Resolution-PC 91-1Rrsor u~~7o~r rro. pc91-o:t A RESOZUT.ION UF THE ANAHEI:M CITY PLANNING COMMtSSTON TFIA:C PeTITION FOR RLCT.ASSTFICATIOId NO. 90-~31-1~ BE GRANTED, AS iWUDIFIEi), UNCpNDITIONALLY WHERFAS, th~ Anaheim Cit:y Planning Conuni~sion did initiate Iteclo~~ificatic~n nrocc~er]inga for cectain r~al prop~rty aituatacl i.n the City ~.£ Anai~eim, Cc~unty oE ~range, Stat~ o£ Califarn.~a, deecribed ac~l followe: PAI2CEL 3, CITY OF ANAH~ TM, CdUNTY OF ORANC;G, S~'A'I'E OF CAI,IFORNIA, AS SHOWA' GN A MAP [':LEU IN DWK 45, PAGE 12 GF YARCEL M.ppg, IN THE Gb'!~'ICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDEI2 ON SAID ORAIvGE COUNTY. WHEREA~, tho City Pl.anning Co~~unisaion did hc~.id a publi.c hEaring ~jt the Civic Centet in the City of AnaEieim on December 17, 1990, 1991 at ~:30 P.m., notice of e3i,d nublic hesring having been duly qiven ar~ required by 1aw ~3nd in accordance w.ith the provir~iona af the Analieim Munieipal l:nd~ Chapter 18.03, to .i~ar ar~d con~ir,~cr a•r.Ldenc~ For and agil~IlO~ xaid ~roposed reclacsii'icd.tion and to i.rivestigat~ an~:? make f:indingo and recommenuati~ns in cunriection therewi.th; and that said public ;~earing wae co~itinued to the ~7anuary 14, 1991 Planr~inq Commic~oinn meeting; and WEiF[?EAS, aaid Conunir~aion, after duQ ina~ection, investigation and ~tLdy mad~ by itaelf an~2 in its behalf, a.nd after due c~naideration of all evide:~ce and r.eports offered at aaid t~earing, d~es find and dFtermine the fallowing facts: 1• T;iat ttie P:annir~g Commiaaior~ prupuses reclaer~ification of ~~bject prnperty from the RM-1200 tReeident.tal, Multiple-Family) 7one to the RM-2400 (RenidenL•ial, :~iultiple-Family) or a]eaa intenae zUne. z• That the Planning Commisaion determin~d at the public hearing tha+~ thi.e pL•o~erty ~h~uld be rec].asoified to tt~o RM-3UQ0 /Reai~9ential, Multipl.e-Fami.ly) Zon~ ratti~r than to thc; RM-24U0 (Reai~9ential, Multiple-Family) Z~ne. ~. :hat the An.zh~im General Plan ~leaiqnates subject prc~perty for M~dium Uenaity Ree~ident.i.al land ur~es. '~• That the propored recl.aesification oJ.' ~ubjECt property, an reva.eed, io r~ecesaary and/or. r)esirable for. f.he ordEr.2y ~.nd preper deaelopmen*_ of the cammunity. 5. That the r,ropqt~~~d reclassification of oubject propprty, as revir,ed, doea proper.ly retatc~ to r.he zonFS anci their permitted uee~ locally establistied in rlose proximit•y to ~ubject property and to Y.hQ zonas and thefr pr_rmitted uaen qenerally N9t8~1jt~ilP,C] thraughout th~± c.otnmunity. b• 2'hat o:le per$pn indicatQd hi~ preoe:ica at aaid public h~sartng in oppoelti<~n; and approx.imately 25 p~ople indicated their pr.eNence in favor of aubjQCt r~~ueet; anci that no correnpondence was receivecl in cppor~iCion to nubject p~rition. CR1087MP ~1_ kC91-O1 ~+:i~a~i~ ~4's`~ CRL~F'ORIVIA EtJViRONMENTAL ~(1ALITY ACT, FINDI;~IG: Thai: tlio Ar:aheim Ci.ty P.lanni.ng Ccm~~ission has rev.tewed tho propoaal to rec~aseify sub;oct ~raperty fr.om the kM-1?.00 (Resl.dHn~ia1, M~.ltiple-FAmily) Zone to thc~ ItM-a000 (R~eidenti.al, Multip].e-P';imily) x~ne ~n an irregu.larly-atiaped parcel of lan:~ c~nr~isting of apprc.~ximately 1.04 t~ar~a havi.ng a frontage uf approximately 30 faet on tl~e north Q,LCI9 of Linco;n Av~nuQ, having a maximum depth caf approximately 290 feet, being locatF~d ap~roximatg~y 270 Seet woet of the conterline of Mac~nolia AvPnue and furthc~r describod Ae 2625 W~et ~,incaln Avenua; and c9oQa hereby approve thQ Negative Gecl.ar•atinn upon finding that it hae co~-aid~red the Negat.ive Dor,laration togothor wLth any comment~s raceived during the public ieviQw prc,c~sa and further finding on the basi.8 ~h~t the initia'1 otudy and any comment~~ rNceived that there fa no euhetantial evidAnce that the iJYOjOCr wi11 h~1vc~ a eignificant offect on the c3nvi.ronment. :10W, T.HEREF~Rr, BL IT RESOI,VED l-hat the Anaheim Gity Plannir,g Commi~aion dcea l~oreby grant ~subj~ct Po~.ition far Reclaasification, ae modified, and, by ao doing, thar T;.tle 18-Zunir,g of the Anahe:lm Munic:ipal Code be amended to exclude ~he above-deacribed praperty from ~he RM-1200 (Residential, Multiple-r^mmily) Zo~ie and to incorporzte eaid desar.ibed property ini:o thc~ RM-30U0 (RQaider.~ia1, Multip.le-r^amily) Zone, unconditioclally. TY.~ T'OREGO.'NG RESO[,UTIQN was adoptpd at the Planning CammLsaion meating of Ja:itiary i4, 1991. i ~ ', ,t ` (~; `; j '~i' . / _ .. 7 , ;'. -/ ~~ j! ~..J . t<.• , .' CFiAZRWO~tAN, AfIAHEIM CI'T'Y 7PLANNING COMMISSTON ATZ'~ST: .__..___._ ` 5~...-'v`=i'~1~~~` -~Lit,t~:-,i___ ~ ~ .,E~kETARY. , P.NAHGIM CTTY nL1~NNING CUMMISSTOC~I S'CF .i. OF CA.LJFORNZA ) COUNTY ON C~R}~NCE: ) se. CITY OF ANI~HEIM ) I, r'd.itP~ L. Fiarrie, Sec:rEtzr.y of the~ Anancim C'ity Planriing Commi.s8zon, do lierek~y cF~rtify that thQ for~quing reac~luttor~ wa.e ~~aeeed and t~dopted at a meetiny qf zl~Q Anaheim City Planning Commiseion hE~ld on Jar-usry 14, 199~, by th~s follo~~ing vot~? of tt~e memberE~ tl~ereor: AtFS: NOF;.i : ABSIs'NT: COMMISSIUNERS: BdYDSTUN, FE~I,DHAUS, Ei^LI,Y~R, EiENNINGFR, PEFtA7,A CGMMISSIONERS: BUUAS, MI:SSE CUN.MISSIONF;RS: NONE ~- TN WiTNF.S5 WHEREOk, I havc-: hereunto oet m uf ~ .~' _, 1951. ~. ,~, ~~~u~ --~ ; - .:i ~ ~ ' _~,~.~.~~,_~~~ __._ SEC22ETARY, ANnFiEIM C:['1'Y y hand this _ ~~ .Y7:~ __ day ;~ i~/;L~~Z.~c __ , .~.. ^ PLANNING COMMISSION '"~- PC91-U]