Resolution-PC 91-126~ R~SULUTIO; ~10,,rPC91°125 4 ~ A RESOLUTION OI' THF A~IAIi~IM CITY PI~ANNING COMM7SCIUN T~RMINATING ALI, ~ROCEF.pII7G0 IN COt1NECTION WtT:•i CONDITIOVAL U5E PF.RMIT NO. 2855 WHFRERS~ on November. 2h, 19a6 Con~jitior.ol Uao Per:mit No. 2855 wad grnnled under Reaol~itiun No. 1'Ct36--2H7 by ~he Analleim Planning Cammiesion to pa.rmit a bed anci breakfaet ir~n wit1~ waivar. ot' maximum 1rr~.i of ~r~Q fltanding eign ~ri property lc~cat~zd at the 901.1G}1W98~ corner nf k3raaciw~y Str.e~t and Citron 9•trept, having aPproximate fr~nt:ac1c~3 of 93 feet on the aoath aide of Bioadway and 130 feet on tha weet aid~ of C.itrun Strc~eL- and iurl:her dascrib~d a~ 804 Weat~ Eiroadway; and WHEREAS, Richard az~d Bar.bar•a Saylo.r, prop~rty own2r~, ha~a submitted 2 '1Qtt~r request.+'_ng term.ination of Conditional Uc~e Permi.t No. '1855 ~3ue to ~he Lecent aal~ of tli~ property and rhe buyer~ n~t intending to uL•ilize aubjee~ uee permit. NU~I, THERF.F~HE, F~r. IT RESULVED thal the An~ihe.im Cit~ Planning Commission does hereby terminate all proe:eec?incJs in ronnection with Conditional Usc: Permit No. 2855 on the bz~is of tl~t~ forec~~ing findings. THE FOftLGC~[P7G RFSUi,UTTON ~~~.-c ldopted at Lh~ Planning Conunission meet..ng of Augu~t 12, 1991. .%~;~` ~ ~ t . = ~ ~`„ ~ ~%.l ~ ~~-- j' ~. .~%f-~,. C r.~.-~~ r'~~~;''~ l~v.~C.~,.~_-- CHAIRWUh1AN, 11NAHEIM CIT'1 ANNING COMMISSION ATTrST: ~, Sr= (" "_~~}L'~dr~%:-_._..-_.~_ SECRETARY, ANAfiEIM CI'PY F'LANNING C,GMMISSI~N STATG OF CR~7FGRN~A ) COUNTX OF URANGE } a3. rITy OF ANANEIM } I, :.di.th I.. Harris, S~ci•et.ary of the Anaheim City Pl.anning C:ommissxon, do hereby cerLiEy that the faregoing re~olution w~7a pasaed and acitipted aC ~ me~ting ~f the Anahei:n City Plannirig Commianicn helcl o~i Augurst 12, 7.991, by the f.o:lowinq vote of the mf~mberu thereof: AYF~: COMMIS.°,IONE2S: E3UUAS, ~OYDSTUN, FELDHAU5, HELI.YF,R, HENPiINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOFS: CUMMTSSIONERS: NONE }1BSENT: COMMISSIOI3~RS: N4NF; ~ IN WITNE~~ WHEREOF, Uf _~~Z;,. •~" , 1991. ~ rR12.66MP 7 have her.e~nto acL• n~y hand this ~-~' ~'`•' day r_._. '~-~6!~~I~(~`~ " '' -' ~.~.t .t .d~ ~.~ _ SECFt~:'TARY. Af1AHE:ih; ~TTY T'I~ANt7ING COMMI°SION -l- PC9I-126 ~•~u;:•;= 4 1