Resolution-PC 91-123n ~;1h~',~ R~SJi,UTto~1 No. Pr91-123 ~f ~ A RE50LU'I'TUN OI' TH~ ANAHLIM GITX PLANNINC~ COMMTSSZON TIiA'1' PETI'1lON lOFt GONnITIONAI~ US~ PERMST NO. 3~1n5 B~ GRAN'PED WHERF~AS, the Anahcim ~i.ty PJ.anning Cominission dicl rec~ive a verifi~d Peti~9.on for Conditional Use Permit for certain rFal pCOporty eit~:ated in thc~ Ci~y of Anlheim, Co~. ~.ity of Or~ange, Stat.e c~f California, descr.~,bed as: YAFCEL 2 AS SH047N QN A MAP E'ILE7 TN BOrJK 105, YAGES 13 11ND 14 ~~I~ PAF2~EL MAPS ~.'N THL OFFICF OF TH~ COIINTY R~CORULR ~F ORANGE COUN'.CX, CP.LIFORNIA. f'~ f~i) ~~r.., r ,. ... FTHH,RF,AS, the C~ty Planning Commisaio~ ~1id :~r•:.cl 'cl DllIJ~..LC hearing ~it the Civic Cc~ni:er in tt-~e C:ii:y of An~.;heim on Auqurit: 12, 1991, at 1:30 p.m. , ri~tice of ~~3id public heari.ng ;iaving been duly give;n ~i~ required by la~.u and in ~,r,cot:d1ncc: with the provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal Co~e, Chapter ~.£3.Q3, tc~ I~,ear and con~ider c~videnc~ for an~:l agaiiist slid proposed conditional use permit a,~:~ to invesY:ic~ate and make findinqs and recommendatic~n:~ in connection ttler~with; at'~d WHGItF.AS, sai.d Commis~ion, aft~r due inspection, invesL-igat.ion and ~•ituc~y made b;. icselt and in it3 bei~~ :Lf, a~,~i after dixe consideration c~£ a71 e~vide~nc~ ana L't:UOI'tf; offered ar sai:? tleuY?ng, cloes fi.nd and deL-ermine th~ i'o3_.lc>wing f1ct~: 1. That i:he pr~p~~ed u~e ic~ properly onE f:,r.• :,~i:i::h a conditional use permit i~ autli~r.ized by Anrlh~im Municipal Cor3e Section to ~~ermit a 56C sc~. ft .~risck stlo}~ i~i an exir~tiny 90, 000 ssq. ft. off.i ce building. " Tttiat the proposed u3~ will not aciver~ely affe~t~. the adjoining land uoec~ ~n~~ the gro~~~li ar~d develapmer,l: of the ar.ea iri which ~.~ i~ prop~~ecl to ba lacated. 3. 'lhat. t.h~~ si~e and shape of the ~ite prc~pu~ed for. the use is adF~guate t:o allow th~ iull development of the propo~ed use in a manner n.at r,i~ krimental t~~ the E~arli.cular area nr.,r to t.he peace, tiryalth, aafety and general welfare of tii-e Ci.t,izen~, of. the City of T,nahesim. ~l. 'C}lat the gra~lt ing of the Cori<litiona.l Use P~rmit under the coriditions impc~~ec] will nat be det: irnental to L•he peace, health, safety and gen~raJ. welfare of the C:itizen:, of ttie Ci.t.~~ o£ Anaheiir. 5. Tha1: th~~ traff.ic generatf~~. ~;y t:he ~roposed u~~: wil]. nnt impos~; an tindue bu.rden upor. t.ne eitzeFits and Yaiy.. ~~~ drsi.yned and .improved to carry tt-Q traffic in the area. 6. in opposiL•ion; subjecL• p~tit:~on. CR1262MP 'fha~ no onE: indicated their. presence at ::r~id publi. hearing ran~3 ch~t no c-~-~responc.iencE~ wa~ rec;n.ived in oF>po~:•tion to the -1- PC:91-123 ~~ . ' . . ~ 1.: ". 7 O I ~1: ~ ~~~'~.l~.1~ CA.LTFOR:~2A ENVIRONMLN`iAL~ rLUALITY ACT F:CND:[NG; The Plarining Diracror. or tiis authozizecl repre~entat:'v~~ hus r~etPrmined that the propos~d project :Ealls w.i.tlziri the definiti.on of C~zt.r•_cJoricaL Exem~~tions, Clues 15061(b) (3), as dsfined i.n the State ETR Guidelinee, ..ind is, thereEore, categorica].ly exempt finm the rec~uir.ement ta prepar~ an EIR. NOW, THERErORE, BE; IT R~SO:LVED ~haL the Anaheim rity Planning „ Commis:tion doe~s hereby r~rant subject F~etitic for Conditional Us~ Per.mit, upon the following condition~ which are her.eby fauncl ta be a nece3aary prereguisite ~o the propuflerl uae ^t tl;e subject i~roptrty in order i:o pLe~erve the 3af~ty ttnd genert~l welfares r~p i:he C.il•izens oP tha City of Anaheim: 1• * Ttiat t~asli storagc ar.Fas shall be prov.ided and maintaJ.ned in a locatio~n acceptable to the Street Maintenance and Sanitatiori Division ana in acc~rdance with approved plans on file with sa.id divisi~~n. Such inform~tion sha11 Ue specifically ~hown on the plan3 submii:ted for ~ builcling p;~rmits. ~ 1• That }?ricr to 13GU~111CQ of a builclin~ pe.rmit, a so.lid waste ma;~eigement ~lan with recycl.ing capahilities :hal] bc appr~ved by the Str~et Mainten~nca and SaniLat:ioii Div.i_sion. Upo^ ~ccuFar~cy of. t}~e project, said plan ahall ti commenc~ and sha11 remain in tull effect a~• required by c~aid Divi.si.on. 3. That subject. pro~ei-ty shttll b~ developed substar.tially in accordance w~ith p.lan~ and ~peci[ic:itiar~r 3uba~itted to the C.ity of. Anahaim by the pet.itianer und wl~icti P.lan~ are on f.i.Le with the Planning Departmen~ marked Exhibit No~, 1, 2 anc] 3. 4. That prior to comm~nc~ment of ~h~ activity 3u;;liorizcd by this resolution, or l~J1C:tllii ~z ~e:-iod of orie (]. ) ye~r from the ~late~ of this rssolution, which~ver <~ccurs; fir.:;t, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mer,tianed, shall be compl.i.ed with. F.xterisi.on~= for further. tinie to complete ~a.id canditions may be c~rant:e~d in accc>c~dance with Section 18.03. C90 of the AnatiPini Mi~nicipa]. Cod~:~, 5. * Tnat approva]. oE tFiif~ application con~titutes approva.l of the propoaed requ~.st on].y ta thc~ ~xtent th~t it complies with L•he Anaheim Murticipal Zoniny Code an:l any oth~r applicable City, Stata and Federal regulatio~ys. Approv~il dne~ ~:oti incJ.ude an;~ action er findin~e as to complian~~e or ~pproval o~ thc: reque3k regarding any ottic;r. applicahle ordinanee, regulati.on or requiremcnt. C;ondiLi.one max•ked with an asL•eri.sk (~j arc~ rrquiLed by eetahLinhed ?aw:~, codes, reg~alatione and ~gree.nenta and ar.e, therefar~, riot ~ubjcact to nequt_ia~iori. BL: IT FUR'PIIGR ~tLSOLVED tliat-. tY~e Anaheim Ciry P'ianning Commission ~oe3 hereby find ancl determine that adopti.on of this Ftesolutian is exp.ressly predieated upcn app].icant's c-~mpliance wit}i each anci a11 of the condiL•ions hereinabuve :~et focr_h. Shuuid any ~uch condition, or any par~ thereof, be declared invalid or un~n~c~r.•cc~able b~~ th~ i'inal judqment of any caurt of' competen~ j~~risdi.ction, t.:hen thic, kesoluLi.on, and any appr.ovalc~ herein contained, shall be d.aemed nu11 and vo~.d. -2- PC91-123 ~ ~ ' . . „ ~',~~~~I TI~E P'OREGO]:NG RESOliUTION ~vaa adopted at the Plar~ning Cortunisaian maeting ,•.~f Auguet 12~ 1991. `~~ ~`~~ , `~~~ '/ ~ 'J f 'r~ •'"~"~1~~~ G;.` ,~ ' . ~ ~ _~-'--=-._._ C AII2WOM N, ANAHETM CT1'Y F l~NNTNG GUMMISS~ON ATTEST; n ~;~i ~ _-~~~~5~._~~_ -'r-G "_"------ SECI2EZ~I~RX, ANAH~;It9 CITY PLADiNI:NG COMM2S,gION STATE pF~ C~~LIFI;~RNIl~ ) CC)UNTY' OF C~RANC~E ) s , . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Editt~ L. ~a.rri~, Secretary ot the Anahcim City P1ann3ng ; Commiagion, do herelay certiry Y,}~at the foregoinq re~solut.ion was p~a3ed and :" adopted at a meeting oE ~he Anah~irn Cit 1991, by the: fal2owin~; vote of. the membe~rsPthereog. Conm.is~ian he.td on August 12, J , AYES; ~ptSDiISSTONERS: HUUF~S, SpYDSTUN, I'GLT~HAIJS, H~LLX~R, HENN.T.NGER, ~ MES:iE, p~RA2}1 NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: NON1~ y ABSEiJT: COtrMISSIqNERS: NOIQF TN WI'iNESS WHER~OF, t have hereunto set my hanc~ th.i~ ~` d~ of ~.n~" , 1~191. daY ' - ~------- . O,I ---._._ ~~- ~~~.~ SECI':EZ~A~ Y", ANAHEIM CITY YLF.NNZNG COMMTSSTON _3- r ^ PC~1•-123 ~-'~::ti+