Resolution-PC 91-147~' ~v'` n RESOLUT~ I~ pN Np. pC. 91_14~ A RrSOLU`.CIQN OF TH~ ANAHEIM C:[TY PLe~NNING COMMISSION THAT PETITZOIV NOK RFCLASSIP'ICATION PIU. 91-9,^,-Oq g~ Cf~ANTEA, UPICONDI'rIOIYAL'~.Y WHGRGAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cammiani.~n did receive a verifiecl petitiun t•~r Reclagsi..ficatian t~r xea~ ~zOperty ~ituatEd i.n i:he r..ity of Ana.heim, Cour,+-•, ~,~ pranrJ~, star.t:~ or• Californ.ta, de3cri.'aed as follawa: PARCGL 1 OI' TENTATIV~ FARCEL MAP NO. 90-2~4, IN TIiE CITY dN' ANAHEIM ~ND BEING A SUBDIVISI'ON QF :'HE k'GJ'LOWING l1ESCRIJ3Ell LANC : A PURTTON Or^ r ars ?_ AND SUBDIV TSTON 8 O?~ THE HEL~IJ ANC LXNCH' S . , AS PFR MAY RECORI)ED IN BUOK R42, PRGF: 158 UF DFEDS IN THG ~ , OFE ICE UF ANGLES CUUNTY, CALIFOR*IIA THE COUN7'Y RF.CORnER OF TOS , AHD 47 OF ANAHEIM EX~'~NSION AND A PORTION OF L,OTS 46 AS YEFt , MAP OF SURV~1 NADL BY i^ITLLTAM HAN,L;L FILED IN 511ID OFPIC~: OF THF, COUNTY 1~ECOi2DER QF LOS ANGELES COUNTY A R.ECORDEn TIQ BOOF 3, p1~GE , COPY OF WH_T.CH IS 163 ET ANGF,LES COUNTY Mt1FS", IPd gEQ•~ ENTITLEU "LOS THE ~ RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY; OFF ICE OF THE COUNTY I~ALIFORNIA ^ zN THE CITY OI' 1~NAH~IM, , LUCATr .D PARTLY AND ALI ' GRANGE, :iTATE Or CALII'ORNTA, , Ttv THE CUUNTX OF UESC:RIBED AS F4LLOWS: ~'f~~ f7UR'PHFAST~RLY F35 , 00 FEET OF '1'FIE D~SCRIHED YARCEL: FOLLOWIIJG Br,GINNING AT THL: ThTERSEC7'IOI4 OF 7'iIF, C~N!'FR LINE OF T41~ RAILROAD BETWi;EN LOS NIE1'US ST~ITION AND 'J.'HE TOWN UF ANAflEIM, WI'PH THE WESTERLY I.IhE OF TH~: LAND DESCRIBED TN DEEU 1'O AR1'EIUR ALF;:{ANDER NEZMANN, RECOF2DED MARCH 15, 1$72, IN f3ppK 24~ PAGE 396 QF Dk',EDS OF SAI~ LOS ANCL•'LES CUUNT'l, (SAID l9ES'TERI,Y LINE BEING SFiOWN AS STATI~Pi 1079+40 UN MAt~ td0. V-12~6 OF THE SOUTFIERN PAf:Ir^IC RAZLROAD CUDIPANYj ; TF~ENCE SOUTEiwRI~Y '~~E.QO FG:sT AI,UP~G SAID WE;STF.RLY LINr TO A L'lfl~ PARALLEL W.TTH AND S~UTNWE5TERLY 400.G0 FECT FRGM SAID CI:N'I'ER I,INE; THF:NI;L; SOUTHEASTE'RI Y 234G.00 f'EE'1' ALONG SAIL' ppF2~1I,I,EL L,INE TU iHE C~N'PER LINE OF' rnIALNUP STREE'.^, AS SHOWN ON SAIp MAP cIy WILLTAM FIAMFL; THENCE PIURT(iEi?LY ,9.ri,pp FE~:'t' Ai,ONG S;~IIU CEfdTER LINE UF WAI~NUT' STREET TC) A LIN~ PARALLE'_, WIiF{ ANG 100.00 FEF;'1 NORTHEA~ TEkLY FROM SAID CFNTEFt L'.NE OF Tf3E FtAILROAA; THENCE NURTHWES'f~R1:,Y ?.34U.Q0 FE~T ALONG SArD LAST MENTIONED PARALLF'L LI~1E TU SAID W~STERLY LINE; TFIENCE SOU1'HERLY J 19. 00 FEET 71LOIJG SAID WF,STERLX LINh: TO TF1E POINT OF BFCINP7It~G, CR1294MS -1- PC91-147 ,~~:,~~, EXC~PTir1G TEiExEE'ROM THAT TRIANGULAR PARC~:L OF LAND BEING IN I~OT 1 OF TEi~ HELEN ANU LYP7CH ADDITIQIQ, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RL;CORDED JUNE 12, 1883, TN BUOK 4~32, PRGE 158 vF UE~DS, R~CORBS OF~' LQ5 .'~NGr.LES CQUNTY, CAT.,IFORNIA, SAID LOT 1 HrING T~iE NOI2THL;AST QUARTFR OF' THE NURTEiEAST QUAI2TER OF Z'HE NORTHWEST QUAkTrR OI~' SECTION 16, TGWNSFIIP ~~ SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, S.B.M., W[iTCFi TRIf1PIGIJLAR PARCEL ~F L1ND TS MORE PAkTICULAI2LX D~SCRIB~U AS FOLLOW~: i~; CUMMENCING Ai A CONCRET~ MONUMENT LGCATED AT THE INTfs'RSFCTION ON THF CENTER LINE OF LIDICC7LN AVENUE WITH THE WESTERLY ROUNDARY LINr OE' THE CTTY OF ADTAHEIhS, SAID HOUNDARY LJNF 1S ALSQ 'I'HF NORTHEA5TERLY CORNER OF SAIp LOT 1; THEDICE WE5TEk2LY E'ROM SAID CONCFtETE MONIJMEN:i ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF L'IIvCnI,N ~1VENU~~ SAID ~ C~NTER I~.INE BFING ALSO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SATD I~OT ~ 1, A DISTADICE OF 560.00 F'~E'I' TO THE I~C)RTHWESTERLY , CURNER Or' SATU J,OT 1; 1'HENG~; SOUTHERLX, ALONG THE 4iE5'I'F:RT,Y r.INL OF SAID L•O'P 1, A DISTANC~ OF 199.11 FEET TJ TH:~: SUUTHWESTEFLY CORNF.R OF THAT ~ERTATN PARC~:L OF L?~ND CONVdY~D TO RUSSFI,L EVANS 5Y D:ED RTsCORDE~ 7N AOOK 4"5 PAGE 157 OF' DT'EDS, RECORDS c~F ORANGE C~UNTY, CALIFUF:NIA, SAID SOUTIIWEST~:ftLY CORNFR BEING 'PHE 'I'RU~ ~ POINT OF D~GINNING OF PARCEL TO E3E JESCRIBED; THEIdC~ SOUTH~ASTLRLY ALUI3G THF SOUTHWESTERL'1 I~TNE OF SAID FARCEL OF I~AND CUNVEYEll TO RUSSFi.L EVANS, SAID LINE B:ING ALSO THE NOR'PH~ASTERLY LINL OF 5P.7D SOU'rHERN PACTFIC RAILRO~~D COMPANY'S PROPE;RTY, A DISTANCE UF 33 .?.0 FEET T('~ A POINT; THENCE 50UTHWESTERl.Y A'f RIGFIT ANGLLS, A DISTi~NCL OE' S0.00 P'Er;T 7'O A POIN'T TN TE1E WE:STERLX LINE OF SAID LO'.C 1, AND THI: 47EST~'RLX LTNF OF SAID 50UTHERN FAC'IFIC RAIL•ROAD COMPANY'S PI'.O.PERTY, SATD POINT DISTANT 50.00 FEEZ', AT 12IGE1T ANGLES, FROM T[iE CEPdTER LINF OF idAIN T1tACT dF SF1ID SUUTHEFN PAGTFIC RAILR.OAD COMPR,VY' S C;ONSTRUCTED SANTA ANA flRADiCEI; 'T'H~NCE NOF:THERLY, ALqHG THE SAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID I.OT 1, A DISTANCE OL' S9.96 FEET TO TH~ TRUE POiDlT OF 13EGINNTNG. ALSO I;XC~pT; NG TEiGRLFRUM THAT PORTIOfJ LS'ING SOUTHEAS I'ERI~Y Or A LINL•; PARALLEL W7TF~ AND DI~TIII~T NORTHWCSTEF2T~Y ~lU.UO F~:G'f, MEASURF.D AT P.IGHT ANGf~ES, FROM THOSE CERTAIN LIP~Ea fiAVING C~RTAIN .^.OURS~S :7UTH 74 llEG. 24' WEST 1;i3.6 F~F.T AND SO~JTi-I 74 DLG. 24' WEST 444.4 P'EET A5 DESCRZF3EU IN :CHE SECODlD PARCEL OF LAND AS GRANTED TO TEiE CIT~ UP' AP7AHC.1M 7N TEfAT CER'PAIN DI:PD kECORI~ED IN t300K 264, PAGE 371 UF DEEDS, RrCORGS OF SAN CRADiCISCO COUNTY, CA.LIFORNIA. 47Hu,RLAS, Y.t~e Git.y Flanning Cummiasion did hold a publ.ic hearing at ttie ri~~ic C~nt~r in the City oE Anaheim on September 23, 1991 at 1:30 p.m., natire of said puhlic hearing having been duly given as requ~red by law and in ;~ . i~ -2- PC91-147 ^ '. ~ ~~~~~~4 , accord~~ ~!ith the ~rov.tr~ionka of t:he Ananoim Muni~~ipal C'c.~de, Chapt:er 18.03, to hEar ~ns.ider evicl~nr.c~ for a;td agains~~ c~aid praposea re~lao~i.fieation and i:o inves :~ and make finding3 and Lccorr~mendc~ti~ne in connect.ton ther:~,~ith; and Y7FERi~,AS, c~~zid Gbmm~.s~~i.on, aft~.~r d~ze insper.tior?, inve~ti.gation a.nd stud~ nacie by ii:3elf anra i~ ita behllf, and aEter due c~~naider.ar.ian of all evica ~n and rep~rt:s off~re~:.f at. ssid hear.i.nc~, <ioe;: f.ind and det.~~rmiiie the f.o' :~Lriy facts: 1. That the pEetitioner ~roposes recl~s~if.icat.ion ~~f: t:ze r.ortherl.y ap~~roximate ]..7 aczes of uubjFCL ~.~rop~r~y from the RS-A-43,OOU (Re~idential- Agricu.ltura'1) znne to tt~~e ?•iI, ( In~~.istria~., I.icnited ) zr~ne. 2. ~I't~~~~t. tile Anaheim Genera2 ~1an dc:siynatas ~ubject pro~~erty £or C,enex•~1 Commercial land ~~se~. 3. Ttiat ~he pr~~p~3~:d recla~~ification of subject propert:y i~ necessary and/or desirahl~ for thF orderly and proper developrient o:f. the community. a. That the proposed reclaasif.i.catwon of stibject property does prop~r.l.y relate ~r~ t.he 'I.Of1E.'S lrid their pe.-~;~i r,te~' u~e~ locally esi:al~lished in r.lo~e proxim.ity to subject propei-ty and ~o tht ~.:nnec and their pe~:mittscl uses Genf~rally c:r~tabli.shed tiir~ughout the communii.y: 5. That n~ one .indicated their presenr.e at said publi~~ hearing in oppo3i~ion; and tha~ no cor.r.eap~ndence was Ltceived in opF~~~i~_ion to subject ~~et.i.tion. CALIFORNIA E:NVIRONM~NTAi~ ~UALITY 11CT FII~DING: That the Anaheim City P].anninq Cummission has reviewcd the proposal t~> >-eclassi.fy the nortkzerly approxima~e 1.~ ~icres of subject- ~reperty from the RS-A-43,OOU (Residential- Agricul.tural.) Zonc to the ML ~Industri.al, Li.n;ited) Zr~ne and to pc~i~~ilt a ~calf-~•I:oraqe fnciLity w:~*h manager's iinit and Fraiver of ,~~ini.r.~um nuriiF~er of pa~:king spaces arid permit ~ed e:icroachrnQnt~ oi; the en ~ire si.tr~ which is an ir~F~g~i].arl.y-shaped parcc~l cc~nsistinr, of appx•oximatel.y 3.3 acrea having approximate frontages of E3h feet on tha ,:orrh ~ide of Firoadwa;~ and ~}0 feet on the southerl~~ tarminus of Ada~ns StreEt, havinr~ ~:~aximum depth of approximately :~,7.12 feet and furL-her ~aescribed aa 155 Sc~uth Adam~ Street; an.d ~oeg hereby approve *_he Negative I)eclaration upon finciing that it hac~ c:onsidered the Negative De~laration tog~:thes~ with any comments received dur~.ng the public r~view proce~•s and further ;inding ~u i;he basia `l~at the in.itial study and any c~mments received that ther~~ i~ n~ ~ubstantial evidence that th~a pra;cct will have a ~iynifS.cant ef-fect on th~ environment. NOW, Tf~ERES?ORE, BE IT RLSOLVED that the ~naheirc. City Planning Co~~unissi~n does hereby approve the s4aject Petition for Rec•l~:.ssification tc autho.rize an ~mendment to the Zor_ing Map of the Ar.aheim Mur-ze~~al Cod~ to exclude th~ above-d~ecribed pr~perty from the RS-A-43,000 (Reaid~;r.tial- F~griculL-~iral) Zone and to incorpurate said de~cribed propercy i-tto the ML (Tndustrial, I,i.mited) 2one upon the following condition whicli ie hereby found to be 3 nece~s~ary prerequi.si.te to the pr.oposed uee of subject property in order to pr~sexve the sa.f,ety and general welfare of i:he Citizena of the Ciry o~ Anah~iin: -3` PC91-147 e 1. That app.roval request only Zoning Code Appr~va.l doea approval of regulation or Y'.n \ rf~Sah~,~ of thie ap~,lication constitutPa approval o£ the proposed to the extpnt that ,it complie~ with i:hQ Anaheirn Af~inicipal and any other applicab].e Ci~y, State and Federai r~:gulations. nat include ~ny action or f.tndings as to compliance or "~he requec~t t•egardi.ng ~n,y other appli.cable ~rdinance, requirement. RE IT b'URTI•iER RESOLVEL that this resolutio~z :~hall ,."L conetitute a rez~ning af, or commitment by the City to rezocie the subject X~roperty; any ~uch rezoning shall .require an ordinance of ttie City Council which aha1,1 be a legislat.ive act wh.ich may b~ approved or clei•ii~d by l:he City G~ouncil at itr~ r~ole discrc~tion. BE IT E'URTHEIt P.ESOLVED that the Anah~?m C.ity Planning Commission doe~ hereby find and determine that adopi;i_on ot th.i.s Resolution is expre.~sly predicated u~on applicant's compliance with the condition h~rein~tb~ve set for~h. ~hould such condition, or any part therFOf, be dnciared invalid or unenforcea~le by the tinal jtidgment of any c~urt of competent ju.risdic'tion, ther, thia Resolution, and ~~ny appx-ovals here.ir. contained, shall b~ deemed null and void. THE FORE;GOINc; RESC)L~JTION was adopted at the Planning Commi3sion meet.i.ng uf September 23, 1991. ,,~-" ' , / ` ~ > ~J rf~ -''~~~Z.''_~_'~~ ~ r~f ~^'C!_''I ~~ ~~,~, 'CHAIFtM11N r~NAHE •~• ' ~ ` .l " , (__ ~ IM C1!'Y PLAI~NINt; CO MISSSQN ATTEST: r ___._ ~ ~J ~~~~ _ _ SECR~TARY, ANAH~IM CT'PY PLANNING COMhfISSION STATE O~ CALIFO1tNIA ) C.OUNTY OL' OFtAf7G~ ) s;a , CTTY OF ANAFiEI1Q ) Z, ~ditt~ I„ Har.ris, Secretary uf the Anaheim C:ity 1?lanning Commi.aaion, do hereby certify thal thc forsgoing reaolutiaz was p~zissed and aclopted at a meetinq of the Anaheim City Planniny r...~~nisainn helcl on S~aptember 23, 1991, by the fullowinq vota cf the m~mbEra th~rer~f: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: IiOUAS, 9RISTOL, EiELL~YER, EiENNI.NGEFt, MESSE, PERAZA, ZLMEL NU~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE F16SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NOt1E zN W7TNESS WHERE;OF, 1 }Iave .,~i~~ of h~reunto ~et my hand this ~ ~a~, _- _._, 1991. i, r, ~ ~ ~°_~__~L~~~vw' SECRJs'~'ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIv.. ~OMMISSIUII ~} PC9i-147 ~