639Affidavit Of
111 S 1-
. .wr O1rr�
. ............-----....--- ._......----
of said county, being first duly
sworn, says—that she is a cit-
izen of the United States, and of
the State of California, over -the
age, of Eighteen years; that she
has no interest -in, nor is she
a party to the matter herein
mentioned; that she is the pub-
lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY
NEWS a weekly newspaper
printed. publtsheti and • circulated
in the. said County of Orange
NEWS is a newspaper of general
circulation with a list of paid sub
scribers, and is published for the
dissemination of both local and
general news and intelligence of
�+ general character; that it is
not devoted to the interests or
I-liblished for the entertainment
of a particular class, profession.
i i ade.. calling, race or denomina-
tion. or of any number thereof;
that it has been )printed and pub-
lished in the City of Anaheim.
County of Orange, State of Cali-
fornia for more than one year
11ext preceding the first day of
rhe;, publication .hereto attached;
t!lat the
Mrd. n n _ Noa 639-
of which the annexed U a printed
c'om was .published in said .news -
Iia -per at least o ei
vommencing on the ..3I3t_. day
of October40 and
.............................. 19 .........
Exuding on -the da
of ---•- 19 and
thatsaid ----• ................................
------------------ was published on the
toMowing days:
October _ 3 x..1940
Subscribed and sworn to before
Ine t s ..----. '7 9--- day of
, --l----1_ �p
OT110 •,0--.-----
Notary P�Jl c.
TO. - ..
SECTION 1. Section 1 of Or-
dinance - No: --609. of the City of I
Anaheim, entitled : "An ordinance
repealing Ordinance No. 511 and
providing 'for the creation in the
City of .Anaheim of six. (6)- zones,
consisting of ' various districts - and
prescribing ,for the several zones,
the classes sof buildings, structures
and improvements; the use of
such buildings, structures, im-
provements, and premises; the
heights and locations of buildings
hnd the area of lot covered there-
by; defining certain terms used
herein and prescribing the penalty
for the violation of the provisions
hereof," is hereby amended by the
addition of the following para-
"DUPLEX: Means a building or
structure, equipped with not more
than two kitchens, used or design-
ed or intended to be used to house
two, but. not more than two, fam-
ilies living independently of each
other and in which building the
two housekeeping units are com-
pletely separated by a partition
without openings."
SECTION 2. The definition of
the term "Yard" in Section 1 of
said Ordinance No, 609 is hereby
amended to read as follows:
"Yard: Means an open space on
a lot on *hick a buildinLy is situ-
ated, and except as otherwise pro-
vided in this ordinance, unoccu-
pied and unobstructed with build-
ings or portions thereof from the
ground upward. The measured
distance of a yard may be known
as the width or depth, and meas-
urements shall be hori::ental and
at right.. angles to the lot lines
from which the yard depths are
(l -termined."
SECTION 3. Section 2 of said
Ordinance . No. 609 is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sectiob 2. Establishment of
(a) In order to designate, regu-
late, restrict, and segregate the
locations of enterprises, indus-
tries, businesses, trades, apart-
ments, dwellings, and other spe-
cified uses and the buildings
designed, occupied and/or niain-
tained for such uses, and the
use of premises, and to regulate
the area of yards for thepublic
health; safety, general welfare,
and orderly development of the
City of Anaheim, said City is
hereby divided into seven (7 )
zones to be known as: Zone R-1,
Zone ,R-2, Zone R-3, Zone C-2,
Zone C-3, Zone M-2, and Zone
M-3, ' which said several zones
-and the districts of each thereof
are hereby established; and the
property comprising said dis-
tricts and each of them is des-
cribed herein.
(b) Territory annexed to the
City of Anaheim subsequent to
the effective date of this ordin-
I ance shall, upon the date that
the annexation becomes effec-
tive, become a part of the Sin-
gle Family Residence Zone,
Zone R-1, of said city.
SECTION 4. The paragraph
designated as "1" under Subsec-
tion (b) of Section 5 of said Or-
dinance No. 609 is hereby amend-
ed.to read as follows:
1, By posting public notice
thereof not less than ten (10 )
days prior to date of hearing
mentioned therein; such notices
shall - be placed not more than
OwrAA llnn#4v-aA (2nn% ♦'nn+ nv,ov.+
the boundaries of the property
involved in the proposed
"Change of zone" or a descrip-
tion of such property, and the
time. and place at which a public
hearing on the proposed change
will be held; or
SECTION 5. Paragraphs 2, 3,
and 4, of Subsection (j) of Sec-
tion 7 of said Ordinance No. 609
are hereby amended to read res-
pectively, as :follows:
2. There shall be side yards
each of which shall have a width
of -not less -than four (4) feet,
subject to the further provi-
sions of Section 14,
3. There shall be a rear yard
of not less than ten (10) feet
in width.
4. On corner lots in respect
to the end abutting the street,
buildings shall be made to com-
ply with the above front -yard
provisions and also shall be lo-
cated so that the distance from
the exterior side lot line to the
'nearest line of the building or
any portion thereof shall be not
less than four (4) feet.
SECTION 6. Said Ordinance
No. 609 is hereby amended by the
addition thereto of a new section
whieh shall be designated "Section
7.5." Said Section 7,5 shall real
as follows:
Section 7.5
Zone R-2
In Zone R-2 no building, struc-
ture, or portion thereof designed,
arranged or intended to be occu-
pied or used f or any other .pur-
pose than those provided for or
allowed by this section, shall be
erected, constructed, established,
converted, altered or enlarged;
and no lot, building, structure or
portion thereof, in said Zone R-2
shall be used for any other pur-
puses than those specifically pro-
vided for and allowed by this sec-
(a) Any lot, building, structure,
or portion thereof, in Zone R-2
!nay be. used for any purpose reg-
ularly allowed in Zone R-1.
(b) There may be duplexes or
st building designed, arranged and
intended to house more than two
families, subject to further provi-
sions of this section:
(c) T% -o separate dwellings
may be constructed or established
on any lot in Zone R-2 which con-
forms to the requirements of this
ordinance and which is 150 feet
c -r more in length, but such dwell-
ings shall conform to the further
provisions of this section.
(d) If. the major portion of a
dwelling existed on the rear half
of any lot in Zone R-2 prior tc
the effective elate of this amend-
inent, an additional dweLing may
be constructed or established' or.
the front halt of said lot, provid-
ed that said building and each
Portion. thereof i;. at least 15 feet
distant from the existing icai
dwelling and each ,)ortion there-
of, but there shall be not more
than two such dwellings on any
such lot unless all ,area require-
ments of this section are met.
(e) The following lot width, and
area requirements shall apply:
1. Each dwelling or duplex,
permissible .in Zone R-2, shall be
situated on a lot having a width
of not less than 55 feet along the
adjoining street and an area of
not less than 6000 square feet
provided however, that said min-
imum provisions of width and
area -shall not apply to any lot of
less than said width and area ex-
isting on the effective date of this
2. On lots having an area of
more than 6000 square feet,.there
may be a building designed, az-
ranged or intended to house more
fkary 11_ -
I .Ll
T pta w .S~ -
E NO. 609 OF THE
'� .ANAHEfhi DOES OR -
ON 1. Section 1 of Or -
K6. _60S-- of the Citg of
.entitled: "An ordinance
Ordinance No. 511 and
for the creation in the
tnaheim of -six. (6)' zones,
r of various districts - and
ng -for the several zones,
as -of buildings, structures
rovements; the use of
ldings, structures, im-
rrts, and premises; the
end locations of buildings
area of lot covered there=
ning certain terms used
rid prescribing the penalty
violation of the provisions
is hereby amended by the
of the f ollowing para -
LEX: Means a building or
e, equipped with not more
D kitchens, used or design -
tended to be used to house
1 not more than two, fam-
ing independently of each
I_: b 'ld' the
the boundaries of the p►ropter
involved in the - ' g r o I
.0" s 47
"'Change °ref.. zone" or- a escrip-
tion, of, such property°; and the.
timo-a". -at which a pnb -
hearing -on the propbsed change
will 'be 'held; or
SpMov 5. , Paragraphs 2, S,
and 4; of $bbs�eetion �(j) of See-:,
tion ' 7 of said Ordinance No...6'09-..
are hereby amended to ' read res-.
pectivritly- . as follows:
2. WT a shall be side . yards
each of which shall have •e ,Width *
cc -not less -than four (4). feet;
subject to the further provi-
sions of Section 14.
3. There shall be a rear yard
of not: less than ten (10) feet
in width.
4. On corner lots in respeet
to the end abutting the. street,
buildings shall be made to .com-
ply with the above front. yard
provisions and also shall be lo-
cated so that the distance from
the exterior side lot line to the
nearest line of the building or
any portion thereof shall be not
less than four (4) feet.
SECTION 6. Said Ordinance
No. 609 is hereby amended by the
addition thereto of a new section
e which shall be designated "Section
7.5." Said Section 7,5 shall real
as follows:
Section 7.5
Zone R-2
�iide .;. Vis. much a part of .
this :rear ::viii. thougb' sash Por-.
toin _�f ! :.lection 14 were in
this : se tten,
'S. Paragraph 2 and
a of -S n (f) of l�ecttoa $
.rof. said nce No. 609 are
hereby. ...; , _ d to read riespect-
.-� •
2. : shall be side -yards
each.. 0"g :tib shall be not less
than' fipr:;;4- feet in width, sub-
ject "to --f Ani -;rther rovisions of
to. hose of Sub -
.Rection -4 -if. ..said Section 8.
3.. Thiene 'all be a rear yard of
not less tlltan. ten (10) feet in
width, a ;'ff' the rear line of the
rearya shpts a :public. alley or
-otherplle open area, the. rear
yard w . may be reduced to five
(5). feet...;liii *idth, provided, how-
ever,- thtthe rear yards of corner
lots are.:�.1bjeet to the provisions
of Subson (g) of said Section
nd in w r%; ui ing
isekeeping units are com-
separated by a partition
In Zone R-2 no building, struc- .
CION 2. The definition of ture, or portion thereof designed,
rcr "Yard" in Section 1 of arranged
or intended to be occu-
dinance No. 609 is hereby pied or used for any other pur-
d to read as follows: pose than those provided for or
d: Means an open space on allowed by this section, shall be
n which a buildinLy is s'tu- erected, constructed, established,
rid except as otherwise pro- converted, altered or enlarged;
.n this ordinance, unoccu- and no lot, building, structure or
A unobstructed with build- portion thereof, in said Zone R-2
portions thereof frons the shall be used for any other pur-
upward. The measured Poses than those specifically pro -I
e of a yard ma be kno%vn vided for and allowed by this sec-
width or• depth, and cneAs- tion.
its shall be how-y:.ontal and
(a) Any lot, building, structure,
ht angles to the lot lines or portion thereof, in Zone R-2
which the yard depths are 'slay be. used for any purpose reg-
a early allowed in Zone R-1. .
',TION 3. Section 2 of said
(b) There may be duplexes or
tnee No. 609 is hereby
:1 building designed, arranged and
ed tel read as follows:
intended to house more than two
ection `2. Establishment of
families, subject to further provi-
sions Bions of this section:
En order to desi late, regu-
(c) Two separate dwellings
restrict, and segregate the inlay
be constructed or established
tions of enterprises, indus-
on any lot in Zone R-2 which con-
s, businesses, trades. apart-
forms to the requirements of this
its, dwellings, and other spe-
ordinance and which is 150 .feet
A uses and the buildings
c r more in length, but such dwell-
hyned, occupied and./or niain-
higs shall conform to the further
ret. for such uses, and 4he
provisions of this section.
of premises, and to regrUlate
(d) If the major portion of a
area of yards f..)r thc� public
dwelling existed on the ream half
lth, safety, gmneral welfare,
of any lot. in Zone R-2 prior to
i orderly development of the
the effective date of this amend -
of Anaheim, saki C`v i�
:11;,C1t, an 1cdditional dwelling may.
,eby divided into sever. ( 7)
be constructed or established on
yes to l:e known as: Zone R-1,
I the front half of said lot, provid-
:re R-`', 'Lone R-:,. Zone (7-2,
ed that said building and each
-1e (.1 -Ii, Zones M-2, and Zone
rortior thoreof i-: at least 15 feet
" said s(weral zones
distant ft-oni the existing rear
I the, distxic•t• of each thereof
d e'11inT and each portion there -
hereby established; -in([ the
of. but there shall be not more
►pert• c•uniprisin- sail clip-
thane two such dwelling; on any
A-, and each iii' them is des-
such lot unless all area require -
bed herein.
ivents of this section are met.
(b) Territory annexed to the
(e) The following lot width and
:�° of Anaheim sul)sequcgnt to
area requirements shall apply:
effective elate (if this ot•din-
1. Each dwelling or duplex,
cc :hall, upon the data that
permissible in Zone R-2, shall b
annexation becomes effee-
situated on a lot having a width
-e, become a Dart of the Sin-
of not less than 55 feet along th
Family Residence 'Lone,
adjoining street and an area o
R-1, of said city-.
not less than 6000 square feet
,CTION 4. The par,,graph
provided however, that said niin
;•nated as "1" under Subset-
imunl provisions of width an
(b) of Section 5 of said Or-
«rea shall not apply to any lot o
ice No. 6019 is hereby- amend-
less than said width and area ex-
► read as follows:
is -ting on the effective date of thi.
1. By posting: public ►lotice
,reof not les, than ten (10)
2. On lots having an area o
ys prior to (late of hearing
more than 6000 square feet, -there
�ntioned therein. such notices
may be a building designed, ar
all be placed its►t more than
ranged of intended to house more
ree hundred (2,00) feet apart
than two families provided they
I" - l,n+r, e;rlAa of Rant, mid
is on said lot. in addition to th
corner lot, whether in. the rear
yard or not, shall' be set back from
the exterior side lot line a dis-
tance represented by the average
of the exterior side yard width.. as
said corner lot and the front yard
depth ptovided for. upon such" ad-
joining lot.
(c) On a corner lot, the Year
line of which abuts the side line
of another lot, no accessory build-
ing or portion thereof shall be lo-
cated within four (4) feet of the
common lot line of such lots.
(d) On cornier lots in residen-
tial zones, every main building
established or constructed so that
any portion thereof is within 40
feet of the front lot line of such
lot, shall have the principal en-
trance from, and shall front on,
the street which adjoins the end
of such lot, but in case there is
an existing main building on such
lot, any other permissive build-
ing which is to be located between
SECTION .8. Subsection (g) of such existing building and the
action $: of said Ordinance No. rear lot line may front on any
)9 is hereby amended to read as street or alley which r:djoins such
illows: lot.
(g) . on corner lots in respect to SECTION 12. That portion of
ie end Abutting the street, build- Section 2.0 of said Ordinance No.
cgs shall be made to comply with 609, entitled "Zone R-1" is here -
ie above front yard provisions by amended to read as follows:
nd also shall be located so that (b) The property included in
he distance. from the exterior side Zone R -1 shall be as follows: All
A linea to the nearest line of the property within the city limits not
uilding or any portion thereof included in Zones R-2, R-3, C-20
hall be not less than three (3) C-3, M-2, .M-3, and not otherwise
eet in- width, and where one end specifically excepted.
of a corner lot abu cs an alley, the SECTION 1 Section 20 of
rear yard shall not be less than said Ordinance No. 609 is hereby
three (P) feet in width. amended by the addition of the
SECTION 9. Subsection (b) of following paragraphs which are
iectton 14 of said Ordinance No. hereby entitled "Zone R-2",
609 is hereby amended to read as ZONE R-2
f ollows : The property included in Zone
(b) The provisions of this or- R-2 shall be as follows:
dinance shall not be deemed or 1. Tract No. 156, Elk Park
construed to prohibit the follow- 'bract, as shown on a map record-
ing enumerated uses in any zone. ed in Book 12, page 8, M. ASI.: Lots
1.- Public schools and the oper-16 to 30, inclusive, in Block A•
ation of the necessary and custom- and Lots 18 to 30, inclusive, in
ary facilities and equipment in Block C.
connection therewith. 2. Tract No. 247, Monte Vista
2. The establishment, construe- Tract, as shown on a mals record -
tion, maintenance and use of pub- ed in Book 13, page 5 t, M. M.:
lic ,parks, and/or public play- Lots 1 to 16, inclusive, ill Block
grounds and recreation and ser- A.
vice , buildings therein, together 3. Vineyard Lots: the easterly
with concessions permitted in any -302.44 feet of the westerly 428.66
park or. playground liy any other feet, except the southerly 481.0"1
ordinance of the City of Anaheim. feet, of Lot B-2.
3. The construction and main- SECTION 14. Paragraph 35 of
tenance of fire stations. that portion of said Section 20 of
4. Temporary real estate offices said Ordinance No. 609 entitled
may be established and maintain- one R-3" is hereby amended to
ed upon any subdivision hereafter read as follows:
created, provided however, that 35. Center Tract: Lots 18 to
all such- offices shall be discontin.- 25, both inclusive, in Block A;
ued and removed within one year Lets 14 to '8, beth inclusive, in
from the establishment of. the first I Block R ; Lots 14 to '38, both in -
of any such offices established on � elusive, in B:oe-k C; all of Blocks
the same subdivision. Thcj ac- 1'I and L v� eepting the southerly
tivity of all real estate offices re- portions then-lof xvhich etre inc 1ucl-
feired to in the foregoing se�it- ed in 'Lone A-1.2
enc�e shall be restricted to the SECTION 15. That portion of
sale, transfer, or exchange of ( said Section 20 of said Ordinance
property in the subdivision where No. 601.) entitled "Zone: R-3" is
such office is situated. hereby an�iended by the addition
SECTION' 10. fiubcecii,►tt (g) 4 c.i the l'c►11o'xiiir c•nunierated par -
of Section 14 of said Ordinance I agraplis :
No. 609 is hereby amended t:.► r��ncl 5-1. %'ill yard hots: The west -
as follows: c:rly 1.26.'2'_' feE et, and the souther -
1.. Yard provisions shall not ox- ly 461.(;1 feet +►f file easterly
elude walks, driveways, eaves' nor 43 7.•28 feet of the'- westerly 56:;.50
fences, provided, however, tinct: I ,(!et of Lot B-?.
fences over six (6) feet in height 58, Tract No. 423, St. Cath -
shall not be permitted in Glany yard � eilne' Addition, as shown on a
area; that fences in th(-3 front nial) recorded in Book 16, page 30,
e and/or side yards shall not ex- .I. Ail.: Lots 1 t(, 10. inclusive, in.
teed three and one -hall' (►' � 1 Block. A.
e feet in height: that fences? whi(•11 i 59. Tract N 426, �Iuc�ken-
f exceed three and one-half (:1'-) I thaler Additic)n, as shown on a
feet in height, but do not. exceed I reap reeurdei-I in Book 17, page 45,
six (6) feet in height shell he I Al. �I.: Lots 1, 2. and 3.
d permitted only in the, rear yard, floe Villa 'Tract: Lots 7. 8, p,
f but not closer to the front lot line and 10 ,ire Block B.
_ than a distance of sixty-five (65) SECTIO 1(3. That portion of
feet in the R-.1 ZUllt.', car h di"Lanc•e said Sec�tiot, 20 ,11' said Ordinance
of sixty (60) feet in the 11-2 No. 609 tnitirleil `"Lane C -Z" is
f Zone, or a distance of 0-ft.y-five i:ereby aniended by the addition
e (55) feet ill the R-3 Zone. f. -f the followine enumerated par-
- 2. Only passenger autoniubiies . agraph:
e shall be housed or stored can pri- 45. Center Tract: Lots 4, 5,
e vate property it, any residontial 0, and 7 in Block- N.
e zone. SECTION 17. i'aragraph 5 of
-- -, ....... V.L U1VCK..::i
' . - -.. .,.. LU". · ~_al UcUl. ....m;; "dU1~ ~UUUIVlSlon. The ac- lVI a!ld L excepting the southerly
Ith, sa ff't ~T, genf'l'al welfare, I :~ ran): lo.t ill Zone R- ~ prior to t,lvity of all real estate offices re- portIOns thereof whieh are includ-
order1v develonment of the ...he pf!ectIV(' date uf thIS amend- ferred to in the foregoin~ sent- ed in Zone 1\-1-2.
" ~r A'nnhcim, , .aid Gity is nl""t, all additional dweI!inll: may enee shaIl be restricted to the fiECTI9N 15, That portion of
.by d h' ided into seven (7) be constructed ..r e_tablished on sale, transfer, or exchange of said SectIOn 20 of said Ordinance
es'to be known aB: Zone R-l, ~he front half of "aid lot, provid- property, in the subdivision where No. 609 entitled "Zone R-3" is
,e R-2, Zone R-~, Zone ("-2, "d that said building and' each such office is situated. . hereby amended by the addition
e C-~' Zone M - 2, and Zon" po ,.tio" t her"of i < at I""st 15 feet SECTION' 10, Subsection (g) of the foIl owing en u mera ted par-
~, whi'('h said l'(lvel'aI Zl~n(':::'-I di:..:t:'lJ~t fl'om the existing' l(:ar of Sectio'n 14 of said Ordinance agraphs:
th e districts of each the ,'eof cI ",dI III g- and cae h port; on there - No. 609 is hel'eby amended to read 57. V inllyal'd Lots: The west-
h erebv established; "nd tll e uf. but thel'<' shall be not more as folIows: erl1' 126,22 feet, and the south~r-
perty '<'<lmpl'isinll' "aLl dis- than two stich dweIlings on !lny 1. Yard provisions shall not ex- 11' 481.61 feet of the easterly
ts and each of them is d..s- such lot unless all flrea reqUll'e- elude walks, driveways, eaves, nor 437.28 feet of the westerly 563.50
cd herein. ments of this section are met. fence~, provided, however. that feet of Lot B-2.
b) Territory annexed to the ( e) Tho: f olIowi ng lot widtIi and fences over six (6) feet in height .58; Trac,t . No. 423, St. Cath-
' of Anaheim subsequent to area reqlllrements shall apply: shall not be permitted in any yard erl1le s Add Itlon , as shown on a
effective date of this ordin- 1. Each dweIling or duplex, orea; that fences in the front map recorded in Book 16, page 30
e "hall, upon the date that p,ermissible in Zone R-2, shall be and/or side yards shall not ex- M. lIf.: Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, i~
annexation becomes effec- sItuated on a lot having- a width ceed . three and one-half (~1AI) Block A.
, become a pa~t of the Sin- of .n?t,less than 55 feet along the feet in height; that fences which 59. Tract No. 426 Mucken-
Family ReSIdence Zone. adJolmng street and an area of exceed three- and -one-half (3%) thaIer Addition, as sh~wn on a
e R-l . of 'said city. not less than 6000 square feet, feet in height; but do not exceed map recorded in Book 17, page 45,
;TImi 4, The paragraph provided however, that said min- six (6) feetiiI' he~ht shaIl be M. M.: Lots 1, 2, and 3.
ated as "I" under Subsec- imum provisions of width and permitted only in the rear yard, 60. Vi1\a Tract: Lots 7 8 9
b) of Section 5 of said Or- area' shall not apply to any.lQt of but ,not clo~er to 'the front lot line and 10 ,in Block B. '"
e No. 609 is hel'eby amend- less than said width and area ex- than a clistaJJee of sixty-five (65) .SECTI~N 16. That portion of
,-ead as follows: istiug- on the effective date of this feet in the. R"1 Zon", '01' a disumce said Sectlon 20 of said Ordinance
By posting- public notice smendment., of sixty (60) feet iit the R-2 ~o. 609 entitled "Zone C-2" is
eof not less than ten (10) 2. On lots havl1lg an area of Zone, '01" l!- dJstanee of fifty-five hereby amended by the addition
. . prior to ~ate of heat;ing m ore than 60~0 ~q uare ~eet" there ( 55 ) :fee~ In .tPe R- 3 Zone. . of the followine en umerated par-
tlOned thereIn; such notIces may be a. bUIldIng deSIgned, a~- 2.. On~y pqsenger ~utomobIl~s agraph:
!. be placed not more. than I'anged or lllte!,4ed to h!>use I; shall be~.o,r ,lI~!"ed. !,n P!'- 45. Center Tract: Lots 4 I)
e hundred.:,;(ao.O) feet. *part ,~han twp f..lfs :IJ'~~eif~, . .:' vate.._pj;_1.}.~~~e~tlaI. 6, and 7 in Block N.' .,
Il" both sides of each and " on said lot, m additIOn to' the zone... >. -'. ::> . . . ~ .' .... '. ...... ... ..: ~. )9F€'l'I!l'N 17. Paragraph 5' of
y street upon which p~op- 6000. square. foot !Dinimu~ ..;rea 'sES~;l-ON,;.;:: :1.. ',~h(' first para- saId Section 20 of said Ordinance
proposed to be reclassIfied requIrement descrIbed a b ~ v e, graphl~::i~ ...' .; tIOI}: -(.h) and para- No. 609 entitled "Zone C-2" is
S, and such postin~ shall ex- ~OOO square feet of. lot area., for. gr~phB":~!l~.. ... ..1~ 2". and. 3. of her~by amended to read as fol-
alon~ .said street'a distance each ho~se~eeping ,unit or . for said Su~,dt~~::", JbJ.'allln SectIon lows:
ot less than three hundred eaeh famJ!y In excess of two wInch 14 of ..... ~ee .No. 609 are 5. Babinger Subdivision, as
) feet from the exterior sllch building is designed or. ar- ~"reby :,.. .,. ~. d.....to read respec- shown on a map recorded in Book
s of such. properties as are ranged to house. There 'mat. be ttvely. a.,;_..".~' :.,..: ".;~ . '. '. . . 7, pal;e 23 M. M.: AIl of said sub-
o~~d for such rec1assifica- mor~ than one dupl~x on any lot . (h~, ::.' .'.:~...' lO~lllr proVISIons, division. .
Such notice shall consist nrovlded that thel'e IS 6000 s.quare In~of.r .:~l~. .... a.p,p~~..shl!-ll be a:p- SECTION 18. Any person, firm
,e words: "Notice of PrO- feet of lot area on such lot 'for phcaQ.1e;,~~' '.' s lllid theIr uses m or corporation violating any of
:1 clllinge of zone" printed each duplex located th~reon. the sev.~)a:,., ,Ils'.' . . the prOVIsions of this ordinance
lain type with letters not 3, If separate dwelhn~ are 1. 1n}1'~.jOr bu~dma:s more FhaIl be deemed guilty of a mis-
~han one (1) inch in height ronstructed on any lot In Zone than .~I!!.:~ m heJg:ht In .Zone demeanor' and upon conviction
in addition thel'eto, a state- R-2, they shalI be not less than R-1 or.~l!l'2,. the walls of any th~reofshaIl. be punished by im-
' in smaIl type setting forth fifteen (15) ~ee~ from each other; story ~ . till first sto!)' shall. be prIsonment. In the City Jail not
acc€:ssory bulldll'lgs shalI .be 'not set b~IJ:.: ~ to prpvIde a SIde t:.xceeding three (3) Inonths or by
lless tha~ ~ix (6) feet from .any yard WJ..tj~:~ n'ot ,less than five a fine not exceeding Three Hun-
!' other buIldIn~ on the same ~ot. (5) ~.5,':.: J":- . .' .. dred ($30.0.00) Dollal's or by both
~ (f) In Zone R-2, Yards as fol- . 2. (".)";',:~.On~.:. accessory buIldlllg such fine and imprisonment.
'1 lows shalI be required: or an::~ ,ar~ .<but no SECTION 19. That the City
1. There shall be a front yard ('ther'_~. ~ a~,~ln b!1I1dI!1g) may Clerk of the City of Anaheim
of not less than twenty (20) feet fxtenct:.~'JilM 0Df! Interior, SIde yard ~halI certify to the passage of this
except where lots comprising" fif- of a~r; K. b~t 'not closer than Ordinance and cause tbe same to
ty percentum (50 %) or more of two' f2r~ ~~ the side lot line, be publi~hed in the' "Orange
the frontage in a~y block have pr~vl~:.~ other' side yard re- County News," a weekly news-
front yards, the depth of Which maIDS_ '~.. and -unobstructed. and paper of general circulation
I may vary not more than six'(6) pro~er that !lo part of printed, .published anll circulated'
I feet, in, which case the average ~n ....;,,,,.;':.:..,... .. ..age whICh' extends- ln the CIty of Anaheim, and thir-
I depth so established shall consti- Into. .~:.:i~.. . e jard, or. n~ part of ty . (30) days from and after its
I tute the depth of front yardS in any:~ ~.ece8Sory buIldIng shall final .pa~aage, it shall take effeet
Raid hlock frontage · ~e 1.. clOller to the ~ront lot and be mfuIl foree.
2. There shaIl lie side yards hne ~,.. '~nce of sIXtY-five The foregoing ordinance is sign-
each of which shall hav~ a "dth f~5)<~ jie R-1 'Zone, ~han f ed and approved by.me this 29th
of not less than four (4) feet, dlst8llet:.""....y (6.0) feet In the day of Octo.ber. 1940.
provided however, that the width. R-2 :i.,.,~ ..'" ::-. :':th,.,n a. di~tance J?f fif.. . ' CHAS.. A~ PEARSON,
of exterior side yards on c.omer ty-ft~., '.' J 1eet In .the ~-~ Zone, Mayor of the CIty of Anaheim.
lots may be reduced. but shall Dot unl..~~. ..... 18'.& maln:bulldlng ex- ATTEST~
be less tHan three (3) feet. wide. i&"ti~i'~~':;~~ lot 'adjo.ming .tlle .side CHARLES. E. GRIFFITH,
3. There shall be a rear ~yar4tl*:'''~sollsed, ~n .wh.1ch case By BEATRICE M. MILLER,
not less than 10 feet in '!idth, Pro" eve~:'::~r.v"ull,lbng or at- Deputy City Clerk of the eft,'
vided on c,orner lots, the rear. of tae~;:" . e'~ may De not. closer of Anaheim.
which abuts on an alley, the rear thali,~.'" ....:) f~t, meaiured along STATE OF CALIFORNIA )
yard need not be more, and shall said ':'~ ':~d :Jine, "~ the ~r. of COUNTY OF ORANGE ) .
not be less, than 4 feet wide. .. the', :'" j~~d ~st. r~~rw~d Ill~e CITY OF ANAHEDI ) , .
(g) There may be the custom- of'. ,~. ,'.... '.:.' of ~e .e:XIst1n.g mam .1, CHAR-LES E. GRIFFITH,
ary accessories in connectio'n with bull., "" :''''lch' .hes In. .t~e .half of C)~y Clerk of the C~ty of Ana-
buildings permissible in Zone' R-2. the. '., ',~ " ..". ~e~ su~h sIde.. yard. helm, do hereby certIfy that the
;~e:i':Ii:~a1\ ::to~J'bA,:te st:: bu~.~e n::r ~=d! ~~~~~a ~":wm:"n:ee: ~;~;
space for at least one car for' each .ed ::,_;. .-/.' not cover more than Cl~y CouncIl of the City ,of Ana-
family for which living, q1.1arters fiftX:....iI:.,~'! ,'. ...__..,~entum (10%) of the helm,.. held on the 8th day of Octo:.
are established on 'said lot, but it rear;',,~, ..;:area, sub-ject, howeve~,. her, ~ 940, and that the. same wu
~hall be unlawful to use .an.y lot to, tl)ff.:': '" .... provisions of this sec.. passed and adopted at an adjourn.-
for private garages Or for otl1er tion; \~<::.':' .. _..:':' ~ ~: . . . ed ;re!fular 'meeting of said City
subordinate buildingrs unle~8 "said (.,..~:(.' .ny .resld~ntIa! dIstrIct CouncIl held on the 29th day of
garages Or buildings aloe .accessor- no . .:"'ory b U 1'1 dID g or, October, 1940, by the fOllowing
ies to -permissible buildings on the s~'''~hall be ,located or con- votes: ....
same lot. S!t~~ on 'any lot so. as to be A YES: C.OUNCILMEN Pear-
(h) No building, structu~e, or clo~~...;the"front lot)Ine than a son; Van .Wago,ner, Yungbluth,
llart thereof" in Zone R-2' shall be dlls~' of fifty (60) feet, !>~t Martenet, Jr. and Sherid~. ,
,hi~her than thirty-five (.35) .feet, thi't;.:~ion sha1! ~ot~ prohib~t ~OES: COUftlCILMEN .None.
nor consist of plore than' tw.,. (.2) . ~ucJ1f~e.ory '. ~u.ll~., . f!Om A B S E N T} : COUNCILMEN,
~tories. ,oth~ .. pernnssIble locations None. _
0) Not more than one sign, thrO~""'.. :." t.., the re~r one-half of And I further certify that the
pla~ard, Or other advertisin-jr de- any' .. '.". .. ,lot. .' '. Mayor of the City of Anaheim.
,rice mal" be erected. Or painted '. .....-:.,:..).~:.Su~je.ct t~ other pro~- siglled and approved said ordin-'
(\n, or made a . part of any p1"em- SI01l'::2:~:'.. .~hIS', ~rebn~ce, .acces- -ance on the 29th day of October,
I ises or structure in 2'one .R-.2 and '.sol7" '_di~gs"" In the ,rear. yard 194U. ..
I such sign, placard, or other ad,'er-. ant. .~r..1ot shall not be 'clos- IN WiTNF8S WHEREOF, I
I tisinl!' device sball not have a sur- erte<;;~e. extllrior.Bide lot line have hereunto 'set my hand and af-
face are. of more than two (.2) - than...ae :width specified for the. fixed the corporate seal of said.
square feet. . exterlii. 'side yard on said lot. .' city this' 29th day of October,
(j) Buildings and .uses permis-' (bt~.~:tn the R-1 and R-2 Zones, 1940. .
~ihle in the R-2 Zone . are 'al$O per- on :anr- comer lot the rear 1i.ne of CHA""RLES E. GRIFFITH,
I mi~sible in ever"" other zone ex- which:' 'abuts the side line of an, (SEAL) .' , '
repting the R-l Zone. ,I)dio.ing lot, main, or aecessory By BEATRICE M. KILLER,
(k) . The pro,"isions of Section buDcWtgB Which extend within 26 Deputy City Clerk of the City
· 14 of this ordinance ~haU be con- feet .~t, the rear lot. line of' such of Anaheim.
._. ....,...-.
5 SlCTIOB 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 10. 609 of the City of Anaheim, entitle!:
-An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 511 &ad providing for the creation in
the City of Anaheim of six (6) zones, consllting of various distriets and
prescribing for the several zone.. the cla..ea of buildings, structures and
improvements: the use of such buildings, structures, improvements, and premie-
881 the heights and locations of buildings and the area of lot covered thereb71
defining certain terms used h:rein 8Dd prescribing the penalt~ for the viola-
tion of the provisions hereof , is hereb1 -.ended b7 the addition or the
tollowiDg paragraph:
ID'OPLIDt: Means a building or structure, equipped with not more than
two kitchens, used or designed or intended to be used to house two. but not
.ore than two. families living independentl7 of each other a.nd in which build..
1ng the two housekeeping units are co~pletely separ~t~d by a partition without
openings. It
19 SEOTIO. 2. The definition of the term .Yarcl." 1n Section 1 of sa14 Ordinance
20 Bo. 609 18 hereby amended to read as follow.:
"Yard: Means an open space on a lot on whieh a building is situated.
and. except as otherwise provided in this ord.inance. unoecupied ancl unobetruct...
wi th buildings or portions thereof from the, ground upward,. The measured
distance of a yard may be known as the width or depth. and measurements shall
be horllontal and at riBkt angles to the lot lines trom which the yard depths
are determined.1
27 aCTIO. 3. Section 2 ot said Ordinance No. 609 1s hereb~' amended to read as
Section 2. Establishment of Zones
<a> In order to designate, regula~e, restrict. and segregate the
locations of enterprises, industries, bus1nlsses, trades, apart.eats. dvell-
lng_, and other specified uses and the buildings designed, occupied and/or
maintained for 8~h u~~s, and the use of premi..., and to recalate the area
of yards for the publ~~ health, safety. general welfare, and ord.erly develop-
ment of the City of Attaheilll, said Cit~ is hereby divide4 into seven (1) zones
4 to be known as: Zons:J1-l, Zone R-2, Zone R-3, Zone c...2, Zone 0-3, Zone M-2,
and Zone K-3. which s~d several zones and the districts of each thereot are
hereb7 established; ~a the propert7 comprising said districts and each ot
the. is described her~~n.
(b) Terrlt~ annexed to the C1t7 of .A.nahel. .ub..quat to the .tfee...
tlv8 date ot this or.inance shall, upon the date that the azmexa'tlon becoMe
effective. become a ~t of the Single Yam111 Residence Zone. Zone B-1, ot
said c1\7-
12 SEC'l'IOW 1+. !he par8@l$ph designated &S "1" UDder Subsection (b.) ot Sect10n 5
ot laid OrdlDaDce No. 609 18 hereb7 amended to read as tollow8;
1. >>y posvtng public notice thereof not 1088 than ten (10) daYI
prior to the date of bearing mentioned therein; such notices shall be placed
not more than three bnDdred (300) feet apart along both sides of each and every
street upon which pr~rtl proposed to be reclassified abuts. and 8uch posting
shall extend along s~d street a distance of not less than three hundred (300)
feet from the exterlar limits of Buch properties as are propo.8d for such re-
elaB.lfieation. Such notice .hall eODsiet of the worde: -.otios of prcpo.e4
change of Bonel printed in plain type with letters not le8. thaa one (1) iach
in height and in addltion theretot a statement in small tlP8 .etting forth the
boundaries of the prQpertr involved in the proposed .Chanp of zone" or a
description of such ~ropert1, and the. time and place at which a.~bllc hearing
on the proposed chause will be heldi or
SECTION 5. Paragrapb. 2, 3, aDd 4t ot Subsection (J) ot .Section 7 ot sai4
Ordinance No. 609 are hereby amended to read respectlve17. &8 follows:
2. There .hall be side yards each of which sha.ll have a width of
not less than four (4) feet, subject to the tnrther prov1sions of Section 14.
3. There mall be a rear yard of not 1e88 than ten (10) fee' in wldt .
4. On corner lots in respect to the end abutting the street, buila..-
ings aball be made to comply with the above front yard provisioDS and a180
shall be located 80 t~t the distance from the exterior slde lot 11ne to the
~ :
nearest .line ot the b~~lding or 8D7 portion thereof shall be Dot 1.8. than
four (4) teet.
SEOTION 6. Said Ordi~ee No. 609 is hereb1' amended br the addition thereto
of a new section whic~: shall be designated .Section 7.5".,- said Section 7.5
shall read &8 tollows;
Section 7.5
Zone a-2
In Zone ~2i.no building, structure, or portion thereof d..igned,
.arr~d or intended \0 be occupied or used for Bn1 other purpose than thoae
provided for or allow.. by this section, shall be erected, con8tructed, 8stab-
li.had, converted, al'.red or enlarged; and no lot, building, structure or
.portion thereof, in ..14 Zone ~2 shall be used for 8D7 other purp088S thaa
thole specifically pr..1ded for and allowed by this section.
(a) Any lot, building, structure, or portion thereot. in Zone ~2
may be used for any parpose regnlarly allowed in Zone ~1.
(b) There mar be duplexes or a building desiped, arranged and in--
tended to house more 'han two families, subject to further provisions of this
(e) Two sap.rate dwellings may be constructed or established on any
lot in Zone ~2 which conforms to the requirements of this ordinance and which
i8 150 feet or more i~ length, but such dwellings shall conform to the further
provisions of this section.
(d) If the "jor portion of a dwelling existed on the rear half of
&D7 lot in Zone ~ p~lor to the effective date of this amendment, an addition
welling may be const~cted or established on the front half of said lot, pro-
ided that said building and each portion thereof i8 at leaat 15 feet distant
existing rear.dwelling and each portion thereof, but there shall be
at more than two such .dwellings on any such lot unle.. all &rea requirements
section are me'b.
(e) The tol~dwlDg lot width and area requiremeDt. shall applYI
1 l. Each d~~ling or duplex, permissible in Zone ~t 8ha11 be eitu-
2 ated on a lot having~!" width ot not less than 55 feet along the a4Joining
3 street and an area of: not less than 6000 square teet, proTided however, that
4 said minimum provisi+~8 ot width and area shall not app17 to &DT lot ot 1e8s
5 than said width and atea existing on the effective date of this amendment.
6 2. On lots:, baving an area of more than 6000 square feet, there may
7 be a building design,'. arranged or .intended to h~se more than two taal11es
8 provided there 18 on,aaid lot, in addition to the 6000 square toot alnlmaa
9 area requirement de..ribed above. 2000 square feet.of lot area for each
10 housekeeping unit or for each family in excels ot two which euch building 18
11 de.igned or arranged to house. There may be more than OIlS duplex on 8.Il7 lot
12 provided that there 11 6000 square feet .of lot area on such lot for eaa~
13 duplex located thereon.
3. If separate dwellings are cOllsu,J.cted on an7 lot in ZODe 1.-2,
15 they shall be not lea. than fifteen (15) feet from each other; accessory
16 buildings shall be net le88 than 8.ix (6) teet from arq o'her build.ing on the
17 same lot.
(I) In Zone B-2, Yards as follow. shall be required;
1. !I!lere ~1 be. a front 7&rd. of not le88 than tW8n~7 (20) teet
except where lots co.pris1ng fifty percentum. (5~) or more ot the fronta~ in
&!17 block have front 7ards, the depths ot .....Il';-r.'Vai'7:,...1tt..te .~~iIIt.(')
teet, in which case .he average depth 80 established shall constitute the
depth of front yards.ln 8ald block trontal8.
2. there BUll be lide yards each of which shall have a width ot !lelt
leBs than four (4) r..tt provided howevert that the width of exterior 8ide
7ards on corner lots aay be reduced, but shAll not be le.. than three (3) teet
3. !!'here .~l be a rear yard not leas than 10 tee' in wid'h, pro-
vided on corner lots. the rear of which abute on an alley, the rear Jard need
not be more, and 8~1 not be less, than 4 teet wide.
. .
!here -'1 be the austoaary accessories in connectioa with bull4-
l.......eN.1..1bl. in "ne "2. The.~e sh&1l. be a pri,!ate ctr~. PJ'O!$.~~g
.t ..J .
t ;1
-...u&D ~.. aCcelS1IOnlJ1J. .liO p6rlD~ BillIe. .. bUlIC1riigs. "on". ..ilii-iame l~t.
(h) Bo building, structure, or part thereof in ZODe ~ shall be
higher than thlrt7-f~ve (35) feet, nor consi.t ot more than lvo (2) stori...
(t 1 lint. ml\_~ +'hDY\ """"'0 ",,01 __ _, _ ___..:I __ ~ ......,_ _
rear yard shall not b~: le8s than three (3) feet in width.
SECTIOlT 9. SubS6Ctiott: (b) of Seetion 14 of said Orcllnanee )To. 609 is here'b7
amended to read aa fol-lows:
(b) The pro~~8ion8 of this ordinance shall Dot be d....d or CODstrue
to prohibit the follo~~ng enumerated uses in &nT zone.
1. Public Bppools and the operation ot the necessa.ry and custOJDary
facilities aDd equip"~t in connection therewith.
2. The e8tab~1lhment, construction, maintenance and use of public
parks, and/or public )laygroUDde and recreation and service buildings t~ereln.
together with conces8~ons permitted in any park or pla7craund by any other
ordinance of the City. of Anaheim.
3. The cons~~ction aDd maintenance of fire stations.
4. Temporarr real estate offices may be establiShed and maintained
upon any subdivision hereafter created, provided however. that all wuCh oftice
shall be disoontinned. and removed within one year from the establishment of
the first of any such. offices established on the same subdivision. !he activ-
ity of all real estat. offices referred to in the foregoing sentence shall be
restricted to the sale. transfer, or exchange ot propert7 in the subdivision
where such office is situated.
SEOTION 10. SubsectiC)n (g) of Section 14 ot said Ordinance .0. 609 i. hereb7
amended to read as follows:
1. Yard proV'isions shall not exclude walks, driveways, eaves. nor
fences. provided, however, that fanees over six (6) feet in height shall not
be permitted in any yard area; that fences in the front ani/or side yards Bbal1
not exceed three and one-half' (31) feet in height; that fences which exceed
three and one-half (31~ feet in height. but do not exceed six (6) feet in
height shall be permitted only in the rear yard, but not closer to the front
lot line than a distance of sixty-five (65) feet in the ~l Zone, or a li.'ance
of sixty (60) feet in the &-2 Zone, or a distance of fi.tty-tive (55) teet in
the R-3 Zone.
2. Only passenger automobiles shall be housed or stored on private
property in any resid.ntial lone.
............... .l... .. . -. ..~ -.__ ......~ ........~.. ~.. -. . _,...._.... ...._."'=' -'-"'~:lIo -:..... ..~.. . ~~.....-...........
S3C!IOll 11. !he fltat paragraph in Subsection (h) &1ld paragraphs enuaeratecl
I, 2, and 3 of sa1difubsect1on (h) all in Section 14 ot laid Ordinance No. 609
are hereby amended ,. read respectively &s follows:
(h) The folt~wlng provisions, insofar &8 the7 app17. shall be appll~
cable to yards and _~lr uses in the several zones.
l. In C8.89 +1 buildings more than ODe starT in hellht in Zone B-1 or
Zone R-2. the wa1l.~of 8D7 story above the first storT shall be set back 80
as to provide a side:yard width of not le88 than five (5) feet.
2.(a) One aqoe.8ory building or an attached. garage (but DO other part
of a main building) ~"7 extend into one interior side yard of 8D7 lot, but
not closer than two :(:2) teet from the Bide lot line, provided the other .ide
;yard remains open at1<< unob8'tructed, and proTided further that 110 part of an
attached gara.ge whlah extends into any side yard, or no part of &D.7 such
accelsorl building ~1 be located closer to the front lot line than a di8~
&Dce of sixty-five (~65) feet in the R-l Zone, than a distance of sixt7 (60)
feet in the R-2 Zone. than a distance of fifty-five (55) teet in the R-3 ZODe,
unless there 1s a ~tn bUilding existing on the lot adjoining the side yard
to be so used, in whd:ch case ever7 accelsory building or a.ttached .garap may
be not closer than Idx (6) feet, measured along said sid~ 1&rd line, to the
rear of the extended most rearward line ot that part of the existing ma1n
building which lies in the half of the lot nearest such side yard.
(b) There mar be aee..eory build.ings in the rear 7ar4 provided. the7
do not cover more t_ fifty per centUJD (5~) ot the rear Tard area, subJect.
however, to the othet provisions ot this section.
(e) In ~ r.sidential district no acceslory bUilding or structure
shall be located or constructed .on any lot .so &s to be closer to the front
lot line than a dist~ce of fifty (50) feet, but this provision shall Dot
prohibit suoh accessory buildings from otherwise per_i.sible locatioDs
throughout the rear one-halt of &Q7 8uch lot.
3. (a> SubJeot to other provisions of this ordinance, acc8.Bo~
buildings in the reax' ya.rd of any corner lot shall not be closer to the ex..
terior side lot line.than the width specified for the exterior 8i4e 7&rd on
sa14 lot.
(b) In the ~l and ..2 Zones, on any corner lot the rear line of
which abuts the 81de~ ~ine of an adjoining lot, main or accessory building.
which ex'end within ~5 feet of the rear lot line ot l11ch corner loot, whether
in the rear yard or ppt, shall be set back from the exterior side lot line
a distance repreB.nt~a by the average ot the exterior 814e yard w14th on
said corner lot and ~he front yard depth provided tor upon such adjoining lot.
(e) On a co~r lot, the rear line of which abuts the eide line ot
another lot, no sece_.ory building or portion thereof ahall be located within
four (4) feet of the,:eommon lot line of such lots.
(4) On corne~: lots in residential zones, ever7 main building e8ta~'
li.he4 or constructel so that any portion thereof 18 within 40 teet ot the
front lot line of BUlh lot, shall have the principal entrance trom, aDl ahall
front on, the street which adjoins the end of Buch lot, but In case there is
an existing main building on such lot, any other permissive building which 1s
to be located between such existing building and the rear lot line ma7 front
on any street or all., which adjoins such lot.
SECTION 12. !hat portion of Section 20 of sald Ordiaance No. 609, entitle4
"Zone R-l" 1s hereby amended to read as follows:
(b) The property included in Zone R-l shall be ae follows: All prop-
erty within the city. limits not included in Zones R-2, R-3, 0-2, 0-3. M-2,
M-3. and not oth.erwl.. specifically excepted.
SECTION 13. Section. 20 ot said Ordinance !To. 609 is hereby aaended 'b7 the
addition of the foll.wing paragraphs which are hereby entitled -Zone ~.
The property i.eluded in ZODe R-2 shall be &8 tollow.:
1. !rraet No. 158, Elk Park Tract I &S shown on a aap recorded in :Book 12.
page 8, M.N.: Lots l' to 30, inclusive, in Block A.I and LotI 18 to 30.
inclu8ive, in Block O.
2. !ract 1'0. 247, M~.t. Vista 'fract, &8 shown on a map recorded. in Book 13,
pace 51, M.M.: Lots.1 to 16, inclusive, in ~lockA.
3. Vineyard Lots; the ea8ter17 302.44 teet ot the westerly 428.66 feet,
..~~ .
1 except the .outherl~ 1131.61 teet. of Lot :B-2.
2 SlCTIOB 14. Paragr~ 35. of that portion ot laid Section 20 of said 0r41D8DC
3 No. 609 entitled n~e R-3- is hereby aaended. to read as tollows:
35. Center ~act: Lots 18 to 25, both inclusive. in Block A; Lota
5 14 to 38, both incl~.ive, in Block B; Lots 14 to 38, both iDClu.iT.. in Ilock
6 C; all of Blocks M ahd L excepting the southerly portions thereof which are
7 included in Zone M-2j.
8 SBC!ION 15. !hat po~itlon of said Section 20 ot sa1d Ordinance 1'0. 609 elP'
9 titled "Zone R-31 is;; hereby amended by the addition of the following .numer-
10 ated paragraphs 1
11 57. Vlne7&rc.\~ tLota:. Th~ westerly 126'.22 feet, and the louther17
12 481.61 teet of the e~terl7 437.28 feet of the westerly 563-50 feet of Lot ~.
58. Tract Bo~; 423. St. Catherine's Addition, as shown on a map record~
14 ed in :Book 16, page 30, M.K~'t J"ots 1 to 10, inclusive, in Bloc.k .A..
59. Tract No:. 426, Muckenthaler Addition, &s shown on a map recorded
16 in :Book 17, page 45, M. M.: J..ots 1, 2, and 3.
17 60. Villa Tract: Lots 7 t 8. 9. and 10, in Blook :B.
18 SECTION 16. That portion of Bald Section 20 of said Ordinaace Bo. 609 entitle
19 nZone 0-2" 1s hereby amended b,. the addition of the following enu.erated
20 paragraph:
45. Center Ttact: Lots 4, 5. 6. and 1 in Block B.
22 SECTION 17. Paragraph 5 of eaid Section 20 of said 0r41D8DCe .0. 609 entitle4
23 "Zone C-2H is herebY'Mended to read as tollows:
24 5. Babinger "'bdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 7. page
25 23 M. M.: All of said. subdivision.
26 SECTION' 18. Anl perton, firm, or corporation violating allY or the provision.
27 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor and. upon conviction
28 thereof shall be punt.hed b7 impri80nment in the 01 ty Jail not exceeding three
29 (3) months or b7 a the not exceeding ~e. Hundred ($300.00) Dollars or b7
both such tine and i~r1sonment.
SECTION 19. That the 'City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall certify to the
passage ot this Ord.l-.nce and cause the same to be published in the
1 .Orange Count7 Bew1' . a week1~ newspaper ot . general circulation.
2 printed, published a#i circulated in the City- ot Anaheim, and thirty (30)
3 da7s from and after lts tinal passage, it shall take effect and be in full
4 force.
The toregoingj ~rdil1ance 1s signed and approved bY' _ thl. 29~h 4&1
COUNTY 01' Ol1A!lGE ) j '8.
<:DY ~OJ' ~~n~DI..., -,... .:
1, CBARLJ]S.I..~;;'RIlJ'Imt City' Clerk of the" City of .bahei.. do hereby
certify that the tor 'Coing Ordinance was introduced at a regular
meeting ot the City .;~c11 of the City of .bahelm. held. on the 8th day
of Q~t~ber ~. 1940, and that the 8ame was pa8sed aDd adopted at an
.~ J^"'~=:~ :-gQ11P~ .. meeting of said C1 t~ Council held on the 29th da~
, of nl'!t.ft'har . i940. by the fOllowing votes;
ADS: ComrCILMEN P~Bon. Van 'Koner. YlUUtbluth. Mart.D8t.Jr. aDd lherid.an.