Resolution-PC 91-13~ 1 ,.l.r"~:.~ R~SOLUTIUN NO, PC~1~,}g ~~r ~4 A RESULUTION OE THE ANAHFIM CSTY PLANNrNG COMMTSSION AMCtJDING CpNDTTIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONUITIONAL USE; P~RAfIT NO. 3287 WHER~AS, cn June 4, 1990, the Planning C.ommiaHtori gran~ed CondiCional U~e Permit No. 3287 undQi• Reoalutinn No. FC90~139 to permlt: a 2,6C1p oquare foot drive-through rp~taurant ~-~t pronQrty loc~t~d on t},e ea~r side o.f k;uclid Stroet, having a frunt~ige o: a~~proximately 127 £ee~ on Euclio Street, having a depth of appr~ximately 133 fcet, bein~~ lo~~~teci approx.imately 240 fA~~ e~uth uf the centerlinc: oi Cat.al,_:~ Drtve ar,d further rPferrecl to as 810 Narth Euc.lid Stre~t. 47FiEFtEns, c;oruiition Na. 2.l ot Retio.lut.ian No. PC90-139 incJudee cho Lollo~~ing corid.ition: "?.1 That any frc~est:anding sic~n on OUPI~P.,r,~,; property shall be a monument-typ~ not exceeding four (4) f.eet in height and ~hall be aubject to the review and approvaJ. of the City Tr.affic Engineor la ver.ify adec;u~7l-e liner~ af-eiqht. ~~ 47EiF:RGP.S, the petitioner han requeatad amendmant to eaid Condition N~. ; ~1 and hae alao submit*ed ~7 pet~ition for a nE~w Vari.ance Nu. 410~!to retain an ex.t~ting 5-foot, 2-inch hig}i, 7.05 aq~are-font mom~meant eiyn. ~ 47EiF.FtEA.;, Ct~e Ci~y Pla:,ning Commiesi.~n dic9 hdld a publi.c/hearing ~t the Civic Center in tne Cit~,• ~,r Anaheim on ,7anuar 28 1991 ak 1:30 m, of 3aid put~l.ir, heariny having been duly c7iven~ a~ rec~ufred by•law and~i.n ~~cc~rdanco with thc~ pru~ iaic:~ns of the Anaheim Muni.ci.pal Ce~ie, Chapt~rr 18.03, to hoar and conr~iclex e.•~dE~,c~~ foi and aqainat eaid prnposed amendment and to invectigat~ and make findir,r~fe and reconunendationa in conner.tion L•herewith; and WHL'RL•"F.S, sair3 Commi~4i!~n, aft~r due ine,pectior., inv~Atigation and ~t~~'f m`z~e hY it.~~1t and i.r: :tu behalf, a~~d aft:er duo consideration of all e•~.dance and r•~p~~rt9 of.fered at c;~,xd heari_n;, do~±a find and determino th~± fol.:tow.ing :acts: ` 1• That thr Planning Cotnmiaeion conr~iaerecl and appr~ved Varinnce No. 41J~ to retai.n the exi~king 5-foot 2-incfi t~?gh, I~JS sq~iare-foat monumei~~ R.J.gn ~t ths Jai;uary 2F3, .199:. r,i~etiny. ~. That n~ onc~ in~ica~ed their preo~nce at oaid public hearing in oppnnition; and that no corree~p~ndance w~a received ir o~~oeit.ion L•~ eubject pet•iticn. '~U+~, THERF.CORE, F3:~; IT RESn1.,Vr~D that thc~ Anz~heim City Planninq Cortuniasion does hereby ame~d Candition Na. 21 of Reeolution Nu, pC90-139 to reld as follaws: 21. That any fraer~trinding ~styii o:; ~ubjn~r ~i~p~:ty IIhall hn a monument--typr_ nut exc~eding eiyht (0~ f~ct in hoi.ght and ahal.l ba flubject ~o hhn revic~w ancl ap~rrval c~C r_ne Cit;~ Traffir Fng.fneor to verify adequ...te lin~~n of eight. ~~ CRIIQJM[' _1_ PC91-13 a ''~I _ , ,t~v~~nr~ TFiT~: FURF'CaiNG RGSULU't~.TON wae adUpteci AL• the Planning Commigeion meeting of January 2b, 1991. ~ ,. +~.~+ ~ ~'••l~ /~ ' ,--.1.-~.~ C:!_.l.,t.,C.~-....i ; ' . -,-T-r, I;HAIRI AI3, ANAHEIM CITY P'LANNIt1C COMMIS5ION ATTEST: ~ ~_'''/ ~ ~ ..- ._.._._.__.--.~.~.4.K.~~~- `,....• ~ ~ ~(~iL/1_'c.-, ~- SECf2~?PARY, ANAHEiM CITY FLAPININC COMMTSSION STA'rC OE~ CALIFURNIH ) COUNTY OT' ORANGC ) ~e, CITY OF ANA.I-I~IM ) 't, Lditlt r. Harrie, Sscretary nF tho Anaheim City Planning Commi.s~sloiz, cio her~by c~,rti.fy th~t the forogoing r3solution wae paened and aciopted at a meeting ~f the Anahnim City Planning Commis9ion held on Jan~~ary 28, 1991, by the fol.lowing vote of t~t~F: membera t:t~ereof: AYES: COMMISSTOt7~RS; BOUAS, E30YDSTUN, T~'Ei,DfiA(IS, HELLY~l2, HENIiINGER, MF.SSF,, Yl:ittl?F1 NDI'~~: COMMISaIONERS: f7UNE AASENT: CODSN,~SSZONERS: NOC7E 7Pi wI-rrlr; ;s WHI:Rt.UF, I h.~ve her~unL-o eet my hand this _~~ d8Y a£ _ ~,~]~1 Sl •~-~ , 19 ~ 1. _ ,, J / ,~' ~~/ /' , I ~~ - ~, ~ -____ ~~ ~iVL.~:.~ a^~CRETAFY, ANAfiEIM rITY PLANNJ:NG COMMIS'STON -! - `.. PC~Jl-:l3