Resolution-PC 91-11F~u~~ RESOI.LJT:ION PC9].-1,Y , u:.+~~1 A RESdLUTION OI' 'I'HE ?1NAHLIM CITY PLAIVNING ~O.MMISSTON AMENDING G~RTAIN CONUITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CdNDITxONAT. USE P~RMI'!' P10. 24'73 WF~ER~AS, on August 8, 1983, the Planntng Cornmis:~.i~n approved Conditional [Jse Permi•t No. 2Q73 under Reoolution N~. PCF33-135 to expanci an existing haop.it~l facility by 5,750 square fe~t ~vith waiver of minimum x-umbes of, parking spacea on property located at the northwe~~ corner of Orango Avenue and Beach BaulQVard, having appraximat:e fl-ontages ~f 945 feet on the north aide of O.rango Avenue and 15~ feet on the west aide of Behach Boulevazd, ana further aescribed ao 3033 West Orange HvPnue. WH~REA~, Re~olution No. 1~C83-135 includea thp fallowin~~ conditi~n: "2. 'Phat pr.ior t:~, isauancc ~f ~ building pexmit, the owner(s) of subject Fr'op~rtY stia7.1 aubmit evidenoe of a rec~rded reciprocai parkincJ agrecment in a torni as approved by tht City A':torney, provi.di.ng far equal accesa to all parkir~g s~~ce~ on botti the north and south bidaa of Orange Avenue for the hospital and medj.cal office uses," WH~REMS, the petitioner haa requeated ~~mendment to aaid Condition No. 2 pert.aining to tha reciprocal ~arking requ.irement on both the nnr.th and south sides of Orange Avenue to rnove all parki.ny to the north ~ide cf Orange Avenue. WH~:t~AS, t}~e City Pl~nning Commission did hold a public hear~ng at the Civic Center. in the City n~' Anaheim on January 28, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., noi:ice ~f ~said public hearing havin~ been du.ly g:Lven ao r~quired by law and in accordance with the provir~.ior,A of the Anaheirti Municipal Code, Chanter 18.03, to hear and cansider evic9ence for a:~~i aqain~t aaid proposed amendment and to i~v~etigate and mak~ findings and r~comme~idations in connecti~r, th~rewith; ar.d ~EIBREAS, saicl Caccuniseiio-i, after due inspecti.on, investigation aitd stu~ly made by itself arid in it~ behalf., and aLter due coneideration of all evidence and xeports pffered at said hear.ir.g, does find and determine the following fact~: l. That tl~e land whert the 17U r~cipracal off-ait~ parking spac:es are locatF3d i~ currenCly being cc,naidE~red for a chaxlg~ of owner.ship and that Humana Hospit~l ia therefore requesting re.location of the 170 a~f•-site epacea to an on-sit:e location. 2• That ti7e F~larining Cornmisaion alao considnrRd Gene.ral Pl.an Ainendment D?o. 316, Candition~l Uae Permit No. 3379 and Reclassifical-ion No. 90-91.-2U at thF Janua.r.y 2g, 1991 meEti.ny and approved the expaneiun of tho exiating Fiuman~ Hospi~al parking lot with waiver of mi~zi.mum number o~ parki.ng epacea making it pos~ible £or the :17U parking spacea +.~ be relocated on-oite. CR11Q1MP _1_ PC91-11 ^ ,; ,:,~,.~, 3. That no one .indicated tlieir presence at said public hearing in opp~sition; actd that no correnpondence was recQived in oppositian to aubjeet patiti.on. NOW, TE~rRE~ORG, ~E; IT RESO'~VrD tha~ the Anaheim Gity Pla.nning Con-miesiori doe~ hereby amr-:~;d Condition No. 2 of RPeolution No. PC83--135 tu read as fallows: "2. (a) T:~t pr.iox to ieeuance of a building permi.t, L-he owner(e) of aub~ect property Hhall sut~mit evidence af a zecorded r~ciprocal par.king agreement, in a form approved by th~ City Attorney, pra~~i3ing for equal accees t;o a~,l ~ark.i.ng spaces on t,o1:h the nor.th and Kouth si~eo of Ararige Avenue for the hospital ancl medir.al offic~ i18P_O~ or (b~ Tliat a rninimum of six hundred s~venty (670) parkir.g spaces ~hall be provided for the hospital ~n the north r33.dQ of Aran~o Hve:~ue, ae specified by eanditional Uae Permi~ No. 3379. In the event tl~at aaid six hundred aeventy (670) parkinc~ epacea are p.rovided, the reci.procal parking agreement referr~d to in paragr.aph (a), preceding, may be t erm~.natecl . " ~ '1'HE I'OREGOItdG RESOL•UT: CN o~az~ ado~tPd at the P.lanning Commiseion meeL-ing af J~nuary 2II, 1991. !'- - '-' i7 ~ 1-__ ~' - ~ . 1'~~~c...:_-' ~'~ ~/.__)_~~..,~~,+~,;~~~:•t.c_,~.- CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P AL NNING COI~S2f7 ;SIU[V ATT~S'P: /~ - ~~ ~ t- ~ I _ -, ; •_~~~L_~~-~-~-- SECRETA Y, AN~HEIbi CII•Y PI,ANNING CQl~iMTSSIUN STA':'E OF CALII'OP,NIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) s9. CxTY Ql~ ANAHEItd ) I, Editl^ L. Harris, Secretary of the P.naheim City Planr~ing Cactimisc~.ion, 3o hereby certify that ttie toreqoing zesolution waa paaeed ai:d adopted at a meetir.g o[ the Anaheim Ci~y Planni.nc~ Commisai~n held on Januar.y 28, 1991, by the followirig vote of the mecnbets the~-eof: AYES: COhL'iISSIONERS: QuUAS, BOYDSTUN, I'ELUH}1US, HELLYER, HENNINS~Ek, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: CC)MMISSIODI~RS: NONE ABSENT: CC~MMISSIONERS: NOIdE /~D~ IN WITNESS W'.iLRFOF, I have here~nto eet my hand this !~~~ day o f` --~-~/LC .~t't r 19 7 Z. _ ..~ ~ `~~? ~~.~ ~ .:~-~,t " SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANI3ING CQMIKTSSIOY '2- PC91-11 ,1