Resolution-PC 90-981~L 8~~.4.~L7'~~.4.N N4_,.~~ 2$ A R~SULUTION QF 'PH~ ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COhA~tISSI0T1 A?PTtOVINfG AN EXPANSIODi OF CONDiTIONAL USE PEItMI'P N0. 2U61 WHEREAS, the Anaheim C:ty P'lsnniiig Commissian did rer.eive a ver:fiocl .PQtition for expan~ion aF a C~ndir.ioziul UsE: ~oxmit fur cor~ain real pr~perty situ~tQd xn ~ho City ~f Anaheim, C~unty ~f. O.raric~e, State oE Calitornia, iiescribQd as: LOT 12 OF l3LOCK "A" OF TRAC'P N0. 158, ELK F~ARK TR~:CT, TN TFIE CITY OF~' I~NAFirIM AS PEI2 MAP RF.CO.RD~D IN BO~K :12, PACE $ OG' MISCk:L,LANFOUS MRPu, TN THF OFFIC~ QF TH~ CQU~]'l'Y RECURDCR OP' SATD COUNTY. E:{CEPT TH~;kEFi20M T~I~ WLSTL•'RL.Y 5. T.5 FEET AE' SAID L~T 12. WHF.RFAS, L•he City Plarining Cummission did hold. a pu;~l~c hQaring at L-ho Civic Cen-:er in the City of Anah~im on Apri.]. 23, 1990 at 1:30 p.m„ nokico of. sa.id pub2ic haazinc~ naving boen cluly given ag roguired by law and in t-ccordanr.e with th~ provi.sions oE t:he Anah~i~n Muni.ci.pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider ovidence for and against said expansion of conclitional ii~e permit and ta investigato and m~Y,e findings and recommendat:ionR in connection therQwith; a~id WIiEREAS, said Comm3s~ioci, after ciue inspection, invesCigation and stuc,y madQ by itself. and in it5 behalf, and after due considoration of all evidence ~nd rehc~rts offered ~t s~~id hearing, doos find and detQrmine the fnlluwing facts: 1. T.hat tho proposed u,e is properly ~:1e for which a canciitional use permit is auttiorized by A:ia2ieir~i M~iniclpal. Coae Sections and to expand ~n ex5.sting alcokiol ~r-d drug rQhabi'litation c~nter with wai.vers of: (A) SE~TIQI7S 1~,~_~~~iQ_~z~z2 - 1~.ini.[nuni n~im .Pr of_P.s?~y~~?SI.~~~• ~_26._440 (~2 c•equired; ~ proposed) s~. n41.~~$. 4~Q.~i.~ SL~~ ~Ei) ~E~TIQN_l~`~_`~.,.4~~_4~.~% •• ~'~3'_ni~4~$_~2~~~~~zn~.~_k~.~rk_.~.L1q_.~L'~~• (Parkiia.g requi.reii to ~~ar of resi.clential steuc~ii:Q; parkinq in ,~rQ,g~ of. structura ex.is ting ) 2. Tbat. t~h~ requested waivors (7~) ar~d (B) arc± hor4by c~ranted on ~h~ basi.s tha~ ttiQ parking wai.vrr will not causn an increase in tr~ffic conge~tian i1i the immQdi;ite vicinity n~i adv~csel.y aff~c~ any adjoini~~g lznd usos and granting of thQ parking w~siver under tho c~nditions imposed, if any, w.i.ll aot be deCrimonkal to ~Yii: ocacQ, heal.th, ~<<fety nt~d genoral wel£ar~ of the citi.zer.s of the Cikl ~L Ari,~h~:im ~~nd on tho basis that thQ rESSidents ~-t subjc~et f~ciliCy would not h~ve vehicles wh.ich flre kent or. the preraises. ' 1398r -1- PC90-98 3 , 'That rhe proposed ~ise ~ri11 land usc~s r~nd h.h~ growl:li and dov~7~.pmt~nl to be locat~d. noC advQrsely ~EEecL the adjofning of. tho are~a in which it is propas~d 4, ThaY. the ~3.za and .hape of ~he sito proposod Eor the use is radequate C~ a17.nw the L•ull dc~velopmonY. ~E th~ propo3QCl LlSO in a mannc~r not dotri.mental to t.ho parl•icular aroa nar t~o thn pc~ace, health, safoty Fnd gen~ral welfare oi• the CiCizens of t;hQ City uf Anah~im. 5, That the qranting of th~ Co~iditional Uso Parmit undQr the canditi.ons im~aosQd, iL• ar.y, wi].1 nat be detrimental to th~ potace, h~talth, saf~ty :~ncl ~~eneral. welf.aro of thQ CitizPns of ti.he City of Ai~akieim. 6. T1iat Lhe traffir gentrated by the propos~d use wi11 not impose an undue burden u~on the str~ets and highways designed and improved to ~arry tkie tralfic :.. .,~e trea. 7, Thaz no one indic~~L•ed ~heir presencQ at said public hearing .in o~position; anci that. no :.orrf:spondence was recei~~ed in apposition to the subjec~ petit:ion. ~ALIF~RNIA ENV~RQNt~ENTA(, ~ilAI.I1'Y ~'T 1'INDING: That the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission lias rcavie~aod tYie pro~osal to expanc] an existing alcohol and drug rehabilitation center ~rirh waivers of minimum number of parkinv spares and permit~ed locatior of parking spaae~ on a rectanyularly•••shaped L~arce7. of land consisting of. a.pproximately 0.19 acre, having a fr~nt•age of ~p~~ro:cimateiy 52 ft~et on the east side of Anaheim BoulQVard, having a maximum de~~th aP approxima~ely 150 feeL•, beinq located a~proximately 1L'0 feat n~~:th oF the cent~rli.ne oP WilhRlmina Street and furCher described a., 714 Norl:ki AnahQim t3oul~vard (Hopo EIouse) S and doos heceby approvo thp Nagative Bt:clt~:atinn upoTi Yl]1C~1T1CJ that iL has considered the Neg~tive Doclaration togeth~r with an~ commenLs receive~l c~ur~ng ttie pul~lic rovi.ew process and Eurtt:e•r Einding on h.he basis of the initial study az~d any comments recHived tlxat kliere is no substantial ovidence that ~he pro~ect will have a significaat affect on tl~e envirorur~e,nt. NGW, TI{L•'REFORL, BE IT ~2ESOLVEA that the AnaY~~im City Planning Commi.ssiori does hereby grarit subject Pet.itior~ L•or Cnnditional Use Permi~, upon khe Eollowing ronclition~ Whi~:h ar~~ herQby found t~ be a necessary prerequisite to tcl~e proposed use of the sul~ject pr.operty in order. to preservQ the safor_y and genoral wel.fare o£ ktie Citi::ens oi the City of Anaheirn: 7., ~~ That a fve for street ]ighting purposes sliall be paid Lo the City of Anaheim based on th~ iongth of stroet frontage along Anaheim Boulevard and in an amount as established by City CounGil resolution. x, * That o~ee for s:rec~t trc~e purposes shall be paid to rhe City of Anaheim based ~~n t}~e ]engtt- oE street frontaqe ~long Anaheim lioulevnrd and in an amount a~ astabl.ished by City Co~it~cil resolution. PC90-98 ;~~ ~ , ?:r,: ~~ * 7.'hat the nc~w conshi•uction authorized L,y thi~ rPSOlu~ion shall he bY underqround utilities. so~„~od 4• That ~rior to t.ho is,uancc~ of a subject buflcli.n9 permiL•, th4 legal oiyner(o) oF ~x~Pezty .^,hall exocute znd record an unsubura3nated cavonant in a furm Approv~d k, Y Otfic~ wherain suCh awner(s) agreo not tu cont st~the Cfurm tionr of 'an ~-ssessment d3.str „ may hercaf~er be forrn~d, for th~3 purpose o~ Financin 1c~s(s) which 9 t11H undergrounding oE u~ilit3,es which r:ricC(s) could include such 1egAY roD~r ~ property. P. ty awner s 5~ '~ That trash sL-orage a.reas sha.ll bo acce~,table L~ t}le Provaded anci maixitaiuod in a locahion accordance i~~t}1 a Stree~ Maintenanr_~+ an~ ~anitation Divi.sion inform.3tion sha11 b~r~S~~ p~ariq ~`n filo Wi~~l s~: 1ria in p ci£ica11 '~ Division. Such building p~rmits. ~~hoWn ~n the plans submitrod for ~• * That prior to is:~uance of a signa:L lssessment fQ~ shall }~~~uilding permit, the a paid to tha C.it•• pPropriate traffic a~ Qstablishecl bl City Counr_~il reso:lution. ~°f Anaheim in an amount ~• Thati subjQCr tacilit C beds. Y ~hall be ].i.m.it~erl to ~ maxi~nurr, total of fort y (40) 8' * Tha~ fxi•e sprinklers shall be installed as req:irQd bp tho Cit Aepartmer~t . y Fire ~• * That all air condirionin equipment shall bR g~~acilzties and ot;her roof and proper..y shielded from view grou°d mountod £rom adjacenl residential and trQ sound buEfr~red specificall Pi~p~rties, Such informat.ion .sha11 b~ y shown on the plans s~ibmitted for bailding pexmits. 10. That all Plwnbing or okher ~imilar pipes ~snd fixture~ exterior af khQ buildinq ,hal?. be full ~ Yocated on the devices and/px ~ispropriate bu.iJd.n y scraexied by architectural informatiou stiall ~~ g ma~~x~~ls% ar.d, further b~~~~d~n speciLical:ly y}lown ~n t}iQ plans submitted sfor q permits. 11. That the proposal sha11 cornplv with a11 "Commercial, r,~ncral" Zono, uniQSS a variangel llo in ~ements o~E the CG apnYOVed bY tih~ CxrY ~ouncil, plannzn 5 sigr~ w~,iver, is Administrator. 9 Commission ~~' 2oninq 12• ~hat ;~ny frQPSrZndin not e.xceeding Four q J.l~n ~n su~j~'~~t PrOp~rtY s}ia11 be a mon~• ar~d a ~ ~ fEe~ ~~n hai hk and shall ~~~enk tyPe pprovzl oF the City Tr~f.f.ic EnginoQr -o vQrif ubject to rhe roview sight. y adequate linos oC -3- ~C90-9a ::a , . ~ : , . ' ~, 13• That subjc~c;t propert.y sh~11 be devQloped aubstanL•i~lly in accordance wiCh plan5 aIid spoci:Eications submittad to the City of Anaheim by the p~titionQr aricl whic2~ p1an~ are un fil~ wi.~h the Plr~nniny Dei~artment marked Exhib~~ N~s. 1 ~r~a 2, ~•4• Zhal' prior to is;3uancQ r~t u builc:ing pormit or wiChin a poriod of one ~1a Yezr from t.he datE of this re~solut3.on, wh3chever occurs first, Cor,ditinri Nos. ]., 2, 4, 5, 6, 9~rd 10, ~bove-mentioned, shall be compliod w,ith, l~r;~ensio~is for .furt;her time to complACe said conditiox~s m~Y be granted in accordance witki Sect:i~n 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Codc~. 1~• That prior t~ fir,.al bui7.cling and zr~njng inspect5.ons, Conditi.on tJos. 3, 8 and 13, abo~n_mnnCaored, shall be ca:~plied with, 1G. * rr..at appr~~val ef t:his ap~licah.ion constitutes approval af the proposed request on.ly ta tihe ea~tent that: it complies w? th thQ Anahaini Municipal 7,oning Codo and any othQr applicable City, State an@ Federal regu.lations. Appruval does nuk znclixde any action ~r findings as tp compliance or appraval ot the request regarding any othQr applicable orclinance, rPgulation or r~quirem~.~at, Candi~aons marked with t~n as!:erisk (*) are r~quireci by c~stabiish~d laws~ cod~s, regulatiorxs and agreements and ar~ not subj~ct tio nago~iation. EE IT I'URTHER RESpLV~U that the Anaheim City ?1t~r.ning Co~vunisaion doos horeby fi~id and deYei•mine thaF adoption of. this ReF.alutio~ is expre~sly prec3icated uL~on appli~.~an~'s comp?iance wil:h aach and all c:f the ~onditions hereinabove set f~r.th. Sho~i11 any such cond.itians, ar an~, par~; thereof, be declared invali3 or unentorceable by lhc~ Final jacigmant of any court of competerl~ jurisdictxon, then l:h:;s ltesolution, tsnd any approvals herein aont~-~invd, sha11 be deemecl nu.lX and void. THE FOREGUT2IG RESOL(7T70N was aflopte,q ~t of: April 23, 1990. J •",) ~ ~~1~~E "-~ TI;MF~ORARY CHAIRNAN -~ ANhNETM CITY PLANNING ( ATTEST: ~ ~,'~ . ~ / ~ ''~ ~~+ ~~~ . ._._ : ~ _~1..~~~~ -~,~ -&!~!5!1.._~f~/_._., SECRI:~ARX, ANAHEtM CiTy pI,ANNI:IG rp~pdISSIUN Planning Commission meet.ing ~-,~~--e._-- TSSION -~' PC90-J8 y ~•r:L'A ~ '~,~MNy ~ ~'~ti ~e .. ~ =~j T~/~ . . ~ . . ,l ;~I~. ~~_ S ,: ,~ i y'; , STATE UF CALI EORtJIA ) ~c COUNTSI OF OR7~PTG'r• ) ~ s• CITY OF ANAHGIM ) I, Edi~h L~. Harris~ Secr.Qtary of the Ariaheim Ci.ty Plannin~g Conunission, do horeby cortiEy Chat t;ze Loregoiitg resolut.ion was passecl and adopted at a meeting of tkze Anaheim Ci~.y Plaslning Commission held an April 23, 1990, by the ~allowing vote r~E the members thereoE: ~,y~s; CUMMISSTONER.S: BOUAS, FELDHAUS, M(: B'URNLY, M~SS~ NOCS: COMMISSI~NERS~ NGt+E AB~ENT: COMMISSIOtIEk2Ss Ix~LLYER~ HEFZB.~i'P~ B~Jl'DSTU~I ~ Ttv WIT_NESS WHFREOF, I havo her.~unto sQt my hand this .~__ da,y nE ~~~} --_____, 1990. ~`t~ ~ ~/ / ---_ --~-- ~ SFCRETAIt , ANAHEIM G.T.TY PLANNING GObIlriIS~ION -5- PC90--98 , ' ~~,