Resolution-PC 91-136,`;~ R};SOI,U1',T,.ON t1UJ„}?C9).=136 ~ A RL•',;:UI.~~Tt~ro nC 7'HE ANAHEIM CI'I'Y PT.ANNIN~ COMMISSION AML;NDINC RESOLU'fION N~~. E'C~~1-•110, NUNC PRO TUNC, GRANTED IN CONJUNCTIUN WI'PH CONDITICNA[, USk~ PF;RMI2' Np. 341~1 Wf1F.RLA5, thc3 An~lheim C.tCy Yi~~inlny C~mmiHai.un c~ranted Coudittonal UDe i~r_rmir, f7o. 3414 by 12o~~luti.on No. Pr91-110 on :Jul,y 29, 1~~91 L•o rPrmi.t ~xpan~ion 7f a multi-rlcr~en indoor L•heai:er cemplex and to con~tx•u~t n 2£3 ~0 35-foar. high parking etructure with waivere of minimum numbQr of parl~s.ng cpacc~s, prohibS.tod roof mount:od equipm~n~ and minimum land~capeci aQt,back adiacent to a railr.~ad ric~ht-of-w~y; and WHEREAS, said re~alut?nn contai.no the f.allowing canditian whi.ch wao to be e~mpli.ed wi~h within a periucl of forty f~.ve days frcm ~tae datQ af approval: 21. Trut an unaubor:linatecl reci.procal. ~cceas aqreem~:nt, in a form eati.f~factory to L•hc City Att~~.~ay, ohall be record~d with the nrfir.e of thc; O.r.~zngF County RECarder. Sald ~ig.reement ~hall apecifically ir:clude rAciprocal ingx'~3s and cyrees to ~~nd from the driveway on La P,31m~~ Avenue acroas aubject property, to and fcocn the adjacent pr.~pErt:y t~~ the CiOlll:t'1P.1'3t ~currently developed with z hanicj and tc~ the eagt. Accesawa~r3 between the prapertie3 :~liall Le rc~~~ ~wed .:nd apprOVE?~ by tlie City Traf f ic and Tr~ina~~ortation Manayer. wFiEk~i,~, hy inadver~ence. Lhe folJ.owing phraae pertai.ning t:h Lhe for.ty f iv~ day peri~d was not ii~~~'_~~~led in ~ai.d Condit.iun No. 21: "That within a perioc3 oL forry fivF~ (45) day~3 from Li.c ~latG of this li.mi.L-ation,". NOW 'TFIERI:FOR~ L3E IT RE:OL`lED, that Conditi.on ~lo. i; ~f Re~!~lution No. ;~~91-i10 be an.~tid~d to re~d: 21. 'fhat within %~ per.iod o£ f~rty five (h5) daya from L-he date of rhic~ re~otutic~n, an ur.c~~~or-liuatcd reciprocal accesa agreemen::; i.n a fui:m s%.r.iaEactory to the City A*.torney, ahall be r.ecorded wit;~ the Of f ice o~E the Ozange c'ounty Rc~curder. . Said :~greemenC shall Lpecifically itl~')_ude reciproczl inyraea anci ~?~{~PF3$ to and from t'.ie driveway on La P~lma Avociuc acrusa r~uUSect property, t~~ ;ti::~i Ic•~~,n the acl jacent prop~rt~~ to the n~uthcast (curren~ly developed with ~- bdnk) and to th~ east. Acceas~rays betwQen th.e pr•op~rtiea nhall be reviewed ~nd appr~ve~ by rh~ City Tr.affic and Tranr:~x~rtation Man~~~er. 7'HE i'OR~GOINC R~~SOLU~ri;,:i ~-lari adop~ed at thr~ Planniny Commission i^r~etin~~ of A~•gust :'.~, 1991. ~-'n-~ , ~C`~..• ; ' J~ ~ G~ ~'_._.---- __ ,~-~- ----1._-_~:~ ~ ,~ ~'Eil!IitDJOMAN, .1t:AEiGIM C;:TY P AtJNING COMMIS5L011 C3~':4 PC91-1~6 ~ ~ ,. :i~~, : . ~;~,, ATTFST: ~_ ~~~ ~ .__C!_•E.~.~.-(. ,~ _~ CLt,t_~.~ SEC%Ht~TARY, ANAHEIM CI'~~ '~ - - PLANf~I G CO~/M~i ~~jr~N /. Q..J ~4rr.~,`,I `f," ~L. G~ ~ ~-f_.F~-~. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN7Y OF URANGE j CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ I, J~ntt L. Jenseri, Seeretary of the An~~t~cim City Planninc~ Commission, cio hereby eQrtify that th~: fure,-~oiny ie;olution wa, pas;ed ar,d adopted at a meetinc~ of the Anaheim CIty Planning Comntission held ~n Auc~ust ~Ei, iyg1, hy the followin~ vote of ;he memb~rs ther~~f: aYES; COMMISSIONER.,~',: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, ~El_DHAUS, hIE.:LLl'FR, HENNIlVGEFi, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ONEE pERAZA ABSENT: COMMISSIONEPS: NQNE ' IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rn hand this " rdr~ c.., , 1991. y _/~..~~ cl~ty of ( `~ .,- y~ ,~/ ~ --_ - -~~.L_*_~.~-_____ -, /' i;~ t~f.~.... SLCHETP,l~Y, ANAtiEIM.CI'i'Y P1.~INNING COMMISSION P~:9i -i3E ; ,' ~;;? MYT.'.._ . ~. I~ " ~v~~ _ " . ~ r~ ~~~ ~