Resolution-PC 91-138~ ~~~;; ~~ D~r+~ i~ RESOLUTTnN NO. PC91-138 A R~SOLCITION OE~ '.IHE ANAI~EIM CITY FLA,NNING CC~MMISSION THAT YETITION FUR CONUITIdNA1, U5G pLRMIT NG. 3447. BE GRANTED WEiETtE.AS, the Anal~c~im ri~Y Y.lanning Commie;;ion r.lid receive a verified Petition for Conditional rJe3E Pe.rmit for CP.L'i:Slt] r~al E.,rop~rty ~i.tuated in the City of Anah~im, r.ounty of oranye, State c~f Catifornia, described as: LOT 8 IN BT,OCK b U~ TIiE GOJ~p~H ST't1TF TRAC'P, IN THI: CITY OF ANAH~IM, i,S SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDGD IN Bppl: 4, PAGE(S) 66 E),ND 67~ OF MISCI:LLANEOUS MAPS, IN THF: OHF'TCE OF TFIL; COUNTY F2rCORDER OF SF,TD COUN'I'Y. WHERI.FiS, thc City Ylannir~g Commia~ion did hald a public hearing at the Civic Cetiter in the Ci.ty of Anatae.im on SEp~~n~~ex 11, 1991, at 1: 30 p.in, , notice of said public }learing having been ciuly given ~s required by law and in accordance with the Z~rovi~,ions of tt:e An~.heim 2dunicipal Code, Ch3pk~r 18.U3, to hear and coilaider ev.idence For ~nd again~t sa.id propo~ed conditional ua~a pprmit and to invest.igat~ r-,nd make finc~in~f~ and recommendations in conn~ction ~her.ewith; and \ Wf-iER~AS ~~_' ~. , ~~~.d Comrni~si.un, after du2 in3pectihn, i.nveskigai:ion ~~nd study made by i.tself and in it~ belialf., and after due con~ideration of sll evid~nc~ and repurts oftered at F•ai.d h~~zing, dce~ find and determi:~e the f011owing f~~t~: 1. That the propo:ced usc is properly onc: for wtii.ch cz con~itional use p~rmi.t is a~,ithor.ized by Ariahei.m Ffunicipal. ~~ode Section 18. E,1. 050. E~11 t.o permit a sanclwich ehop with w~iiver of the k'cllc~wing lll:der authority of Code 5ection 18.06.080: SCCTIONS 18.Ct.050.0212 - M.inimum nwnb~r of parlcin5_spaces. 1f3. 06. G i0. 02 J3 ( 456 requ.ired; 438 exiat i7c~ j 18.06.0~0.031 and 18_____6.1~p66.050 2. That the reque:~ted waiver is hereby granted un ~he basis that the parki~tg waiver. will not caunE an increa3e ~n traffic conges~i~~n in i:he z.mmediate vS.ciniL•y nc~r advers~.ly affect any adjoining !and uses and. yranlinq of the pa.rking waiver under thc~ conditi~ns imposed, if any, wil]. not bc detrimental t.o t};c~ pc~ace, }~ealth, safety and gene~.•a~ welfare of t.he citizen~ of F.he City of Anaheim. ~• 'L'hat l-he pro~o:~ed use wil.l not adv~r~tely affect the adjoining lar.d ur~e3 and t2i~ gr.owth and developm~~nt of the area i.n wt~ich it i.^ propoacd to be lo,~ated. ~. 'i'hat the size and 3hape o~ adequate t~ al.lo~,u the ~ull developr..ent of cietrimc,ntal to the particul~ir. arta nor to the welfare of thP Citi~:~ns ~f Y.he Ci.ty of Anaheim. f rhe ~ite ~ropused f.or. thP use is the pr.aposed uae in a manner not P~~~e, health, saf.ety and gE.•neral CR1281M.P _1_ ?C91-138 ~ F;: , 5. That the granting of t.hr•. canditinn~l UsE Permlt uridPr th~a conditions i.mposed wil]. no~ be detrimental t~ the pea~a, h~al..:h, eafety and general w:lfaxe: of the Citizenc; of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the traffic gener.ated by i:h~ ~,roposed use will nat impose ari undue bi.~rden upon the ~tr.•eete and higl~waya de~i~~nE~d and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 'l. That no one indicated thsi.r I:,r~~ence at aaicl public hearing in oppa~it.ion; and that no carresponden~e was received in op~,~sition to the subject petit.ton. CALIFORid'LA k;NVITtONMF.,NTAI, ,~i1AI,ITY ACT P'IIVDING: !'hZt t}ie Anaheim City Planning Comm.i~~ivn har~ reviewed the propo~al t~ p~rmit a:~andwich shop with waiv~r of minimum I11It11L~6t of parking r~paces on a rsatangular?.y shaped parcel ot lznd consi.mting ~.f approximat;ely 8.8ti acrea locatec:i a.t the northwest corner uf tdiraloma Avrnue and ited Gum Street, hGviiic~ approximate frontages af 620 feet ~n Liie north eid~ of Mireiloma Avenuc~ and 635 feet oit the w~sk aide of Red Gum Strcet and further describ~d a~ 29G1 La3t t4?raloma Avenue, Unit 1; and does tiereby approve the N~ga~ive Deciara'tion upon finding thaat i~ tias considered the Negati.ve Decl~zration tog~ttier with any con;ments .r,eceivEd during the public i:evS.ew p•coce:ss and furtheL f.inding ocl the baais th~~t the initial study and any commer~ts re~eived th~t ttiere i~ no a4bstantia] evidencz that tt:e groject wiJ.l hav~ a sic,nificar~t eL•fect an the environment. NO[4. THG:RE;i'URE, B~; I'r kF,80LVEll that LhF~ Anaheim Cii:y Pla-ining Comn~iseion doe~ hereby gr.ant Subjec~i: Petxtion for Co;~dilional Uae Yer.mit, upon L•he £c~l.lowiny conditio~s which are hereby founra to }ae a necessary prerequisite to the propoaQd us,e nf. l;he subject~ prcpetty in ~rcier ta pre~erve thc safety ar.d general welfar.e of the Cit•i~e~.s of the C.ity of Anah~im: 1. That ~ariless d~r~~rmiri~~c3 un:iece~sary by the Uepartment of Maintenance, a trash storage area for exclus:.ve use by the sandwich ehop shall be prr~v.ided and mainta~.nFd i.n a lucation accep+:able to ~aid aepartment, and in accordancc~ with approved ~lanc on file with ~aid departmPnt. Such i-iforrnation ~hal.l be specifical.Ly sriown on the plans submitted f:or t~uild.ing permit3. 7.. That a Plan Sheet for sol.id wa:ite ~torage and c~llect:.on, and a plan for recycliclg r~tiall. bc~ submitted to the Uepartment af Mz~ntenance for. rEview and approval. 3. Thah an on-sitc~ Lrash truck l-urn-around area nhall be provided and maintained to tti~ satisfaction of the D~partmerit of M3111tE'tlii[1CP.. Said tiirn-areund area ~hall l~e specifi.ca.lly shown on plans ~ubmic.t~acl for bui.tding permit~. 4. * Ttiat. prior t_o issu~nce of a building pei-rtiit, a traffic wiynal an~essme-:t f~a equaling the difference between the industrial at~d commercial aeaes~ment fe~s ~h~l] be paiu to the Ci.ty ot Anahe.im in an amount as es:ablished 'ay C:ity Council resolution. -2- PC91-13fi ~ . , ° "t' h ~ -~i ~ ~(i T,.: •,~ 5. That th~ propcsll au~horized by this ~~eolution aha'l1 be subject ta the appropriat~ moclification aY d~letion r~f Condition of No. 12 of ReaoluY.ic~n No. PC89-213 (a~~p.~•ovEd in connectinn wl~h C~nditional IJ~e permii: No. 3185) which currently protiibits food-relat;ad sar.vice~ for subject propert:y. ~. That there sha1.1 be no sale of b~.er, wine or ~ther aluohalic beverages of any kind on t}ie premises, unlass a cund.itioi~al use permit is firsi: , approved authorizi.nr~ sur,h usE. 7. * That al.l air c:ondiLi~iting Eacilitie~ and cther roof and ground mc~unted equipment shall be properly snield~d from vi~w from adjacent r.e:,id~ntial properties. Such information sha11 be speci.fic311y shown on tl~r: pl3ns submitted for building pF~rmits. ;,, E3. * That p'sans sha11 be subm.itted to the Building Divz3ion showiny compliance , witti the min.imum standards of the City of Anatieim, including the Uniform ~. Building, Plumbing, I.lects:.'_cal and Fire Cndes a~ adopted by the City of I~naheim. Anpropr.tat~ permits shal.l be obtained for any neces~a.ry work. ~. * ThaL the p~-opo:,a1 3t~~a1l compiy wil•h a11 gigning requir~r.ients of Lhe ML ~ "Industrial, I~imited" 2one unless a var.iance al.lowirig c~xgn waivers i~ ` approvFd by the City Council, Pl.anning Commissioii or Zoning A~?:~ini.~ttrator. lU. * That the on-;;ite landscaping and ir_rigation eystem ~hall he n~ai.ntaineci in compliance with City ~tan~ard~. 11. That subjer_t pr~optrty ;~ha.ll be developed suhstantially in acc:ordance with plan~ and specifications sub:~'_tt:ed to tl:e City ef Anah~im by the ~etitioner and which ~~lans are o7 ~il~ with the Planning Depar~ment marlced ls;<iiibir. No,+. 1 thrcuyh 7. 12. That pz•ic~r to commenc~ment ~f' the ar,tivity authorized by this resolution, or p~ior to i3suanc~ cf a building ~er.mit, or within a neriod u£ onE (1) year f•ram the date of thi.~ resoluLinn, whicti~ver occurs iirst, Condition No~. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7~ind 8, above-mentioned, shall be camplied with. Extensions for furt:her ti.me to complete ezid conditions may be qranted in ac~cordanr.e with Sectiori 18.O~:.U90 of. the Anaheim hiunicipal Code. 13. Tiiat prior c.o comiiiencem~nt of tha activity author.•ized by L-his cesoJ.ution, or. prior L-o final buildi.ny and zoning inspections, whichever o4curs fit~str Conditic~n ric. il, aLov~-mention~d, Shall be com}71ie~a with. lA. * Thae approval of thi~ anplicz~i:ion constitutes approval of the propo~c~d r.a_ques~ ~,nly to the c~.r.tent that it r.omplies with the Anahe~m Municipal Zr,r~ing Cc~d~ and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulation~. Apprnval. do~s r.ot include ~ny action or finc~ings a3 to compliance or aprruval. af th~ requer~t regarding any ather applic~ble ordir.anr_e, regulation or requirement. Conditiona marked with an seterisk (*) are requir.ed by e3t~bl.ished law~, codea, reguldtiona and -.~gr.aements and are, t:h~refor.e, nat nu::ject ta negotiation. `3- PG91-138 ~ ~d ~ L ~il J 1~ a~ q BE :[T :FURTHFR RESOLVED that the Anakxeim City Planning Commission doe s hor~by f.tnd and d~termine i:hat adopti~n of thie Resolution is expresely predicated uporl applicanr'g compliance wlth eaoh and all of the c;onditlons hereinabove ye~ forth. Should any 3uch condition, o.r. any part theroof, be decla.rod invali.d or unenfarc~~ble by the ~.inal ju~e~ment of any court of competent ~urisdictiun, then tt~ia ResoluL-ion, and any approvals herein eontdinec~, sha11 be d~emad null and v~id. THE FOR~GOING RESOLUT?ON was adopi:sa at ch~ F~lanning Commisaiun ~ me~ting of Septemb~i 11, 1JJ1. , , , r ~~ ~ ~/ ~,~ __ ~-:;~~~~-~~'L ~'l ~ t E'~.~G,'~ •L-ti., ,~ CHAIF4.2.lI~.Id, ANAHEIM CI'PY L NNING ' Q[dMi, SION ~ A'i T ~: S'!' ; ~~ ~ i , - ~ ~~ -__-- rs~ / ~' / SECRETAR , ANAHEIN, CI'.rF 2LF,NNZNG COM:4ISSI0[~I S'I'ATE Or CALIFORNIA ) COUIVTl" OI' ORR;It;E ) ss. CTTY OI' ANAH~II~1 ) I, Eclith L. ftarris, Ser.retar.y of the Anaheim rity planning Coriunission, d~ hereby certify that the fare~oing res~lutiatz was passed and ado~ted at a meeting of the Anaheim Cit} Plannir.g C~mmiseion rield on September 11, 1991, by th~ fo17.~wing vo~e of the membera ther~of: RYES : COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, EfGLLYER, HENNINGER, Mk SSL: NOF~S: COMMISSI<~N~;RS: NOfdG ABS ~N."~'; CObiMISSIONF,RS: F'ERA'LA VACRNCY; TWO SGATS IN wITP7LSS ;JHEREC~I', T h~ve tiereunto set mX hand this ~~ a31 a f .._. ~" ____ , 19 91. __- ~~~,~' ~ _ SECRETARY~ ~1[QAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG C'OMMTSSTON -4- , tsl PC91-138 '~