Resolution-PC 91-107i ,;,; °~,-~„ ~ RESO_ LpTZpN NO. PC9;1-1~7 ~~ .'A RFSOLUTTON OL' TH~ AN~I,HEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSTON THAT PETITION FQ12 CONDITIOt7A~ USE PEFtMIT NO. 3431 B~ GkANTED WNEREAS~ the Anaheim City Planning Co;nmis3ion d.id xeceive a , verified PE;tition for Condif.icnal UAe Perm.it for certrzin rea.i pr.a~ert;y aitu~tcd in the City of Anatieim, Countx ~f Orange, Skate of California, • described a~: 1~ARCGI~S 1 2'HHOU~H 5, INCLUSTVE, IN THk: CITy pF At1AHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STf.TE OF c:AL' IFORNIA, AS PER MAP FILED TN BOOIC 2p2, PAGES 24 AND ia, 7t1CLUST~/~ OF PARCFL MAPS, TN THE OFFIC~ OE' THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the C.ity Planning Commissiori did hald a k~ublic hearing ar rtie Civic Center in the City of Anatieim on July 15, 1991, at: 1:30 p.n~. , noticc of ~aid ~ublic heariny ;~aving been duly given as required by law ancl in ~zccordance with the prc~v.'t~ione of the Anal~eim Municipal Code, rhz~tez 18.03, to hear ancl consider evidencs fo.r and again~t said proposed conditional use permit anc•I to inveattgate und tfl:lltP. findinga and rec~mmendations in aonn~cti~n therew~th; and WEII;REAS, said Commiaaion, after due .'tnspectiar:, investigation and '`~~aY ~t~~~~' ~y itself and in its behalf ,•snd after due consideration of <<].1 c~viclenc~ a;1d reporta offerec: at said hparir.g, does find and detercnine the fol.lowi.ng factF: 1• T'`~lt ~'~e Piop~sed uoe is properly one fo~ which a condir'_oii,il ~t~~' ~ermit ie authcrized by hnaheim Municipal C~de S~cki~n 18.67,.0~0.~14 '.:~, pe.rmit z church in an ~xisti.ri~ induetr.ially-Lelated office camplPx. 2• it~z~ the propo~~~ u~e will noL ac9ver.sely aifect the adjuining l.~nd uses and the growth and developmerit cf the zrea in which it is proposed to bc~ ].~cated. 3• That the ~ize and r~hZpt ~F the 31tP_ proposeG for the ue,e is ~?~=cl~i~.~~ to al.lok• thP ft~ll development ot the pr~po~ed u~e :~n ~:~ mannar not clett.~.imentai to the l~articular area nor L•a i:he pcace, health, safety and general ta~lLare of the Citizet~„ of the City o.f Ana}ieim. 4• ThaY. the granting uf the rond.iti.onal Use i~exmit under the conciitiotl;~ impo~PC; ;.ill not bc detrimental to thc peace, hezltti, saiety and ~~en~ral welfare of the Citiz~nH of the City cf Anaheiin. S' ThaL• t:he tz•aff.ic g~nerated by the pL'pp~~aeCi use w.ill nat: iml~ove an undue burden uprn ttie atreeEs and t~ighways de~.igt~Pd and improv~d to cai•,-y t;~e tra.fic i.n thn are~a, ~'?? 1:' 3 ~ F1 P .1_ PC;~)1-i 07 , :.,, 4~''"~~~ G. Thzt no one indic:ated th~ir. preeenoe at ~aid pub.l.ic holring .in oppoyition; and that no cor~:espondencp waa received in oppoeition to tI'1P subject J;.~etiti~n, CAI,IFORN7A FNVIRONDSFNTAL QUALITY ACT FTNDTNG: That the Anaheim City Ylanning Commies~ion has reviQwed the propaHal ~o peLmit a r.hur:ch in ar~ exi~Ging indugtrially-related otfice coinplex o~n a reci:annularly-~hapcd parcel of land consieting of approximai:~ly 9.93 acres located ai: Lhe northea~t corner of La Palma Avenue ancl KeJ.lo~y Drive, haviny f..~nt~ges of appraximately 407 feet ~n thc noil-.h aide of La Palma Avenue arid 925 feet on the eas~ si.d~ of ICc~ll~~gg prive, and fuz~ther described aa 5109 East La Palma Avenue; and does liereby approve the Negati.ve Declaration upon finding that it has cons.iderec! ct:e Negative Declaratioii together with any comments r~ceive~a, during the publ.ic i°eview proc~s~ and further finding on the basi~ that the in~itial st~rdy a~ci any comni~nts recE~ived that there ia na substantial evidence that the project: wil]. hlve a si.e~nif.icant eff~ct on the environment. NUW, THLREFORE, II~ IT RESOI~VED that the Anaheim ~.tt:y Plar~ning ~omiTiission docs her~by grant aubjert Pet:ition for Condi~ional Use PermiL-, upon L-he following conditions whir.li are hereby found to be a neces:ary prerecjuisike t-.~~ t:tie ~roi7osed use of. th~ suhject. property iti order to L resei-ve i.};e s~:ety 1nd c;eneral weliare of tlie Citizena of the City of Ana}ieim: l. 7'hat a noli:~ wa~te manayement plan, incluaing recycl.ing c~pabilities~ st~r~ll bE approved by the Street tdaintenanc~ and Sanitatiori Division. UE~on occupancy of tihe Froject, saicl plan shall commence and shall remain in f.ull et'f~~ct as r.equired by eaid D.ivision. ~. * That p~-ior to i~sua~ce o~ a buildiny permit:, a tr;:f.L•ic si.gnal assessment fe~ e:~uali.ng the difference b~t;~oeen the church and of.f:ice ~lasessir~ent fce3 shu11 bc ~Zid to the Ci.ty of Anaheim in an amou.nt as establish~d by Ci~y Counci..l Resolution No. 89R-198. 3. '1'hat any proposed freestanding siqn on ~ubject Fr.o~~erty sha1L b~ a n~~num~nt-t.ype not exceeding eight (8) feet in height and ~hall be su!~ject to ttie review and approval of the City Traffic and Irattsp~~rtatio~i Manager t.u deter,~ine ad~quate l~nea-ot-~ight. ~l. That ~ubject pro~erty Fshall be developed subetantially in accor.dance with plans and ~peciYicati.ons suhmitt~:d t~ the City r,f Anah~im by the petitioner and which plans are on fil.e with the Planriing Department marked F;xhilait No:s. ?, 2 and 3. 5. 'I~I11L" I~rior to commPncement of thE activit~ authori~ed I~y t:1~iS 1'P.SOIlit1c7i1~ oi• pr.ior to issuance af n build.i.ng permit, or withi.n ~3 p~riod of one (1) ye:ar from tha dahe of ttiis re~alution, whichever cccur.s fir~t, Condition rlos. 2 and 3, above•-mentioned, ahal.l be compl:.cd wiY.h. Extensior~~ for f.urt}ler ti:ce to comp:i,ete sai.d co:~ditionH may bc~ gz•anted in uccordance 4~ith Secti~n 18.03.U9U of the i~naheim M~micipal Cacie. 6. 'Chat prior to conunencement o° the activity authoriz~~cl by thia recolution or prior t~ tt~e final building and zoning inspec!:iona, wltichever occiirs ~ir:~t, C~IIr'I1.t10I1 No~. 1 and 4, above-menti.oned, shall be ~•omplied with. -2- PC9i-1U'1 i-_ _ .o- ~~~:,, ,; ,'i ,„ ~I'''^+~, Y~ ~~~~ 7. *'I'hat approva~ of this application conr~titutea a~proval of the pr.~posPd re~uesti on.ly to th~ Qx~ent that it com~lieo with th~ Anaheim Municipal Zoning Codc~ and any other applic+able City, StatQ and F~deral Legular.i~r,~. Approval doPS n~t include any ar.tion or findings ar~ to compli~nc~ or approval of the r.~queai: regarding any other applicab].e ordinai;ce, rc~gulation or requirQment. Conditi.on~ marked with an astRri3lt (+) ,sre required by establiehed ?awg, codea, regulationa and ac~reements and aie, therefore, not eubject to n~egotiation. :•~ BL 'J:'T F'URT[iGR RESOLVEA that the Anaheim City Planning Commissian r:. does herEby fincl ar~ci determine that adopt.i~n of ~t.hi.s Resolution is expr~ssl•r predicated upon applicaut'e campliance with each and all of the condi~tions herzinabove set forth. Sho~;ld ar.y auch condltion, or any part thereof, be declared inval.id or unenforceable by thta final j~adgmeiit ot ariy court of competF~nt jur.isdiction, then t.tiis Re~olution, ancl any approvals herein contait~ecl, ~hall b~ deEmed nu~.l and void. ' THE P'OREGnIh~~3 12R~OLGTTON ~vae adopted ar the Ylanning Commissi.on meetinc~ of .7uly 15, 19~31. ~~ ' - - ~iLc iLi'-~' ~J ~~ ~ ' /' .t,.t~ C AIR~r70,~AN, ANAHEI.K CITY LA~JNING CUb1MISSIUN A'I'7' T; S T : ~, •~' _ ] - --- ---f-V _~~..`_"'"IC- ~~ ~~ - G~/IiL~~_~ '- SECRETARY, ANAEICTM CITY PLANNING CQMM7SSION S'I'AT~ Or CALTFOi2NIA ) COUCI`PY O1~ ORAPJGE j nEi, CITi.' OP' ANAFIETM ) ~. I, Janet L. Jeixs~en, Sacretar.y af the Anahei:n City P.la~~nir.g Cammi.~sioci, do hereby ce:°ti.fy tha?: i~he foregoing re~olution was .~assed arid ad;,Z~ted at a meeting oF ~he Anaheim City I~J.arin.ing Commiss.ion held on July 15, 1991, by t'tie fallowing vote of the memt~er~ tl~~reof: 11'tES: CODlMISSIONER~: F30UAS, AOYDSTUN, ~'ELU:IAiJS, HELLYER, HENiVINGCR, PERA7.A NOGS: COMMTSSIONERS: N~~P1E AE3SL;N'i': CO:~SMISSIONERS: MESSE .~ IP1 WIT;•~hSS WElEREO~, I have hereunto ~et m.y hz~n~.~ thi~, ~~ r~~ clay ~f ( , 1991. _ r~~11~~% - ~ _ ~ . _ ( L.1:i .L. _ ~ ~ . ~:I.n...~,1-¢.J SECRETAF2Y, ANAFI~TM C~TY PL,ANNING C02•IMISSIODI -~'~ PC91-107 • ~~;