Resolution-PC 91-104... :r, 2 a~a'~, .~ RESOLUTIq't+1 NO, PCal-10~} A RESO:,:~ul'ION Ok' TFiE ANAii~IM CITy .PLANNIN(~ COMMISSION TfiAT PE'rITTON FOk CANDI'PIONA7., pSE PE1tMTT HO. 3419 BE GRA,yTEQ WHLR~AS, the Anar~eim verified Pet.ition fo.r C~nditiozca.l ~it-u~i~ed in the City of Anaheim, descr.i~~cl aa: P. PART OI' VINEXARA LOT G4, PER MAP RECORDEll I:1 BOOK F2I;CORDS OF LOS ~1NGF:L~S CUUNT' C.ity ~~lanning Cottuninaion clid rece~.ve a Use P~rmit for c~rtain rgal pro~erty C~un~y of Orange, Si:~te of c;al.iforn..a, IN THE CITY OF ANAHETM~ AS 4r AT PAGE 624 OI' DEEDS, C, DFSCRIBEP AS rOI,LOWS: ' COMMEN~ING AT A POINT IN THE 5~]EST LT!V5 O~ I,OS ANGELES ~ STRI~.~'p, SOUTHE1tLY 376 FLET FROM '.PHF SOUTHWEST CORN~R OE' LOS ANGELES AND SANTA ANA STREET; THt,NC~ W~STERLY YARALLEI. WI~'H SINTA AN~'~ STR~~:T, THLNCE SUU'PHEF?LY PARALLE.L WIZ'H LfJS ANGELES STR~ET, 120 F'EEm; THFNCE EAS4'FRLY PARALIFL W27'H SANTA ANA STR~ET, 249 FEBT; TO TEIE P7EST I,TNF OF LOS ANG~,L~S STREF,T; THENCE NnRTHERLY a~ WEST T~IN~, OP' LOS ANGELES STREET, 120 I'E~T TO T.-IE POINT OF E3EGINNI^1G. WNF:RLAS, the City P1s~1z~i.ng Camrr~iasion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in lh~ City cf P_naheim on June 3, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of e~lid ptiblic hearing having be~n duly ~iven as requ;red by law and in ~ccordance with i:he pr~v.inioris of the Anaheim Muniripal Code, ChapL•er 18.03, to hear and consicler evidEnce for and a~ainot eaid pr~posed r.ondit.ional us~ permit and to inve~tigate and make fii:dinge and recommendations in connection tl~~,:r~with; and that sazd p~iblir_ hearing was conti~iued to the July 1 and ,7uly 15, 1991, Planning Cummis~ion meeti.ngr~; and WEI~REAS, said Commission, afi:er due inspec~ion, inver~tigation and study made by itself and in .its behalf, a;u] aft~r rlue consideration of all e~~idence and report~ offerPd at said hear.ing, does find and dete.rmine the follawi.ng f.acts: •1. `Ci:at the proposed use i.~ properly one £or which a conditianal use permit i~3 authorized by ~,n~heim Mur.icipal Code Secti.ona 18.61.OSO.U55 and 1t3.61.050.060 to ~~~rmit a car wasl~ with access~ry ga~oiine aates. 2. That t~ie propoeed u~e will not ad~ c.r~el.y affect t11e Zdjo.i.ning land uses and the gr.~~wth and developme;~t of the area in which it i.~ propo~ed to be located. 3. ihat the aize snd shape of i:he site proposed for the ~.ise .i~ adc~quate to ~liow the fu.ll. development of the proposed une in a manner not detrimetital to the particul.ar area nor to the peace, tiealth~ FsnfP.t;y and general welfarA of the Citizene of the City of Anaheim. CFt1232MF _1_ PC91-104 ~~;~'d~lca 4. :Phat th~ granting of thr~ CondiFional p~e Permit und.er the conditian~ irnpoaPd wi1L not be detrim~ntal tn the peace, he~lth, aafety and ~~enei-al welfare c-F the Citizena of tY~e City of. Analieim. 5. That tY,e traffic generated by trie pro~aosed use wi11 riot impcs~ an undue bUrden upon the strec.tA and higr~~~~ays designed and improvcd to carry 1:t1P r.raff.ic: in the azea. 6. That no one ind.icated th~ir preaence at aaid public t~eai-ing in opposition; anc:l that no caL~re~pondPnce ~ras r~ceived i.n oppoaS.t~on to the subje~t ~~:1-ii:ion. ~. CAI~IFORNIA__ENVTRONMENTA'L '~UALTTY ACT FINDIDIG: That tY~e Anaheim City Planning Cammi~sion has reviesved the proposal to permit a car wash with acce~sory g.{sol.ine sales on a rectanguiarlX-ahaped parcel of land cangisting of approximately 0.66 acre, havicig a frontage oE approximately 120 feet ~n the WF?yt side of Anaheim Boulevard, having a maximum depth of approximate~y 2~10 feet, b~ing located approximak~ly 330 fe~t north of thP centerline of Wate•r StrEet and further describ~d as 535 SouL•h Anaheim Boulevard; and does hereby app~•ovc- a mitigat:rcl Negative Decl.aration and adopt the Mitigation Moritoring program pw-EUant i:o Section 21081.6 of the Publir. Resources Cocle on i:he ba~ie l:hat ttie Flanning Commiasion haa considered the praposal with the miti.gated Negative Declar~ition and Monitoring Program together wit:h any commer~ta rec~ive~ c3ur•.ing the public review ~rocess and further finding, ~n the baei.s of the Initia). Study, that tbere is no substantial evicience thaC ~he pr~ject will 11ave ~igni_fican* effect on Lhe environment. NGW, TEiERr.FORE, BE IT FESOLVED that the Anahea.m City Plannina Commis5i.on doe~ hereby qrant s~.ibject Petiti.on for Condition~l U~e Permit, upon the f:ollo~ainy conditian~ c,rtiich are hereby found to bz a necessar,y ~rerequisite to the pr~posed u3e ~f i:he 3ubject property in order ta preserve the safety and general wclfarc~ of the Ci.tizene of the City of Anaheim: 1. * That priur ta is~uance of a building p~rmit, thc~ appropriate traffic :~.ign~71 a.~~essmant f~e shall be pai.d to ti~ie City of Anaheim in an amount as esY.ablished by Ci.ty Counci]. Resolut~on N~. 90F.•-J.98. 2. * That plan~ r~hall be aub7~itted to the City Traf£ic and Tranaportation M~nager for his review and approval sh~wi.ny confoLm~nce with the latest revi~ions af Engi.neering St.andard P1an Nos. 436, 602 and 607 pertaining to parkini~ standardv and ~lriveway locacinns. Subjec~: property ahall tl~ereiapon be developed and mai.n':ained in ~onforinance with said p'lans. 3. That thE: driveway on Anaheim Bou~ev~rd shall be constructed with fiftoen (:15) foot radiua c~irb returne zs required by the City Enyineer in contorit~ance with Fnc,~inPering Stai~dards. 4. TtiaL- pl.an~ 3ha11 be sutmitted to the Street riaintenanc~~ and Sanitatiun Divis: Lon for their. ceview and appz•oval ehowiny acces3 'co the trasti area fur :aanitati.on trucks with th.~ turn-around area located Un-•site in accordar~ce wi~th Engicieering ~tandard Detail No. 610. _~_ PC91-104 ~~; , i.. N `',~ i ~ ~~'y~ ;'~I ~ ,~,~a3 "~ ~}n p~%~ 5. That the devel~per shall cont~ct the ~nergy Services Manager of the Public Ut ilities Department {phonE~ number: 714/533-5766) for detaile on how to .include a water recycling r~yatem in thE car wash. 6. * That a tee kor street tree purpose~ ahall be paid to the Ci.t y ~f Anaheim , based .~n the length oE street frontage along Anaheim Boulevard in an amount as e atablished by City Counc:il. reeolution. '7. * That street lightinG faciliY..i.Eae al~ng Anahoim Boulevard r~hall be inei:alJ.ed as re~uirecl by the Utilitiea General Managez in accordance with , spar,if:icatione ~n file in thE Office of the L1ti_likies General Manager; or t.hat secu r ity in the form of a bond, certif.icate of: deposit, letter of ar~dit, ~r cash, ir~ an amou~~t anci form r~ati.sf3ctory to the City c,f Anaheim, shall be po~ted wii:.h the C~t,y to quarantee th~ satisfactory com~,let±on pf the ab~ve--mEntion~:d improvementa. ~aid security shall be ~o~ted wi~th ~he City ~£ Anaheim priar to issuance nf a building pPrmit. - The above-required improvemsnt~ shall be inat•alled prior ta occupancy. 8. *'Phat suLjc;ct property ahal.l be served by underground utilities. 9. * That Fi.r~ aprinklers shal.l be inatalled as required by the Fire Department. .10. * Tliat• trasn etorage ar.eas ~hall be provic9ed and maintained in a location acceptable t~ the Street Maintenance and San?.tation Division and in accordance with approv~d plans on filE with Hai.d division. Such i.nformation aha11 be specificall.y stiown on the plane submitted f~r building perm.'ttr~. 11. ThaL prior to isr~ixance af a buildi.ng permit, a solid waste manag~ment plan with recycling capabil.i.tiea attall be ar~proved by the Street Maintenance ar.d San,itation Dtviaion. Upon occupar~cy of the project, said p.lan ~hali commence and elza~.l remain xn f.ull effPCt as required by said Uivi.s.ion. 12. * That ac~ eight (8) foot tiic~h masonry block wal.l ahall b~ constructed and mainLai.ned along the neat property line Oc11Cl block wal.l shall be planted ancl mai.ntained with clinginy vines t,n c].iminate graffi.ti opportunities. 13. That no outdoor sturaye of, dis~alay of, or saor3~ Un vehicles ox vehiuular ~ parts 9ha1.1 bc permitted. ~ 14. * That the proposal oha11 comply wi.th all r~igning rec~uirements of the ML "Inclust.rial, Limited" `Gone unless a variance al~.ow.ing sign waivers is lpproved by the City Counc~l, Planning Commi.ssion or Zonin~ Administrator. 15. That ~ny prop~ sed freeatandi.ng sign on subject propErty shall be a monum~nt-type t:ot exceeding eight (0) feet in heiyht and ahall be subjacr. ~.o the rev iew and appr~v31 0£ the City Traffic anrl Transportatian Manage~ to determine adequat~~ .lines-af-aight. ,t' -3' 1~C91-104 r- . ~~ ~ , . . orR~ ~~. 'Ch~t a landecapE and ir.rigML-i.un ~~lar~ £or. Quhjer.t ~~roperty shr~ll ba a~ubmit:t:cd t:~ the Zoning Div.i~ion ior review ~~nd n~provr~] . Any d~cioion roado by rttc~ 2~~nJ.ng Uivioion regMrding ~aid plan may be apr«a1Ead to thQ F~11~'t1S.ilCJ commi~A.ton ~~nd/~r. C1-•y rouncil. 17. 1'hat E~rior 40 .zs~urznce ut e t~ui.ld.in~ pernr~G, hu.i..ldin~ E,1,~n:~ sh~i11 :;now the fo.i.lowing sc~und aL•tr~nur~t~.ng :n~~ter~i.a1:;: ~~• Acoustic Rooz 1)eck. Twa inch f2") TF~c;~tum (or canparable) ;~ciling p~-~na1s sh.~11 b~~ plriced ~~1~,nq the ~nt..irF l.ength of ce~lirig are.a wi.thin rhe crtr wasti tur,,~el. 6. llcouscic Wa1.1 Panels. Two _inch (2°) 5onex 1-riGn ;IyE~~~1vn contin~ (or c.ornparr~ble) shc~11 bt, use~ J1on~ the interior wa.lls ~f the c~r wash tw~n~.l , c. Air Xitive~r. Tufcvtc~ onc incr !1") TAF-E (or com~~araL•lf~) ~~:ou~ticaJ. foam .^ha11 be used to line the inside of the d~ict.~, 2'~~r"c~;te-101 (~.r c~rnparaDle) ;;h~~11 be u::ed to ru~•crr Ll~e :~utsid~ o.f tl:N d~rc~~. ~.1. Vacuum eyui.pment. :'o r.onsi~t of si:ction blower c~ , ~~n aco~~:~t ic~il ~ r quipmcnr: cont~ined ir. n..lca~r.e, a:-iriqle manifc~ld pij:~>, cir.--3 i.ndividu~ii vacuun~ I70:3f.');j for: ear,~~ cleaning stati!-,n. '-~• '"h~~t prinr tv issu~~r.ce of :~ bui.ldiny p~~rmit, b;.iildin~ plans sh~11 be ~ul~rnit•Ced sl~owing that il~e maxzmum open.ir~q .is e.ight (,9~ f~•et by (8) fee>t .~L ehr~ wnsr: end af t_he car. wayh tunnnl. =`-'• ~'t~.~t. ~c•ior to final buildi:~g ~nd zoning ir:spe~,tions ~ no.i.~e s ~ 1~,~ car,ducted ,~•: • urt~ay .,h~11 the petitioner's ehpense to derer:rr.inr_ the effE~ctiven~ess of ~~'i~ ::o~nd mit.igation m~a~•J~e:i ~.rnpl~rnen±•ed. If ;G1'VC}~ ~~; ~evel~ exr_•,~~~~lf~~ r.c._ults 1r)d.ic<tG~ nOisA ~ six[y (GO) de::it~,;~Zr, at ti~e wc, ;t. p1-nE,~l•rs, l.ine, the f'ot .t.ianer :~I~a1l ;rubmit eddi.tior.al mit-i~at_ien r,r~asures Dc'P~i:'tr;~ent rcv.iew L-v ensui•e compli.~nr_e witl~ Snct i.or~ G.70 (S~und Prensure I,uvel ~) of ~he Anr~heirn Mun~c.ipal C:ode. 0. :i~at thE~ de~•eioper ahal: be reHponc~ible~ !or compl,ianc~• vnd ,~nf clirecC coats :~:?ac~ciated with t;ie Mitlga;:i.on M~nit;oring PY.rJr1CdIl' E,tabliehed by thn r_.ity as r~~;;.iun~ by Section 2i031.6 :~f the P:tt~J.ic ti.~~t~o:irces Cr~d~~ to en• ~:~•pl~~mrr;t ~t i~~~ ~~f thofle mit igat i.on rceanurer; ident- i F if~d Ln the M,it- i.yated Ne<;.~tive [~er1araCion. :' i. ':'h:it ~;~ibjec~ pr.op~ rty u',a:: be developE~d tiubc;t~inr_i.,~:.ly ~r. r.~,~rc~rdz~nce with ;-:;in:; ~~:r1 .:l:eClfl.r:i;:ions nuhmitted to t:h~~ Ci.ty ~~f F,noheim !>}' th~+ E~r±t.itio~tc~•. ~ill:~ W1~1C~1 ~l:lfil3 f1L'F? Ofl I1~E Wltfl ~f1A Plan~~in Uri'").ICYI~ir_~ ~ r . ~inc: 2; i-o~ic:ed hown ,•- 4 e ~nt :7ark_<1 E;c}zit~it P.oct. ~' ~ ~~., L•ha~ an ei~Iht {FS) f:;ot t~i:-~!, block ~~all ~a;iall be ,..,,.ruc~tec] ~i long Chr_ •~reat: pr~,pe: tY 1 inc. ~-• • ~:~~~t nrir~r. t:o isesuancr_ of a bu:.ldir.g ~ermit or witl~irz a p~~rioci c~f one (1) r c~nr f c•om I.~IES r1~~c~ ~f this rcaolut fon, vthich~ver occur:3 ; i;~r.., rotilition ;i_}a. 1, 2, 4, 5, G. 7, iC, .Ii, 16, 17 and .3, ~~t,c;•:~,-m,.~r{~me•', cth~~ll bn =''=rj•''.ec1 with. Extcnaionra tar furtiic.5r t.im~~ t.o cc;rnpln•~~, f:,:~~_~f :.ondit.i~~n:s may !.:" ?~•,inta~l i.r~ ~rcor.lance wir,h Srction Ifi.q;9.qj~ ~; !:t„~ q,,:~neim N.~ni~inal '' i~r. -~- i'C51-1f1•1 ~ e ,..~, ~ %3, ':'h~it ~,r~.r,r t~ (inYl bu.ll.diny anc: r.oning in~pect.lon:~, Cond.Ltion No~. 3, 7, g, S~, 1: , 1~1, ~;, 1~) and 21, abovQ-mention~d, ~shall bQ compll.~d wihh. "4. +'1'h~i~ ~~p~~ro~~al o,: thie applicatinn conat ~ tutQa appr.c,va1 of th~ propo~ed Le,:~ue~t only to the extent tha~ it cemE,liea with thQ A~ah~.lm Munlcip~ai ~,oning Code and nny ~t}ier applicab.le Ci.:;y, Stat~: and Fedec~~l rQyulatiuno. A~~Proval dQE;O n~t includ~ any ~iction or. f.indingo ~1r~ L•o compliance or r1p)~l'UVc1) oE tho requeat reyarding nn,y ot:her xpF~].icab.i.~~ ar.din~~ncc~, rc~~~ulation or ~'equiremc~nt. Conditiono marked with an a~teri.~lt (*) rice re~ui-:ed L~y ^s~ablis~hr.>d Zawn, cod~e, L~egul3t.tona a~td aqr.~ement.n eliid ar~, th~~refor:, not: : ui~jec;t to ne3ot.iatlon. EiE I'1' b'U[:TflER RESOLVJ:D th~t the Ana~eim c;ity Planning Cornm.is=sion <ioc:=: hcrc~uy f ir.~l and determine that adoption of tkii.3 Re ~olution i~ expressly ~>radicated upw~ appl.icant'a com~liance wiL•h each ~nd al:t nf the condit.iona hc~r~~inabuve ar~t forth. SF:ould any auch conditiori, or any pnrr. there~f, be ~lr;clared invaZid or unenforc~able by the fi.nal juu~ment of any court o~ competent jurisciiction, then thi3 Tte;i~~luti.ori, and any approvala hor~in c~n~ai~~ed, ~t;a:l be dE.~_med null and void. Z'E::: F~UREGOIPIC RESOI.U7'ION wao adopt;ect at L•h2 !'lanning Cc~~nmission mec:t:inc; c,f Ju' y 1:,, 1'391. // ~, . r G.~ir /i -~~ -( . f.L `~; "1 ~i ~~~~r l%C~'~U-~.`- " CFiAIP.WOMAN, AiJAE1EIDi CITYTF'L11tJNTP~G COhiMI~~SION :~~r~~:s~r: , ( % /1 ~ ~ ,~ , -------.~ L~_..____ ? ~ - ~~~-.-~~r.z_ --- ST.CKETi1f2Y, ANAHL•'IM CITY PLAf1t7ING COMMISSION SiA; e. C)~' CALTT~ORN:A ) C:pt„J'1'i' OF~ ORAC~GC: ) ~t3. i:I'iY GF~' t1t1,1tIF;T?•f } 1, ,T,ln%~L I.. Jenc~eii, Secretary of th~~ An~hc~im c..~ty Y!anr.ing ~:~•~imi:~<.;i~;n, dc~ hereby certif• that r.he forer ' ~~ .> > > f ~o~n~J re.~~lutian wa~; t~a.,ae~ ;±nc. ~~~3~~PLf'd +.i,• a meetir~g of the l:naheim City Planr,ing Commisaion hel.d on July 15, 1'~9 t, by tr~~ fol Lowin~.~ votP of the members thereo: : ~1'ii:S: COMI!ISSIOP";it:i: QOJAS, dUYDSTUN, FEL~HAVS, HF.LL'LER, iiF.NNICJGGR, PERAZA tiUE;5: CO!".MJSSIU:ZERS: PJONE ~+!3Sc"I': C~JMMiSSlONGR5: MES5E It~ WI'Ct7ESS ~~HFREUF, I hav~~ hereunto ~et ~r~y har.d r}ii ,^l~,~ QaY ~' ' -- ~'~M=`~-y= ~ ---~- ~ 19 91 . ~ ..~~s ~~ /' ,_~~' /, t »_._.~b;J .. ~ ~_. _r.'.'c~=!~.t.__....' """' Si:CI2E:TA1<Y, R lAfii;TM CTTY PLI~IJI4I.iC CU;~tSISSlU,'J -5- PC91-1C~. ii ~A,' ,«;~.;~., ~''-,