Resolution-PC 91-133ps,~:~ii`~ RFSnLt7TLON NO_ PC~J,_133 A RESOLUTIAN OG' THE AN1IH~IM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION TF3AT F'C'PITION FOR C.ONDIZ'IONAL USE P~RMIT NO. 3434 BE GRANZ'ED, IN PART WHEFt~AS, tl~e pnaheim City Pl~nning Commi.~eion did receiv~o ~ vorifiecl PetiL-ion f~r. Canciitia~a.l Us~3 Permit far certa,Ln r.eal pr~~~erty situated in the Gity of Analleim, Count:y oF Orange, Statc~ of Cali.farnia, d~acr.a.bed as: THE WEST 165.00 FEET, DlEASUR~:ll AI,ONG THE IJOR'.i'fi L,INE OH' 7`HE SOCITHEAST Q~7ART~R OF THF. SOUTHWEST ~,iUARTER OF SECTTQN 9, TOWNuHIP 4 SOfJTH, RANGE 10 WEST, ?N THE P.l1NCHO SAN JUAN CAJpN DE SANTA ANA, GITX OF ANAHEIM, COUf7TY OF ORAp1GE, STATF OF CALIFORNIA, AS SAID SF;CTION SS 5ElOWN ON A tdAP RI'COTtDEG IN BOAK 51, PAGE 10, MtSCEL:,AhEOLiS MAPS, IN THF OFFICE OF THF COUNTY RECORDEIt dF SAID COUNTY, f~YING NOFtT.E1EF2LY OF THE NOr2THEAS'1'~RLY I,INC Ur TEIE LAND DFSCRIE3ED TN TH~ DE~D TO THE STATE OI' CALTP'ORNTA F~COFtDED APRII, 26, 1954 IN BOOF~ 2715, P11C~ q23, prFICIAL £cF:COi~D~. WfirR~AS, the City b`la~ninc~ Compiiseion did holcl a public hcaring at the Ci.vLc Center in the City of Anaheim on Au~ust 26, 1991, at ~:30 p.m., n~tice of said publi.c: hearing ha~ing been duly qiven ae required by law and in accordance with the prov9.~icn~ Uf the Anaheim Municipal Coda, Chapter 18.03, to hear a-id consider evidence f.ar and againat_ said pro~oaed c.onditional use perm.it anr] to inve~tigato and mske f.indings ~nd recommendaf:icne in connection thercwiL-ti; ar.d WHEREAS, ~aid Commisai~un, af~E~r due in~pection, invest•iga~ion and stu~.iy mude by itsc-~lf and in ito behalf, and a!'ter due coneiderati~n of all evide-ic~ and report~ offer~,c~ at sa.1d hearing, doe~ Pinct and c~3et~rmine the :altc.~i.ng Eacts: 1. That the propo~ed uae is prop~rl.y one fo~: which a conditianal use permit• is authori~ed by .~naheim Mun?.cipal c:ocle Section 1A.44.U50.130 to pe~_mit a ch~irch in an exis~ting office buildi~y witti w:~iver of the follow.'tng: (A) SF,CTIONS 1t3.06.O5U.0212 18.06.d5U.0266 18.OG.080 and 13,44.066.05~) (f3) SFC1_IONS 1fi.06.040.0'LQ and 18 _44.A66.OE0 - Minimum number of parkinq gpaces. (30 r~quired; 24 e~~isting) - Minimuin_climens~ona,_of pa=kincr_ESA;ices. 2. That the requested waiver (A} ie hereby grantod un the bac~is that th~ F~arkiny waiver. will n~r cause an increase iri tra£fic congestiun in thQ i.mmed~ate vicinity nor adversely affcct any adjeining lar~d uaea and granting of the parkin~ a~aiver under the conditions impoeed wi'l1 not be detrimental to the pe~lce, hea:th, safety and yeneral welfare o.E th~ citizene o~ the City ~f ~naheim. CR1277MP -1- PC91-133 ~, ~ 3. 'Phat th~ requesi:t~d waivar. (F~) ia hQreby deni~d on t~he basio that it waa delEL•ed f.rom th~ submitted ~?l~ns foll.ow.i.ng puhJ.ia notitication. 4. That tihQ propo~r~d uda ifl hezel~y cXrurited for a p~r.iud of three (3) y~:ar.s ta expire on Auguat 2F,, 1994. 5. Tli1t the pr.opoood une wi].1 not adversely aff~ci: th9 adjoi-iiclg .land uaec~ and the: yrawth and development c~f the area .tn ~ahicli it i.s propo~ed tc~ F~~ loeated. 6. That ~he aizP and sha~ ,f the sii:~~ prupoopd fnr tho use is adec~u~~tu t~ all.ow ttie Eull dovc~Laprn~nt oi the pr~p~aed ~iee .in a mannPr not detrimental to the particular area nor to th~ peace, h~alth, saf~ty and genexal welf3re oF the Ci.Y;i~ans of the City of Anaheim. '1. That the gra.~ting of the Condirion,31 Use kermft under the c:ondition~ impoc~ed wi1.1 not be detrimental to the pea::e, health~ 3afety an~ qenera.L w~l`are of the Citizens of the Ci.ty of Anaheicn. f3. 'Char ~he ti:affa.c qene.ra~ed by the propoc~d use N~.ill not impr~sR ari undue bur.den upon the atreet3 and lzighway~ d~signed and improved to carry the traffic in t-hi~ area. .9, That two (2) peopl~ indicated their presence at ~aid public tiearirig in oppositl.on; and that no correspandence wa~t received in oppoaition to t.he subjec~ pe~ition. c;AL' IFORN:(A l:NVIRONMLt1':AL_~UALITY ~ACT FTNDING: That the Anaheim City F~lanninq CoRimisaion haa reviewed the proposal to permit a. church in an exi~ting office ~ui.l.d:r.g with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces and minlmum dim~nsions of parking Apa~ea on an ir•regularly-shaped parcel of land coneioting or approximate].y 0.~13 acre, having a frontage of approximately 17Q feet ~>n the north nide of Wilshire Av~nue, having a maximum d~pth of approximateiy 13'~ foet, bei.ng located ap~roximat-~ly 660 fee~ southea~t of the cent~rli.ne of Lnara Street actd further descr.ibed as 300 N~rth Wi.lahi.r.e Ava;n~~; and doYa her.et~y approve th~ Negative Declarati~n upon finding t'.-at iL lias connidered the NegativF Declaration tog~:ther with aci;f comments r.ecefvad duiing the public revisw proceaa and further finding on the basis that the initi.al ~tudy and any r.omment~ received that r.here ia no substanti~l ev.idence Ghat the project wi.ll liava a significanL eff.ect on the environment. ' IlOW, TH~REFURE, F3B IT RESOLVED th~1t the Anaheim City Planning ~ Cammieaion doea hereby grarit eubject Petition for Conditiorial Uae PPrn~it, in part, upon the f'ollowing conditionc~ which are `ier_eUy f~und to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposec~ use of the subj~ct ~,ro~~rtv in arder t~ preser~~e , l•.t-e ~~fety ~nd general welfare of the Citizen~ ~f the City of Anaheim: 1. * That a trafti.c ~ir~nal assensment fPe equaling the diff.erence between ttie offic~ and church as,;esament feee flhall be paid to the City ef Anaheim in an amount ~i~ establi.ahed by City Counci.l reaolution. 2. That the 1ega1 owrier of subjact pra~~ert f c~hall ded.icate to tt~e City of Anahein- an easement five {5) fe~:t in width al~~ny/ncroas t.he r.orth propc~rty l.ine for.• puY~lic utiLity purpr~eea. •z- PC91-133 ,,..,,. ~ ~u;,,~~ ~~,~~~:,~ , ~I ;1 .. . . *i~~ T ~I~, ~~f51 bK1 l,"~~':rl 10. * Chat the ~roposa]. shall ccmply wi.th all aigning requirementa of the CL "Commercial, Limited" Zone except a~ otherwi~e iimi.ted by Coridition No. 12 herein, unless a vari~nce allowinq nign waivera ie a Cit~~ Counci.l, ~~lanning Commission or Zoning Admi.nistrator, p~roved by th~ 11. Tf:at any proposed freestanding sign on ~sub'ect monument--typo not eXCeFdz~ ~, 7 property ahall be a tc ttie r~view and ~; ,, ~ ight• {8y feet in height and shali b~ 9uhaject piLOVa.l of the ritY ~1r-r1~~ic and Tran~port~tion Manager ~o determine adequaLP l.iner~-of._ei_ght. 12. * That the on•-~ite land3ca~ii~g and irrigat:.on ~ stem £~ and maititained in compliance with Cit Y h111 be refux~biahed materials shal.l be ~.lePd, Y~tanclarcls. OnZy i.ive lendscap.ing 13, That subject property r~hall be d~veloped ~ubatantially in acc;ordance with plan~ ~na ~p~~itication~ aubmitted to petitionpr and wh.ict~ lan~ ~'~~ Ciry of Anaheim by the P are on f. ile with ti~e Planning Departme~it marked Exltibit lVo, 1, 3• * That rr«at~ ~torage artd$ ~h~~i ~,~ pravided and maintainr~d in a Iocatian ar,cept:ab.le to ~he Stroet Maintenanc~ and Sani~ation Divi3.ion anc~ in ~iccorclance with approved plans on fil~ with ea.i.d division. 4. That a sol..ic1 waete managQment plan urit}~ xecyr,ling ca.pab,Clit3zg ph~ll. be aubmi.tted to L-he Street Maintenance and Sani~~tion Divieion for reviow ~~`d approval. Upon occu anc of thQ P Y nrojQCt, said plan ahail commQnce ~~nd ehall remnin in .full ef~eet ac~ rE~q~I.~LPd k~Y c~aid p,~y,~~;~~~1. 5• That fire hydrants sha1.1 be installEa a~ld ch~1z Ed ~e appraved by t.he Fir.e pepaztment. ~ g required ~nd 5• * That. fire aprinklerc~ sha1T be .tristalled as requii•ed t~y the Firc~ Dep~lrtment . 7• That congrer,ational gatherings eha11 be li.mited to Sundays, Fiolidays and evenings only till ~:OQ p,in, with a ma.cimuir numb~r of twent par:ticipar.ts, unles~ otherwiae per.m.itted ~+ ~ `I (z0) Tr.snsporta± ion Mznager. y tf1e ~itY rraff.ic and ~• Tf`~t d f~~ for aLreeL- tree purpc~ea ~ha12 be paicl to the City of Anaheim b<iaed on the length of :treFt frontage al~ng Wilstiire Avenuc~ in a-- amcunt i3~ Er~tab~i~hed by City Cauncil resolution. y• 7'hat al:~ bloc•k walls vir~ible to sny public right•-of-wa ~~nd m;~int~ined with clinging vines to ~li.minai:e qraffiti~oEha17. be planted pportunities. 1-4. That or pLioL priur t to commencEment o: ~ i c a h Y year er~uance ~f a buil.di.ng ~ermit, or within a periodr from the date ot thi nfonnsl(1) NO°• 1. 2, s rEeolution, whichever occura first, 4 anc! 8, ak,ove-ment-i~ d Condition f~r further ne , ahall b~ complied with. time to complete :s~~~.d condiL•io Extersnions with Secti.~n ri~ may be granted in 18.03.040 of the Anaheim M i accordance un cipaJ. Code. -3- PC91--133 ~~~, ,,~ :15. That prior to the commPncement of: the activity author.ize~ by thi.s r~aolution, nr prior. to final building a.nd zaning indpectic~ns, whlchever occurs firat, Condttion Nao. 3, 5, 6, 9, 12 arad ,13, above-mEr.tioned, r~hall be complied iv~.th. 16. That this condi.tional use permit ie hereby granted far a perfod of thr~e (3) years and shr~ll L-erminate on F,ugust 26, 1994. 17. ~ That approv~l of t;hin application conotl~u~es approval ~f th~ prc:po~c~d request only to the nxtent thGt it cc~mpliQS with the Anahe.tm MuraicS.pal Zonir~g Cod~ ~.nd atiy other applicable City, ~tat~ and Fednr~l r.egulztione. Apprava]. daca not i~clude any a.ction or. findings ~s to corn~lianie or ..~proval o£ the rea~.~es1-. r~garding any other applic~~ble ordinance, ~egulati.on oL requiremc:nt . CO11GlltlOll3 markad with an asteriek {*) are r~quired by establ.ished law~, cod~s, regu.lation:~ ai~d agreements and ar.e, thPr~fol:e, not aubject to negotiation. DE It FURTEiER RESOLV~D that the Anahe.im City Planning Cammi$siori d~er~ heieby find ar~d detcrmine that adoption of thib Resoluti.on is expre~sly predicated upoa a~plicant'o ~ompli.~nce tiJ1tYl each and all af the conditi.Qns hereinabove aei: for.th. &hould an}• ouch conditian, or. any part iher9of, be declared i.nval:i.d or unenfc~rceabl~ by the final judgment of any court o£ compQtent j~riadirti~~n, then thf~ R~aolution, and any iipjJYOVAlfl her~in contuined, ~hall. be deemed null rand vo3.d. THE FORFGOING RESOLUTION ~as adopted at L•h~ Plar~ning Co~r~mission meptirig of August ~6, 194~1. ~ l ~ ~ ~~ ~.~~~~.~~-~ -~~~--s~ CfiAIRWUMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PL' ANNING COMNiISS20N ATTEST: ; ( / ---- ~~~ t~~iLLC. -- SECRETARY, P_NAHEIM C7~Tt P~ANNING ~COMMTS.^iTON „L!fi. ~J I ...•>u.~ ~~'r ul- ~-~- F~ r ~ ,' ~ ~TA~E OF CAT,IFORNIA ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE } r~s. CITY OF ANAHiItd ) I, ,7anet. L. :TAnsr~n, Seci•etary ~~f the :+.nah~im City Plannf_ng Coinmisaion, d~ herohy c~rtify ttiat the :oregoinq reaoluti_on was passed and adopted aL ei meeting of the Anaheim Ci.ty Pl~~nning Commiagion held on AuguAt 26, 1991, by thc: foll~wing voL-e of tht• merc~bera thereof: AYES: L'OMMISSIQNERS: BUUAS, BOYDSTUN, ~~LllEiA~US, H~LI,YER, HE!`INTNGER, MESSE, PEI'.AZA NOES: COMMZ~SIQNFRu: NONE ABS~NT: COMMISSIONEF~S: N~NE IN WITNL:SS P~HEREOF, T have hereunL~ set my hand this _~~ day o f ,~_. ~ 19 91. - .~ /~ `~~,~~_L / ~C~-~l~-, . .(Zd~ SECR~TARY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNIIVG C031MISSxON ~ r', , /c•i:.=~ C^~,[--c~vi-``-. / r. -4- J PC91-133 ;,_