6381 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.1 "2 i3 14I 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRI1S & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 ORDINANCE N0, 638 "N ORDINANCE FIXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FISCAL YEAF. 1940-1941. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TF7E CITY OF _ NA'�"'Il" DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONS 1. That there be and hereby Is fixed and levied a. property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of Eleven cents, four .=..na three thousand four hundred twenty-seven ten thousandths mills ( .1.14342'7) on each One Hundred (6100.00) Dollars of the assessed val; ation of all real and :personal -oroi,--,)erty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary annual expenditures of said city, SECTION 2, That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a. property tax for the- f i cal year 1940-1941 of one cent, five and nine thousand tr-Q hundred f i f ty -tro ten thousandths mills (.0159252) on each One Hun r d ed($100.C1a) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal Drcperty trithin the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, exceot only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved. by ordinances numbers 3952 423, 435, and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interes of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the extension and Improvement of the city electric light plant, together with one - fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness, SECTION 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of three and three thousand eighty-four ten thousandths mills (.0033084) on each One Hundred 0100*00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property rithin the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property vrithin the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435, and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebted- ness of said city-, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to the city electric light plant, 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 ,2 1 i3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BI -043. ANAHEIM, CALII=ORNIA TELBPHON IC 3456 together with one -twentieth (1/20) of said indebtedness. SECTION 4. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a Dro erty tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of thirteen cents and Five mills (,1350000) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real end .personal aroperty within the corporate limits of the C:; ty of Anaheim, for the purpose of main- taining the public library of said city. SECTION 5. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied �. property tax for the fiecal year 1940 -*19.41 of three cents, five and three hundred fifty-three ten thousandths mills G0350353) on each One '-hundred (9100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and pereonal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, e iceot only the pro-,lerty within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of tyle indebtedness of said City of-%nahelm, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition of a sewer farm and the construction of a sewer sys telt, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of three and two thousand three hundred forty-two ten thousandths mills (.,0032342) on each one Hundred ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuat ion of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the "lty of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terri- tories as described and apuroved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the Indebtedness of said. city, incurred for the purpose of the acquisi- tion of fire apparatus for said city, together with one --fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 7. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied i a. property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of five dents, six 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 11 2 1.3 14 15 16 17 18 .19 20 21 22 23 24 25 i6 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3436 and nine thousand three hundred seventy-one ten thousandths mills (.0569371) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal pro �)e rty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 423, 435 and 456 for the purpose of paying the annual interest of +he indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of acquisi- tion and completion by the City of Anaheim of a public park, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of the said indebtedness. SECTION S. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of four cents, one and nine thousand fotir hundred thirty-onp ten thousandths mills (,*0419431) on each One Hundred ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories as describe d and approved by ordinances numbers 4239 435 and 456 for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the Indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of acquisi- tion and completion by the City of Anaheim of a building for municipal uses, together jXyith one --thirtieth (1/30) of said indebted nesS. SECTION 9. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied . pr. operty tay. for the f isoal year 1940-1941 of two cents t s even and four thousand eight hundred twenty -tyro ten thousandths mills (*0274822) on each. One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property Within the annexed territories as described and. approved by ordinances numbers 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the Indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of Anaheim of additions and improvements to the water works of said city, 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. 14 15 16 1 I L 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 F'RIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 together with one -twenty-fifth (1/25) of said indebtedness. SECTION 10. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of one cent six and seven thousand seven hundred seventy-three ten thousandths mills (.0167773) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories as describe d and aDproved by ordinances numbers 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying; the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city incu-Isred for the purpose of the acqui- sition and construction of additions to and extensions of the sewer system of said city, to, --Tether with one -thirtieth (1/30) of said indebtedness. SECTION 11. That there be and hereby is fixed and levi a. pro;erty tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of four cents and three thousand four hundred ninety-two ten thousandths mills (.0403492) on each One Hundred ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal -property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property described and approved by ordinances numbers 435, and 456 for the purpose of paying; the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion by the CL of Anaheim, ,jointly with the City of Santa Ana, of a joint outfall sewer, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 12. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a propertir tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of five cents, one and three hundred seventy-four ten thousandths mills (.0510374) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real anu personal property within the corporate limits of -the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 435 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 ll 14 15 ,6 1 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2811 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 and 456, for the purpose of paying; the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of park improve- ment, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness, SECTION 13. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the .fiscal year 1940-1941 of two cents, four thousand one hundred forty-nine tern thousandths mills (,*0204149) on each One Hundred N100,00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the ""ity, of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terri- tortes as described and approved by ordinance numbers 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the nurnose of the completion of the 'ity Nall_, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 14. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of eight cents, one and six thousand five hundred ninety-nine ten thousandths mills (*0816599) on each 6ne Hundred W100. 00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the 'ity of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territory as described and approved by ordinance No. 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of joint sewer construction, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTION 15. That there be and hereby is fixed and 1 eviet a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of five cents, six and five thousand five hundred thirty-one ten thousandths mills ( .0565531.) on each One Hundred ($100* 00) Dollars of the assessed valuat;.on of all real o. -M0. personfil pro--- erty within the corp., -.rate limits of the City of Anaheim e',rcept only the ;property within the annexed, territory as described and. approved bar Ordinance No. 456, for the purpose of paying the annual intereGt of the indebtedness of Bald city, incurred for the pur-oo se of extensions and improvement 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 34$6 to the water works of said city, together with three one hundred tenths (3/110) of said indebtedness. SECTION 16, The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the passage of this ordinance, and cause the same to be Yjublished once in the "Orange County News," a. newspaper of general eircul.at io n, print edo published and circulated in said city, and therefrom and t lareaft er the sage shall take effect and be in full force, A. 'he foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim, on the .2 day of Se�t ember raw L 1940, and was sip;med, approved a -,,,d att-ested by rye this �_ day of September, 1940. f _ Mayo of the ty of nahe m ATTEST Ci erk of theOt�y of Anaheim .�..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E:1 9 10 11 1. 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIV ) I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was intro- duced at a regular meeting of tree City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 10th day of September, 1940, and that the same was passed an6 a,dooted at a regular meeting of Said City Council held on the ,��h day of September, 1940, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen geareon, van Wagoner ,Yungbluth,Marto net. Jr. and Sheridan. NOES: Councilmen ABSENT AT -41D NOT 'DOTING: Councilmen None And I further certify that the h1ayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the 24th day of September, 1940, IN WITNESS 7TIEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the said City this 24% day of September, 1940. 'C erk of t e ity of Anaheim Affidavit Of Publication S'rATF. OF CALIFORNIA Ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 .8 .YJr i9ht of said county, being first duly ,worn, says --that she is a cit- izen of the United States, and of 016 State of California, over the .tge of eighteen years; that she has no interest -in, -nor is she a party to the matter herein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a weekly newspaper printed. published and circulated in the: said County of Orange fliat said ORANGE COUNTY `k'WS is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid sub scribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and --eneral news and intelligence of a general character; that it is not devoted to the interests or i-ablished for the entertainment of a particular class, profession. i lla.de, calling, race or denomina. tion. or of any number thereof: that it has been ;printed and pub- limhed in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia for more than one year next preceding the first clay of !he. publication hereto attached; !lint the Qrina>nc T�,o.638 Id which the annexe-cl is a printed copy, was published in said -news- paper at least-- OWL& commencing on the. __ ----------------- day of ..Reptmbe ...... 19--4Q, and ending on the ------------ - ------ day of............................. 19------- and that saidvisna- Twe. was published on the tollowing days: _ September __ 26_,___1940...._ ................. _. .. . ;--... ............ S:ibseribed and sworn to before me this ..... ... k ............. day of 19. .................. --- Notary• Public. /- - f� ORANGE COUNTY NEWS — LEGAL NOTICE — — LEGAL NOTICE — — LEGAL NOTICE ' ..., ORDINANCE NO. 638 assessed valuation of -all real and SECTION 12. Thatthere be ST A' personal property within the cor- AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND porate limits of the City of Ana- and hereby is fixed and levied CTU: a property tax for the fiscal year CIT) LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX heim, for the ,purpose of main -1940-14141 cf five cents, one and ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN twining the public library of said three hundred seventy-four ten. I, THE CORPORATE: LIMITS OF city• thousandths mills (.0510374) on !City THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR SECTION 5, That there be each One Hundred ($100:00) heim THE FISCAL YEAR 1940-1941. and hereby is fixed and levied Dollars of the assessed valuation foret a property tax for the fiscal year of all real and personal property I duce; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 1940-1941 of three cents, five and within the corporate limits of thej City CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- ( ,three hundred fifty-three ten City of Anaheim, except only the heim DAIN AS FOLLOWS: thousandths mills (.0350353) on I property within the annexed ter- ; Septi each One Hundred Dol- ' ,- ($100.00 ) I ritories lea as described and approv- sae I' SECTION 1. That there be Lars of the assessed valuation of fed by ordinances numbers 435 !r:c regu and hereby is fixed and levied a. ; y all real and personal propert ' t property tax for the fiscal year ; ' and 456, for the purpose of pay- I Cour 1940-1941 of Eleven cents, four ! within the corporate limits of the ing the annual interest of the in- ; Sept and three thousand four hundred City of Anaheim, except only the I debtedness of said city, incurred - ing twenty-seven ten thousandths ;property within the annexed ter- for the purpose of park A' + ritories as described and approv- I improvement, together with one- ! Van mills (.1143427) on each One ed by ordinances umbers 396, !fortieth (1/40) of said indebted- tenet Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the. , , 4Zn assessed valuation of all real and. 3, 435 and 456, for the purpose I Hess, NI personal property within the cor- I of paying the annual interest of A; porate limits .of the City of Ana- the indebtedness of said City of SECTION 13. That there be Coin Anaheim, incurred for the pur : and hereby is fixed and levied Ai I heim: for. -thereof ordinary annual ea- nose of the acquisition of a sewer , a property tax for the fiscal year May penditures of said city. � four ' SECTION 2. That there be farm and the construction of a , 1940-1941 of two cents, ; signs sewer system, together with one- ;thousand one hundred fur ty-nine ante and hereby is fixed and levied Ifortieth (1/40) of said indebted- 'ten thousandths mills (.0204149) � ber, 1 a property tax for the fiscal year ness. Ion each One Hundred (8100.00) I ! 1940-1941 of one cent, five and , SEC'1'IQN 6. That there be ' Dollars of the assessed valuation nine thousand two hundred fifty- and hereby is fixed -and levied :6f all real and personal properl'y fixec I two ten thousandths mills (.0159- a property tax for the fiscal year !within the corporate limits of the i have 252) on each One Hundred 11940-1941 of three and two thou- ;City of Anaheim, except only the '.City ('$100.00) Dollars of the assessed j sand three hundred forty-two ten ; property within the annexed ter- � 19.1( ; valuation of all real and personal I thousandths mills (.003234") on ' ritories as described and approved property within the corporate hm- each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- 1by ordinances numbers 435 and I its of the City of Anaheim, ex- ;tars of the assessed valuation of ' 456, for the purpose of .paying the (SE cept only the property within the I all real and personal property -annual interest of the indebted- ; -annexed territories as described within the corporate limits of the ness of said city, incurred for the i and approved by ordinances num- City of Anaheim. except only the purpose of the completion of the I i bers 395, 423. 4,25. and 456, for I property within the annexed ter- City Hall, together with one-foi•- the purpose of paying the annual ; ritories as described and approved tieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. interest of the indebtedness of ' by ordinances numbers 395, 423, said city; incurred for the exten- 435 and 456, for the purpose of SECTION 14. That there be ' sion and iin?rrovement of the city and hereby is fixed and levied electric light plant together with ! indebtedness of u aidnc ty,si of a property tax for the fiscal year one -fortieth (1/40) of said in- for the purpose of the acquisition 1940-1941 of eight cents, one ,and . debtedness, of fire apparatus for said city, to- Eix thousand five hundred ninety - SECTION 3. ' That there be gether with one -fortieth' (1/40) nine ten thousandths mills (.081- and hereby is fixed and levied ' of said indebtednew. 6599) on each One Hundred a property tax for the fiscal year SECTION 7. That there- be Dollars of the assessed valuation 1940-41- of three and three thou- I and hereby is fixed and levied! of all real and personal property sande hty-four ten thousandths a property tax for the fiscal year j within the corporate limits of the Mills 1,0033084) - on- each One 11940-1941 of five cents, six and City of Anaheim, except onlv the .Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the nine thousand three hundred bev- . property within the annexed ter- . . assessed valuation of all real and ' enty-one ten thousandths mills ritory as 'described -and approved personal property within the cor- .0569371) on each One Hundred by ordinance No. 456, for the pur- ' porate limits of the City of -An:- ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed pose of paying the annual interest aheim, except only the property ' valuation of all real and personal of the indebtedness of said city, within. the annexed territories as property within the corporate lim- incurred for the purpose of joint described and approved by or- its of the City of Anaheim, ex- sewer construction, together with -dinRnces 4umbers 395, 4239 435, cept only the property within the { one fortieth (1/40) of said in - and 456, for the purpose of pay- annexed territories as described debtedness. ing the annual interest of the in= and approved by ordinances num- ' debtedness of said city, incurred bers 423, 435 and 456 for the SECTION 15, That there be for the purpose of the acquisition 'purpose of .paying the annual in- I and hereby is fixed and levied and construction of additions to terest of the indebtedness of said a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of five cents, six and the city electric light plant, to- city, incurred for the .purpose of ; gether with one -twentieth (1/20) acquisition and completion by the Ave thousand five hundred thirty - of said indebtedness. City of Anaheim of a public park, one ten thousandths millq (.056- SECTION 4. That there be together with one -fortieth (1/40) 5531) on each One Hundred and hereby is fixed and levied of the said indebtedness. ( $100.00 Dollars of the assessed a property tax for the fiscal year SECTION 8. That there be valuation of all real and personal 940-1941 of thirteen cents and and hereby is. fixed and levied Property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, ex - five mills (.1350000) on each One a property tax for 'the fiscal year Hundred ($100.00) Dolars of the 1940-1941 of four cents, one and sept only the property within the nine thousand #aur hundred thir- annexed territory as described ty-one ten thousandths mills and approved by Ordinance No. (.041943 1) on --each One Hundred 456, for the purpose of paying the ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed annual interest of the indebted - I valuation of all real and personal ness of said city, incurred for the I property within the corporal of extensions and im- ; limits of: the City of Anaheim ex. provements to the water works of ! cept only the property within the aid city, together with three one annexed territories as described hundred tenths (:3/110) of said and approved by ordinances num- bers. 423, 435 and 456 for the SECTION 16. The City Clerk purpose of (paying the annual in- of the City of Anaheim shall cel•- terest of the indebtedness of said til y to the passage of this ordin- I city, incurred for the .purpose of � acquisition and completion by the once: and cause the same to be '— published once in the "Orange City of Anaheim of a building for County News,'' a newspaper of ' municipal uses, together with one- general circulation, printed, pub - thirtieth (1/30) of said indebt- lished and circulated in said city, edness. and therefrom and thereafter the SECTION 9. That there be same shall take effect and be in L4 and hereby is fixed -and levied full force. - a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of two cents, seven and The foregoing ordinance was four thousand eight hundred twee, passed and adopted by the City ty-two ten thousandths mills Council of the City of Anaheim, (.0274822) on each One Hundred on the 24th day of September. ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed 1940, and was signed, approved I' valuation of all real and personal .and attested by me this 24th day property within the corporate of September, 1940. limit. of the City of Anaheim, ex- CHAS. A. PEAR.SON, cept only the property within th ' Mayor of the City of Anaheim annexed territories ass deecr..ibe . ATTEST: CHAS. E. GRIFFI'rH, and approved by ordinances TIM*. City Clerk of the City bers 42$, 435 ;and 456, fvr (SEAL) of Anaheim. purpose of paying the aii>iival inr terestof -the indebtedness of said- i-- city, ncurred for +he: purpose of the acquisition, constriction and completion by the Ci;Y .of. Ana-. heim of.. additions agd imprdve; Toents to-: the water wprks of. -said elty, together with one " .twenty- fifth (.1/251 of. said %delitedness.' StCTION 10. That there be and hereby is fixed -and . ledied a property tax for the fiscal ,year 1940-1941 of -one cont six and seven thousand - sewn . hundred, seventy-three -ten ::.thousandths mills (.0167773) (M each Oi ' Hundred (8100.01D) Dollars of . the assessed valuation- of all Teal and personal property within the *eor-: - porate limits of .the Quy_of Ana- . heim, ei icept only the property within the annexed tarritori!es as ilnted. i)ablislied an(l rite ulctt+� :11 r lie -aid Ci )[till F :hilt said ORA\G1E' COI 7NTN NEWS is a ttewspa.pt-r of gets{=rai circulation with .I list of p1lici stt i. -,vl'ihers, and i, puhli heti t'�)t• till .lisseminatioil of both local att:i i;-eneral news antl intelligent+• of :I general character; that. it i -z ;.ot devoted to the interests or ,tblished fol • the t?ntertaintneii, +4 it particular class. profession. - i a.tie. calling, race or denominu- ?icii. or or stns. number tlieroof. a htit it. ha -s been printe:ti ttn+i tmb- lkhe(l in the (`ity of Alla.ht-1111, County if Ora.ngf,. State of Cali - !'ornia for morel than ont- yeat- :!Nxi. p•t•eeeding the first +lay �►t .11e pulffleation Hereto attached. I Ili -it the - Orsi i nanc F: -*-,;o .63 8 f,f whiell the annexe -fl 1 2t ;:L'illt.e.1 ,-or..y. was published in s.a]ifi liews- paper at. least ------ once - commencing on the ...2 1; ria} rtf _Se.pteMbe ,•------- 19...4 .. and t,nding (,.it -the .. ...... .. ciao• (if ... . ­­.. 19---- ---• anti that said OT im�agv_ .................. was published on the tollowing days: eytebr_-26.1 40 ------------ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ............. day of ....... 6 19_.x. Notary Public. assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the cor- porate limits of the City of Ana- heim, for the ordinary annual ex- penditures of said city. SECTION 2. That there be ' and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of one cent, five and nine thousand two hundred fifty- two ten thousandths mills (.0159- 1252) on each One Hundred ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate lim- its of the City of Anaheim, ex- cept only the property within the annexed territories as described and approved by ordinances num- hers 395, 493. 4435. and 456, for the purpose of paying• the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the exten- ; -Aion and i -rt: u-ovement of the city electric light plant, together with one -fortieth (1/40) of said in- debtedness, SECTION 3. ' That there ' be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year .1940-41 of three and three thou- sand eighty-four ten thousandths mills (.0033084) .. on each One Hundred ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and - personal property within the cor- porate limits of -the City of Ari'= aheim., except only the property ,within. the annexed territories as described and approved by or- dinRnees numbers - 395, 423, 4359 and 456, for the purpose of pay.- ing the annual interest of the in= debtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of additions to the city electric light plant, to- gether with one -twentieth (1/20) of said indebtedness. S1: CTION 4. -That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of thirteen cents and five mills (.1350000.) on each One Hundred ( $100.00.) - . Dolars of the 423, 435 and 456, fqr the purpose " `�' "J WL as"` ""`VU„'"` of paying the annual interest of ness. the indebtedness of said City of SECTIO1114' 13. That there be Anaheim, incurred for the pur- and hereby is fixed and levied Ipose of the acquisition of a sewer a property tax for the fiscal year farm and the construction of a 1940-1941 of two cents, four 1 sewer system, together with one- 'thousand one hundred forty-nine fortieth (1/40) of said indebted- sten thousandths mills (.0204149) ness. Ion each O-ne Hundred ($100 .00 ) SECtION 6. That there be! Dollars of the assessed valuation and hereby is fixed and levied 16f all real and personal property a property tax for the fiscal year 1within the corporate limits of the 1940-1941 of three and two thou- i City of Anaheim, except only the j sand three hundred forty-two ten I property within the annexed ter - thousandths mills (.0032340 ori! ritories as described and approved each One Hundred ($100.00.) Dol- I by ordinances numbers 435 and lars of the assessed valuation of ' 456, for the purpose of ,paying the all .real and personal property I annual interest of the indebted - within the corporate limits of the ness of said city, incurred for the City of Anaheim. except only the purpose of the completion of the property within the annexed ter- City Hall, together with one-for- ritories as described and approved tieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. by ordinances numbers 395-, 423, 435 and. 456, for the purpose of SECTION 14. That there be paying the annual interest of the and hereby is fixed and levied indebtedness of said city, incurred a property tax for the fiscal year for the. purpose of the acquisition 1940-1941 of eight cents, one and of fire apparatus for said city, to- Eix thousand five hundred ninety- gether with one -fortieth' (1/40) nine ten thousandths mills (.081- of said indebtedness. 6599) on each One Hundred SECTION 7: . That. there- be Dollars of the assessed valuation and. hereby is liked . and levied I of all real and personal property a property 'tax for t'he fiscal year within the corporate limits of the 1940-1941 of five cents, .six and' City of Anaheim, except onlv the nine thousand three hundred sev- property - within the annexed ter- enty-one ten -thousandths mills 'ritory as 'described and approved (.0569. 871) on each One, Hundred by ordinance No. 456, for the pur- ($100.00) Dollar* of the assessed pose of paying the annual interest .1valuation of all real and personal of the indebtedness of said city, property -w. Rhin- the corporate liin- , incurred for the purpose of joint its of . the City . of Anaheim, ex- . sewer construction, together with cept only ' the, property within the. i one fortieth (1/40) of said in - annexed territories as described debtedness. and aapro�ed by ordinances num- SECTION 15. That there be bers 423, '436 and 456 for the and fixe an loVie purpose of .paying the .annual in- hereby is d d d terest. of - the indebtedness of said a property tart for the fiscal year 1940-1941 of five cents, six and citX, , ince %:..tigg:.purpose . of five thousand five hundred thirty scgnisitian�titact. "t�ompletion.-by the one ten thousandths mills (.Ob6- City of Anaheim - of a public park, 5531) on each One Hundred to8etkehr N MUK. one -fortieth (1/40) ( $100.00 Dollars of the assessed s€ �ba-' �. delxtedness. -valuation of all real and personal S C�'.Y_ 8. That there be property within the cQrporate' and-- .. hereby a p1tfor :, is.. fixethe fiscal Yew d and levied limits of the City of Anaheim; ea- rtY. ax lthe property within the .1940-'1'94� 9i�" r cents, one and cent only e p Aino tl ousa� ; : r hundred thir- annexed territory as described ty-me. ten.. ndths mills and purpose of paying the approved by Oinance No. f .019431) .on ` One Hundre 456, for the 0100.00) Dollaars of the assessel annual interest off; the. indebted-.. V tion . Qf.. all';. real. and perional ness of said city, incurred for the ,ur ose of extension% .• ,and im- �t �#i c p P limnstlie. City of Anaheim, ex � p?°�' eats to the �rvwter:::vIcs of . cept. army the ' property. within. thti)- said city, togetl#er with 'tlirr�e .one 'annoxied territa�ries - as deveribed hundred tenths {3/110) of said end. oed by 'r antes num- indebtedness. be 3; '435 . 466 for t 'SECTION 16. The Clty Clerk purpose of 1paayrng the annual iii= of the City of Anaheim shall cer- teret of the indebtedlnesg Of said of y to the passage of this . ordin- city�; incurred for the .Rurpow •ot ante, ,and cause the same to be :.poq'Oisition:. published once in the "Orange ..aomul ion by ftw Citi, of : aht�im; of a building for County News," a newspaper of .invl�ic . is8s; tog+ether.with one! neral circulation, -printed, pub- thi . ie�' (1/30) 'of aaid indebtr llii'shed and circulated in said city, can ss.. and therefrom and thereafter the SECTION' 9. That there b4gsame shall take effect and be in axil . here- is fixed And levied full- force. a property, tax ,for the fiscal year - 10'40-1941of �t*6 ..cents, seven and.. tThe foregoing or was ,four. thouasiic eight hundred tint► gassed - and adapted by the City 'tF- vo . ten thousandths mil Council of tate City of Anaheim, (i0S74822) on each One Hund . + the 24th ':day ,ro€ Septembers $1.00.00) }Dollars of the assesses 1940, 'and was signed, approved %tion of all real and personale , lad attested by me . this 24th day .within the corporate.. of September,. IJ40. of the Cfty- of Anaheim, ex*:: CHAS: A. PEARSON, cent 'only the. protiperty within - th Mayor. of a 'City of Anaheim, anl<i+exed 1 tai-Titorlis as deacriatt ATTEST : 'CHAS. E.- GRIFFfTH- and . approved by ordinances nai31 Cfty Clerk of the City bets 4.943b:nnd..: 456, for ihe�s (SEAL) of Anaheim. purpose of pi�ybig � #die annual in ,terest of � the indebtedness of said city, itiicurred . f or: the purpose Or the - acgtiisition;' -,�eonetruction and coinpletiQr> by t e:�'( tv.. of. Ana - he= -of : lidditibxs and . improve:- rnents to the. wateo; works .'of said et'v. .together • with one twenty - 'fifth (1/25) of. said indebtedness. SUCTION. , 10: That there be and hpi ebv -is fixed and levied a progwrty tax for the fiscal year 1940-1941 0€ ane cent six and ei'eve'n tlfausmd - seven hundred seventy-three -ten tho-Osandths.] .mills f .0161773) on each Oue" Hundred ($1.0%00) -Dollars of the assessed vale - of. :all real and personal property withiir the teor-. p8rate lint 4f.:the' City. of Ana-' heim; 'ei�tcep-.�etlly ''the property within the. annexed- territories as' de*ribed :" by. ort - anees. nuej- :i42�_ 6 and 4 8, fgir. the :se of n. this .n- nm4l i�t t of thdebtednogs of`:1$aia 'o. incurred for 4pur p6w - i f te.,t'"-uisitf6k - gaud - on- st cti i, of additions°.:to` ad n­4x-. i�> t , . :.'"alio sen* Byl * ;sof said city':#i;tger iih: one-thlr- t of .said- fide#Aedness. SEcg+ C i.. .1-1..Tbi:t. there_:bde: . 'sad lenand' herbyie a prmsfie . fillicaI year, 1940-1941. of•foiir cents and th ee thoustnd : ' four- .hnndifed - niuelw- taro tan. thousandths- mills ( .0110-. 3492)::.... on .ea6 . One; -Hundred - y; ($100.00)'. Dollars. of the `assessed valuatio0 :.-of real and perso wl nr0�o�ert` ;n`thin the corpe ate Iimit s 'o : the, City of Anaheim, ex - cert:' oft tib . vroperty descried, and approved -bv ordinances uW- bers 435,..and 4.46 for' the purpose of -pa g the -a annual interest : of the in�htedness of said' city; in- curred.:.lrer' the purpose of - the' ac- quisition.- conetr`uction and com- nletion.­bo .the TCity of- Anaheina, . Jointly.: with the. Oity of, S"ta Ana,. of s joint outfall. rer...to- gether with one -fortieth .(1%40) of : said indebtedness. i p0/ ORANGE COUNTY NEWS — LEGAL NOTICE — — LEGAL NOTICE — — LEGAL NOTICE — — LEGAL NOTICE — ORDINANCE NO. 638 assessed valuation of all real and SECTION 12. That there be. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) personal property. within the cor- and hereby is fixed and levied COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 SS. AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND porate limits of the City of Ana- a property tax for the fiscal year CITY OP ANAHEIM ) LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX beim, for the ,purpose of marina 1940-1.441 cf five cents, one and i ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN twining the public library of three hundred se`e y -four ten CHARLES E. , I, GRIFFITH, i THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF city. thousandths mills (.0510374) on City Clerk of the City of Ana - THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR SECTION 5, That there be each One Hundred ($100.00) heim, do hereby certify that the i THE FISCAL YEAR 1940-1941. and hereby is fixed and levied Dollars of the assessed valuation foregoing Ordinance was intro- , a property tax for the fiscal year of all real and personal property I duced at a regular meeting of the THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 1940-1941 of three cents, five and within the corporate limits of the Icity Council of the City of Ana - CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- three hundred fifty-three ten City of Anaheim, except only the heim, held on the 10th day of DAIN AS FOLLOWS: thousandths mills (.0350353) on, property within the annexed ter- :September, 1940, and that the each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- ritories as described and approv- ',same was passed and adopted at a SECTION 1. That there be-- of the assessed valuation of ed by ordinances numbers 435 regular meeting- of said City and hereby is fixed and levied a 1 all real and personal property land 456, for the purpose of pay- I Council held- on the 24th day of Yr within the corporate limits of the 'ing the annual interest of the in- September, 1940, by the follow - property tax for the fiscal 1940-1941 of Eleven cents, four City of Anaheim, except only the :and three thousand four hundred �debtedness of said city, incurred ing vote: twenty-seven ten thousandths property within the annexed ter- f or the purpose of p -a r k AYES: Councilmen Pearson, I ritories as described and approv- improvement, together with one- Van Wagoner, Yungbluth, Mar- mills (.1143427) on each One. ed by ordinances numbers 395, fortieth (1/40) of said indebted- tenet, Jr., and Sheridan. Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the ; 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose . ness. NOF%9: Councilmen, None. assessed valuation of all real and of paying the annual interest of ABSENT AND NOT VOTING-.:. personal property within the char_ the indebtedness of said City of SECTION 13. That there be Councilmen, None. porate limits of the City of A Anaheim, incurred for the pur- and hereby is fixed -and -levied And I further certify that the heim, for the ordinary annual ex- pose of the acquisition of a sewer a property tax for the fiscal year 1 Mayor of the City of Anaheim penditures of said city. 1 farm and the construction of a .1940-1941 of two cents, four ; signed and approved said Ordin- I SECTION 2. That there be sewer system, together with one thousand one hundred forty-nine ance on the 24th day of Septem- : and herebyis fixed and levied fortieth 1/40 of said indebted.- ten thousandths mills (.0204149) �'ber, 1940. ( ) l a property tax for the fiscal Year ness. Ion each One Hundred ($100-00) j IN WITNESS �V HF.IREOF` I j 1940-1941 of one cent, five and SECtION 6.. That there be ; Dollars of the assessed valuaLion ; i nine thousand two hundred fifty- and hereby is fixed and levied of all real and personal �propeny fixed the corporate seal of the said : two ten thousandths mills (.0159- a property tax for the fiscal year 1within the corporate limits of the have hereunto set my hand and af- 1 1252) on each One Hundred 1940-1941 of three and two thou- City of Anaheim, except only the '.City this 24h day of September, ; ('$100.00) Dollars of the assessed sand three hundred forty-two ten -property within the annexed ter- � 1910. ITH 1 valuation of all real and personal thousandths mills (.0032342) ori ritories as described and approved CHARLES E. GRIFF , property within the corporate lim- each One Hundred ($100.00) Dol- by ordinances numbers 435 and City Clerk of the City its of the City of Anaheim, ex- { lars of the assessed valuation of 456, for the purpose of :paying the (SEAL) _ of Anaheim. cept only the property within the all real and personal property annual interest of the indebted annexed territories as described within the corporate limits of the ness of said city, incurred for the and approved by ordinances num- Cit of Anaheim. except ' only. the purpose of the completion of the bers 395, 423. 4.35. and 456, for property within the annexed ter-. City Hall, together with one -for- 11 the purpose of paying the annual ritories as described and approved tieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. ° interest - of the indebtedness of by ordinancesnumbers 395., 423, SECTION 14. That there be said city, incurred for the exten- 435 and 456, for the purpose of. cion and im;rxovement of the city I paying the annual interest of the and hereby is fixed and levied electric light plant together witha property tax for' the fiscal year indebtedness of said city, incurred p � y , one -fortieth (1/40) of said in -for the purpose of the acquisition 1940-1941 of eight cents, one and f debtedress, of fire apparatus for said city, to .six thousand five hundred ninety - SECTION 3. That there be gether, with one-f�;rt.ieth (],/ ) nine ten thousandths mills (.081 'at hereby is fixed and levied ' of said indebtedness. 6599) on each One Hundred a property tax for the fiscal year SECTION 7: That. there. be Dollars of the assessed valuation 1940-41 of three and three thou- I and hereby is fixed and levied of all real and personal property 1 sand eighty-four ten thousandths a property 'tax for'the fiscal year within the corporate limits of the mills '-(.0033084) . on' each One 1940-1941 of five cents, .six and City of Anaheim,, except onlv the Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the nine thousand three hundred bev- property:within the annexed ter - assessed valuation of all real and enty-one ten thousandths-.millsi ritory as 'described and approved personal property within the cor- ( 05693'71) on each One Hundred by ordinance No. 4561, for the pur- porate limits of the City of An" ($100.00) Dollars of the aiweAsed pose of paying the annual interest aheim, except only the property valuation of all real and: personal lof the indebtedness of said city, E within. the annexed territories as property. . within the. orgorate lini- incurred for the purpose of joint described and approved by or- its of the City. of Anaheim, ex-, sewer construction, together with ; •. dinanees numbers 3959 4239 435, cept only the, property 'within the. 1 one fortieth (1/40) of said in - and and 456, for the purpose of pay- annexed territories as. desexibed ing the annual interest of the in- and approved by ordinances num- SECTION 15, That there be ` debtedness of said city, incurred bers 423, 435and 468 for. the ; and hereby is fixed and levied t for the purpose of the acquisition ' purpose of paying'the annual in- a property tag for the fiscal year and construction of additions to terest of the indebtedness of said' 1940-1941 of five cents, six and the city electric light plant, to- se . of city, incurred for-. dive thousand five hundred thirty- gether with one -twentieth (1/20) acquisition and completion• by the one ten thousandths mills (.056- 1 of said 'indebtedness. City of Anaheim- of a public park, 5531) on each One Hundred SUCTION 4. That there be together with, one -fortieth (1/40) ($100.00 Dollars of the assessed and hefeby is fixed and levied of the: sai : "hdobtedness. 'valuation of all real and personal a property tax f or the fiscal year S19CTIObI 8. That there be property within the corporate e "1940 of thirteen cents and and .hereby is.:fixw ,rld levied limits of the City.of Anaheim, ex - five mills (.1350000) on each One a property tax_ forbe:' fiscal yem cept only, the property within the Hundred ($100.00) Dolars of the 1940-1941 pf� r cents, -one and annexed territory as described nine thousandir hundred Chir- and approved by Odinance No. ty-one ten ndths mills 456, four the purpose of paying the (.0419431) .onone hundred 1 interest of the indebted - ( $100.00) Dollars of the assessed ness ness of said city, incurred for the valuation of all" real and personal p� exsiona... ;and im- I - propert hi. th r ratf provements to the water works of , 4 ex limits - o •fe• - said city, together with three .one ; cept only the -property. -within the hundred tenths (3/110) of said annexed territories as, des.cribed indebtedness. and approved by.'ordiuAnces num- re bers 423, 435: and 486 for the. SECTION 16. The City Clerk purpose of ipayimg' the annual In of the City of Anaheim shall cer- of terest of the iiidebted�ess- of said tidy to the passage of this ordin- city, incurred ,for thO `urpose .of ance, and cause the same to be acq°ui.sitiol u , on by US published once in the "Orange City of Anaheim,iot a building for County News," a newspaper of f municipal uses; together,with one general circulation, printed, pub- •- thirtieth (1/30) of said indebt- lished and circulated in said city, f edness. and therefrom and thereafter the SECTION 9. That there be same shall take effect and be in and hereby is fixed and levied full f orce. G a property tax .f or. the fiscal year The foregoing ordinance was 1940-1941 of. two cents. seven and eased and adopted by the City four thousand eight hundred t wen, F ty-two ten thousandths mills Council of the City of September. (.0274822) on each One Hundred on the 24th day o ($100.00) . Dollars of the assessed 1940, ' and was signed, approved . valuation of all real and personal 'and attested by me this 24th day 40. property within the corporate of September, If limits of the Cfty of Anaheim, ex- CHAS. A. PEARSON, cept only the. property within the Mayor of the City of Anaheim annexed te=ritoribs as described ATTEST: CHAS. E. GRIFFITH, and approved. by ordinances num- City Clerk of the City bers 45�, ' 43b...and 456, for the (SEAL) of Anaheim. tetin- rest 'of Rhee indebtedness dness of the annual city, incl W' ed -:for she pgrpose of` the acquisition, construction and j completion' by the Citv. of. Ana- heim of , additions and : improve- ments toy the. W&ter works �of said city. _ together with one- twenty- fifth f 1 /2 51 of said in debtedness. SUCTION 10. That there be and hereby is fixed, ad . levied a property tax for the fiscal _year 1940-1941 of .one cent six and seven th6usand seven . hundred ,seventy-three ten thoilsandths mills (.01677731 - -on each One Hundred (5100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuatiois. of -All real and personal property within the tor- p�a limits of the City. of - Ana- heim; except only -the preperty within the annexed terrifo iSs as' described and *d .*0.* ed:'>b%'pvdin- ---�_L__ 29 . ILAW AMA. AM-