Resolution-PC 91-132; ,i ` ~ ~~~ FtESOI,UTION NO, PC9J.-132 X1 RESOLUTIOK OF THE AN7IHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSTON THAT PETITIOPI E'GR CONUITIUNAT. U5E F'EFtMIT NO. ;144J. IIC ~ENTRD W~~E~~~S, ~h~ Anahoim City Pl.anniny Cortuniesion dld receive A v~,r~.fied ~etiL•ir,n Eor. C~nd.i.tion~l C~A permit; ~~r c;el•Y.~t.in real property aituatQd in tho Cit:y oE An~h~im, Cour.r.y of Orange, Statr, af Ca1iforni.a, descr. ib~d ~:~ ; ~'ARCEL 1: LOT 13 OF TfIE GRF,SSWEI~L SUSDI'JISTON, TEIF,FEnF R~:CO?2DEq IN gOOK 6, PAGE 47 OF MISCFLLANEOUS MAPS, If7 THF, OrFICB O!~ TEIE COUNTY R~CORDER Ol~ SAAD COUNTY. PAFtCEI~ 2: L,OT .15 OF Tl1E GRESSWrLL SUBDIVISION, !N 'i'EIF, CI~Y ~[' ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ON A M11p RECORDED IN BOQK 6, FAGE 4'7, OI' MISCEI,LANGqJS MAPS, IN TFIE OI'FSCF' OF THC i'.OUNTY RF.CORbGR OH' SAtD C.OUNT.Y. WHEREAS, the City planning Comm.ia~ion dic'. hold a pualLc hc~aring aL the Civic Ceriter i~~ th~ City of. Anaheim on July 29, 1991 at 1:;i0 p,m,~ no*.ice ~f ~aicl public hearing tiaviny been clul.y given as requir~.~d by law and in accordance wi;;h th~ provisions of the AriahEim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and c~n~id~r evi.d~ncr~ foz• and ayainst saic~ ~LOL10S3Q~] conditiona). uee permit and tu investigate and mak~ fi~~inge and rerommen~ation~ in connect•fon therewith; and that said publi.c hear.ir.g wan continued to thca Auguctt 26, 1591 Planr.ing Co.mmi~sirn mec~ti.ny; and WHLRF,AS, :~aid Commission, after du~ inepectio,l, ii~vestigatxnn and atudy made by itflelt and in its behalf, ~nd af.ter d~i~ consideration uf all evidc~nco ar.d report~ :~ffer~:d at cjai~~i hearinq, doFr~ find and d~terroine the followin~3 facta: 1• ~'f~~t th~~ propc~3ed u:~e, is properly ~ne. foz which a condit.ional use perr,,it ic; ;~uthc,ri.zed by Anahe.im Munir_ipal. Codce Sections 1~3•34.050.130 ar~d 18.94,02U and California Covernment ro~je Section E5915 to permit a 15-ui;iL nAni~i- cicizen'ti ~tpartn~«~~t ri~jFCt• Yll~;f1 wai.ver.s~ ~f: t,. ;rr,xioris 18. 34. o~?... 02~~ - M~~ct,inum lot• rov~r~~qe, and 113;94. ~32. Q~U ~1. SECTIqNS 18.34.Ob1~0_10 ; - ~Sinimum buildinc~ ait~± area, .~~~d 18.94.0:31.020, (11200 f3 ft. 3~.___ per dwelliny u~~it: rcq~;ire~.3; 89 A :I~f t . pr~po~ed ) C. SEC':IQNS 1F3.G6.(1~0.0.13.'. - Minim~:m number of on~n_pac xn,~.,~p~~c~,y. ancl _I8S_94_ p3a_,010 {;?. o t~r, or covQrecf parkinc t+ ~r•~z re 1 P~ quired; .'_ 2 eri~~~sed_ in c~a~c1er~ with rai 1•-up daorD and 3 cov_ere in carport~ ~rop~st~d) D• i;F_.c%',~0~ :i~.~i,~~~063.02q and_18.9~.073;q~ CR127GMP - ~fJ~nit~um otructur~l~_aettrar1~, -:- FC91.~13?. :dl'f4. N~~~'~ 2. ThaL• thQ propoeoa uoe ls horeb.y cianlod becauea thd ~+rayoned denAity i~ to~ high (abcut 3G'A higher than permJ.tted by C~do) nnd tho pr.o~osed rant:~ aF>~:c~ar ho bE~ tao hJ.gh for seniore un f.ixed incomos and livic~g a].oi~a, 3. ~i'hat: th~! proposed waiver.o are hQreby denied on rhe ba~ie ~hat ~ubject us~ permit was d~nied. 4. 7'hat the propo9ed u~r~ will adverf-ely~ affect tli~ adjaining lanc] uc~e~s an~ t:hE growth and development ~~ th~ area in a~hich it ia propos~d ~o be lc~cat~d. ~• '~hat thF; aize and s-iap~ of the sire propoAed fnr i~he use i~ not ~:dequ~te ta allow the ful~ develop;nent- of, thc•~ propoaed u3~ in a mann~r nct <lc:trimenta]. to L•hQ particular area nor to th~ peac~, hea.lth, oafe~y and gener,il w~lfare of thc~ C.it:izeno of kh.e Ci.ty of 1~i12t;'~P..LiT1. 6. That the grantS.~q of. thF Condltional Uc~~ Permit woulc? be ~letrimental to the peac~, health, Aafet:y and general w~lfar~ uf th~ Citizene of th~_ City of A~lah~•~.m. 7• T:1~~`_ *_ h~ t.ra f f ic genkrat2d b~ the , an undue burden ul.on L-hc~ 3treets and higtiways des.ignpdoan ieimproved1ta1carry the traffic in ~he area. i3. That• nc~ onc~ i>>~lical:c~d the.ir p.te~enc•t~ at eaid pub].ir hearing i~ oppo:~i~ion; and that no r~orre~pondenc~ wa3 L•,aceiv~d in opposition to the ,ubject petiti.on. C~ILIEORNIA ENV_CRON~fLN1'AL_~UALITY AC7' FINDINC;: That thQ A-laheim City Planniny Commisaio~~ ha~ r.evicwed the proposal to pFrmi*_ a 15-unit senior, citizeri' ci apsrtment nro je~t wi;:h waiverc~ o~ maxi.mum lot cover.dq~, minimum buildin~ site area, minimum r.umber of open p~arking Apaces and min~mum :~trucL•ural setbacl; vn a rectangu?arly shaped parcel uf l.and consiatiilg nf a~pr.oxim~~tely ~.31 acre h~iving a frontage of approximately 100 faet: on the ~a3t ~ide of Kem~ Street, having a maxi~;um depth of approximataly 134 feet, being loccited a~iproximately 35 fe~t nurth of r_he center.linQ of La Pa.lrra Avenu~ ~1nd fu:ther de~cr.ibed ars 1024-1030 I~orth Kemp 5tree=; and doea hereby dAny the fJegative D~clarar,ion upon finding that it haa chnstdered Y.he Negative Dec?.aratiun Logett~er with ~ny comment3 recefved dt~ri~g t}~e public review process and further :indi.ng on t•he k:7~is that the initial study and any co-nments received t~hat- ther.e ie s~abetantial. evidence thaC the project wil: have a~iyniftc~nt effect on thr e;,vironment. NOW, Tt1GitErORE, BE: IT f2LSOI,VLD ttiak the Anahc~>Lm City Planning Commi_;_zion d;;e~ her:~by d~~ny :zubject F~Ptitivn for ConditiUnal Us~ Permit, on thp baaic of the aforemenL•i~n:~d finding~. `' PC91-132 w : ~ ^^~, ~''~~ THE P'OY,EGnING RCSOLUTION waa adoptFd at the Planning Commieeion moeting of Atiguot 26, 1991. ~ / ..~-~~ ~~ ...!!~~ ~ ~ CHAIRWOH.AN, ANI~EiE7M CTTY.~LANNING COMMiSSIUN A7'TEST: ~ ~~ ~ .._ , ~;~l~i~.,~ ~ ~_____-- SECf2b~TP.FtY, AlVAE1EIM CTTY LAt~N~~G' C~M~~SIO~~._~~~-K., (t ,~ `'' G/ S'PATE OF GALIFURNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 3~t. C'[TY OI' ANAHETM ) I, Janet L. J~3ns~n, S~cretary of. the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion, do t~ereby certiEy that L•he foregoiiig resolut~.on was pasaed and adopte~ at a m~eting of th.~ Anat~c~im City Planninq Commiseion held on Auguat 26, 1991, by tre following vote ~f the membe:°s thereof: AYES: COIaMISSIONEt2S: E30~IAS, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, H~L.LYEk, HEDyNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS5IONGRS: NONE _ 7IJ WZTNESS WEiEREUF, I have l~ereuntc-~ set my h%~nd this ~~ day o f ,. -~ , 19 9 2. !, ~ -.____ ~'.~L~ '~.- ~~i~• G~.t~..,e.~ l~ SECR~:TARY, ANAFiEI?! CITY FLANNING COM2~SISS7GN / `//`j~.,.~ ~J_!~r-yie ~, ,~( w"•J ~ '"T~ '-'- PC91-132