Resolution-PC 91-134~;: r ~.~ :1tESOT.UT:ION ~IO._ PC91_-134 A R~SOLUT70N OF THE ANAHEIM CITX PLANNIVG CUMMTSu:CON AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIUNS UL' APPItOVAL OP CONDTTI~JNAL USE F~~RMIT NO. 209Q F7HEREAS, on June ?., 1980 the Anaheim Ci.ty P.lanni.ng Commisaion grar~teci ronditi.onal Uae Perruit No. 2090 under Reaolution No. 1~G80-92 ta pEritiit a pub].ic dance hal.]. in the ML zone a~i praperty located ~:,n the e~st side of Kr.~e~aer Boulevard, having a maximum d~pth of appraxi.mately 'l16 fe~t, being lc~cated approximatEly ?_42 feet south of tt-e center.line of Cororiado 5treet and further der~cribed a3 1J.E~ N. Kraemer Boulevard; and H'HER~AS, i:e~olution No. FCBO-92 includen the following conc~i.tion: "5. Ttiat the use i~s tiereby granted fur a p~riod of nne (1) year, evbje:at to Leview axid consideratiou for p~s~sible exLeneions of time by the Planning C~mmission upon wrl.tten request by the petitioner•, if iL• ir~ dPter.mineci that t.he use ha~ not had an adver.se impact on the nearby us~s." WHEREAS, the p~t:itioner hae r~~3uested amendment t:o said Condition No. 5 ta permit, a retroactive extFn:~ion of time or del~tior, af t.he conditian to reta.in a public dan~e hall.. WHEI?EAS, the City Planning c:omr~iasion did hol~ ~ public heariny a~ the Civic CentEr in the Ci'ty of Anaheim an August 26, '_~91, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hea~:ir-g having been duly qiven as rc~u~.red by 1aw and in ac~orclance with l:he pr.ov:.sions of the Anahe.im Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, t~o hear and coT~sider evidence for and again~t said propo~ed amendmGIlt 311C7 t~ investigat~ and make findin7~ and recommendations in connection thereorith; and WEIEREAS; saici Co:nmi~si.on, afte: due inspection, invFSt:gation and st.udy made by itsc~lf and in its beh~lf, and afL•er due consider~tion of alJ. evidence and renorts off~red at yaid heari_ng, does find and determine the following fact~: 1. That said permit i.s being Pxercised ici a manner not dEtrimental to the partir_ular az-~a and a~:rrounding land u~es, nor to the public peace, h~alt.h, ~af~ty and genera]. welfars. 2. That aubjer.t use has been operated for a peric~d ~f 11 years lin cnnnection wiL-h time ox~ansiona haviny bc:en gran~ed) in a manner not ueti-iment;al to the imm~diate area and land us~s as substantiated by the Code Enforc~nient Diviri.on. 3. That a thre~~ ( 3 y year tin~e extensior. woulc's enriblc the Planning Depar.rment etaf£ atid Planning Conuni~a.ion L•o review the use peri.o9ically. 4. in opposition; ~ubj~ct petition. CR1278MP 'Phat n~~ one indicated their prasence a~ said puk~l.ic hearing and thar Tl~~ correspondence was r~ceivcd in oppoaition to 1h~3 -1- PC91-'134 ~ r..;~ f «:p~~ CALIF'OFtI3IA ENV7RONMFN~'AL QUALITY ACT FINDINC,: That the Anaheim City Flanning Cuinmiqeion hae revi.ewed the ~,roposal to permic a retroactive extenhi.on uf time or daletion of condit:S.on of app.roval requiring ar.nual timc ExtFnoiona to relain a public daacF hall and dcee herQby f3.nd that the Negativo Declaration pr~vioualy apprnved in connectinn with Conditional Use Permit No. 209~ ia adequate to aerve aa the rtguirAd environmental documontation in connection with thia requeat. NOW; THEREFORE, ET~' LT R~SOLVED that the Ansheim City Planning Cammission doFa hcrrby arnend Corid.ition No. 5 of Re~olut.ir~~ No. PC80-92 to re~ad as followR: 5. That the use is hereby grani;Pd for a period ~f three (3) years, unL•i1 A~.igunt ?6, 199h, subject to revi~w ar~d consi~l~ration far j:I0IIf31U~f: exf:en,~iona of. time by the planning Commissi~n at a ~u:~iic i~~uri.^.ry up~n written requeat by the ~etitioner., iP it is d~i:ermi.ned tnlt the us~ '~?~ not had ~n adverae impar.t on the nearby usea. subject to t:he followiriy condi~i~n being eatiafied 1. Thzt within a period af ninety (90) daye from the date of triis rP3olutian thc legal propQrty owner/deveioper ahall. meet with the Electrical F.n~~ineering Division to resolve the ieaue of requir~~ atzeet light inat.allation. BE IT P'URTEiE12 RESO.'LVED that the }~nahQim City Planning Commi,ssian does herpby find and det?rmine that adoption of tliie RQaolut.i~n is expressly prpdicated ugon applicant's r.omplian~e with th~ r.ondition hereinabove set forth. Should sucti conditior,, or any part~ thereof, be declared invali.d or. un~nforceab].e by tY,e f.in~l judgment of asiy court of comp~tenC jurisdictiun, t.hen this F<~eolucion, and any approvals herei.ri contained, ~hall he ueecned null and v~id. TIiF F'ORFGUING RF.SOI~UTTUN was adopted at the Planning Comi*~issi~ri meetinc! ef August 26, 1991. ~ , ~fj ~.1 : ~~ ~ ~'~~l CHAIRWQM:~N, ANAH~IM CITY ANNING COMMTSSION ATTEST:~ _~ (~ u'.{~G~• Cx % f G~(it~~...r~, - SECR~TARY, ANAHEI24 CITY PLAfIP7ING COMMISSTOTQ -2- PC41-134 ; ~ ~ . ~ . ';a'. pv"'"!.M1 ~ - ~ i ~; STATE OI' CA.LINORIQIA ) CUUN'I'Y OF OR}1IVl,~ ) ag, CITY QP' ANAHEIM ) I, Jai~et T~. Jens~n, Ser,retary of i:Yie Anaheim Cit.y Planning Commi~~i.~n, do heraby certify ~hat the for~gaing r~solixi:ion wad paflead and adopt~d at a meet~ing oE thc~ Analleim r_ity Ylanning Commission held on Auc~u~t 26, 1991~ by ti~e follo~r~ing vote oi ~he mambers theroof: }1X~S: COMM'ISSIONFRS: BOUAS, BUY'DuTUN, F'ELDHAU5, :iELLY.ER, HENNTNGER, M$uSE~ ~ ?F RISZA NOES : CO24MIbS20N~RS : NO1VE AIiSr2:'~~ COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~ IN WTTNE~S WHEREOF, I havc hPreur~to set my hand thie ~r ~, day of ~~~~~~ ~ 1991. , . ~ ..~~/ ~ ,~ ~:-~-~., SECR.ET.ARY, ANAFiEIM CITY }'LANNING CpMMSSSION rtiJ z;'~2.~~~ (`),`?,*/'"-t'•+.~ ~(J ~. ~ ,~~ -3- PC91-134 ", `~ :~~: