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Resolution-PC 91-139
~~ "'"0 RFSOLU4'I.UN NO~ 1_?C9:1-13~) 1,~~~~YI n KF%SOI,U~I~CO~T OI,' TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PI,AIJNIPIG COMMISSIOtV AMGNDING CERT,IIN CONDITION i OF Ai~PROVl1L OF COtJUITTONAL USE PERMT'f NO. 31Ei5 WHEF2EAS, on ~ugu~t 2f3, 19g~), ~~~e plann:ng Commis~ion .~pproved Conditi.ona.l Une i~erm? ~ tl~~, 3185 un~l~r RoEOlution No. Y~f39-213 to pe~:mit approximntely •11,52G nquar~ fee~ oi indt»trial),y r~l~ted office uaes witi~in an exiFting Wril'(?I10~19c corc~plex with waiver of minimum niamber af narking Ap7CEII at ?901-2941 Mi ra:oma Avei~ue 1nr.1 1325-1345 Re~d Cur~ Strec~t; and ;aN;;:;Fr+s, [ienolur.ion rro. *,~C(39•-213 i,~ciua~s the following conait.i~n: ".12. 'Pf~at all fasr_-r~,~;~ and ~it-~iown reflt.~ur.int~, and any ot:S~er food sE~rviccr c_~;t:.ihli:ctimc~n~_ oE a;iy kind ahall be p~•oh.ibited." WHEf2h;A5, the ~~F~ti.tionc~r i~a , rF~quent~~d amen~iment to ~eler_~ pr m~dif,v ~aicl Conditiori ~Jo. 21 ~;,ci ha:; ~lso ~ut;a,ir.rea a pet:it:ion far a new Conditional Uae Permit fJo. 3442 t:o I>ec•m'tt a~~andwir.;: tihop wi.t.h wai~:er of mininiur:~ r.umher of parking ap~~ces. WliEREAS, th~ r.{.tiy Planning Commi:~~ion cii.d holci a public hearing at ttie Civic Center in the Cit-y of Anaheim on September 11, .1991, ak 1:30 p.m., notice of said pt~bii.c hearinq h~viny been :luly qiven aa required by lacv ar.d in accordance with the ~~rovi.~iona c~f the Anaheim Municipai Code, Chapt•er 1a.03, to h~ar ,~nd r.c:~~ider ~~vidr_~nce t'or ~nci aqain~t aaid pro~osed amendment ancl tu inv~stiyate a;ul maKe f inJin~s: rind recommendat~~~na .in ccnnection therewiL-h; and +~H'c'.1tEA~~, ~s~,i.cf co;ri;j_<j'310:1~ after d~~e inspecti.on, invefltigation and study madc~ uy :~_;E,;C ,~;,cl i.~i iLr; t~,,half, :.ind aft.ec due con9ideration of ~11 evi. ~ncrr ~rd re~~,~~rt~ offere~: rit: „~id t~Era:in ~: `ollowinq facts; 9~ c3~=~ ; f ind anct determine r_he 1. ConQ tt s onal U 'Cha• thc~ • Plani;in:~ Com~^i~saio:~ ~on:~idered and approved . . ue ~i i Pc~r roit: ;:~, 3442 to per-m.it a n~nd~•r.ich shop with w~7 i~er of ~ n rtium numt~er of I:.irking :;t';,~'r '~; a,t t;~r. Sf~pte:nber l:i, . . ~99i meetiny. ; . 't'hat nc, ~,• .~c~ i.rid~_cat<~ci ~heir pf-eaencr_~ at ~aid C,ubl.ic hearing ~ ~i os;porJi.tio~~; :~nd r_t;:~t: nr, .~c~rrc~:; ~.~itderic.~ , sul:~- ect e~ E wa~ r~.ce ived in r~p~»~ it.ion t:o the j p titi~~n. CAr_IF_qF?t:IA--- t..tVIF?C!;.7:4F_tJ'I'n~, _~ZIALI_TY ItCT FI_t+Dtl7G: That tLe Ana'.cim City 1-lani;iny C~~m;r.i-;uicn --f ~s revi.^wa<i c.he prapos.~al to a~oc~nd the. cunditiona o£ approv~~l of It~nr lution t~~. PCE39•-713, pcr~•taining to fc~oc! nervic~ e~tabl iahmant~ fo- an Lnrlu~ati•ia'.l.y-~-E!I.at.e<3 offi.ce ,.~nr.l o~,ireh~i~ee complex <:nc! :foen herF•by firtr3 th~r th~ NagaC i ve ~cc.l.ir<-~ i.r,r; I>r•±vLo~tely apprc+re:i in connecc; i~n wi th Conditiona~ U!3(! j~f!YR'i~Y. iiU. .~!L'~j LO cIC~QCflicih,(? LC Jc'YVF3 clfi 1:}1Q Yn Envi,ronn:.n,ntal documenea.Cinn in co~~;:ectL~~r wi.th Chis rF~r.iun,~t. 9:~ir~d CR17F32N,P _ ~ _ PC9.- ' i9 ~:~J ~ NOW, TH~FtEFOF2E, FiC IT RESOI~VED that the An~heim Ctty Pl~nning Cc~mmisej.on C~OHf3 hQr~by ~rc~end Conditi~n No. 12 of R~t~olution No. FC89--213 tio YB~~ 8t7 fO~.lOWflf "1?.. '1'I~at n~ food servico faci.ll.tien r3h~11 b~ pc~r-„itt~d unleas spocif.ir,3.lly nppLOVed by a aonditJ_onal use pF~rmit~ by tha City Cr.,unr,.il, Plc-nni.ng Camml~ai~ri c.~r. Zaniny Adminifltir-~tor." 'fHE f~ORE~GOINC RFSC)LUTiOrI was aclcpted at the P1~3nning Commission rnc~etin:3 of Se3ptE~mt~er 11, 1~)?1. /,..-••; ~.~/ C_~~,~~C ~.-.. C ~_ / J! ~{.~/~ ,~-~-~• ,~, . - ~ -~ -- •~ C[-l~I~f~MAN, ANAIiElM C.'T7~ FLANNP'NC COMMI,~'SION AT'I'ES7' `''`~~,~1«~ ~J -'~ '~J l.~ _ __-__~-'_ .~.~.._~_~.~ _.~~:i .~.=-- --- ~FCRETARY, APIAHrIM CTTY F~I,~~N[~ING COMMI~SLnN ~'P71TL' OI' CALIFORNIA ) CUUIdTY OI' ORANGF: ) s ~. CI'I'Y OF r1NAfiEID? ) I, h.clit.h T,. Ha: ri~, 5ecret;ary of th~~ Anahe.im C'ity P.Lannin~ Cnmmis:~ion, d~ tie•-eby certify thac tne foregoing re~olution wa~ passed and ado~:,ced at a me~ti.ng at` the Anr,heim ~ity Planning Commi:~,~i~~n held on September ?J., ]~91, by t:he followi7g vote of the member~ there~f: AYES: COMMISS10~~i~;f2S: QUUA ~, E3F:LL.YF.f2, f{L:NNIPIGFR, N,ESSE NOE:S: COMAITS~IQ[JE;f2S: tIUNr: P.BSEP7'I': COMtdIS~IONL'RS: PLRAZA vnc~,nrr: ~r.w~~ scn7~s /~ , r-'LI~~-o~^~=-__If! WITIJ'r:5:; ~Jil4'}2EOF', : t~ave h~re~.ir:L-o ~eC niy h~n<i Chi~ ~ day ;>£ ~ __, ].99.1. i, / ----- • ~~-!.~ _._.__._____~1_;~"~ 2_ ~~- ~ ~ .~~_____~/ _ .~.~. SisCI2I;TARY, ANAFjE:IM ~'ITY PL~T,NPJ7CIG c:OMMLSSZOtJ "?" i'C~i1-139