ f~rojeci beyond 3~ y~ars trom the data ot adou'.~on QI this Pian. l.aarts, advances, or ~ . , :~i indebtodness mwy ho repaid over a perind of tlm~ boyond sAid t(me iimlt. Such time Iimitation may be extende~i only by amendment oi this Plan. ~ E. [Sectlon 50~ Qthor l.oan~and Q,~~ Any othvr loans, grAnts, gua~rant~es, or financial assistance from the United Statas, the State oi Calitomia, oc any nth9r public or privr~te sourcb will be utilized if avA(lable as appropriate in carrying out the Project. In additfon, the Agency may ~nake laans as perm+tted by law t~ ~ublic or private e~tities for ~ny of it4 redevelopmen4 purposes. 2;~ vi, Csec~~on soo~ g~T1QNS oF.~~ e.~ 7ha City shall aid And cooperate with the Ag9ncy in carrying out this Plan and shall tako all actians neces~ary to en~ur~ the contfnu~d tuifllirront of the purposos of this F~lan and to provent the r~currence hr sproad in tha area of conditions causing bligi~t. Actions by tho Clt,y may in~lude, but aro not limited ta, tho iQllowing: Institution ~nd complati~n oi proceedings for oponing, closing, vacating, widening, or ch~nging the grades oi stroets, all~ys, ~nd other public rights-of•way, and tor othor necessary modiflcations nt the streets,, the streot layout, arid othe~ public righta-of-way in tha Project Aroa. Such ~ctian by the City shall inc;lude tho requ~toment ot abandonment, remc~va{, and relocatian by the nublic utflily ~ompanies of their aperations in public rights-o}=Nay as approp~i~te to carry out this Plan, provided tt~at nothing in this Plan shall be construe~ to require ths cost of such abandonment, rc~moval, and relocation be barne~ by others than tttose legaliy roquired to bear such costs. 2, Instftution and completion of praceAdings necessary for changes and improvem~nts (n private and publicly-owned public utilities within or a(fec,~ting the Project AreB. 3. Rovision of the Zoning Ordinance or adoption oi sp~cific plans as appropriate within the Prcjoct Area to permit the land uses and dovelopmant authorized by this Plan. 4. Impositlon wherove~ nec~+~sary (~~y cov~n~nts or «~trictions, conditinn~l use pe~mits or other means) ~t appro~riate contrals v~ithir~ tre ~imits o9 this Plan upon parcets in tha Project Aroa ta vnsure thair pr~po~ developm~nt and use. 5. Exec~tion oi statutory develnp~nent agreeinents where necessary and appropriate to tacilitate develo~ments approv~ed by the Agoncy. 6. Provision for administrative ent~rcemont ot this Plan by the City after development. 7. Performance of thc~ above actions, and of al! other (unctions and sorvices refating to public health, satety, and physical develapment normally rendered in acaordance with a schedula vuhich will permit the redevelopment of th~ Project Area to be corr~mencec! ~nd carried to completfon without unnocos,iary delays. a. Pravieion of services and tacilitios and the variaus a~icials, oifice~ and departments of th~ City for the Ag9ncy's purposes under this Plan. 9. F'r8vision oi flnanciaf a3si,tarice in accordance with Section 500 of this Plan. i 0. T1ie undortakinr and completing of any othor procoedings n6~essary to carry aut tho project. The foregoing acti~ns to no taken by the Cir~ may involve linancial outlays by the Cir,~, but do not constituto a commitment to make such outlays. 24 r , ~ 7 e!aF Y'. ~~~. ~SeCtlon 700j ENFpRC~MENT The administration and enforcemont ni thfs Plan, includfng the preparation and execution oi any documents implementing this Plan, shall ba pe~formed by tr~e Agancy and/or the City, Ths provisior~s of this Pian or other document3 entered into pursuant ta this Plan may also ba enforced by court Iitiq~tlon instituted by either the Agency ar the City. Such remed(es may inalude, but aro not limit~d to, spocific penormance, dama~es, re•aniry, inJun~t;ons, or any othar romedl8s a~propriato to the purposes p9 this Plan. In adJftion, any reGOrded provlsions which are exprossly f~r the benefit ot owners of property iri tho Prc+ject Area may be entorced by such owners. 25 ~ i . . , .. ~ , ,. . ,.~,~ ,,~,,. :.~„r.~~ "''<;~- i ~ i "~ .-•-. ';i; ~~,, Exaept iqr the non-di~crimination and non-se re ati4n perpetuity, the provisions of th(s Pian shall ba effectiva ar~id the provisions ofhf th9g documents fc~rmulatecl pursuant to this Plan may be made etiective, ior 35 y6ars irom the ettective date oi acioption o! this PIa-~ by the City Councfl; provided, however, that the Rgency may Issue bor~ds and Incur abilgati~ns p~irsuant ta this PIar7 which extend bayond the termination data, and (n such event, this Plan shall contin~~e in eflact for the purpose ort repaying such bon~s or ~ther obligatlons untll th~e ciat9 af retirement of such bonds or other obli~ation3. 26 VI~O. ~Sect(on 800] DURA'T,~QN Q„~T,~3~-~t ~ ;:n ~ ~ . y ii~VYl':1. ,r~f" . . .. . . - . ."~,-'~~, ~( ~., ~.. 5 '. Y IX. [Section g0~j PRnCE ~,FRp AlNENDI~,~lI :; ~' This plan may be amended hy mean~ of tha pr~cedure estAblished fn tha Community ~; Fiedev~iopment Law, or by ~ny other procedur9 horeafter ostablfs{~~ed by law. .a i~ 27 y: :, : 't.I!f ,~ ~; , .,a t~<f. ,. :,; ~ r 4~ .L.~FnHi r a ~ ho~rci nuvnJa~~ Medlym Uvn~~.Y ~~I~donll~l G~n~r~l Comm~rc4t 6(XX10 Com~n~rc~al -rol~nWnN [riJJ ~ C~nuN ~nJu~vl~l ! • ' 1 Cnmmunlt7 /acNlt~ ~ . • ~ Redevelopment Plan Map N~diYm 01nIf1Y i~~Id~n11~1 (W/Gommuo4t -~cVNty AM~rnauv~l C~n~r~l Maunrld tw/r_o~n~rclsl -~olu~bn~l /.horenH~l Crnlyd r~d~nrlal (W/l,~np~l f,o~nm~rt41 ~11~rn~Uvr1 ~ M~dMwn U~mNy l~~id~ntl~l (W/C~naal Com~n~~t~al .~hnn~Ur~) {^'y ' lov+ O~n111~ RtlW~nllal `r~;~~ (W/M~dlum U~mllr tNIJ~n~41 L~i11 AN~~n~llv~l ~ C~n~rd Comm~rel~l fw/M~dWm O~mny 4r~fJ~mle1 AII~rnlt~r~) N01~: Fp ~ fRlCUWlOf1 OI cPw+ +A~~ wf arsN layn.r, typ~, Wss, ~~M9n4 w1 num0er ot wadnpr, nrmb~r o~ dw/nq urila; ~nd pOpl7y OW9Nd 10 p~U~C D~aDOS~c M+ .irtOWf ~00. 0 8? ~t~ Narth k.~. ~„ ~~.; ' EXFiIBIT "B" I..EQAE. D~SCF?Ip'nON 4F PFiOJEC"!' AREld Plaz Flea~eyelaa~m~nt ~c` Those portions of Sections 8, 9,• 1g S 1.7, To~vnship 4 ~nuth, R~~gao 9p West, in the Ran ~he San Juan Cajon Qe Santa Ana as 'sho~vn upon thQ ~nap recorded in Saok 51 afi Page 1Q a'r Miscellaneous Maps in the offoc~ of the County Record~ar Q# r:?rang~ County, Califor~ia, which lie within the fal~ lowing described ~oundaries: Beginning of tha in~t~rsectian of th~ Southerly prnion~ation of the Wester- (y lino of Muller Street (82.OQ fe~t wide) as shown upon the parcel map filed in Book iQ at Pac~e 35 of Parce{ Maps in said Recorder's Office, with a line parallo! ~ith and diytant SoutF~erly 66.OQ Fe~et whe~ measUred at right angles ta fihe c~nterline of t,incoln Avenue (106,00 faet wicie) as shown upon th,e rnap of Tract No. 229n, recorded in ~c>ak 70 nf Pac~es 44 through 49 of Miscellane~us Maps, in said R~a~o~der's Office; thenc:~ tVorth 0° 02' 15" VYest alon~ the Westerly line of Mctller Str~e~et, G75.59 feet: to the West~arly prolongation nf ~he Southc~rly line of Parcel 1 as show~ u~on the parGel map recorded in Book i~3 at Page 35 o~f Parcal Map:s in ~aid Record- ar's Cffi~e, th~nce ~outh 89° 3Q' 3U" East, $~~.28 ~eet t~o fhe Scuthozst r,orne,r of Parcel 2 as zhown upon ~~id parcel map; thence Narth 0° 08' 29" kYdsf, 627.F21 feet alon~ the Wes~,arly line of C~escent Way (~},(YJ {set wide) to the North~aast ~orner of Parcel ;,4 as shown upon said parcel ma~,; thence South 89° 37' ~6'" Eas~, 2.00 :°ee•t •to the Westerly line of Crescent Way (62.00 fe~t wide) thence North 0° 08' 29" West, 249.98 f~eet alnng saisi bVosterly lin~ to the ~as4erly prolon5ra~tion of thA Northerly l~ne of Tract No. 5693 as shown upon the map fildcl in Book 2?,3 at pac~es 5 and 6 of Miscellaneous Maps, In said ~te~;order's Clfficg; than~c~e Narth 89° 3?' 16" W~st, 862.~~ fo~at a~ong ssid Mortherly ti~i+ and its W~stei•ly prolongation to the We+s~erly linu af AAullor Street (60.O1~ fest wide); thence tha~eon ~lorth 0° 02' 15" 'Nos4 1447.17 feat to tha North~aa#erly line af the Santa Ana Fruoway (IntArst~ate No. 5); thence ~thoreon th• fbliowir~g four cour~s~s: 5outh 56° 45' 2S" Ea~t, 2g3,3g fe~•t; tl~enc0 South 58° 50' OC" East, 60F,.69 fect; thence South ~1° 42' 14" ~ast, 476.85 fest; thence South 56° 45' 25" Cast, .213.18 fset ~o the 5outhwesterly co-~ner vf Lot 9 ax shown up4n the map of Tract 1591, fi!ed in Book ~4 at Pages 36 tfirough 39 of Miscallaneaus Maps; thenc~ continuing South 56° 45' 25" East, 1389.30 f~sefi to th4 Snutheast corn9r of l.ot 39 of said tract; 4f~ence SQUth 89° ~5' 30" E~st, 117.95 feet along tha Southerly linm ot Lat 40 of said Tract #o tho Westerly line of Euclid Avenu~e (of varying widths); thenca along the W~sterlv line of said Euclid Avenue, the following thrse coursea: North 2° 27' 12" Wost, 2G1.11 f~t; 4he~ce Nor~h 6° 52' 00" Easi, 120.94 feot; thenc• t~argh 0° 15' 30" W4st, 123.~42 foot to tha beqinning of a curva, concavo Southwesterly and havin~ a radlus ~f 15.t~ ( ~~a~e 1 of 5 j •f4et; thenc• Nartl~woat9rly a0ong said curv~ tiira~~gh a r.~en~rai angl~ of 8y'' 28' QO", an arc distanca~ of 23.~2 f~e4 to a pnint of tiangoncy with th• Southerly lin• af YdQStmont Drive (60.00~ feat wide); thonco North 89° 4:3' 3U" Wesfi along sai~ Souther;y lina, 197.14 ~e~et ~o the Sauthmrly ~rulongatian nf th~ Easterly line uf Fa~rh~Nen Stro~t (5().~DO fe~ot wid~); thence thereon North 0° y5' ~0" Wett, 423.51 feat to tho Southw~st cUrner of Lot 65 as shuwn upon the map of g~id Tr~ct No. 1591; th~nca North 89° 4~' 30" ~ast, 97.00 fQSt to the Southeasf corner af said Lot; fihence Nc~r•th 0° '15' 30" West, 2~2.04 feet tr~ the Northeast carnar df Lat 62 of said Tract; thence S~uth 89° A~% 30" Wes#, 97.OA feet to the Nurthwest corner uf -aid Lot; thence along tha Easterly !ine af ' said Fairhaven Street, Nor~h 0° 15' ~0" Wast, 123.49 feet tn icho Southeriy l.ine af Grescerit Av~nue (5Q.U0 feet wida3; thence t~~er~on North 8~° ~3' ~A" Wast, 560.82 fe~t fio the 5autherly prolongation of the ~~steriy line of Lot 6~of Trac~t 3398, aS p~r map fiiQd ~n Baok 129 at Pages 47 ~and 48 af Misceilaneous Maps, in said Racorder's Officeo thence th~reon IVorth 0° 20' 55" West, 595.25 fe~et to the Southerly ling of the Orange County Flood Control C7istrict right-o~-way ( known as kh~ Carbon Car~yo~ Creek Chanr,a9); thence therqon aouth 89° 43' 30" Eas4, $~3~92 feet to the ~~nterline af Eur_!i~ Avenue; t~er,ce continuing along fhe South~rly lir~a c~f t~e Or~nge County Fia~c! Control District right~~af-way Narth 8~° 43' 25" East, 790.06 ~eet to th«~ beginning cf a curve, concave Nnrthwesterly and having a radius of 427.00 feat; thenc~ Eastd~ly alnng said cur~!e through ~ central angle of 19" 36' 28", an arc ~dista~ce of 317.24 feet to a lin~ parall~l with and 217.80 feat Westerly of the centerlin~ af ~.oar•a Street (64.0~ fe~t wide); thence South 0° 1~' 42" Easfi, 53.76 feet alo~rg said paraila! line to ~the So~th line of the Northeast one-quarter, South~ve~t ~ne-quarter, Rorthwest one-quarter, S~~tior~ 9, 'Township 4 S~uth, Range ln West, San E~er~oardina 1~leridian; thenGe ala~~g said line Mor~h 89° 43' 25" East, 185.8Q fcat ta tiie lYest~rly lino of said L.oara S~«et; thence theren North 04° 13' 42" Wast, 144.47 foet to a point on tha Southerly 16ne of thg said C~rbon Creak GhanriQi, ~aid point being the begi~ning of a nontangent curva, concav~ Northviestr~rly, ' having a radi~ls af ~27.OQ feat and tn svhieh Qain~ a radial line be~ar: ~outin 32° 41' 40" East; thence Easteriy ~!:~~g said cur~va through a c~nfirai anglA of 2° ~40' S8", an ~rc distanc~ ~f 43.40 feet; ~th~nce North 54° 37' 2Z" E~st, 339.P18 feak alang the Sautheastarly line of said chanr~el to the We~te^ly line of that certain map recorded in Boak 9, Pa3~ i c~f Parcal Maps in sa.id Recordor's Office; thenca theroon 5cuth W°_ 13' 4~" ~ast, 612. ~4 f~et t~ the North li~e of North 5traat (62.Q0 f~t wido); thence thareon North 84° 59' 48" East, 284.12 faetc #o tha Northarly prolongation of the Westerly lina of Tract MA. 542?, recorded in ~aok 209, Pagas 30 through 32 of Misccllaneous Maps in said ~tecord~r's Otficp; thence tt-ereon Suuth 7° Z'1' 08" Ea$t, 665.87 feet to an angle point therein; thenca Sout~~ ~5° 24' ~d" Wgst, 322.69 feat aiong the Northerly fine of said Tract to an angle point xherein; thance 5auth 4° 03' 10" East along the Westerly line of said Tract and the South- erly proi~ngatio~ t~er~af, 611.16 fAet ta th~ Southorly lins of Wastrnont nriv~ (60.00 feet wid~); 7henco thereon Snuth 85° Of` O~i" West, 317.~.0 f~~t to tha taer~inninc~ c~f a cu~ve, con~ave S~utheastarly and having s ra- ( paf;e 2 O.f 5 ) ~ ~ ~ :f dius of 15,Oq foat; 4{»nc• Southwesterly along said curve through a c~n- trai angle of 85° 23' ~", acti ~arc dis~an~~ of 22.35 fe~t to a point af tari~ancy with tho Ea~t~rly lin~ of i~oara ~tr~-et (~0.00 fQet wide); ther~ce th~reon tha following thre~a cnwrses: Sauth Op 16` 55" ~ast, 646.413 ¢eot tc~ the beginning of a curve, ~o~cdve Easterly and having a radius uf 73.10 feet; ~khonce S~outhArly along said curve ~hrough a ce~~tral angle of 18° 1'1' 02", an arc distanco uf 2~.ZQ feef to th~ b~ginning of ~ revers~ cu~v~, canc~ve Westeriy and havina a r•adiu~ a~f 87.12 ~eot; th~nco South~rly along saic! curve thro~gh a r_Qntra! angle of 1~8° 11' 02", an arc distanca of Z7.65 f~~;; thc~nce South 0° 16' 55" East, $9.22 feet to the ~lartheasterly lir~e of the Santa ~1na Frgeway (interstate Na. 5); t~enee along the linss of said freeway as fallows: North 8S° 1~' 45" East, 15.fJ4 feet; 'th~ence South 00" 16' S5" Eas~t, 50.p0 f~et; thenr,e ~outh 33° 2Q' 15" East, 75.17' feat; thencu Soutt~ 73° 46' lE" Easfi, 90.48 feet ta tho be~innii~y of a n~ntangent curve, concaue Southwesterly, havi~g a radius of 3528.Oq fie~t; and to rnrhich point a radiaf lins be~rs North 9° 41' 4~" East; th~ncn Southeasterly along sasd ~urve through a centr•a0 anglc~ of 2° 4~' 38", an arc ~istanca of 16$.96 feet to #he be~inning o¢ a t~on~~Rgent curve, concave Mortheasterly, h~ving a rai~ius o~f S1t3.U0 fe~ot and fo which paint a radial line aea~s South 38° qz' 16" Wc~st; then~e Southeastgrly along said curve through a c~ntral anglo nf 16° 13' 27", and arc dis4an~e of 146,6f~ fe~et; thence nontangent, Soutt~ 63° 07' 21" Eas#, ~2.~ feet ta the beginning of a nontangent curv~, ~onc~ve 5outhw~sterEy, haviny a radius of 3482.00 feet and to ~rhiCh p~int a radial lins baars ~Jr~rth ~5° 43' 49" East; th~nce ~outheaster{y alor.g said curve through a~entral angle of ~a ~0' 27", an arc distance of 213.1~ faat ta the oQginning of compound curva, cancave Southwesterly anc~ having a radius of 19~2.00 feet; th~nc~ Southeasteriy alo-ig said curve tihrough a central angle of 20° 41' i2", ari arc distance ~f 715.60 f$~t; thence SoutM SO° 04' 32" Eas~, 119.95 fset to the b~~inning of a curvR, concave North- eas:er0y and having a radius of ~16.00 feet; th~~~e Soutt~eastArly along said curve tlfrough a central angls of ''4° 04' SO", an arc distance of 116.17 fee4; thencQ nantangen~t Sauth 8C~° ~.3' 29" East, 105.~~3 fset; tt~enCe South 13° 39' 13" East, 55.4a fc~t; thori~e 5~auth 3~° 38' 34" East, y 10.32 feet; thence South 15° 10' 15" East, 60.40 feet to the beginning of a curva, concav~ Northaas:arly and having a radius of 116.0t) feet; tt~~nc8 Southeasterly alony said curve #hrough a central angle of 26° 32' ~2", an ~rc ctistance o~ 53.i4 feet; thonce South 41° 42' 47" East, 339.45 feet; ~hence South 39° ~.S' 32" Ea~t, 239.78 feet; thence Sa~th 4U° 51' 49" East, 222.14 feofi; thence South 45° 3;' 48" Eas$, 471.09 feet to the Sou~t~erly Ibne o~ Broadway (80.i~ f~et wide;; th~nce leavii g th~ lines of sa~d fre~way, SouL~ 75° 04' a9" W+~st along the Southarly line of said Droadway, 700.9a fee+t ±o a iine parallei with and dis#~n~t 5outhweste~ly 5U.04 f~et when measured at right angles to ~the cent~+riine of ~~~~, Soutf~ern Pacific R~ilraad Mainline; thenca along said ~arallel lit~e Nortih 56° 45' 25" West, ?910.64 feet tn a line paraflel with and ZZG.00 feat Northorly of the centarlins of Embassy Street (60.00 feex wide); thence thereon South 89° 36' 05" Wes~, 337.'~3 feefi to the Easfieriy line of Loara (page 3 of. 5) ~tr•e~et (6d.OQ faot wida); thance alan~ said Eastsrly lina 5outh ~70° ~Z' 26" Wes~, 4fi4.5~ f~t t~ the ~a~terly prolonratian o# t;~o cwnt4rline of Paenpas Lane (60.00 teet wide); thencu thereon South 89° 24' 45" West, 356.53 fe~t to the 1Mesterly line of the Record of Survey filed in Book gg at Page 33 of F,ecards nf SurvRy in said Record~er's office; thence ther~,on NArth (NJ° 02' 44" East~ ~72.90 feet to the IVortMerly li~e of tt~e parr.el map fil~cl in Buok 19 at Page 47 of Parcol Maps in said Recorder's Offica~; fihanc~ thereon #h~ following ~hr~ne~ courses: 5ou•th 89° 36' 20" West, thencm 200.01 feot; ~chenco Sout~ 0° 02' 44" Vy~st,. 73,19 faaot; thsnce South 8~° 36' ~0" 1M@st, 135.~3 fa~et to the ~as#e~ly fin~ of ~h~ Record of Surve~+ filed in Bnek 43 at Pag~ 31 of Records of Surveys in said R~cnrdar's CJffice; thence aiong 4he boundary of ~aid sur~~ey ihe following th~~e cours~s~ North 0° Q1' 47" IEast; 52.~5 feet; thence South 8~° 24' 45" WQS~, ~D.Q9 feet; thonce South 0° O1' 20" Wes~, 352.95 fee~t ta thz~ centQriine of said Pampas Lan~~ fihenc~ Sou#h 0° O1' 20" Wssfi, 708.84 feet alor~q tha W~ster0y tine of the Ke;,orci of Survey filed in ~ook 49, Page 14 of Records ~~ Survey ibi saicl P,~:,~ard~r's OffiGe io tha Southe~ly lin~ af Braadway (90.0~0 f~et ~vide); fiher~co No~th 89° 5?' 47" West along said Southerly line, 392.1Q f~et to the S~utherly prolongatian of the most Easterly line of Tract 3~62, as shown upon the map filed in aoak 128 at Pages 43 and 44 of Miscel~an~eous fv4a~s, in said :~eCOrder's Of~ice; •the~ce Nnrth U° (Jp' 29" West alan~ ~aid line and itx Northerly prol~ngation 123.4,42 feefi; thence Narth 33° 31' 10" ~Yest, 142.62 feet; thence South 0° fll' SF" East, Z38.01 ¢get; thenc~ North ~l9° 31' 10" Vdest, 142.53 feet; thenca North 0° O1' 56" Wast, 737.~1 f~Qt; tt~en~e North tig° 31' 10" West, 62.5Q feet; thenc~ South A° Q1' 45" E~s~, 340.48 f~ae# to the Nartherly li~o of said Tract 3~r",2; thence thare~n IVorth ~19° 31' 10" West, 31~.01 feet to the Easterly lir:n of Tract No. 299~ as ~hown upon th~e r.~ap filed in ~ook 90 at Pages 45 and 46 of Miscellaneous Map, in said FZecorder's Office; thence along th~ lines af said Tra~c~ the ¢ollowing th~ea cour~QS: North 0° 06' 49" ~ast, 392.49 fe~t; thsRCe North 89° ~1' 10" W~st, 458. ~Q feet; thence South 0° 04' 15" ~ast, 78.87 fasx to th~ Northerly I~ne of ~mbassy ~venuQ (56,00 feet wi~1~), said paint bc~ing the beginning of a nontangent curve, concave Northeasterly, having ~ radius of 299.40 feot and to which paint a r~diai Oine bears South 26° 5~' 31" -West; 4hence Norfihwesterly along the a~c of said curve~ ~nd said line through a central angle of 4° ~2' i;"~ an arc dista~ce or' Z1.97 :~eQt to the beginning of a reverse curv~, cancave Southwesterly and hav~ng a radius af ~5~.40 feat; Lhence Northwesterly alang said curva and said line through a Gentral anc~lo of 3~° 33' 55", an arc distance ~f 189.5g feefi; thenca~ North 89° 31' 10" Wast, 0.54 ¢eat tu the Easterly lins of said Trac# No. 2299; the~c:c• a~on~ ~aid Easterly line Idorth 0° 44' 1S" West, 253.02 feat to thQ Soukherly iine ~of said Lin~cin Av~enue; thonce thereon Norfih 89° 31' 10" West, 666.4i feet to the poin: of beginni~g. Exception ~x~ept that pnrtion of said Section 9 which ties wi'thin the f411owir-g de- scrit,ed boundaries: ~. p~;c ~ of 5 ) iY~l~ B~ginning at th• Northw~st corn~~ of Paresl No. 3 as shown upon th• ps~~~l msp fil~d tn Qook 116 at ~'ago 7 of Parc~i Mapx in ssid R~cordr~'~ Offica; thenc~ along tho Northe~ly lina af said Parc~i, North 89° 32' 36" ra~t, 624,78 feat to the W~steriy Iino of Loara 5troat (61.00 faet wido); thenco tihereon 5outh 0° 13' 42" East~ 73.49 feot and 5outh 0° 16' S9" East, 331.14 fQat to th• Nor4h~rly !ine of C~escont Avonu• (~0.00 f~t ~ ., wide); thence tha~e~n 5outh 89° 33 15 Wost, 624.88 fe~t t~ th• W~sterly lino of said Parce{ "~ th~nc• tharoon North 0° 15' 3~" iNaat, 403.a2 f~~# fio th~ point of b4ginn~ng. ~ ~ o John Pfeifer, ~329 ~~ ~y~ S~'~L 5/30/89 ~~-~,~~ `N pfE'i,~~F~v J.N. 52919 v' ~4 N0. .p ~\ ~ 5329 1 ~, ~y 1~ 31 91 ~,, * ~ ~J',q,, cO~t~,' F ~~' CA~~~. : (f~a~~ 5 of :~) ,~ . . _ , . . , . ~. r ~ ~-t-, ~:r.. .~!f-, •;:j' 1 , 1,~ EJCH1817 "C" Anoheim Community Redevelapment Commisaiart Ploza Rec~evelopment P~aiect ESTIMATED PU~LIC IMPR4VEM~NrS A,ND FACILITlES PROJECTS I. STREET ANi~ BP.fDGE IMFRQVEMENT5 Construction, retonstruction and realignment of freeway overc~ossings, ramps and railroad crossing improveinents 1. Realign and reconst-~~ct I-'~ Freeway overc~ossing at Euclid Strc~et :?. Realign and reconstrucl I-5 Freeway overcrossing c~t Lin~oln Avenue 3. ~onstrud 1•~ ~reeway avercrassir.g at Crescent Avenue ~1. Construd, realign and recanstrud southbound I-S F~eeway on- ond of~•ramps at Euclid Street 5. Construct northbound I•S Freeway o~f-ramp at Euclid St~eet b. Construct southboui~d I-5 Fr~way on- and off-~ amps at Lincoln Avenue 7. Constn~d railreac~ crossing improvements at lincoln Avenuc and Broadwcy I!. UNDERGRO~Jt~D EXISTiNG OVERHEAD UTILITY L9NE5 1. loora Strecst fram Nort~ Street to droadway 2. LrescPnt Avenu~ frc~rn Manor Street to Euclid Street 3. Euclid Street fram wu-'h af B~oadwoy to Riverside Freewey 4. Carbon Creak Ch~nne) fram Euclid Strcei to Manar Street 5. Braadway from Ivlanchester Avenue to Euclid Street 6. linco!n Av~nue from Mclnchester ~4venue to Brookhu~ st Street 7, ~~lonchester Averwe from I-S Freewoy to cul•de-sac a,~d from i.;nco!n Aven~~e to 6roodway $. Manor StrPet k~m ~~escent Avenue to north a~ the Corbon Creek Chonnei , ~ 9. Crescent VVay from Mueller Street t~ Lincoln Stre~t 10. Other miscellaneous (ines Ilf. h1EDIAN AND PA~KWAY Ii~STAIl.AT14N/LAN~SCAFfNG 1. Euc~id Street F~om Broadwoy to Riverside Fre~way 2. Li~coln f~venue from I•S Freeway to Brookh-~rst StrePt 3. Monchest~r Avenue Ca~ridor !V. WA-TER, SEWER, ST4RM DitAINAGE AND FiRF PaOTECSIC?N IMPR~AVEMENTS Installaiie~, constr~ction, upgrading, retonstrudion, replacemeni nn!~ Ur other imoro~ement of water, sewer and storm drninoye systems 1. Upgrade and inst~ll water lin~s in lincoln Avenue fr~m Brookhurst Streel ~' to Harbor Boulevard 1. lnstall a~~d upgrade wuter lines in Euclid S'reet Frnm la Pafma Avenue to E~roadv~. uy 3. Instc~l and upgcade water (ines i~ Cresc~nt AvenuE from Mueller Street !o l~ara Street 4. Install and upgrade water lines in Manchester Avenue from lincoln A.vcnue to BroQdway 5. Ins~ail and up~rade water lines in toarn Streei kom I-5 ~retway to t~ Lincoln Aven~e 6. Inst~il and upgradp ~rvater lin~s in Braadway from I-S ~r~wpy to Hessel StreAt 7. Install ar~d upg~ade wuter fin~s i~ ~ Vvest 5tree- from Norih Str~+:t ro Vb'estmont Drive $. Install and upgrade water ~in~s in Na~ih ~treet from West Street to C.ilron Stre~t 9. install water lines in nev~ street connecting PAnnall `~`: Qy -~ lincoln Aver~u~ 10. lvliscelllaneous abando~ments and lie•ins 11. Upg~ade fir~ hydrvnts 12. C:anstrurt new well 13. Upgr~d~ pun•~p regulators 14. Conduct master plan sewer study 15. Upgrac~e sewer lin~a i~~ Linc~lr Av~nue fr~m Manc~F~ester Avenue to ~uclid Street 1 h. l.)pgrade s~wer lines in Lincoln Avenue frorri ~uclid Street t~ Brdcadview 17. Upgrade sewer lines on Crescent Avenue 18. Upgrade sev•er (in~s nn Manc~t~ster Avenue and surrounrling vicinity 19. Install and uP3rad~ sewer lines r~rUjec.l Ar~a w~dc as necessory 2~'. ~.onduct m~ster plan drai~age study 21. Construc+ and up~ra~c stu~ ~n dra+ns al~n~3 Crescent Avenue 22. C:or~slrucl ar~d u~grade storm drains alorg Brocdway 23. Improvemen4s to starm dre~inoge systam Pr~ject A:•ea wida as necessary V. 5TREET AND I~ITERSE~CTIUN IMPROVEMENT~ Street and alley canstrudion, rPCOnstrudinn, widening, sign~lization, curbs, gutters, sidewalks ~n.-I ~~t;her impro~~ements to upgrade and improve area 1. Wic~en Crescent Avenue 2. Rralign Manc~hester Avenue from Braadwey to lin~oln Avenue 3. Cxtend Pen~ho{I Way 4. R~construd Wils~nre Avenue (loara Sireet to Pearl Sfreet) 5. V~~iden and reconstrucf Broadway 6, Wid~n ond reconstruct Crescent Way from lincoln Avenu~ to Sout~her~~ Pacific Ra~lraad t~•r~cks 7. Widen and reconstrud Eucl~ ~tr~et ~ram Boll Road to aiv~:iside Freewoy 8. Widen, construd ond reconstn~d lincc,ln Avenue ~rom Braok~Furst Streel to Hczrbor Boulcvr~rd L= _.. .. . . ~ ~ ~~ ,.:a.Y ,; ~`r`s ~r 9. Widen and reconstr~~-t Loara Street frorn Broadway to Carbon Creek Channel 10. Widen ane~ recanstruct Mueller Street from Lincoln Avenue ta Crescent Way 1 1. Widen and reCOnstruct North Street at Loor~a 5treet 12. Resurface Pampas Lone east uf Euclid Stre~:t 13. Resurface Westmcnt Drive ~ast of Laara StreEt • 14. C~nstruct intersection capacity improvemenis at the follo~ving location,: Euclid Street and La Palma Avenue Euclid Street anr! Crescent Avenue Euclid Street and !-5 ~vPrpass Euciid S~reet and lincoln AvPnue Fucl;d Street and Broadwoy V{. PA-RKIl~IG IrWPROV~MENYS 1. Construd parkir~g improvernents in Pr~~ject Area VII. Ca7HER PUBIi~ FACILIY9ES 1. Construct community center 2. Transit Center/Park and Rid~ Facility 3. Cover Ornnge Co~ny Flood Control ~istrict ChannPl ,s~ ;~