Resolution-PC 91-150a.,.. RESdLUTION NO. F~C91-150 +\c~ A RESOLUTION OF '!'H~ ANAHEIM CI2'1' ~'LANNING COMMIuSION 4'tiAT PETT2'ZON I'UR RF.I^.LASSIFTCATIOi3 N0, 91-92-U5 Bk; GF2~1NTEll WHEREAS, ~he Anahe.im City Planning Comm~.ae.ion did receive a v~arified Z~etition for. Rec].assif.i~:at~ion for real prop~rty si:.uated in the City oP Anaheim, County of Orange, State af Califarnia, described as follows: PARCEL 2, IN THL, CI'tY OP AiVAHEIM, COUNTY OF QRAIQG~, STATE OL' CALTFORNIA, AS 5F10S•1N OP7 A DiAP FILED TN BO~K 1~33 PAG~ 31 OF PARCFL M71PS, IN THG OFFIC~ nF THE COUNTY 12ECpRDER OF SAID CGUNTY. WEiEREAS, the City Pl~nni.ttg Commission di.~l hold a public hea.ring at the Civ~.c Center ~_r~ the CiL-y of Anaheim on September 23, 199I at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of said public he~~ring haviny been du1,y giv~n as require~l by iaw and in accordar~r_e wi~h the provisions ~f tP~e Anatieim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consi-~~r evidr•:nce far and :~gainst said propcsed reclasaification and t.o investigatL and make f ind.i.ngs and recomrnendations in connect.ioci therewit;h; ar.cl WHEREAS, said Commisiaion, after due inspecti.on, investigation and stuciy ~nacle by it:s~lf and .in i~s behalf, and ~f.ter diie con~?.derati~n ~f a].1 ! evidence anci reports aff'ered at said hearing• does find and determine the follow.inc, facts: 1. Th~t the pet:itionex propose~ r~clae~ifi_cation of subject ' prcper.ty f.~:om CL (Commei-cial, I,imited) Zorie to the RM-24Q0 (Resident.ial, MuJ.tiple-I~amily) Zo~ie. 2• 'l'haL the Anahe~m General l~lan designat.e~ subject pra~~ert~ for Low-Medium Uensity ResidenC.ial land use:~, permittiny up to 18 dwelling unita per acre. 3. That thE rropased reclasai.f•ir•atioii a£ s~:bj~ct property xs nece~sary and/or desirable for i.t~~ ord~~rly ar~d proper deve?.opment of the community. 4. Tnat the propo~ed reclassific~ttion of subject ~roperty does properly relate to the zones and Lheir permi':ted uses locall,y e~tablished in clc~c pzpximS.ty to subject property and to thE zonec and thair permitted u:~ea gencrally ~s+abli.~hed thr.oughout t_~E communil•y. 5. That thE ps~oposed reclas~-~.Cication of aubj~ct p.r.oper~y requires the ded~.cation ~~nd '•mpro~~emen~ ~~ aLutting streets and ~-~lleys in accordance with the Circulatic~n Element af the Genera.l P].an, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will ba gan~rat-ed l.~y thE~ intensifi.cation Uf l~~ncl use. 6. T'hat two (2) people ir.dicated their presenre at said public haariny iA1 favor; and that no corresporid~~nce was r~ceiv2d in oppositio-: to aubject petition. CR129~MS -1- PC9J.-].50 iw CJ-LIFORN~~~ k~PJV~RONt4CNTni_~?J11LI~r.X._nc~r ~~~a~N~: That tha Anahelm C;i :y Pl~nning Coinmtz~eion hag reviewed t•he prapa3~~1 to reclASeify aub~nct pruparty Crc:n the~ CT (C~mmc~rci.al, LLmit~d) Za~ie to th~ P.Di~-7.400 (Ra~idnntial, M~~ltipl~-Fam.iiy) 7,~nc to p~r.mit: a 10-unit, 2L1 Foot high, d~r.k-typca conclominlum r.omple;c wirh waiver~s r,f minim>>m front yard aetbuck, maximum pormitted identif.ica~iun c{iqn nrey, minim~im ~ai.de yard sQtback and r,~i.nimun~ landocdpe treatment of d~ck E3UL•face an x rectangulaxl y-c~hapod pare~.. c~f land r.unaie~.ing of ap~?rox.itr~aY.oly 0.6 acre, having a feunt•age af. apprc~ximately 100 feet oii tho narth ~.tde of I,incc~.ln Av~:n~ie, h~~ving a max.imum depth of approximately 261 fF~et, UQing 1oca~dd apprc~xi.mate].y ?.2U feot: a~~et of ~ho centFrline of Ftel Afr Street and Yurther deKCr.iUed a:~ 2Fi65 Weat Lincc,7.r~ Aver~ue; and does tiereby approve i:h~ Negative Ueclaration upnn ffnding t:hat it haa cc~nsidered the NQgative Declaration togethnr with any commentn raceived duriny tho ~,ublic zoview proce3a and further findinc~ on *.he baoia L•hat the init.ial atudy ~nd any c~mments received thxt ther~ i~ na ~ubsL•ar,t.i~l evidence that the project. w.i.ll have a sig~l~.f iCa~1L• ef tect oit thn E,i~viro-tm~nt• . P7oW, '.PHF:REFORE, E3f: i; RG50LVEU th~,t the 71nah~Lm Ci.ty Plannfng Commianior~ do~s herebf 1p~rev~ ttie subjECt ?~tition f~r Reclaseiflcation to avthorize an amcndrr~ent to r.he 7.oning Map c~f the Anaheim Muni.cipai Code to ~xclude f:.he above-d~~~cribed pru~r:rty fr.om th~. CL (Coinmer.cial, Limited) 7,one r.nd tc~ incorg~~ratc~ aaid de:3cribecl property intc thF I2M-'140~ (Reaid~nt.ia:, M~ilti.ple-Fam.ily) ~one upon tt:e folLowiry conditi~r-s whi.ch are hereby found to I~e a ii~cec~,ary ~rerequisite to the propose~] u:~e of aubject property ~n order to ~r~~c;erve th~~ ~~fF~ty a;id yc~neral welfar_e oi the C.tLizens of the City of Rnahc: im: 1. " That a f.e~ for strc~~e lighting pu-•~,usea sha.l be paid ta tha City of Anaheim Uase~_i un thFr leng~h of 3treeL• frontage aienq Lincoln Rvenue Ln an :imount as e3l:abl.iahed by Ci~y Council C~?3o'lu`ion. 2, x That a f~e for street CY~'?f? ptirposea ~hcill be paid to the Cit;~ ~~f Anaheim haeed on t:i~~ length of :~tref~t frontage ~~zlon~~ Li.ncoln Avenu~~ in an amount as establ.i.shed by Cit:y Co~~nr.i.l re:,oluti.nn. 3. 'fiiat th~ leqal o~~ner ct r~uh•ject property aha.ll. dedicated to the City of A~:aiieim a f ive ( 5) f oot. w i.d~~ publ i c ut i: ity e~asement a long :hQ north pr~~p~rty line. 4. 'ifiat thE~ own~~r of ~suhjf~ct prc,E~ert; nhal) submit a 1c~Lter requesting terminat ion aE Var iancc t~o. 4C12 (w~it~iny rtiinimum nur~ber of par;ci~g spaces to eei-mit ~ pr:ntin~~ .inci re~>!:o<.fucticin facility). 5. 'Th~t prior to placement of an ordi.nlncE rezoning nuhjccr, pr.operty un an agencla for C'i~}• r.ounci.l cr~nsi.deraCio~, C~ndition P7oo. 1, 2, 3 and 4, abov~--mentienect, r~hall be~ i:ompleted. The City Cout~cil ~nay approve oc c3isapprc,va a zc~n.ing ~~r.dinance az it3 discreti~n. If the ordinance ~s ~~j.~~pp~~~ed, rhe pr~cedur~~ set forrh in An~h~im Municipal CoBe Soctior~ lFs.03.O8S ~hall apply. ~he provi.xio~ia or righCc~ ~,~ca~tecl :.~y th+.g rE.eoLntir~n rshall br:con~e nu? 1 anci voirl by ac;tion of r.;~e P:ahning Commienion unlenn r~af.d ~onclitions~ ar.r~ cor~pited wiCh withi.n ~ri~ (i) year. frbm tne dar.ta Jf l:ttin rea~~l.it ion, ~~r SJUCfI further rime aa the Planniny Cu:nmissior. ~~~~y grartir, . _~_. PC9].-I50 Ei. *'1'hat aE~t~roval ~t thi.~ applicat Lon con~titu~es a~,provnl ~P the pzo~sed z•r•,~ueat on.ly ~a thc~ extont that: iti romplian ~,ith the AnahPim Municipa.l Zoning Code ~nd any o;t~er applicak~lo City, State and Fecforal ragulaCi~na. App~~oval claen nat inc.luclc ,:~,ip• action nr findLngs aa to com~~liance cr approval ~~f the r~que3t: r•eqarding any other applicablo ordinance, r~gulation or rec~~iiremen~. Conditionn mark~d with an aeteriak (+~) ~r~ rc~quired by edtabliahed lawe, codea, rec~ulet:tone r.~nd agreemo;~te and Aze, theretore, nc~t: ~ubject ~~ negotiati~n. ~ II~ IT FURTHFR RESCLVED Ghat thi~ re~o.lutinn ahall rok constitut~ , a r~zon.irr;7 of, c~r ~ommi.tme~t hy tnc~ City to i~zone the subjoct pcopert,y; any r3uck~ rezoning shall rec;uire <~n ardinance of the City Counc.il which ahall bo a legialaL-ive act which may be approved ~r denied by the C1.ty Caunril. at ita ~olc~ discretion. BE IT ('UF2TIiF,Ft RCSOLVGD that the A-iahei.m City Plannin~~ Commiaaion do4e hereby find and d~termine that ~.d~~ption of this Re~olucicn i3 pxpreaely predicated upon applicant'~ c~mpl.i~~nce with each an:i all. ~f the conditiona her.vinabove ~et Eorth. Shov1~1 any auch condi.tiane, or. any part thEreof, be declar~d inval.i.d or unen`«rceable by the fi-~~1 ~udgment of ~-~ny court of cumpete~t iuriedict~on, then this Resuiu'~io:i, and any apprr~vals herQin ~ontained, shall he dec~med n~il.l a^d void. TFi~ FOREGUING Itl:'SOI,l1TION wa~ adopt~d at the Y.lann:ng Commic~3ion mceting of Septeiaber 7.3, 1991. ~. . /` ~, ~ l ~, ~ ~ .: ~.~~~_ / ~-1 ~ Cr •~ ANAflEIM CITY P~.A[d QING C d ISS N ATTEST: ~ ~..~~~, ~' ~ ~~ ~ _ _ ,~ , SF.CRf"!'ARY, ANAFICIM CLTY F'LANPIING COMMISSION STATE QF CAI,IFORI7IA } COUNTY OF GRAt7GE ) ~j:~. CITY OF' ANAHEZM ) I, Editt~ L. Narrin, Secret:ary of the Rnaheim Cit~~ Planning C'~~mm.iF~ton, d~ h~areby .^,ertif f t.hat the foreyoincr re~Ulut+.on waa F~aa~+~d and ~dopt.c:d at a mE~etin~ of the Anaheim C:it; Ylanning Commiaaicm held on September 23. 19~11, by the foll.cwing vote •af L•hc~ member~ thereo.: AYES: CUtdMISS101JER5: k30UAS, E~RISTOL, HELI.YER, FIF.NNINGER, MESSE P~:RAxA, 7,E tdEL P~OF.S: CUMMI5SIO~lER:i: t70NE 7+f3SENT: COMMISSIOt3~'RS: tlr~NE ~1( d WJ fiiF.SS WEIEREOF, T havc hE:reunto set my hand Lhia .~~~_ 3ay of. -----~~~~~r'~s~"'~~__, 1951. `/~) . ~6 / ~ ~. ------- ~- G `~~~~ __ °`;L~ _ _ c~..i ~_--_ S~'CAE:ARY, A?JAFIF:IM CITY PLA[JNItiC CUMN:SSION PC91-150