I :
. ATto_ltre AT ~~-
40aooll104 "'Hie.: OF A....C. . ~.
r l/ '" ORDlRANOE NO. B40
. .
SECTIONjl. It shall be unlawtul tor an7 person, firm
8 or oorporatio~, e~ther as principal, owner, manager or employee,
9 to conduct a pool room and/or bow11ng alley within the Oity ot
10 Anaheim wi thout t~rBt proouring a license 80 tQ do as hereinafter ·
11 provided.
SECTION;e. For 'he. purpose ot this or41nance, a pool
13 room is hereby def1ned to be any place open to the publiC where
14 b1111ards, pool o. bagatelle is played, where the general pUblic
15 18 allowed to plat there1n, whether any compensat1on or reward
18 1s charged for tht use of such tables or not.
SECTION~~. Any person des1ring to obtain a llcen8e to
18 conduot a pool. rOGE and/or bow11ng alley shall f1le, with the
19 C1ty Counc1l, a ri1tten app11cation therefor bearing the s.1gnatur
20 ana 8wopn veriflc,tlon of the applicant. or by an ott1eer the~eof,
21 if applicant is a eorpDration. Such application shall be made
22 upon a form of a type tb be approved by said Council and shall
23 oontain, the follo~lng:
1. A. elb.ort history of the applioant, including record
25 of any arres~s an~/or criminal prosecutions. If the applicant
26 be a cOl'porst ion, such history shall be given of the directors,
27 offioers and mana,ers thereof, together with true copies ot
28 articles of 1ncortoratlon and by-laws.
!hein$mes and addressee ot five character retereno
30 Such application s~all be accompanied by the follow1ng:
31 1. A m~p or plat showing the looation of the building
32 where such pool r.om and/or bowling alley 1s proposed to be
. ...;..........
coaducted, togetber tttb the looation &114 _es of aJ.1 sto-rea sit.:...
~ed within 100 feet eaoh way fro. suoh looation.
3. If the I proposed looatiOll be oae where no pool hall
or bowling alley ha81been coatucted within 8ix.oaths preTioue to
5 date of applioation, Ithe written coaseat of all owners aDd all
6 t-.ants of at least ~ of all property within 100 feet each way
7 tr...~ locatio..
HOtIOB ". i Bo pool ro. or bowl1llg alley shall be
e8tabliahCMl 1& ....y p~ao. other than where OM was be1ng c0D4llOte4
10 withi. 81x .oatJas pr~or to the time of applicat10n for 110e..e,
11 UDle.8 1 t be 8'8tab11if1led more thaD. 500 feet d18.taat f~.. aa,. 811li'lu
12 bua1ne88 being COn4U~ed at suoh time of applioation.
SKOIlO. 5. 1 !he 011:, 001111011 -.,. :require the appl,loaat
to pre..ant suoh a4di,10D&l into:raatlon as it may 4... neoe88&r7
in pus-in! upon the 4pplloatlen, aDd may require the appll.oaD".
O~ if applioant 18 &joorporatlon, its offioers aDd proposed manager,
to appe~ per8oD&117j~efoze it tor the purpose ot oral lD~.rrogatloD.
18 Said Oit7 Oouao11 mai refer the applioation to tbe Ohlet of Police
19 fo~ his inftstlgatloq, findiDgB aDd repor1;..
SIOIIOI 8. . Said Oi1ly OOUDol1 shall have. .the. rlgh~ to
21 ezero18e d18oret1oD ~ to deny any applioation'1f it shall
22 P)leN: to ..,ld Oouaol~ that tl1e appllcaat 18 not of good moral
23 obaraoter or 1s an ~1t person to manage or coDduot suCh pool
24 ro.. &D4/or bowling .lley, or that by reason of the looatioa
25 where suoh pool roomjand/or bowling alley 1s sought to be .looate~,
28 the oonduoting or c~%,.ing on of such pool room aDd/or bowling
27 &1187 would be 4etri_.ntal ~o the publio health, pUblic order or
28 p_11o .orals. The ctGunc11 may require the inst&l.lat1on ot sound
29 deadening apparatus qr medlUD18 , as a coDd1 t10D for the. grant11l1
30 of a license, but th. lDstalla~10D of the same sball Dot estop
31 the Oouncil 1n any .~y from revoking such l1cense, in the maane%
here1nafter prov1~ed. The f1nd1ngs and determination of said 01t
Council with resptct to any such app11cation shall be f1nal.
SEOTIONl? Any.11cense 1ssued upon the order ot said
C1ty.Councll shal~ authorize such pool room ~nd/or bowling alley
to be conducted a,d carried on only at the place set forth in
the app11cation therefor.. Such l1cense 1s not and shall not be
transferable. Al~ licenses shall be granted in the name ot the
SECTIO~ 8. For suCh l1cense, the licensee shall pay a.
license fee of t~ee dollars (13.00) ~er sl.x months ~er1od for
eaoh pool, b1111~d and snooker table contained in such pool
room and/or bowl1~g alley, except tables which are oompletely
dismantled. When any dismantled or add1tional table 1s plaoed
in condition for play, the licensee shall immed1ately pay to the
City ot Anaheim ~ additional three dollars ($3.00.) tot' each
such table, unle.s suoh table replaces a table upon whioh. a our~e t
fee has been pa1~, but which table has been removed or dismantled
In addition to the above, the licensee shall pay a license tee ot
three <83.00) dollars per six months period for eaoh alley
contained in such pool room and/or bow11ng alley. The min1mum
lioense fee for ~y pool room and/or bowling alley shall be nine
<19.00) dollars per six months period. For the purpose ot this
Ord1nance, such Itix months periods shall commence on the 16th"
of January and J~ly of eaoh year, oommencing January 15, 1941. .
License fees sha~l be due and payable on the f1rst day of each
slx month. per104.
SEO!IOI 9. All pool rooms and/or bowling alleye shall
be conduoted 1n $n orderly and quiet manner. No person under the
age of twenty-on, (21) years shall be permitted to enter or remal
in any pool %~ No person under the age ot twenty-one {21)
years shall be p.rm1tted to enter or remain in any bowling alley
where alcoholic 'everages are sold or dispensed. No person
.~.. ......... ......~_..__....-............""""-.....:-.-.._~__,.. _0'1:. .;.......... ......-r--....... ....................._ oil .".
wbose license to rperate a pool room or bowllngalley has been
revoked shall be ~erm1tted to work in a pool room and/or bow11ng
. alley 1n the CltYJof Anahe1m.
All poo~ rooms and/or bowling alleys where1n alcoholio
beverages are sol~ at any time during the day or n1ght, shall be
closed and cease +11 business, playing aDd games between the hours
of twelve o' clock J midnight and s1x 0 I clock A. M... ot each day.
All other pool ro~m8 and/or bowling alleys shall be closed and
cease all bu.lne8~, playing and games between the hours of one
o'clock A. M. andjS1x o'clock A. M. of each day.
SECTION 110. !he C1ty Counc1l may make rules covering
12 all pool rooms an4/or bowling alleys conducted. 1n sa1d City, and
13 may at any t1me r~voke and euspend l1censes issued tor any pool
14 room and/or bowll~g alley, where the proprietor or persons in
16 charge thereof v1qlates or permits any infraction of any law of
16 the State of Calltornla, or of any Ordinance ot the City of
17 Anaheim, or where .the l1censee obta1ned h1s license by m1srepres8
18 .tation, and in all cases where the Counc1l becomes sat1sfled that
19 .the oonduot of eUQh pool room and/or bowling alley does not or
20 will not oomport w1th the pUb11c welfare tor any reason, or 1s
21 operated. in a man~er contrary to good morals or in a manner as
22 shall disturb the :publlc peace, or in an illegal, improper or
21 disorderly manner;.; prov1ded, however, that no l10ense for suoh
24 pool room an~/or bowling alley shall be revoked or SU8pended under
25 the terms of thtsQrd1nanoe unless a 'hearing and notioe of time
26 and plaoe of such ~hearlng be f1rst given the l1censee; prov1ded,
27 further, however, that any lioense may be temporar111 suspended
28 without notice or ~ear1ng by the City Counoil. Such not1ee shall
29 be deemed to be g~Yen if a registered letter 1s deposited in the
30 'regular mail by t~ City Clerk at least ten (10) days betore the
31 ~hearing, addresse~ to the licensee at the address of such pool
32 :room and/or bowl1~ alley. At such hearing the lioensee shall be
..................... ..~.. .. .~...., ........... .:......Jl' .... : *"11- II.~ -.. -~ ........._............."..~.. ..,....u.- ....... .... ,"._IL_ ...... ~.. ..~ ._~. . __.1_ ..,.....
......... rl-..._....._...-=--..__ ..
perm1~ted '0 ~ltlf7laDd have witnesses te.~1fy 1n hie behalf. A~
1 ;
the oonclusion of sU+h hear1Dg the OOUBol1 shall g1ve 1ts deo181oD
whloh shall be f1nal~
It shall b~ unlawful for &Il" pea.on, f1rm or corpol'a~loJ1,
elthez.&s prinoipal, jowner, manager or .emploJee' to ooDduot or operate
a pool zoom aDd/or b~11ng alley aft&% hiB O~ its 1ice.se 80 to do
.a8 been revoked.
810'10. 11.j It shall be the duty of the ae-bers of the
01108 department of ~he 01tr of Aa&bet., UDder the dlreotio. of the
Chlef of Po110e, to ~force the proY181oDS of this Or41nanoe, to lD-
Ye.~1I&te any OO~1&1~~8 ~e OODOe%D1ag the operation of &BY ~n4 all
001 rooms and/or bo.p.1ng alle78 1n 1;he 01 ty ot ADaJie1a., aDd 1:a. a4d-
tl0D to the1r 8eY.r~ dut1es, to 1nspect all suCh pool roa.s and
o.11ng alleys at 8uOJi t1mes as they deem. ne'c888ary, aDd they shall be
8~tted to enter, t~ee of oharge, any suCh pool roam aDd/or bow11ng
lley at an,. time for:: the purpose of perform1ng the1r duties &8 above
a.O'IO. 12... Any person, a..oelation of perIODs., or oorpor-
tloa who shall v101&~e any of the provisioDS of th~s Or41DBace 18
gullt7 of a mi8de.e~r aDd upon oonviotion shall be pUDilhe4 by a
fiDe Dot exoeeding ~ee Bund.red (1300.00) Dol.lar8 or by iapr180Dllent
in the Oity Jail for. per10d not to 8:Eo.e4 t1u:ee (3) IIOD"th.., or b,.
o~ suoh tine and imprisonment aDd upon. oonviotion &ay 110eDSe which
&7 have been ~ante4i to SUOA peraon, 88soo1ation of persoDI, 0% cor
orat1on to conduct, .1nta1n or oazry on aD7 pool room &D4/o~ bo,,11Dg
alley shall be reDde..d 1mmed1ate1y Y01d aDd the 01ty OOUDo11 .hall
deem .uch permit to _. re.oke4 and no new l1cense shall be 1ssued to
sueh person, aS8oc1a~1on of persons, to oonduct. any pool room and/or
bowling alley for at;le&st one year thereafter.
S&O'10I 13~ .Ordinances 10. 143 BDd 10. 3'7 of the 01t1 ot
Anaheim, and 8ubsectlons 12 aDd 13 of Section 10 of Ordinaaoe 10.
- .
50?, as amended, of ~he Oity of Anabel., are hereby repe~led~
SEC!IOB 14~ The C1ty Olerk 8ball cert1fy to" the paaaage
of this Ordinance, a$d cause 'the same to be pub11shed-'once 1n the
Orange Oount)" lew., -. newspap.er. of ge.neral circulat1on, pr1"n1;ed, pub
118hed and c1ro~ate~ in said Oity and shall take. effeot thirty (30)
da78 after its final pas8age.
. .~"'-'I' ..~......~.. ........ .~~._....................
The tor~o1ng orQ1nance 'W&8 passed and adopted by the
City Council ot t~ C1ty ot Anaheim on the 3rd day ot December,
'.1940, and. was slgnfed, approved and attested by me this
:.day ot December, 11940.
..A ttest :
,.. , ,
. .' ~~ / .
:~ 11:y 01 - k ~ t e .. . = -~; ~e1.
;..:Si'4TE OF CALlFORNJ).)
~~OOU.N'l'r or OIWlGE ~) S8.
I, Char~s E. Griffith, City Clerk ot the Q1tl ot
.:--Anahe1m, do hereby! certify that the foregoing ordinance was lntro-
..duced at a regular meeting ot the City Counc1l ot the.C1ty of
~Anahe1m, held on ~e 26th day of November, 1940, and that the
17 'same was passed a~ adopted at a regular adjQurned .meet1ng
18 . of said 01 ty Counal1 held on the 3rd day of De o ember , 1940,
19 by the following ~ote of the members the~eof,
20 ~.A.~S; COUNCI~, Pearson, Van Wagoner, Yungblu1;h, Kart.net, Jr.
: and Sheridan.
21 ': NOES: COUNCILIlEN, lone
23 AND I FQRTHER CERTIFY that the MaJor of the. City ot
24 :Anaheim signed sa~d Ordinance on the 3rd day of Deuember, 194:0.
26 IN WITNiss WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han~ and
25 : affixed the seal of said C1 ty of Anaheim this ~ 48.1 of
27 . December, 1940.
dlty Ie . 0 the . -- ~ ~ahelm
. .. .J-.-..,
Affidavit Of
."-"" .~~~.f?!X!~JKl:l:~. ..........__
of Haid couuty, being first dull'
sworn. say~-that s.he is a cit,
tzen or the United State!:J, and of
the State of California. aveI' .tht:'
u~e of 6.ighteeu yea,rs; tha.1 she
has no interest 'in, 110r Is she
n party to tIle matte.!" herein
mentioned; that she is the pub-
lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY
XEWS a weekly newspaper
pl'inted, pubUshed and' circulated
tll the s.aid County of Orange
lhat s.a.id ORANGE COUNTY
:\ KWS is a newspaper ot general
('Ireulation with a list of paId sub
:-'l~l.ibe'rs. and is published for the
,liHHemlnation of both local and
g-eneral news and intelligence of
u general character; that it is
)wt devoted to the, Interests or
l'nhUshed for the entertainment
or a partIcula.r class, protession,
II ade., calling. race or denom1na.
t inn. 01' of any number thereof:
that It has bee'll lprinted and pub-
lished in the City of Anaheim,
County of Orange. State of Cali-
I'ornla for more than one year
Jlpxt preceding the first day of
f hE} publication hereto attached'
rhat the, '
. .Q~.Q: ~rlf;,:~9.~_...';p.~.~~9.... ,_
ni" which the :,~,Ilnexcl i:-; a pri.nt<~:[
l'nr'Y. was }Juhlishf'd in s9.id 'lle-w~-
11;11)(>1' at least ...---onc~.__.,_.....___.
l"imnH.\-ncll1~ Oll the ...p.~.~..__ clay
ot .P~.~~:rr~'!:?~r...._...__ 19_.~,Q.. anll
t'llding Gll the
...--..... "_"_" ... 19..______, anrt
t hat ~a.ld ..Qr.gJ.n~n~~.__....u.__._..
.....-..... ......- wa.s published on thr-
I.lllowlng days:
,p- ~ 9.~~L~.1~~r, ,_ 9.J.... J..~~-Q. u.. _ _" _..
... _.;..-. ':t..~..__..l~~~u_u_;~:::~..I:__. .....__.
Snuseribed a.nj sworn to before
nl/:" thl::t .--,.....(0................ day of
^ <":L-~4 .t.r'.~
. '~h... ......;J'c..-'.......--_u 1~9_ .. . d4)
(A~ ;. ~. ,.. ::,... ...
..........C~~~... . li~~'"
.' '"'-1
. ____ ,__._._____ r
ORDINANCE NO. 640 'I not and shall not be transferable. I in addition to
. . All licenses shall be granted in the to inspect all
AN ORDINANCE REGULA T.- I name of the appli~ant. bowling alley:
ING AND LICENSING POOL I SECTION 8. For such licen.e, they deem n.
ROOMS AND, BOWLING AL- the licensee shall pay a license s~811 be pt~rn:
LEYS AND PRESCRIBING REG- fee of three dollars ($3.00) per of charge, ~J
ULA TIONS WIT.H RES'PECT TO six months period for eaeh ,pool, a~ld: or bowhl1
THE SAME. . . - billiard and snooker table contain- ,.01. t.he )Hll'Pl
THE CITY C'OUNCIL OF THE E!d in such pool room and/or bowl- their d.uties a
CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR~ ing alley, except tables which are ~E.~~ l'ION :
DAIN AS FOLLOWS: completely -dismantled. When Soclatl(~n of )
. SECTION 1. It shall be un- anI' dismantled Or additional table . .ou .'\:hO shal
lawful for' any person firm or is placed in condition for play, the or~vl:nons of
corporation, either as' principal, licens~ shall immediately pay to guilty of ~ m
owner, manager or employee~ to the City of .Anaheim an additional on conVlctlon
conduct a pool room and/or bowl- three dollars ($3.00) for e.ach a .fine not ex
ing alley within the City of Ana- ftuch table, unless such table re-:- dr~d ($300.~(
heim wi'..hout first procuring a ~laces a table upon which a cur- prU!!onment 1.11
licen!Je so to do R8 hereinafter l'ent fee has been paid, but which period. not t.
provIded. _ table has been removed or dis- !TIont.hs,. 01' b~
SECTION 2. For the purpo~ mantled. In addition to the above, ll11prl~onnlent
of this ordinance, a pool room is the licensee shall pay a license' iee ~~Y, hc~nse \\'
hereby defined to be any plaee of three ($3.00) dollars per six g.l anted to S1
open to the public where billiards months period for .each alley con.- tlon of pel'S~l
pool or bagatelle is played, wher~ tained in such pool room ana/OJ' conduct, mail1
the general public is allowed to bowlin~ alley. The min~um .1i- Phooll I'oom a'
play tiherein, wnether any coin - cense fee. for any .p(>>ol room ~ a I be re:
pensation or re-ward is charged fOl' and/or bowJin~ alley sh~l1'he ldne 'dOld and the
t~e ....use of sucn. tabl-es or not. ($9.00) doUars, per SlX months eedDl such..~
SECTION ,3. Any person de- period, For the purpose of this an no ne~ IJ
siring to obtain a license to con- Ordinance, such six months per- to such persOl
duct ~ . pOol room. audlor .bowlillg.' iods shall commence on the 15th sons! :0 cOl!(
alley' 'Shall file, with .-the' .City day of January and July of each and/ot bowln
Connc'iI, a Written application year, eomrnencin~ January 1. 5. one year the]
the-ref,or bearing,: the signature ann 1941. License fees shall be due SECTION
sworn .v.erifi(!ation of the app1ic~nt and p~yable on the. first day of 142 a~d No.
or b}:, .~n offi~e~... ~'!tereof, if appli- each SIX month!!: penod.' 9naheSlm, ~nd
can.t 1$ 8 co~oratlon" Such appli:" SECTION 9. All pool rOOnl& lCJ "of echon
catIon. shall1le made upon. a form 8nd/or bow1in~ alleys shall be con- ~O "h a;; a111el1
of a t)"pe to. be appr9ved by said I ducted in an orderly and quiet na elIl~, are
Cou.ncl~ and shall contain the fol- manner. No person under the sh~f~.;~~~ t
lowIng. '. . age of twenty-one (21) years shall . C 1 ~
.1. A .short .his~ory of the ap- ~e pel'mitted. to enter or remain Ordlnan~e, ar
IJhcant, IncludIng. r-;cord of any 111 a~y pool room. No person un- ~e pubhshed
aT-rests and/or c1"l~lnal prosecu- der the age of twenty-one (21) oint~ Nelwt~'
tlons. If the applIcant be a cor.. years shall be permitted to enter era clrc~ a 1.
pors.tion, such history shall be 0)" remain in allY bowlinK alley eg it~ kll'Ct:;
given of the directoL"S. officers and where alcoholic beverages are sold ~ f~ . .~. efi e ]
managers thereof, together with or dispen8ed. No person whose a T1 1 S na
true copies of articles of ineor- license to operate a pool room or he I fordeg
poration and by-laws. bowling alley has been revoked passe,. all ~
i 2. The names and addresses . shall be .permitted to work in a Council of tJ
Ii I of five character refm'ences Such pool room and/or bowling 'alley in on ihe 3rd. da
application 8~all be acconipanied the City of Anaheim. :~1 t wb slgnl
1 by. the follOWIng: , All pool rooms and/or bowling cs .chd Y me
1 A . 11 I . I I. cem. el. 1 fJ40
. map or plat shOWing a eys W lereln a coho lC beverages · . C
the location of the building are sold at any time durin~ the 1\1
wh~r!- su.~h poC?l 1'00111 and/ot" day or night, ~hal1 be cIo.sed and A TT~'sf .of t
bowbnR" alley IS proposed to cease all bUSIness, plaYlnp: and ..
be conducted, together with g~mes bet~ee.n the hours of twelve Cit. r" ?~Ar
the location and names of all 0 clock nl1dnlght and six o'clock .~ ~~ ".eJ ... .?
stores situated within 1 00 A. M. of each day. All other ~,. .'.. J ,J', ~.ll' l
feet ea'ch way from such 10- pool rooms and/or bowling alleys COU~T'Y OF
cation. . ~hall be closed and cease all bus- CIT". OF ",x
2. If the proposed Ioca _ iness, playing. an~ games between' I, Chal~les ]
tion be one where no pool t~e h~urs of one o'clock A.1\1:. and of the 91ty (
hall or bowlin~ alley has been SIX 0 clock A. '1\1. of each day. br certIfy tb
I. conducted within six months SECTION 10. The City Coun- dlnance 'Yas :
p!evious to !iate of applica- 'cil may make rules coverina: all ]8l thleect~nR'
tlon, the wrItten consent of pool rooms and/or bowling alleys' 0 e Ity
all ,OIWners and all tenants of conducted in said City, and may at thd ~:t~ fhay
a~ l~ast 75% of all property any ti~e revoke and. suspend li- an a e.
WithIn 100 feet each way censes Issued for any pool room adoPt~ed at I
from such location. and/or bowling alley, whel'e' the mee lll~ of s;
. SECTION 4. No pool rOOln or proprietor or persorlS in charge on the Sr
~ow1ing alley shall be established there!>f violates or permits any in _ 1940: by t~e.
In any place other than where one fraction of any law of the 'State meA~ES t Ceo
was beiD~ conducted within six of California, or of any Ordinance :
months prIor to the time of appli. of the City of Anaheinl, 01' where' son, Van ~
cati~n for. license, unless it be es- the licen&ee obtained his license MaNrtoeE~~t, JCr
tabbshed more than 500 feet dis- by misrepresentation, and in all ,..:.1
~ant from ~ny similar b~siness be- ca~s where the Council becomes ABf:~TI ~
11:" conducted at sueh tIme of ap- E!atlsfied that the conduct o"f such th t h M
pltcation. ~ool room and/or bowling ,alley a t. e .s
SECTION 5. The City Council ooes not or will not colmport with AnaheIm SIJ
may require the applicant to pre - the public welfare for any reason. on IWe ~dITd;.
sent such additional information or is operated in a rnanner con' n J.~
as it may deem necessary in pass- trary to good morals or in a man~ ha,'e hel'eun
ing upon the application, and may ner as shall disturb the public affixed. the :
requiI:e the applica!1t, o,! if. appli- }Jeace.' 01" in an illegal, improper tna~~JTo thl
eant IS. a corporatIon, Its officers 01' dlsordel'ly 11la~ner; provided,., (e~. ~ A. L )
and proposed manager, to appeal" ho\Vever; that no heense .-for su~h . ~'. ~ .. CRA]
.personally before it for the pur- pool room and/or bowling alley .
pose of oral interrogation. Said shall be revoked or suspended un:... Clty Clerk oj
City Council may refer the appli- der the terms of this OrdinanCE
cation to the Chief of Police for :tnles~ a h~al'i!lJ!." and notice of
his investigation. findings and re- time a!ld place o~ such hearing bf
port. first given the lIcensee; provideri
. SECTION 6. S!ltd City Co~n- further, however, !hat any licenSE
cll shall have the l'lght td exerCIse may be temporarlly suspended
discretion and to deny any appli- without notice or hearing by th~
. catiOn if it shall appear to ~aid City Council. Such notice &ilalJ
Council that the ap-plicant is net be deemed .to be given if a regis-
,,! .~ood moral character or is an tercd letter is deposited in ,the
unfit person to manage or conduct regula'.' nIail by the City Clerk a1
such pool room and/or bowling least ten (10) days before th<
alley, . or that by reason of hearing, addressed to the licenseE
the location where such pool room at the address of such pool roon:
and/or bowlinp: alley is sought to and/!>r bowling alley. At sue}:.
1?e.located'! the conducting 01" cal'- h~arn~g' the 1ic~nsce shall be per'
rYlng on of, such pool room and/ol' n11tted to tl:!stlfy and have wit-
howling alley would be detriment- nesse~ tt~stify in bis behalf. At
..1 to the public health, public or- t~le conclusion. of such hearing thE
'der or public morals. T.he Coun- CouI1cil ~han ~ive its deeisior
eil may require the installation of which shall be final.
sound. deadening ap,paratus or It ~hall be unlawful for any per.
mediums, as a condition for the Hon, firm 01' corporation, eithel
~!~~t~!1g of ..a :~icense, but. t~..e in- as Pl'il1Cip~l, owner, manager 0)
I ^-__I"......__.. ___ ___....1...._"'-- "..._.... _____.&...... _
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li~hel' ,IT' !I1P qHA.:\(;)': i 'l)T'~,TY
::E\V~ .:l. sc':kly a. '\VSp<i rhll
Jillted. pllhlbht-'d alld ('It'{'Ulall'd
Ihl' .,:aid ('lIll11t:..: If 1,1:-;111':':""
'::i1f ~i.lirl OIL\Nc;t--: l'Oe:\TY
\ I'~\VS 1.;.1 !It'WSJlilpl'l' -If g:Pllt'Y'al
':rl'111,,~j,JlI with .! !!.":\f of paid -lit.
. I ribrl'-':. and j..;, Imhlisht'll fo:' lllt.
li~..;enJ!nation of hoth lc)("uJ ,tlltl
:.!."Ilera! U(.W:-; ..1 nd illtellt~t"~IH'I' IIi
'~ ~elJl'r;.ll dlill',H'I.HI'; ! hat if I~
',..1 d..:\'.)t.erl t,", thl::' intH'e.-;b -n
,:~J,liH!Ii'd rot' till' t:Utf'l'faiIHl)(~1l1
. II a hll'tlellJa!' dilS:-;. jlrnff'SShHl
, t ..de., ,'alllng-. 1':Il'~' ,'11' d'>J]omf~la'
. j';lI, IIr of all." 1I11m'H~1 I1If~r.~of:
'hai. i~ has ht~I'n pl'inte,d ..;nd puh-
!;..;Iwd ill tIli-' (,il y of ..\nil.h~irn.
('1I11llt'y 'If ()nll1~t~. St.ilt..~ of Cali..
;' i)'nla 1'01" IIlqt',-' i haIl . 'llt"" Y~iLl
~>.~ t ~."'I"("e(lhn.~ rht. firs: du\' lIt
'!H pnhllC'utiorl lh-'I'+,to (Itt.i:It,i""'.i!:
, i1 a' t:l .~
I . ~' . i.' ~.~. ,.~ t,.: E. .:.' . ~-: '..:. '" .
-:' \\' II ! -< 1 t 11 (' ~': : I' :\', I i -; if; ;' i: I :
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;'I,IJ:'~l' .11 It.'a~'
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;Jf Ld' ">~::~->€:r
1!1 '-rQ. ~I1\11
"nding "II lhr:>
! hell said . ~r.~.'~.~~~~_l:l:~(.~'
\\,(1:.; puhlish.>(1 Oil r~:~
idlowin~ daYR:
~!.~ .~.!:'~r:X~~~ .' !-!_,_..J.~ L:-(~... .
'II ~~~;il:,-;;;~~ag"~;.u~;. ;~pr~~~~:}lt~ th";"city ~f-An;h~i;--;~-;':dditi.~n~i on cc.Hlviction shall he punished ()}'
conduct a pool l'OOm and/or bowl- three dollars ($3.00) for ~ach a fine. not exceeding- Three H un-
,in~ alley within the City of Ana- ~uch table, unless such table re- dred ($300.00) Dol1ars Of' bv iln-
! ~eim wj'Jh(Jut firf;t procuring a ~Iaces a table upon which a cur- pri~onmellt in the City .Jail .i'-or a
lllc(ln~e ':50 t~.. do a:; hereinafter rent fee has been paid, but which perIod not to exct~ed' three (;) )
I prOVIded. table has been l"emoved or dis- !l1ont.hs, 01' by both such fine and
I R:r.~CTION 2. For the purpost! man~led. In addition to the 'above, J l1nprl~O!llnent a!ld, upon. conviction
~ of t.his ordinant'e, a pool room is' the lIcensee shall pay a Iicenf;(~ f<,Jl' I any 11cen~p whwh may have been
I hereby defined to be any place of three ($3.00) dollar~ pel' gix ~.rant.ed to snch Pt'}'S(JIl, a:-;;.;;o('ia.-
! open to the public where billiards, m~nths . period fnr each alley COll- [Jon of pt'l's~ns!. UI' e~rp01'atioll to
; pool 01' bagatelle is played) where talned In such pool room and/or <."ondu(.t. mmutam or carry on .Ul"
~ the g-eneral puhIic is allowed to bowlin,e:' alley. The minhnulll li- pool l'oom and./~r h()wlin~' ,ali(~~'
I r1ay t~('rein, wnether any cotn- cense fee for any ,pool room ~hp.ll be I'endel'l'd illlmedintd;'
I pensatJon or reward is charged IOl' and/or bowling- alley shall be l.Jne VOid and the City Council ~haiI
I the use of slu:h tables or not. ($9.00) dollars .per six mont.hs deem such permit. to ~ revoked
SECTION 8. Any pel'~on de~ period. For the purpose of thi~ and no nt.'\\' license shaIl be issued
! ~irin~ to obt.ain a license to con-.. ~rdinance, such six months per- to such pel'~on; association of .per-
III (lurt a pool room and/or bowling" iods shall commence on the 15th sons, to eo~dllct any pool room
alley ~han file. with 'lhe 'City day of January and July of each and/or bowhng alley 1'01' at least
~ Coun(Oil, a written appIiratio'n year, eommencin~ January 15, one year thereafter
, I: t hel'efor b~arin.lr the signature 'and 1941. License fees shall be dup. SECTION 1:3. Ordinances ~ o.
, . ~worn ypnfit'atlOD of the applic~l1t and p~yable on the. fir:,;t day of 142 al!d ~o. 377 of the City of
.Ior h\ an (,ffiCf~r ~!tereof, if appli- each SIX months penod. AnaheIm, and subsections 12 and
,can.t l~ a corporation. Such appli- SECTION 9.' All pool r()om~ 18,.,of Section 10 of Ordinance No.
I catIOn ~hall be made upon a form 'and/or bow1in~ alleys shall be C'on- 50" as amended, of the City of
10f a ~~rp: to be approv~d by said I dueted in an orderly and quiet Anaheim. are hereby repealed.
,C'(H~nCll (~nd ~han contaln the fol- manner. No person under the . SECTION 14. The City ell'l'k
lowlng':. I age of t~enty-one (21) yeal'S shall shal! certify to the passage of this
.1, A .short. history of the ap- be pel'mltted_ to enter 01' remain Ordlnan~e, and cause the same to
~1.lcant, lnc1udlng. l'.~cord of any in any pool roont. No person un- be publIshed once in the Ol.ange
~~lrest.s and/or crllnInal prosecu- der the age of twenty-one (21) Count.y News, a newspaper of JZ;e'n-
tionf'l.. If the applicant be a cor~ years Rhall be pennitted to enter eral circ~lation, printed, publish-
P?r8 t)on~ such history shall be or remain in a'ny bowling alley ~d and cU'l'ulatcd i~ Raid City and
I p;lven of the directoJ."S. officers and where alcoholic beverages are sold shall t:ake. effect thirty (30) days
manaJters thereof, .together. with ~r dispensed. No person whose after ItR final pussage.
I true .coples of artIcles of lncor- hcense to operate a pool rOOD1 or The fp]'egoing ordinance was
poratJon and by-laws. bowlinR' alley has been revoked pa~sed. aod adopt~d by t.he City
, 2. The names and addresses. shall be .pennitted to work in a CouncIl of the Clty of A llaheim
I I of fiye cJ1aracter references. Such pool room and/or bowling 'alley in on the 3rd. day of December, 1940.
; I apphcahon sl?-aIJ he accOlll-panied the City of Anaheim. and was ~l~ned, ap.proved and at-
. by the follOWIng: ~ All pool r:ooms and/or bowling tested by me this 3rd day of De-
l. A map or plat showing. alleys whereIn alcohobc beverages cembel., 1 H40. ,,'
the location of the building are sold .at any time durin~ the CHAS. A. PEARSON,
wb...'rp. su":h pool room and/or day or night, shall be closed and A ,f~~rST :01" the City of Anahc.~im~
howlin~ alley is proposed to cease all business, playinp: and
he conducted, together with vames between the hours of twelve . . CII.-\.RLER E. GRIFFITH.
the Ioeation and name~ of all o'clock midnight and six o'clock CIty C;el'k of the City of Anaheim.
Ktore~ ~ituated within 100 A. M. o-f each day. All other ~T.\ TI-: (IF Co'\ T..II-'On~L\ )
feet each way fI'om such 10- pool rooms and/or bowHng alleys cou~~~ 01<' on.\l\'G,E ) ~~.
(~ation. ~ ghall be closed and cease all bus- Cl'r\. ()to' .\XAHJ.~IM )
2. If the proposed loca _ iness, playing and games between It Chal:le~ E. Griffith, City Clerk
tion be on~ where no pool t~e h~urs of rine o'clock A. 11:. and of the Clty of Anaheim, do here-
hall Or bowhn~ alley has been SIX 0 clock A. '1\1. of each day. br certify t~at the foregoinp: 01"-
cond.ucted within six months SECTION 10. The City Coun- dlnallce 'Yas Introduced at a regu-
p}"evlo+us to ~ate of applica- 'eil may make rules coverina- all Jar nleet~nR" of the City Council
tlon, ...he Wl.Itten consent of pool rooms and/or bowling alleys of the CIty of Anaheim, held on
I' all owners ~nd an tenants of condu~ted in said City, and may at the 26th day of November, 1940,
a~ l~ast 75% of all property any tJ~e revoke and. suspend li- and that the same was .passed and
WithIn 100 feet each way censes Issued for any pool room adopted at a regular adjourned
from such location. and/o! bowling alley, where the meetill~ of said City Council held
SECTION 4. No pool room or proprIetor or persorls in charge on the 3rd day of December
~owling alley shall be established thereof violates or permits any in- 1940~ by the following vote of th~
In any place other than where one fraction ot any law of the'State membf;rR thereof:
was bejn~ conducted within six of California, or of any Ordinance A YES: COUNCILMEN,' Pear-
months prIor to the time of appli. of th.e City of Anaheim 01' where' son, Van WAgoner, Yungbluth
cati~n for license, unless it be es- 'the licensee obtained his license Martenet, Jr., and Sheridan. '
t~bhshed more ~h~n 500 !eet dis- by misrepresentation, nnd in all ABNSOEEN~~T:.. CC,OOUUNNCC' IILLMMEEN'N'. NNToonnee..
~ant from any SImIlar hUSlness be- cases where. the Council becomes
n:~ c<?nducted at such time of ap- 1!atisfied that the condu.ct o.f such AND I FURTHER CERTIFY
phcabon. .. ,?ool room al!d/or bowling alley that t~e ~~ayor of. the City of
SECTIQN 5. The .Clty Coun~ll aoes not. or w1l1 not comport with Anahelm ~ngned said Ordinance
may requlre th.e. apph~ant to p~e- the .publIc welfa.re for any reason, on the 3rd day of December, 1940.
l'ent such addltIonal lnformatlon or IS operated In a inanner con'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I
!is it may deenl necessary in .pass'" trary to good morals or in a manl; have hereunto set my hand ~nd
~~g ~pon the aPl?lication, ~tid may ,ner as sh!1lI dis~urb th~ public affixed the seal of said City of
J.equl~e the appbca!lt, o,! If. appli- ..lIeaee.. or In an 1llegal, Improp~r Ailahf:loim, this 3rd day of Decem-
e-ant IS a corporation, ItS oftlcers 01' dIsorderly manner; provided ~er, 1940.
and proposed manager, to appear however; that no license. for su~h . ,(, SEA L }
personally be~ore it fo:r: the pu~- pool room and/or ,bowling' alley.' CHARLES '(t~. GRIFFITH,
pf?se of or~l Interrogation. ~I.d shall be revoked or suspended uti... Clty Clerk of the City of Anaheim
CIty Councll may ~fer the appll- . der the terms .of this Ordinance'
cation to the Chief of Police for "lnles~ a heal.jnJl' and' notice 01 '----..
his investi~ationt findings and re- .time a!ld place o! such hearin, bE
port. .' first gIven the hcellsee; prOVided
. SECTION 6. S!ltd CIty Coun.., further, however, that any licenSE
~~I sha~l have the rIght td exercise m~y be temporarily suspended
dlscretlon and to deny any appl1- WIthout notice or hearing by the
catiOn if it shall appear to s8.id City Council. Such' notice snall
Council that the applicant i~ Dot... be de_emed .to. be given if a regis-
of R'ood moral character or IS an tered letter 18 deposited in. thE
unfit person to manage or cOlJduct regula" mail 'by the City Clel"k a1
such pool room and/or bowlin~ least ~~n ( 10) . days before thl
alley, , or that by reason.. of hearing, addressed to the licenseE
the location :where such pool ioom at. the address of such pool room
and/or bowhng alle.Y is. sought to and/!>>r bowli!'g alley~ At sueli
be. located', the conductIng or. .car- ht;,al"lng the ,.hc~nsee shall .be per.
. ]'Yln~ on 'of such pool room ~Jtd/o;r. JDltted tc). .testl.fy aJ:ld ha"\'e Wit-
howlIng alley would be detrll'ent-. nesse& t5tlfy In his behalf. ' At
._1 to the. p~1>>.lic health, p~blic or-. .the co~cl118ion,. of such hearinlf thE
d!!r o~ puhl1e. morals: T.he Q9un.-, ~':l~cll ..hall. give its declsior
I cIl may require the Installation of. whIch shall be final.
sou~d. deadening ap'J?&!atus.:. or. It &~all be unlawful for aD~' per
medll~ms, as ~. condItIon fo~ ~he son,. ~rm .01' . corporation, eitlae1
f,;rantl!lg of a lIcense, but the In -,.as pI.lnc"", owner, manager 0]
stallatIon of the same shall not emplo;y.ee to conduct or operate I
estop .thc COUll~i1 in an,. wa.y, fro. . .p,ool ~om ~nd(or bowling aile)
l.evoking ~uch hcense, In the tban-' .after hiS pr"lts hcense so to do haf
ner . hereinafte.r provided. . ~"The been revoked. .
. fi~dinirs an~' de~ination o.~. said SECTION 11. It shall be thE
CIty Cou~cll.wlth respect ~'.any duty of. .the members of the poliet
such applicatIon shall be. fi~.. departDl:ent of the City. .of 'Ail.,
SECTION 7. Any hce~. .IS- . hel.m, under ~he direeti~n of" tbt
sued ~pon the Qrder. of sald~',Clty ChIef of Pollee, to enforce thf
CouncIl shall auth~rIze such'0Poo1' prl1vis~ODS of .th~s, Ordinance, tI
room and/or bowl~K aile,. _ be' Investll'!lte any 'complajllts mad.
co~ducted and carne~ on o~Jy ~t concernlnJr the operation, of an~
the. place set 'forth In the Qpb- 'and all 'pool rooms and/or bowlinl
catIon therefor. Such license is alleys ,i.n the City ot Anaheim, All(
. '. :.........,......;.... -~ ..,,1~!. .. . r:... """-
S~lhscr.ibed a,n~ sworn to before
mi.' thiH ..."....&.....,...__. . day of
,', (.~~4 1 ~7-''-'
L.I 1.\.,I.a. ~.l '-' J I
~llhlicati()n I~
'\~,11 I v.r. A..l'lAn~.1lV1 UUbt::) U.It- .....oIF.i u....~.r, '\OioA"''''l'V -...,.....g ..r.u....u -......
DAIN AS FOLLOWS: completely dismantled. When soeiution of p~r~ons', Or corpOl'a-
SECTION 1, It shall be un- any dismantled or additional table "lI!l who shall violate anv e>f tile
lawful for any person, firm or is placed in condition for play, the Drovi~ion8 of thi~ OrdiJ;~UIC(~ is
corporation. either as principal, licens~ shall im~edlately p&ay to guilty of a misdemeanor and up-
owner. mnna:gel" or employee, to the Clt:~.. of AnaheIm an additional on conviction ghalI he punished h~'
(onduct a pool }'OOm and/or bowl- three dollars ($3.00) for each a fine not exceeding- Three Hun-
in~ alley within the City of Ana- f.uch table, unless such table re-:- dred ($300.00) DoH-aI's OJ' bv im-
h.eim v'V'j'"huut tlr~t procuring a l~laces a table upon which a cur- pri~onment in the City .Jail ~fol' a
license ~~ t~1 do R~ hereinaftel' l'ent fee has been paid, but which perIod not to exet~ed' three (;)')
Pl.ovided. t.able has been removed or diR- !l1ont.hs, or hy both such fine and
Sr~~~TIO~ 2. For the purpost.' mal1~led. In addition to the above. IrnprlSonment and, upon conviction
tlf thiS ordInancE', a pool roonl is I the lIcensee shall pay a license i't>(' any license whi(~h ma:'t~' have heeri
!,..:1I..: ;'i:',: do,; : hereby defined to be any place of three ($3.00) dollars per ~ix ~!.rant('d to gl1l'h pt'r~(ln. a:-;:",oeia-
...; IY.: "Ila: <\1' l-- .j :'i' . open to the public where billiards, m9nths.period fnr each alley con.. tlOI1 of pet'sons, ill' {'orpOl'ation to
r ~ 'Il' 1 :d~.f-~d ~t;tti'.":', '1Ild .!' . pool Or bagat.elle i::. playedt where taIned In such pool room and./oj' l'onduct, maihtain ur carry on an,.
~ thl~ g-cneral publiC' is allowed to howling- alley. The minimum li- poc,l room and.'pl' bowlfn~ ,ane~'
: r Jay thcn~in, whet.her any coin - cense fee fol' any .pool room ~hH n be rendered iil1mediatel~..
; pensation or reward is charged for and/or 'bowlin~ alley shall'be ldne vOId and the City Council ~haiI
; the U8e of such tables or not.. ($9.00) dollars .per six mont.hs deem such .permit to be revoked
: ' ~F:CTrON :~, Any pe\'8on d~" period. For the purpose of this and no new licensl' shall be issued
:' ~lrln~ to obt.am a license to con- 9rdinance, such six months per- to such JleI'SOl1~ 'as~ociation of ,Pel'-
"! (luet a pool room and/or howling'. .ods shall commence on the 15th Rons, to cOJ~dl1ct any pool room
I alley ~han file.. with .-the' City day of January and July of each and/or bowlIng alley for at least
I: Coun('Jl, a wrIt.ten application ~'ear, commencin~ January 15. one year thereafter
I, therefor bearinf}: the signature arid 1941. License fees shall be due SECTION 13. Ordinances No.
. i sworn verifi('ation of the applic~llt and payable on the first dav of 142 a~d No. 377 of the City of
I' Or by. un o'ffic('r ~~ereof, if appli- each six month~ period. ." AnaheIm, and suh8ectiol1s 12 and
"can.t I~ a corporatIon. Such appli- SECTION 9. All pool room~ 13 nof Section 10 of Ordinance No.
I catlon shall be made upon a form snd/or bowlinA' alleys shall be con- 60" as amended, of the Citv of
lof a trpe to be appr~v~d by said I ducted in an orderly and quiet Anaheim. are hereby repealed.
I Cou.ncll and ~han (>ontaIn the fol- manner. No person under the . SECTION 14. The City Clerk
I Iowtn9,':, I age of twenty-one (21) years shall shal! certify to thf.~ passage of this
.1. A .short . hIstory of the ap- ~e pel'mitt.ed. to enter or remain OrdInance, and cause the same to
~)I.Icant, IncludIng. r~cord of any. III any pool room" No person un- be published once in the Ol.ange
.1I.rest.s and/or crllnlnal prosecu- der the age of twenty-one (21) County News, a newspaper of ~en-
tion~., If the applicant be a cor' years shall be permitted to enter eral circ~lation, printed, publish-
P?rs,tlon, su~h history shall be 01' remain in any bowling alley ed and cIl'culated in said City and
IlZ'lven of the dlrectol'S, officers and where alcoholic beverages are sold shall t.8,ke effe("t t.hirty (30) clays
manaA'ers thereof, .together with ~r dispensed. No person whose after Its final p:...ssage.
I true ~oples of artIcles of incor- hcense to operate a pool roonl or The f()regoing ordinance was
poratlon and by-laws. bowling alley has been revoked paRsed. and adopt~d by the City 1
! 2. The name.~ and addresses shall be permitted to work in a CounCil of the CIty of Anaheim
; I of ftye c.hal"Rcter refr.rences. S~ch pool r:oom and/or ~owling 'alley in on the Srd. day of December, 1940. I
~ I apphcatIon s~an be aCCOlllpall1ed I the CIty of Anahetm. and was SIgned, approved and at- I
,by the follOWing: , All pool rooms and/or bowling tested by me this 3rd clay of De- I
1. A map or plat showing alleys wherein alcoholic beverages cember, 1940. . I
the location of the building are sold at any time durinJt the . CHAS. A. PEARSON '
whl'r~ sU'~h pool rOom and/or day or night, shall be closed and l\lay~1' of the City of Anaheinl: I
bowlina' alley is proposed to cease aU' business, playin~ and A TTE~T : I
be conducted. together with I ~ames between the hours of twelve . ,." CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. I
the lOl~ation and names of all ! o'clock midnight and six o'clock CIty L ierk of the City of Al1aheim~ I
stores situated wit.hin 100 I A. M. of each day. All other ~rr.\TE OF C'...\LIF'ORN'L\ ) I
feet each way from such 10- I pool rooms and/or bowling alleys COUNTY OF On.\XGE ) S~. I
cation. I ~hall be closed and cease all bus- C1TY' 01" ...\XAHEIM )
. 2. 1f the proposed loca- I iness~ playing an9 games between' I, Chal:les E. Griffith, City Clerk
hon be one where no pool . the hours of one o'clock A. M. and of the CIty of Anaheim do here-
hall Or bowlinR' alley has been six o'clock A. 'M. of each day. br certify t~at the for~goina' 01'-
cond}lcted within six mo~ths ,. SECTION 10. The City Coun- dlnanee was Introduced at a regu-
p.revIous to ~ate of apphca- cll may make rules covering: all lar nleet~n~ of the City Council
bon, the Wl'ltten consent of pool rooms and/or bowling alleys of the CIty of Anaheinl, held on
all owners and all tenants of condu~ted in said City, and may at the 26th day of November 1940
at. l~ast 75% of all property any tll~e revoke and .suspend li- and that the same Was pas~ed and
I WIthIn 100 feet each way censes Issued for any pool room adopted at a regular adjourned
from sueb loeatioll. and/or bowling alley, .where the meetillR' of said City Council held
SE.CTION 4. No pool room or propn.etor or persor1S in charge on the 3rd day of December
;Bowhng alley shall be established there~f violates or permits any in- 1940. by the following vote of th~ I
111 any place other than where one. fraction of any law of the 'State mem bE:rs thereof: I
was bein~ conducted within six of California, or'of any Ordinance' AYES: COUNCIL'MEN, Peal'- I
months prIor to the time of appli' of the City of Anaheim 01' where' son, Van WRgoner, Yungbluth,
cati~n for license, unless it be es- the licensee obtained his license Marte~et, Jr., 8Dfl Sheridan.
tabhshed more than 500 feet dis- by misrepresentation and in all NOE8: COUNCILMENt None.
~ant from any similar business be- caleS wheft .the- Couhcll becomes ABSENT: COUNCILMEN. None.
11:' conducted at sueh time of ap- satisfted that the condu.ct of such AND I. FURTHER CERTIFY
phcation. .. ~ool room a~d/ or bowling, alley that t~e ~ayor of. the C~ty 0 f I
SECTIC?N 5. The. CIty Coun~J1 aoes not. or wIll not comport with AnaheIm SIgned saId OrdInance
may requIre the applIcant to pre- the ,publIc welfare for any reason on the 3rd day of December, 1940.
~en~ such additional information . .or .is operated in a D1anner.' con:' IN WITNESS WH~REOF, I
as It may deem necessary in pass- trary to good 'morals or in a Dian!:; have hereunto ~et my hand and
~ng ,,!pon the aPl!licat.ion, ~n:d ma1 .iler as sh~l1 .dis~urb the.. publtc a~xed. the ~eal of said City of
J'equl~e the apphca!lt, o,! If. apph- J'eace, or In an 'l~leg8:l; iri1prop~t An~helm, thIS 3rd day of Decem-
t-ant IS a corporatIon, Its officers 01' disorderly manner; provided) ~~, 1910... \
and proposed manager, to appear howe.ver; that no license: for suth (S E A L )
p~rsonally before it for the pur- pool room and/or bowling alley .. CHARLES ~~. GRIFFITH,
pose of oral interrogation. Said. shall be revoked or suspended un'" Clty Clerk of the City of Anaheim
City Council may ~fer the appli- . del' the terms of this Ordinance-" _ I
catIon to the Chief' of Police for 1anless a hearin".. and' notice of ,----
his investigation, findings and re- time and 'place of such- hearin, bE
port. first given the licensee; prOVIded
. SECTION 6. S!Ltd City Coun"" further, however, that any licenSE
ribed a.n~ sworn to before ~~l sha~l have the rIght to exercise m~y be temporarily , suspended
, __ dIs~retl~n .and to deny any appl.i- 'W!-thout not!ce or he.ring by the
lIs '_"P' ~....,...._.,.__ day of c'atlon. If It shall ap~r t<<? ~ald CIty Co~ncll. Suc:h notice shall
~ ~ / .. / CouncIl that the applicant IS n{)t be d~emed .to be glveJI" if a regis-
~~@.. ...,......~_____ 19_~:~::'.. or ~ood moral character or is all- t'l"ed 1ette! i$ deposited .in ,the
,.' _ ~." ".:', .~_' ," .~'/ unfit person to manage or conduct regula.... Dlall 'by the City Cleltlk a1
....00 ~,l~:'~__... tf--~~ ,such ~ol room and/or bowling least. ~en (10) .days before thE
. . N otary ~i~.... - alley, o,! ' that by reason. of hearIng, addressed to the..1icenseE
c" the loc~tIon ~here such. pool room at, the address of such pool rooJr.
and/or bowhng alle'y is sought to and/or bowling alley. . At sucli
be.located', the conducting or car- l,1-:arin~ the ..lic~nsee. sl)all' be p~~
rYIDg on 'of. such pool r~om and/or mJtted to testify and have wit-
bowling alley would be detritilent-" "'neil_ tAstily' in his behalf. . At
, a1 to tbe. publl~ health, p~b1ic or-. .t!le eo~clasion. .of ~ucb heari~ thE
der or puhlie morals. T,he Coun- Councd ~hall gIve its declSior
I eil may require the installati"on 01 which' shall be ftnal.
sound. deadening . ap.paratus or.... It ehall be unlawful for any per-
medi~ms; as ~ condition for the: 'son, firm 01'." corporation, eithe1
~ranti!lg of a license, but the in -. .~as principal,. . owner, . manager OJ
stallatlon of the same .shall not . employee to ,eond\lct or operate I
estoJ) .the COUllc:il in a." W:LY' from. ,.pool ~om and tor 1;)owling aile)
I'evoklng such lIcense, .In the man-~ ,.after hIS pr'its lIcense so to do hat
ner ..b~rejila~te~ prC?vided. The. been revoked. .
fi~dlngs a.n~ de~rmlnation of said. SECTION. 11. . It 'shall be thE
CIty Cou,!cll. With respect to any duty of the members of the poliet
such applicat10n shall be. fi~l.. department 'or the Citf:- of 'A'il.'
g .SECTION 7. Any bce!l.se .IS- . hel.m. under ~he direeti~n of tht
...ued ~pon the order. of saId CIty ChIef of Pbl1ce, 'to enforce tht
CouncIl shall auth~rlze such pool pr('ViS~On8 of this. Ordinance, tc
l'oom and/or bowb~g: alley to be' Investigate any complaints mad(
('~ndllC"ted and ,c'arr1E~,d on only ~t . eoncoerninJ!' the operation of an'
thc' pia,.'.' "':l't. t 1"H"t!~ III tl~t' al'Jll~- : and all pool r'oomFi and/or bowlin'
l'cHit)l. .IH.t'I't'll". ~ll('h hl'f'll:'t' I~ lalley~ in t.he City of Anaheim. an
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