Resolution-PC 91-1241.;~.; RESOLUTIUN NO. PC9'1-124 ~ A R.ESOLUTIC~N OF 7'HE ANAETF.IM CITY PLANNING COMMI5SION THAT PETITION FOFt REGLASSIFICATION NO. 91-~32-01 BE 1)ENIED WH~REAS, the Anaheirn City rilanning Comm.ission did rec~ive a v~rifie<3 petitian for Recl.a~si.fication for eertain real property aituatcd in the City af ~naheim, Caunty of Orarige, SLate of Califoriil.~, clescribed as fcllow3: THI~T FC'I2TION QF L07' '1 OF T[iN; AtdAHETM E:CTF'NSION, ~N THF~ C1TY OI ANAH~'IM, COUN'tX OF CRANGE, 5Z'ATL OL' GHLII'O}2NIA, AS SF30WN ON A [dAP OF SURV~Y MAUE k~Y ~r1ILLI:AM HAMEL AD]D FILEL` IN IIOOK 3, PAGE ].G2, LT. SEQ., UF I.,OS ANGELrS COUNTY MAPS, AECOF2DS OF QF2ANGG COUNTY, ll~SCFtIE~D A5 F'OI,LOWS: ~~ BLGINNING ~T TK~ NOR'PHWEST CORNPR nF TIi~ LAND CONVEYLD Td J. E. WA ~TEIi, ~T AL, DY DEEC R~CORDED MAY 13, 1947 :IN f3pOK 15Z~, PAGE 377 ~i~ OFFICTAL RECORDS, SAID POTNT 8E2NG WEST ~ 817.K4 FEET FROM TEiE NORTFiLAST CORNER OP' SAIn I,OT; THF'NCE SUU'THEF2LY 209.47. FE~T ALONG THE W~;STERLY LINE Or aAID L~AND TO TFiE SOUTHWEST COItNER OF SIyID LANll; 'PEIENCL SOUT~i %.3° 54' '` 25" WEST 270.81 FEET ALOrG THE PROLONGATTOtd pF THF. SOUTHGRLY LiNE OF SA:LD LAND UP WALTFR, TU THE ~n'ESTERI,Y LIN£ OF uAID I.~OZ'; 'PHENCE NOP.THERLY 288 FFET ALONG SAID WEST~RL'l L7NE `fn THE; NORTHWL'ST CORNER ~~F SAID L07'; TIiEP1^r EX1ST 281.07 I'EET ;O TI•i~a PnINT OF BEGINNTNG. E7iCGRPT 'PEiE SOU'I'HEI2LY 95 FERT THEREOP'. ALSU EXCEPT THE EFIST~RLX 85 FE 3'P, MEA9URFll AL•ONG 'I'HE SUUTFIFI2LY LIN~ `I'H]sRFOF. WHEREAS, the City Flanning Commi~sion did Y~~ld a public he~ring at the Civic Center i~1 the City of Anahe.im c~n August 12, 199.1. at 'l: 3U p.n~. , notic;e of said p~.~b.lic he~aring havincr been d~:l,y c~iven as req~air.ed by law and in accordance wi.th the provision~ of the Anaheim Munici.pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cansider ~vidence for and agai.izEt said pro~o~~.d recl.~~sificati~n and to ?_nvesti~iate and makE~ findi.ngs and r~commendations in cunner.tion therewith; and WHrRF.AS, sa.i.d Commission, afi:er d~ie in~pect:i~.~, investigarion and study made by i.t~elf and .in its behali, ar~d after due c.onei.derati~n of 311 ev~.dence anc,i report3 affered at said hear.i.ng, does find and determine the following fact.s: 1. That the ~etitioner propoae9 reclassi.fi~ati.c~n of subject properL•y from the RS-720f) (Ite~~idential, Sir~gle••Famil.y) 2one ta the CL (Commer.cial, Limited) Zorie. ?. That the Rnaheim Geneirj.l Plan de3i.ynaY.es ~ubject ptoper~y for Gener.al C~m:rier~idl ].and usea. CR1'163t4P -•1- PC9~-12~} ~'~o ~ 3. Ttiat the prapoqed reclasstf.icatior. of eubje~:t property i9 not nece~sary nor ~e~irable for the orderly and proper developrnent of ~thQ cammunit~'. 4. T.hat ttie propoped r.ecLaesifi.cation of subjQC~ propEr.ty does not pi-oF~erly relate to the aurrounding reaidential z~nes and thAir perrai_tted use~ locally ~a~abli~hed in cloae proximity to oubject property and tu i;h~ zor~es and theii permitted ueaa generally ~~tabl.itihed ~hroughout the aommuni.ty. 5. ~'hat tcoenty (20) people indicated their pre3ence at said ~ublic hea~:ing in opnusition. CAI~II~ORNIA ENVTROhtiENTAL~ALiTY Af:'C_FINDTNG: That the AnaYiei.m City Planniag Commission has reviewed th~ propoeal i:o reclassi£y subject property fram the RS-7200 (Reaidential, 5inyle-i~amily) Zone t~ the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zor~e ta permit a dLive-~hrough ras~taur.anr in conjunct.ion ~vith a~ermitted commercial building with waiver.a ot minimum d~ive-through lane requirements and minimum atructural ~etback on a.n ir~:egularly-~haped parcel of l.and c~~nsisting of lpproxim~,~ely 0.60 acr~ located at the southeast corner of La Palma Avenue arid East Street, having upproximate frontages of 180 feet on the soul-.h ~ide of L,a Palma AvenrP and 170 Peet on the east side of East Str~eL- and furt:h~r descri~ed as '770 Nozth East Street; and doe~ here>y deny a mii:igal:ed NegaY..ive Declaration un Lhe ba~is t}~at the Planni.ny Conutiission has consi~iered the pro~:osal wi*h ~h~ mitigated Negat.ive D~clardtion and Monitori.ng P.rogram, togeth~r with any con~meni:a received during the public review pr~r.ess and fuiLher finding, on the basis of th~ Initial S':udX, that t;here is aubstantial evidence that the ~r~je:.t will have: a signiticant effe~t o~ the environment. NOW, THFREFORE, E~ IT RESOLVED that the Aaaheim City Planning ~ommission does h~:reby deny Petition for REr,lassificatiori on the basis of the aforementionec9 fin~~ings. TI~3~ F'ORF'GOTNG RESOLL'TSO1V was adop'.;ed at the Planning Comr~i~sion meeting of. Auguet 12, :.991. ~?,,, ;~%% ~ f , !~~ ` ~ % . "~~ rC./t.c~~'~~;' r =r-'~ ~c ~'•~d= ~l..c ~~ ~HAIF2W0 N, ANAH~IM C:ITY PLAE7NING COMMTSSION ATTES'P: _.__~.CJ~r_'~_ ' ~~ ' - ~''t~ ~.... - SFCRETl.RY, ANAHLIt4 CTTY PLANNING CCIMMTSS10tJ _~_. PCG1-124 . i: ~ !' ~~T~ ~ ~ ~, STATF OP' CALIFORN7.A COUNTX OF ORN.NGE ) aa• ~IZy pF ANRHEIM ) I, Edith I~. ~arri.a, Secretary of the Anahoim City Planni.rig Cc~mmiasion; do Y~~rery c~rza.fy that the foregoing resolution wa~ paesed and adop~ed at a meeting of the Anaheim Cii:y Plannin~a CommisUi.on hFld on AugusL 12, 1991 by the Pollowing vote of the members thereof: COMMTSSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYD5TUN, FEL' DHAUS, I~TL:LLYER, FiENNINGER, AYES: M~SSE, PERAZA Nt~ES: COMMISSTUNERS: NONE nBSLN7~ COMMZSSIUNrRS: NONE ~ ` ~ IN ~rITN~SS WHE1tF.0~, I;~ave herr-_~unto s~t my hand thi~ v~v day of _ , 1.991. i ~~-'~-. ~L-- ` ` `___~ i' S~CRETARY, ANAHE7M rITY PLANNING CC~MMISSYOh _~_ PC91-124 ~;~; ~.; : ~ ...,:: ,~ ts `, , . - - ,. . . >~>: „ ,, ~:;+ ~~,1., ,. ~,~ ir~~