Resolution-PC 91-142~~ :~~ RESOLUTION NO_I~C91-J.42 A R~SOl',UTTQN OF THL ANAFIEIM CI'i'Y PLANNTNG COMMISSiON MOUIi~YING AREA p~V~L'OPMENT PLAN PIU. 108 ~~ WHER~AS, Area Cevelopment P1an No. lOf3 was approved by the Cit-.y Council on Auguet 3, 1971 to establioh a cull~ct;or and lacal ~tireet patt~rn for the area which extanded Eilue Gum Street, retain~d Whi.te Star Avenue, added Armando Str.wPt, abandoned Gan~l Stree~ and pro~•ided a froi~t,•ic~e road (Lu Mese~ Aver~ue, which ie thF nubject af thi9 amenclment); an~ WHEREAS, the petttioner rec;u~:at:~ rnodificaLion of ArPa Qevelopment Plan No. J.OS to al].o~, constx•uction ot' a cu.l de sar. and a r~viaFd circulation plan f~r La Mesa Rvenue, Exhibit "H"; ~3nd WHEREAS, tlte F~lanniny Department, pursuant to the provS.sions of the Ca.liforn.ia Environmc~nta.l Quality Act,, p~cepared a mi.ti.gat~d Nee~ative Dncl.aration i.n connection with the Amendm~nL- to Area Development nla;i No. 108; ancl WEiLREAS, t.he City Pl,:~nnincf Commis3ion did hold a pu~~lic heaLing at the Civi~ Cen~er .in the City of Actahr-.im on September 23, 1991, al 1:30 ~~.m., nol.ice ~Z =~~i~ public heari.ng havii•~c~ been duiy g.iven ~s re~~uirt~d by law and iri accordanc:e with L-he pi-ovi~iona of the Ar.aheirri Municipa]. Code, Chapt~r lfi .03, ta hear and c~nsider F•videncE fox- and aqainst said propo:~ed am`ndment to tlie Ar•ea Development F'l.an and La inv~~tigate and maJte finditigs and recomm!~ndati~7ns in c~nnccti.on th~rewith; ~~nd WH~REAS, :;aid C~mmi.s;~ion, af.te.r clue i.t;sp~ction, investigation and ~tudy made by its~~.lf and i~i its behalf, and afl:er due con~iderat.ion af all evidence ancl repor.~s offercd at: aaid t~e~.ri.ng, c]aes find and dete::mine the following facts: 1. 'i't~at a parki.ny an~l traffic stucly ha~ been cc~nd~acted, :~hawing thaL• circulati~~n needs for L-raffi.c and emergen~~y fi.re servicE~ are met with the cc.~n:~truction of tha propoaed cu.l--d~-•sac an.~i that the cul-de-sac would allow the prr~perty t:he opport•i-~.ty i:o be dev~=loped. whil~ als~ p~_ovic;ing t:hF adjacent ~~r.onerL-y with acc,~u~~ to a E~~~blic ~treet. 2. TF~at the prope~-~y owner of proEerty to the souttl of subject Pt"pl~E="~Y indic~.~ted conrer.n rc~gard.ing accea~ a~~d it wa~ noL•ed that an acce~s ea:3ement or 1 icen3c agr.~~emeni. woul.d bc~ ~~i°uvided duriny the inter. irn t.ime beFOre tl~e~ cizi-de-~uc i.s 3Ctll7llY con~trucled. C/1LIFCJ;2NIA~ENVIRONML•'N1AI. QUAL:[TY ACT FT~~O'iNG: .hat the Anahc:~im f_'i.ty Planni.ng ~~ommi~~iori ha~, re~vieo-red the prc~posa.ls for t}1G c~n:struc:L-ian cF uo to 1Q.L,135 aq.fk. of induslriall.y-related off.ice use~ w.ithin a propo~n,l "1.05,68, ~qu~~.re fo~t industrial F,~.rk and f~r amen~nE~nt to Area Development Plan No. 1G8 pczt:~.ininy ~o ci.rculat:iun on an irreoularly-,ha~ed parca~l oi land con~i.stin, ot apE~ror. imaLe, y 14. '3 acrec~ locat~~d ah the ~outF:we~t corner c~f La Pal_ma Avenue ind Wliit~ Star Avenue haviny approximat;E frontage~~ of 1,1~.2 fFet ~n thra west side oE Wf•,.tt•e Scar Av~~nue 2nd 2~10 feet un the suuth ~ide.~ c~f T,a Palma Avenu,~ anc? iurt_hez r.3~~r_r; becl ar 2E3S30 E, T,a Yaln~a Aveniie; ai~rJ CjON3 here~~~y app~:ov~ a C:F::~3UOL"'F! -1- i'i;'~1- 1~.1? ~ ~ ~~~ , ; mitigated Neqative Declaration and adopt the M:~t.tgati~n Monitoring Frogram ~ursuant to Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Coc~e on the baeis tha~ tha Planning Commiaeion has considered the ~ro~ur~a1 wi~h th~ mitigated tdegativc~ , Declaration and Monitoring Pr.ogram, toclether wi~h any comment~s Leceived cluring l:he public ieviPw proc~se and furL-her finding, on the ba~is of the Init,al SL•udy, that the~re i.a ~~o subsL-antial evidence that th~ project w.ill have a ~ignificant effect on the envirornnent. NOW, TKEREFORE, B~ IT RESOLVED that the Anal~eim City Pla~ning Commission does hereby modify Area Develapm~nt P1an tJo. 1G8 ta allow canstructioci ~f a cul de sac and adopt a reviaed circulation plan for La Mesa Avenue on the ba~is of rhe forcgaing findings. THE F'ORI:GOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the lan ing Cornmi~s.i.on rneeting of September 23, 1997.. ~•'-' l! -~ -/' .~,~~c '~-'Z ~'L~ /'r~~._ ~ a ' CFTATR2~"~1TT, ANAt~iEIri CI~y PLAP~Pd'2~NG Q hi;~IISSION ?1T'TEST: ~~ ----~~~ )~Cl..t..~.-~ ~._^ _ SGCRETARY, ANAFiEIM CII'Y PI;ANIJING COMMISSION 5'1'11TE OI~ CALIk'URNIA ) CC)UC7TY OF GRF~NGL ) o~. CT'1'Y OF ANAfIETM ) 2, Edith L. Harri~;, Secretary af the Anaheim city Plann_nq Conimissic,n, do hereby certify th3L th~ foregoing resal.ution was Fassed and adc~pted at a mepting of the Anaheim City Planniny Commission held vn Sv~~tember 23, 1991, by the fo:llcwing voi:e of the member~ th~reaf~ ~~LS: rOMMISSCONF.RS: B4UAS, BRISTOL, HELGY~R, HI,NNINGFR, MESS~, PERAZA, 'LP:MEL NOES: CUMl~ISSIONIsR5: NONE A(3SEDIT: COMMISS:ONERS: NONE IN WITIQE~:, AHLI2EOF, I have hereunL•o set m,y hand this { _ _ , ~ of 1991. ~ ~`~ day i ~"~.c~ ~ .~-~<~.-,...~ i SECRETAE2Y, ANAHEIM CITy pLANNTPIC COMMISSIOPf -2~ PC91~-142