Resolution-PC 91-128~'+''~ RE50LUTIOM NO. PG91~1?.8 F~'~1 ,~.. . ,.: A RESOLUTTON OF `1'El~ ANAFi}.IM CI~Y Pr,ANNING COhfld'1'~SION TERMINATTNG ALl'., F'ROCEEDINGS IN CQNNEC'PIQN WITH Y.ECLAS~II:~'TCATIAN Nfa, 87-$8-15 AND VAR?ANCE NQ. 37U0 WH~REAS, ~~n Sc~ptamber 28, 198?, Reclaar~ificati.on 140. 87-E38-15 and Vari.anc~ No. 3700 wsre granted unc~er 12eaolufiinri No~. PC87-200 and PCQ7-2U1 by thc~ .Anahryim Planning Commi~ei~r- to rezone ~ubject ~ropcrty fr~m the i.G (Commerei.~.l, GenE~°~1) to RM-'120Q (Re~idsntial, Mu1ti-P'amily) Zone arid to conatru.^.t ~tin f3-unit, 3-ntory apartment buildiiig wi~h wa.iver of maximum structural height on pr~perCy lo~at.ed on tht~ we~t aido of Lemon a~.re~t anproximately 175 f. et north nf the ~.E~nterl in~ of Santa Ana SL•r~et and further desc:ribed aa 415 South I.emon SLrecY.; and WHEREAS, Thomas F. Jonea, ,nanaging general p~rLner of Rodriyuex, Jones ar~d Company Investment Grc~u~.~, has ~ubmitted a letter requesting termination of Rrclassifi.cation Nc. 87-E38-15 and Variance No. 3700 to comply with the conditions ot appraval of Rec~lassificsticri No. S~J-90-47. ~IOW, THF:,I2EFORE, BE; I'P RESULVFD that the Anatl~im Cii:y Planning Commisaion dce~ her.eby termina.te a11 proce~ciings in connection wikh RoclassiEication Ne. 87-88--15 ancl Var.i.~ince No. 3;00 on the baeie of ~he foregoir.q firidings. TEIL' F'OREGOTNG FtESOLUTION wae ,1• ,a~iontad at ~the Planning C'ommie~ion mesyi*zg ot ~lugu~.~t ]2., 1991. A.' ~'~' G~ /',/sy /' y/~1.-'- '~ ~ (.~, , ~~ ^ ifL ~/-J`" ~; ~~i~-Ll.r_a.1~~ ~'Hr~IRW M11N, ANAEiEIM CITY Pl~r"1NNING COMMISSION P.'PTFST : _~~~ ~~<~L~~ ----- SECR~TARY, ANAFIE:7.M CTTY PLANNING C:OMMISSIUN STA'I'E OT~' CALIFORNIA ) COUf7TY C)C ORAN(.;I. ? Sfi. C:CTY OF ANAFiE1M } 2, Editt~ L. Commis:~ion, do h~areby ada~+ted at a meeti.ng 12, 1991, by the followi AYES: COMMTSSIONLRS: f10ES: COh~MISSTOCJER5: AdSEN'i : COMMISSiONEF<S: Elarri~, Secretary oE• the Anaheim City Planning certify L-l~at tt~r-. for.ego.incJ i~e:~olution was passPd and of the Anah~i.m Cit.y Planning Commi~aion heJ.d an Auguat r~g vote ci the members thereof: [iOI;AS, BUY1?STUi1, F~LDHAUS, H~LLYEI2, HLNNIN~ER, MF.5SE, PERFI7,A NUNF. NONE ~ IPI W2TNESS WHEKEOE, I have h~r,eunta set my tiand th~r~ ~~~,_ c~ay ~f _'~' .-~ Z9°1. ~ ^~ ~ / ~. .~~~ ~ ~~~-~ -- Sr.CRETARY, AN,AIiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CR1268MP -1_. PC91-12f3