Resolution-PC 91-116.^.
~~~;; , ,
~ir~sat,u~rrotv No.__~~c91~i1r
l fiL ;OLU'[' [UtJ c)I' 'I'}ii~; 11NAHfs'TM CT'PY fi1.,F+NNING COMMI5SION
TNni' !~~L1'.T'I'I~Jt7 FOR ~~OtJ'.) ~'CIUNAL~ USL PERMT'!' ~JO. 3~1JS~ E3F: C,I2ANTFD, Ipi PART
WE{E;~2I,11S, l;u~ T,nalicim City F~l~~nning Camroic~nion did. r~ceLvQ a
vet•i£ied PeC.LtLon for CondiCionai ;lr~e Permit fr~r c~er.Gain resal pr~perty,
c~ituatc~d in thc~ C.ity ot' Anaheim, County ~f orange, Stat~a of Californi~,
dc~ciitaed a~:
I.OTS :1 AND 1; UP' 'CRAC'I' NO. 3313, AS SFiOF;N ON A M}1F'
R~;r~~,;liF.D ZCJ ROOK il)7, PAGC,; 34 TO 77 TNCLUSIVF,
wF(r~R~~,:~, Lt:..~ Ci~-~ ?'l:iru:i.nc1 C~ir~m.i:~:;i~~n did hold a~ul.lic hoaring
ar th;~ f;i•,ic (:c~nrer ii~ t:hc~ City of 1lnaheim on July 29, 1991, at 1:30 p.m.,
tti~ticc af slid ~uh! :.r: ;;,:~1L ii;,~ '
I .~c~v.i.n~~ bc-rrri duly qivan ~-~a rc-~c~uired b~~ law a~~d in
accor~l~ince w.ith th~ E~rov.i:sions ot' the Anaheim r~unici.pal C'ode, Chapter 18.03 Co
I,ear and c,on~ider F~videnc~~ ~
i:or zn~.i a<1a:nst raid pro~~~ed condit.ional u:~e permit
and to inv~ati.gate Znd n~ri!;e ; inclinq~z znd recomm,endationss 1.n connectLon
the:cwit{~; and
4JIt1:Rf•:A5, o;ti.c3 c~~n,,;~,i.:a:~i.on, ~~fL-cr due ine~~ectian, i.nvac3tigltfor. and
sCt:dy ~nticii~ by it,^~•1 ( ,-u~.i iti i t~- ~ .
•> >c~n;ii t, ;~nd at~er aue conciideration of all
c:v; cleitce :~n~_J r:,i~~~r~r, ~,: f er~~~l rit. .~~ icl Iir~~~rincJ, docat; f incl attd determine the
fo,lo~.~i:u~ fr,cCs:
1. ':'h,~~ t:he L,i•<,i, ,~r,,~ ,.~~se i.:~ pcos,erly <~ne f'ar which a condit.tonal
u~;e Fu,t•mit i:3 r~ur:hc~ri.:r~~.
1 },y i~n~~}~f>in, ~;ur.ici.~al Co~3~~ Scct:ion to
permic. Ofl-(~YE'llil ~~~ s•,~~~ ri:l~l .-:~i:;,:fl1L;~tUfi n ,
f bc~c.r anc.i w~.n~ in a pr~nosed p~ol hall
,,,ith t:he fo110Wing wriiver:
SE:C'i:I01_viF3,~l~3:Gfi4.Q],~ - T.~nc3~c_~iPin~~ oE rf~cuire~•ard~.
(SSinimu_n,3~fa~:,t. landscaped :tet•back raquired
al~_~n~~ i'.~!~i.~ Rozd; nr~n.~ pr.op~~3~d)
: . i I:;~t: ,
'-' , r~: r::f::,r-,,,.! ..~:i~:c~r i:; }ierr~by ~_aniecl or; th~ ba~ti:~ h
t.h~_rF~ c~:•~~ t.,at
no ~i~~r~;~i.~i ~•:~ ~, ~,~.:.t.,,n-~r~:: •~•;,~ ic:.:tl~ t.~ ,
:sha ,~ ~ ~~ F 1~_r ~ thc. pr~~F,err_y 3uch aci size,
E-~ tc'I,~'c~r.lf~}~Y, 1~~c,~t i.,,,, ;i~: i ~~urrc;ur,clincJs; clhict~ do no~: a~P1Y to other
i.cirnr:ically zr~r~r~~'. i:r:.i,r~rt_•,~ .n t:;•„ :::~:ar~ ~:~•_nity; .3r.~1 tti;.~t strict a~~~licakion of
•`-tte Zoni.:::~ Cccle ~~~~~,:; r~.~t rfeE>r:•:r, t.t,,, prr;Fv,rtl of. j~eivi.lF~eZ erjoyed by ot:her
pr~~t>~ctic~~ ;r the idr~ntir;ii .. ;nc ~~ncl ~•l,irs:a~.ficat±on i~i the vi^i.nity.
3. .'!i<'`• '-`~' ~,~•~~;;~;~;c~~l ur;e i~ h«~r~by qranced for a perio:l af or~Q
(1) yc,~r, ~<3 exF~i.r.e :-,ri July, 2~,, 19?7.
+. :h:~r ~h" r:r~,•,:,-~~.-1 ~,,.. a_fect tize adjoinin
i ~•~ wi 11 ;~r,t ~civicerac.~Iy F 9
lan:1 ucsec.• .~rid r_he ~ ;t ,c,
t~c I_,r_,iLc,,:1. ~c•`~: !; ~r.: '~~."~ ,", ~_ ~ f. ~h;~ arrrr~ i.r ~rlt:.cE~ i.C ic ~~r.oposed t:~
Cft : ?. 5 J::C
5. '^hat Lho size and ~h~i~~ o~ tI~E~ flite propooed for tho ues is
eidequat~ to ~ill.o~v thc; fu11 d~velo~>mer~t of the propooed u~-A ~n a manner not
detrimc~ntal to the ~~art•icular are~i n~r to t:h~ peace, health, c~afor.y and gener~l
w~lfeire vf c:hr-, ~it.t.::E~n.~ of Che C~iL•y oF Anzhei~ii.
E;. That the;.ing oi tt:c ConctittonaJ~ Uuc un~.ler the
conciiti~m~ 1'11~0:3E?~.~ will ~~ot•. br_ der.l'1.II1LTlr31 to the pcace, hralth, nafety and
yeneral wF:lf+~re c:i[ the of L•iie Ci.4y of An<-h~~im.
7. That i:l~c: trr.iffic gener~lr.eci by the prooosed uye will not impneQ
an unclue burden ut~c~n th~ strec~tLj and hic~itway~ ciesxgn~:cl and i.mpr~vecl to aarry the
trif f ic in ttie are~ .
3. '!'l~iat. f ive ( 5) i~eople indicated ri~eir ~~resenco at aaid publ i.c
hecic•isiri in oppo,iti.on; a~id th~t- no cocieapondence wac rt.^~.ived iti opp~~nLtian tc
nc~~ ntthject p~tition.
CAI,1=!?OF~NTi±~.F[JVi:fti)Clhif:fJ'PAI__~UAT~['J'Y AC.'RF'INUING: ThBt th6 ^ndhezm
C:;.ty Plar.ning <.c~rn~uir~~i_~~n ha:; rc.~vi~~Jeci r_he pr.epusal to recla~a.ify subjeet proper*.y
from r_}ie t•SL ( l:.~l~~atrinl, L.imLr_ecl) 'Lon~ to Y.he CL (CommF~rcial, LimitQd) Zune and
to on-~>r.~mifae :,ale and con~umpti.on of beer and win~ in a proposed ~uol
}iall wit}i waiv~~~ ~~f minim~un land~c~~[!i»~) of V'ards on an irrQgul.arly-
:;hapec.i parcel of Lr~nct C~JR:;I.`JLiny of E1P~~['07CLI11c1tE?Lj~ 1.2 acteo loca~?d at thQ
:::our.heast cor~~er cf A..ahaim ~;:~ulc:vard an~l Palaia Road, approximate
front•~g~=_:i of 173 fec~t on t_hc~ r_~sC 3ide of :~naheim f3c,ulevard and 295 feet on tho
routh sirje of Palaie; R~r,d zn~_1 f:ucther de~cribed as 1410 South Anah~im Boul^vard;
and c7oe:; hereby apc~rove the N~rgr.civc Declarati_or~ upon finding that it :taE
con~idered the C~~.qativc Declar~:ior~ toc3er.h~_~~- o:iY.h ar.y comments received during
the public i•eview t~roce:;s and f~.~rthc~r finding o:~ the ba3.i~ that the i.n.ttial aludy
and any comment., re~•eived t:h.~L thE>re is rir~ ,ub~.tantia.l evidence r.hat the project. tiavc a~iyriif.i.crc+n~ ~~ffect ~~ii the E~m•.iro;ur~~.~nr.
t+c~r;, ~HGftc:FOP.[., !li? I'I' RT•:S~L.VED thar_ the Ansheim City ?lanning
Co,;imi:::ainc; do~~~ hcrelir gr~nr_ :,ubjF~ct Feti.tion for Cand.iti~nal Use Permit, upon
the foll~~.~iny CG1IC;LL;on:s c.•hich arc~ h~rc~hf founc! ta bc a necessary pYerec(ufefte to
tlie pro,~ased u~;c cf ti~~~ :;~.:t~j~~cL pro~~err.y in oc•der t~~ pr~~crve the yafety and
c3~neral we] far.e of thr, Citi..en:; ~f tha City of Anaheirn:
1. " That damac~eil ~~nci/or haztir.do4~ :;i.d~>w~lk:: ~~hall. be removed and/Ar
reco:~struc':c~.i ,ilo~~y Ar;~: c~i:u Eioul~v~rd a:> rc:~;uire~3 by r_hF; rity Engineer and
~.n acc:oL~lcin=~ with :;tnt~c]nr:: ,,lc~n:; r+nd :;i~eci.Eicat:i~~n~ on filc; in the Uffice
c~~ Ct1r7 Ci'~y ERgin~~~::.
~, R'I'hat ~~c•ic>i- t~~ i•.aut~::cc c~f a h~~i.ldiny F~~~t:init, a*raffic Kignal assesamenr
fee ec7ua; i:~,~~ th~~ c:icfr~rencc~ bc~twcc:n th~ indu3trial anci eommereial
as,r.::,sr„ent ~~,~c}:: :~hnil t:~~ ~,c~i:: t~~ tf,e Cir.y at' Anaheim in an amo~nt ~s
~_~tai~lishe~l t;7 C:r.f Cr~.:n,:.i.J i?i~r.~~,l~iti~~:i tio. 9:~R-15t3.
3. * 1'liar_ i~lan:~ :3;~al.i `_~c~ s'e•: i^ed <-~ncf r;ubrniLt~cl r_o L'h~ City Traffic antl
;ranEportat:.ion tdana~Jr~r for I~~i~ i•evie.~ „ncJ a~~prr~v:~l :~ho~ainy cc~nformance wi"h
t:he latesr. rc~vi:z~on~ ~~L Enqii~r~ec•inq Stand~~rd i~ian F7oa. 436, f,02 and 607
F;a~ctt~inin,7 Lo'r,irti~ st.~~nclnrcl~~ -,n~i ctrivr.w~•~ ;c:~•~ti:~nia. Subject pYOpeCty
~S}7~]~1 t.:2('I'CGE~;ViI :)[~ !~(~~r:?1~)[•"~.s .lfl~_~ ST,tlifl~:%lttl~lC1 LIl CO:IflJI'I~t:]il[:r~ 'Rlt.fl :S~j.C~ plana.
< ,. ,~~.~',~
4. ThaL all driv~ways reconetructc~d ta acc;omrr,ndat~ fiftaon (1,) foot radiu~
c~irb r~L•urns in cc~nformance wlch ~nginc:c~ring Department• 5F•ar.~c.;.u~.
5. That plana aur~mittQd fc+,- l,~aitding pormltn shall ehok cnnfonnanco wlth Standard Pl~~n No. 137 (inctndiny No~e 2) part~ining to oight
di~tance vi~si.bility.
6. ~ That ~trec~t 2ighting a.long Pal~~is Itoad ahali be in~tal].od as
r~:quii-ecl by the Utilir.ic~~ Manager in accor.dancQ with
Ap~~cificati.on~ nn fi'lc i.^. ~F:r of;ic_ ;f ~:::. ;'t..:.:.~ic.. ~Ct:CZal Mlnanc~r~ tar
that ~ecui~ity ii~ the foim of a band, certificate of d~posit, letter aF
credi.t, ~r caah, in an amount and fc~r:m Hati~sfactory ta the City of
Annh~im, ah11.1 be E~o~red with th~ Cit~y to guaranteF the aaL•!_efac~ury
comp.letion of tho abovc~-inentioned im~rovemer-r.v. Sat~ c,ccurity ehall be
poKtE~d with thA Cit;y o[ Anaheim prior r^ i~auance ~f a huilding permit.
'Phe a;~ove•-required impr.ovom~~nta ~,liall be inataL].Q~ prior ~a occupancy.
7. +~ 7't,at prior to ~enderxncJ of. ~•~:~t~•:r, the 1pF?ropriate feea dus for
~rimary water m1in:; c~ha11 be pa i ~? co rI1P. Wat~:L ing Div.i.aion, in
accor~~ance wittl Rule~ 15n and 7.0 ot the W~+:er UtiliL-y Rates, Rulee and
Regu 1 at•. ionc~ .
8. * That fire ~pri.r.kler~ shlll be installr_d as requirc:: by the rir~
9. That nu air_oholic NaveLagea except be~r ~1nd wine shaLl b~ ~old or
cori:~un;ed or. the premi:~e~ of thF~ Sub)ert: CGtl~fi.tiOtl.3~ ('r~~~ Permit.
10 Z'kiat tE:e beer 1n~{ w~nF+ ~a.1e3 aulhor.:.zed Y~y tt;is z-e~olutic~n ahall occur
~~ily in wit`i tha n~l~~ ccr~J.,~y ~u~l cun~~imption of prep<<red
Fn~d itcm:~ ~ rcast 3urants ) .
tl. *'fhat "r~~sh atoraqe aren:~ sllall be prov+~l~~ ai;6 maintained in a l.~catiun
,icc~pt-ab1c~ co ~h~ ~Lrcet- .tainte:~ance and Sanitati.on Division and in
a~_oruance wiki; approved ~~l~ns on fi.le with ~aid'ton. Such
inf;,rmation et:ail ~e shawn on the plans aubmitt~ad for
building permit.n.
].2. ThaL- pzior to is~uancc, vf a huildiny permit, a wa~te manageinent
plan with :e::ycling capabili.tir:; shall be approved by t~ie Street
Main~enance and ~nn~tal:LOt1 Divisiun. Upon occupancy ~f lh~ prc~ject, sa~.d
l~lan Qhall r.oirunenc~ and at~all remain in _°ull effert a:~ required by eaid
Ui.~•~ ni~n.
13. That- any pro~~o~ed fr~c~ta~~c.linc~ r~ign on eubject nz•oE~erty flhall bo a
m~~nument-•-type not exce~:ling riyht (3) EEf?t' in heir~ht and ^hail be aubject
t:~ tliF~ reviE~w an~3 ~~ppr~v~l of *..;;e c.:ity Tr.affic a~id Trar.a~iortat~on Manag~r
to dakc~rnine a~ic~n~~:L~r ll.ii:~.3~JC-~:(jllh.
i4. 1'h:~r .: minimu~ri Lhrce ( 3) fo~t
,~~all bc~ .inntalled a~~~ac~ent t
c, Lando:^apE~ plana nf~ :1:.
-:vic:w a~~~.: .~:,..,,. .. ~ _.,."
ir. ~ igat ian 4~ynte:o.
-3- PC9i-l16
wide io~~::.c~~~~l and LrrigaL-~ci planrAr etrip
~ k~a:ai~ }<.,.id ~:xce~t wtiere ci~~.c•.~~, ~,j,QnLnqa
i:~~ suhmiCte~t ta th~± F~:~, Dr_p~rtmer.t f~r
.._ i~~u~ ~~ i:~f~i,~..~ vi. L[lf? ltind~capir~g ~nd
, ~;
, .,,,~ ~
15., That aubjecL property ~h~ll ba ~evE~lopc~d aiabstantially in ^:..v~rdnnce with
plan:~ ~~nd spE.c.i..ficntiono nubmitt~d to the ~:.Ly of Artahc~lm by t-+~
pctitioner and whtch plans; are on fi:.~ th~ P1~nning Det~sa~';„uttnt mark~d
:.:::?.l~.ih NQe. 1 a^.'~ ~i piovided t1UW(3VE~1' C.h~h ' ~
, , ~~~ncir~c~xpin~ c~tl,~ll be
i:;yl.<<i~.~d a;~ ap~citiu~; .,. .,:...,..'! ti...: ,..,. .~.~, nerein.
16. Ttiat a Lnt I~ine Ac~jt»tme~~t Plat tu combirio tho t:wo (2) c~xi.atinn lnrc+ Rh.n,l?
bQ submitted ko the 5ubdi.viai.on Soct",u cor review and approval by tho
City FnyineeT• :~n:; ;.;,rn recordecl in the or~nge Gaunty F.ocorder's OEfice.
].%. That ~r•ior ro r,ommenc:~n~crit of thc act Lvit}~ ~~ixt.~-~rized by thio raHUlution,
or prior to issuance of ~ buil.ding permit, or within ~~~ai-iod ~~f one (1)
~c~_ F~•~~m tf~c: date uP ttiis re:~olutic~n, whi.chevex occurs first, Con~itiott
No~. ]., 2, 3, ;, 7, Al, 12, ~4 and 1G, abov~-mentioned, s}iall be complir~d
Wlt:f1. EXrE?C1J10(it) ~OY LUL'i.~7EC t:llllF' 1 r~ ~,;v~~~I,~!?1'ca palGi CUI7C~~~.:~.C:CIa IlldY i:.^.~
e~ranLed in ~ccordancc: w_t}i 5erti.on 1fi.U:3.c)90 ~~f tli~~ Anaheicu 4•iu.;i^{n~l
18. That prior T~, Ei.r~.> > 1,..~ lding znd zoning inopectiona, Conclition t~a:~. 4, 6,
8, ]~, ~•. and 15, above-m~~~nt.ion~cl, shall t~c complird with.
19. That Ll~i~ conditior~~-~l u:a~ permit i.^. her~~l.~f ~~rnnte~ for ,] Y~~+riod ~f one {1)
year and :;hail terminate on .7nly 2~, 1997.
'l0. :hat thE: pe~ition~~r :~ti.pul.n+ ~~ri t~ I~c~ fol !~~•~i:;, :~C tt,c ,..~1ic hearing:
(a) That on-sit~ a~.curir.~~ c~hal]. 1,c~ ~)C':IV1.C~l'd, in3ide axtd c~ut•side, subject
to r_hr_ approval o;: ,.: An~heim F'olice llepartment:.
( b) 'Phat valet parkiny ~ha 11 be prov i_cl~~d.
(^) That a d~-e3s c;u~t~, nh~ ~~ he enf~rcea.
(ci) '1'hat n~ unc unclc~ ei~t~,t~.~.n (1H) yc~lrs of a~f~ :;h~ll be pe~•miiLt:; unlpsa
accoir~ani~<i :,y ~n -~~i~ii!:.
(e) 'Pliat ciu coin-operatc~d elr,ctronir ~~m~i~e:nent/ar.•cade t:ype gam~ machinee
shall be ~~rmittecl.
i f) That JEj.77Clt~? area~ :,hal l bc ~:YO~~i ~9ed for noti••~moker and smoker
21. ~ 1'hat appsoval. of t:hin ..,~~~~ic~tiori co;:~':itut~~ ap~r.c:val of ~tie ~:ropot~ed
rc~«uest only to tlie c~r,tcnt :.ha* ir com~;iieq wil.l; t:1~+ Anaheim Municipal
'L~:~,itiq Cc~ac ancl any ot:~c.r aP1~lieablc~ Ciry, State ~~nd Fe~1~r.a1 =egulations.
Ap;~r~va1 cioe~ r~~r f=.~iL~'~ ,,,,y action or finding~ ao to compliance c~r
~+F~proval of the rcquert rFqzrd~ny an~ other applicat~le ordinance,
rey-~lar_ion or. r~yu:.rc~ment. c,~nditiona m~:r.ked with an aHteri~k (*) are
rerlui.::~c~ k~y a~t7Uli.~htd Lc341fl~ c~~de3, C'r?yul:~tion:; ar.d agra~ements and,
t,Fle?L'F?fore, !:Ui. JUbjQCt: t0 f~r?c7::t;1dLiOG.
~ ~
E3F IT FURTHCR IlESc7LV~D that Ltia Anah~im Cit:y Commission
doo~ he.reby find and d~termin~r that adopti.on of thi~ Ro~soluti.on ic~ oxpreasly
pr.erltr.ated upon applicant'e compliunce with each ~nd a11 of the conditlons
hc~reinabove ~o~ forth. Should any auch r.andition, or an}r parh thereuf, be
deala~~ed invalid nr unenf~rceable b,y ~he fina]. judgment of any court of competent
juri:~dictinn, Lheri khio Rc~sol~~tior~, and any approvals horein contained, sha11 be
dUCmed null and void.
TH~ P'OREGOING R1;SULUTI~N wa9 a~~o~ted ac th3 Planning Commieaion of' July 29, 1991. ~
~~, ,~ ~ .
___,~'_~ -~ ~.~.
---~!~c~L~f~.t _~- / l i~.t a - --.-___._
1, Edith L. Harris, Srycretary of the Fn~~heim City Planning
C~nvnisQion, du hereby cer.Clfy that the f'oregoin~J res~lt:tion was paesed and
adopt.ed at a meeting ot tl~e Anahpie~ Cit,y P.le.nning Commisci~ri held an July 29,
1991, I~y the fo? l.owirig vatc of the members thereof:
II~ 4]ITNI;SS WFiEiZL:OF, I ha~~ her~~unt~ ~e*_ my and this ~,~~ day
~~ , 1991. ~
---- ~J -~~ f ~ ' G'~
'I' `,4