Resolution-PC 91-120~:';~~~;:~ ~ `~ RrSOLUTI~)N NO. PC91-1?0 A ItE50LUTION OF TFIE ANAHE22d CITY PLANNTNG COM.MTSSION REVOKING P.ESOI,iJTIOZ7 N0. 17.2 ~ S~R:CES 1959-60 AND TERAiINA'PING ALL PRUCEGDINGS IN CONNFCTION WITH 'VARIANCE NO. 1175 WH~RLAS, on December 7, 1~~59, Variance No. 1175 wag granted under ' Resolution No. 122, Series 1959-60 by the Anaheim Planning Commisai~n to permit %~~ tYie ope.ration af an Italian restauidrit sArvir~g beer and wine wi~h :n~ala on property located at the southoast cornFr of Anaheim Boulevard and Vgrmont Avenue, havinr~ approximat~ frontagee of 159 feet on •th~ south ei.de of Vermont Avenu~ and 67 feet on the eaet ~iGe of Anaheim E3aulevard ar.d fur~ther ciescr.ibed aE3 900 S. A.nahEim Boulevard; and WHrREAS, ~~abject pr~perty hae been operatirig as a beer bar with no kitchen facilities since Jariuary 3, 19A5; and WHEREA.S, Poliee Department recarda indi.cat~ that r~iric~ December of 1904•, there have becn 39 contact~ at that location an~~ ma~t: of those con`.acts have rest~ltr_•d in arrests or citat.L~~ns; and W:3~RFAS, Code Enforcem~nt recordE indicate t~la~ frcm Januar.y 7, 1985 thr.ough February 21, 1991, eiyhteen {la} COtllpAai.nts were 1'CCP.IVC?C~ wl~ich reaulted in thirty--oix (36) co~e violatiuns that i.ncludc~d inci.dents of graf.fiti, ref:use and waste ma~ter, inoperable vahicles, fir~ dan~~aged bui].ding, portable ~ic;n~, unpermi.tted ~o~l tablc~~, and ~~vergrown vegetation; and 1-1HEREAS, pur3uant: tr~ C.oc.ie Section 18.03.091, th~: Code Enfc~rcement Divis?on iriitiated a public hearing ir, or~er that t;he Planninq C.ommieai~n consider terminatior. ~f Yhc re~taurant/b_,.r use eatablish~d in connertion with ~~iid vsriance; and WE?EREAS, tkie Ci':y P.lanninc7 Cominia~ion did hold a pubJ.ic hearing at the Civic Cent~r in the City of An~~he.im c~n Jul,y 29, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., noticc of ~aid public hearing havinc~ b~Pn duly given as required by law and in accordaiicP wiL•h the provisiune of tne AnahEim 24uni.cipa~ Code, Chapter 18.03, •to he~ir anc] conaider: evider~ce for. and ayainst :;aid propos~d condi.tional u~e permit and to in~~estigate and ;nake Lin:lings and recommend3t.i~n3 in coniiec:tion therewith; anc~ WF~~:tE:AS, saicl Comni.i~~ion, after clu~ inspection, inveatigation and st~id~{ made by it~elf and icl it~ behali, and after cl~ae coneideratian of all evidance ai:d reports afferecl -_ said hear_ing, doe~ find and determine the fo.llowing facta: 1. That thr use or variancp for whi~:tt euch appru•ral wan grant.ed has cea~ed to exist or Fias been aus~ende~d tor one year. or mare. 2. Tlt~~t exercised contrary fio violat.ion of statutc:s, CR125~1MY t;~e varian~e c~rarited ia being or recer~~ly hao bePn ~hc terms and can:~it=ons of ~suah approval and in ordinances, laws or z•egulations. -1- PC91-120 4 - ~`~+VXS~'~'a •' ~ ''' ~ ~ ^~1^1~ ~ "; ~ ,'~, ~. That the use or varianc~ for whir.h the approv~l ar~iR ~ranted ha~ bePn eo ~xerc:ised a~ to be detrimental to thc public ~palth or sazety ao as to cnnai:itiate a riuisanc:e. 4• T~z~t thirteen (13) people indica~ad thpir ~resence at said public hearing ir~ oppo~ition; and Lhat n~ correspc.~9ence wae r~~aeived in oppoeitioiz ta the subject peti.tian. CALIFORNIA ENVTRONMfiNTAL OUA'L,ITY ACm FTNUT.NG; Tt~c Planning llirector or his authorized repre~entative has determined that tP~e propnsed projeat ~a11s wi}hin the definii:9.on of Cat.~gorical ~'xempkioiis, Cla~s 1.]., ay d~iined in the ~.•' St~te EIR C~~idelinea and ie, therefoL~e, categorically exempt fzom thg rer.luirem~nt to preparF ari EIR. NOW, THER~FOF;E, BE ST RESOLV~D that the an«heim Cihy Plannir.g Commis~ion doec~ nerelay terminate all proc,~edings ir. conne~:~lOIl wit:h Variancc~ P7o. 1175 on the blsi.s of the foYcgoing fir.ciii~gs. TE:E FGR~GUING TtESOLUTIOIV waa 3d~pt:ed at t:hc; Planntng Commiaeion meeting of July 29, 1941. ~/~~ _~~ CHAIRW MAN, ANAHETM Ci:TY . LANfIING COr1MISSIO:'7 ATTEST: -_____,~~~ :~,.~~ _-- SECRETARY, ANA'rIEIM CITY PLANN7NG COM?~ST~~SION 5'PAZ'E OF CA.LiI'O~NTA ) (:OLrN'rX OF ORANGE ) ~ s . CITY OI' ANAHEiM ) I, Edich L. Harri~, Ser;retar~ of the: Anah~im City Planning Canmiisaion, do hereby cert:ify L-kiat the forego.ing r3~tol.ution ~,~as passed and adopted at a rr~eetii~y of. the Ana!~ei.m City Planning Comrniseia.y held on Jul.y 29, 7.991, by the foLlowing vo~e of the memb~ra the.r•e~t: AYES: COMMISSIOI3~RS: BOUAS, Bhy~STUtJ, ['~LDHAUS, H~LLYLR, F~ENrIINGER, PEFtt1Z11 NOES: COt4MISSIODIERS: NONl: AflS~NT: COMMISSIUNERS: MESSG IN WIThESS WH~ftEOF, I tiavF l~iereunto net my hand t`~is ~~~ day of ~ ,~ _, 19~1. ~~ ~~-~. ~°. ~~~~.~~, ` SL•;C'tFTHF.Y, ANAHEII~f CCI'J.'Y PI.ANNING COMMIS~ION _2- Pc:91-120 ~ ~, : ~ ;,