Resolution-PC 91-151,~' ; MA ~ ltESOLUTtON NO `~C.~.1 ~151 A FiE80LUTION OF THF, 11NP.HE2M CITY PLANNTNr, COMMxSSTGN Tf~AT PETITIQN FOR CONUI7.'IONAL US~ PJsRMIT N0. 3456 k3~ CRANTED, IN PART WHERFAS, thr.~ Anaheim Cily Planning Commiaoion did receive ~~ veriEied Yet~cion for Conciit.lonal tJae Permit for certain rQal propQrty siL•uated in the City of Anaheim, t.ounty af ~.rangc~, State of California, describcd aa: PARC,LI, 2, IPI :'FiE C:CTY OF ANAHk;TM, COfJNTY Of QRANGE, STA'I'E OF CALIFORNTR, AS iHOWN ON A~`.AP rTLF.D IiJ BOOK 143 PAGE 31 OF PP.RCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFTCE OF 'PHc: COUN'PY RGCORUER OE' SATD G~UIVTY. WF~EREAS, the City Planni~~g at t;he Civic CentE?r ir~ the City of Anaheim notico of oaid p~ablic liearing hzving been accorclance with the proviaior~~~ ~f th~ Anah~ hrar and cono.idEr c:vi.d~nce £or a:~d against an~ to invest:igate and ma'_e findinc~s therewir_h; and Conunissi.on did hald a public hearing on September 2J, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., duly ~~iven ar~ requirera by law and in aim Municipal Code, Chapter 1a.03, t~ saici proposed conditional iiee permit and rECOn~mendari~ns in connection 47FIBRF:AS, raic3 Co;nuii~eior., aEL-r~r due ina~~ection, investi.gat•,~on and atudy made by itr~elf and iri 5.t~; behalf, ancl after rlue~ cons>ideration o.E all evidence and re~,oLts offer~d at :;aid hear..ing, does find and dc~tc~Lmine the following facto: 1. T'hat tha proE~o~ed •~ee ~y ~YU~.)C`tiy one for ;~::ich a c:oiidit.ion~l use permit i~ authorized n~ Ananeim Municipal Code Sections 19..i2.0~0.047 and 1R.56.020 to i~ermit a 10-unit, 2E~ foot hi.yh, cier.k-type condominii.ir.i c:~mplex with o~a~ver of the f~~llowing: (a) SECTIJN~ ;8.~4,U45_O1!1 - Minim~nn_,tront _}~~rd ~et•k~ack. 18~:t?~063.v:11 (EJermitted: 3~;__feet to I,incoln AvF:nue to ~7nd_1~3.95.033_O10 t~uilding~ ar~d 2U £eet Co oY.her improveme~~L-~; Propo~ed: 30 feet t:o build.iny ancl _lC~_fee:t to a G foot: high bl~ck wall ~cr~ening ~ruck turn•-around area) (b) SFCTIOVS 16.05.084_030 - Maxiinw~~~rmir.t~d_ i~lenLiElcati~n siyn_area. and 18v32_~G7_030 ~^,n_ rc~..ft. ~~ermitted; 30 sc~. fl. propoHecl) (c~ S~CT_Ut~s .1a.32~QG"s__0_l2 - Ml;ni.m~.~m ni.d~ard ~ethack. and ~A.96.U"33.02J (13_fe~!_ requireri for uui.I.dinc~ w~lle with 4.~itldOws; 9 :Ce;; ~CC~(.o:3r,~9~ - (r~} SF._C'CIc~tl i~3_9Fi.033_')50 - Minimum lanci~~ai;e ~;_eat~7enr._.of .d~~ck...s~irf_~ce. (f,0'-~ landacapiny requi.r~:d; 4i' I~coi~o:,ed) CR1238MS -I- PC91-151 2. That t.l~e requFSted waivar~ (a) and (d) ir.e her~by c~ranted on ~' thc~ ba~iD that there are e~ecial circumstances~ ap~liaab.le to th~ propc~rty ai~ch a~ aizr~, sh~~~e, tapography, location and eurro~indinge k~hicn do nut apply to othAr icien~ically ZOIIP.Cj property in the same v.iciniL•y; an~i tliat s~ric:~ app2ic~~tion af the Zoning Coue aeprives the pLaperty of pr~vilege~+ ~•njoyed by ~~ ~ther propertiea .i.n the Ldentical zone a;ld r,la~Ai.ficati~n tn tl~c viclnity. "? 3. That the requeated waivor.a (b) and (c) ~re hereby danied on '`~ ~ha bnsi.s t}lat t}~Qy were d~leted frcnn the oubir,itted r~_ ::;~- ., i~a.l.ow.tng public rtatification. 4. ~iiat the propored u3e, a~ c~r.a-:ted, wi.11 not adversr-.ly a~fect ti~e a;: joining lartd iases an~i t}ie growuh and developmc>r.t ~f the area .i~; wliich it i~ proposed *.o be located. `-~• 'i'f»* t.".c ~i~~~ and :~hape of the site pr~R~osed ior t.tie use, ae K} yranted, is ~dequa~c to allow the full devel.opment of the prnp~~~~~_i Use in a ti mannPr not detr;.mentai to t_hc paLticular area nor to tl~e ~~e~r~~, hc~ilth, ~afety ,~, and qeneral wclfare c,f rh~ c,~i! ;;.eiir, c~f tt~~ City of Anahcim. ~« 6. That the granting c~f L•h~ Co~idiriciial Use Permit under the A r.~onditicna imposed wi11 not }.~e detriui~n+-:~: to lhe peac~, healt-h, s~fety and } general. we.lfarc of the Cir.i.zenr~ of t:~,~ Cir.y of F,nat„~:r,;. '~ ir~~~ i:h~ ~• ~Efi.c qena~rate~l by the p•-c~po~~~cl u:~e will not i f,o~-c ~ln iinciu~~ 1?urri~n tz~,ur~ rhE~ rt_reet~ and highwlys da~~i.qr~ed ~inti intr~r~vc~d to carry ~he traEfic l;i r_ha area. 8. That two (2) (]COpLE indicated their pr~ 3ence at aaid r~ubli~: I~e~ir..ing in favor; and that no c~rr.~sponde~ce waa rec~ived in op~o~iiti.on to ttie :~ubject cetiti.on. ~ CAL:CFORNIA ~:NVTRONMEPITAL _QUA.LITY AC7_FINDINC: That the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commisnion ha~ reviEwed the proposal tu recla~sify subj~cc r~raperty from thc Ci. (Comitierctal, Limi.tcd) Zoiie to the Rt•,-2400 (Ftesidenti~--1, Multiple-Family) 7,onc~ ~o per•m+.G a'10-uriit, 28 foot high, deck-*_ypa r_ondornini~am con~~l.ex o~ith waivarn of m~.nimum front y,ird ~~:tback, maximum permiktEd idE~r,tiEication aign area, mi~iimum side yard 3etback and minin;un~ l~~n~i~~.t^.^. . t~-eatmerst of ~leck ~u~•_'^- ~ o~i , rectwrg~.:lui iy-ahaped p:-rc~l ct land conai~ting ~ r~f 3L~p;uxi~nately 0. b acre, havl.ng a frc,nt:ay~~ of approx.imat:ely .1G0 feet an the nort.~ ~ide of Lincoln Avenue, tiaving a maximum c?epth of approxiniately 261 feeC, ; being located aprraximat~ly 22~ fcet ~ast uf the centt~rline of Rel Air Stree~ ` ancl fU1'tFP.L' descr;be~~i a~ 7855 West Linroln Avenue; anct does hereby apprave the iv'eg~ti.ve Declarati.on upori finding th~~ :t :iu~s c.onai.dered the ^teyattve Der.laratiun together with any ~ni,iment~ received during Lhe ~ublir rc•riew proc.esa .3nd further 1:indinq ~n the ba:~i.g tl~at tl~h i~~icial .<s~udy ,~nd any r,ommerit~ receiveci that th~r~ ir, ::;, ,~ubsr_an*!~i evider.r_e that th~ pr~ject will. hr~ve a nignificanr. effect un Gh~ en~~i:.unment. ~a:+ ..~_ Pc;y1-151 NOW, THERECURE, ~E IT RES~LVED t:hat the Anahc_+ Commiaoio~~ doea hereb i~n City Flanning p~31t, upan the i'ollowingCacor-dgt,~oeBtWPQChta~~n ~e~~byl~fou~dn~o be~aF,neces~ ~n prerequisi~:~ tQ hhe propo~ed use of tha aub ect Qary the safety anci gen~ral welfare of the Citizenc~jof thc~~City~Cfnp~Ahci~~~t~ prf$Erve 1• * That prior t~~ iseuac~ce ~r a buila.L,~y pQrmit, the appr~~,ria~e krafEic ~i~~~~di a~~c:~;m~nt feP ahall be paid to thF Gity of ?lnaheim in an amaunt as es~tabli~-ied by City rauncil Reao.LutL~n. Z• *'Phat plana xhall b~ aubm.t.hted to Manayer. f~r his the City Traftic a.nd Tranapor~ation review and appr.ov~i. ~;;,~Wln~ ~onformanco with the late~t revision of F,'nc~inen+-:~_ -. , ~~andarc] P1an Nos. 402, 436 and 60a p~rtaininy to t„''~'` :y ~tandards and driveway locatian~. Sub'e,; thereupon h~ ric•:~l~ped and m~+t.;~,,.~nE,~ in conformance with ~a'~,~p~l;Yfj 6}1a11 ~• Thal. the driveway ~n I,incolr. Avenue sh~all be reconstructeci ten (10) ioot radiuo curb rPturna aa required ~ L° accommodate conf~rmance WLtFI F,nc7ineering 5tandarr.l~. Y the City E;ngxneer in 4• * That roll-uP 9arage doors shal:l be showri on plans submitted for bi~ildinc~ permi.ts. Said c3oors shall be 1.n~talled an;~ main~ained ~3s sho~rn ~n submitted plans. 5. That an on-aite trash truck tarn-aroutid ar~~zi ~hal; be ,,r~,,,_a~~, maintaineci tc, ttie ~ati~faction of the Ue artmen~ "~~U ti.irn-around area shal.i be ~ ~Y MaLntc~nance. S~i~ buildin ~, ~l~~~-ifically shown on plans ~ubmitted for y permit~ ~%• * Thit trssh atorage ,ireab chall oe providecl and maint, acceptabl~ to the pa~pa~tme~ti of Maintc~nance and ~itled in a location apprnve~~ p1an~ or- file wil•h said De art:nent, L~ accordance with apecifically shown on th~ ~~1ana submitted for building~~~rmitsi~n sh~ll be ~• That a Pian .~heet for solid wasta ~tflra ~ recycl:ng ahal'. be r,ubmi~;.e~ to ::he llepartmer tl o[1Mai ~tenance for ~revi.ew ar.d 3pprr.v3' . a• That ttle purchaser of each dwelling unit ~;hall be ~rr.>vx~~~ 4;itti H~ infurmat i c,n ccncel-ning An~}lcim fdunicl. ai Code r ritt~n fteatricked r~, ~' Secti.on 14.32.500 °Parking Facili.tate StL•eet Sweeping.~~ Such written information ~hnl] clra_•ly indir.ate whcn on-~treet park.i.ng is pro;~.ibitE~d anc; the penalty frr vi~lation. ~• * That oubject property ~1~~1~ t~~ ~ervt~d t~y undergrouncl utilit•ira. 10. * That ftre ~prinklerc ;~ha11 i,c~ i.natalled aFS rE~quir~d k;y ttte Fire Department, li. That a la~iducape plan incl.uding the revic~ionn o eciEie 17, her.ein, oha.il bh aubmi~t~~ to tt-e Zr~1~in~ Uivl~ ~ in Ccncii.tion Na, a~rproval. Said plan shal2 inc.li:.:lc~ sufCicient~viRUall,.n far review a~r.l renic:ential prUperty to the 7orth wi.thouL- ir.tert'er.ing withe~hegof~iti~~'~3 powerlineu locat~:d at tt~e nor;:h pro~.~e3rty l.ine. -3- Pc:9 i-151 :,,. . ;~; 'Frl 12. * That ga~ee shall not bo inetalled acroae the driveway iri a manrier which may adversely af•f~ct vehicular traffic in the adjacent publi.c street. Installa~ion of any gates shall confor~n to Engin~erinc• Standard PLan No. 609 ,znd siiall be oubject ta tht~ review and approval of the Ctty Traffi.c EnginPer prioz• to i~suance of a building permit. 13. Ttir~t the water backfl~~w equi,pmpr~t and any other larqe water ayatem S' ~' equipment shall be installed to the satiafact.i,on ~f tha Water Utility llivi~tori in eithFZ (a) underyround v,iultc~ ~~ (b) bei~ind Ehe strnet ~ setbaclc area in a manner fully ~creened from a].1 pul,lic ~tl~ers and alleys. 14. * That prior to commencement of structura.l framing, fire hydrants shal'1 be installed an:i charg~d a~ required t-~nd appi-cved by the F'ire Ueparlment. Y5• ° That all lockable ped~strian and/or vehicu].ar access g~tes sha11 be ~ ~quipped wi.th "kn~x box" deviaes a3 r.equired and apprcved by the Fire DeLartment. 16. * That all air cor,dir_±or..ing faciliti.es i and other roof aiid gr ound m t d equ pment ~hall be pr~perly shieldod from adjac~nt i . oun e fr~m v.iew ~nd the sound butfered rFS dential properties. Such infurmati.on shall ue apecifically uhown t an he plans submittsd for buildinr, ~ermito. »• xhat all plumbing oi other ~imilar exterior of the bui ldin ah il pipes and fixt~.ires located on the . y a . be fully anc~/or appropriate build+ n ec:rer~nec? by a.rchitectural devices _ g mat~L.ial~; ~h~zll b~ specific~l.ly shown on th and, furr.her, such infor.mation e pl~n~ submitted for buil~ing ~~ermit~. 1~• * i'hat prior to .is~uance of a buildir.y p~ be • rmit, 3atiofactory evidence shall pres~i ited tu the IIuilding Division is in f sh~wing that i:cie nroposed project con ormance with Council Pr~licy ResidentLal Project3" d ~tumber 542 ~~Sound Atteniiation in an wi.rh Noise thry Califor nia Admini t i Insulation Standard~ ~pecified in . s rat. ~e ~:ode, Title 25. 1`~ •* That a six (G) foot hiqh masonry blocls wall st~all be cnna~ructed and maintained a).nng a11 interior ~roperty liner~ exce~ting ttie fron~ setY,ack. where the wa).1 hc~iqht ~ha~l not ~xceed three (3~ feet; provided, h~wever, tt;at the City Trattic and Trans~ortation htanager shall have the ~uthori.ty L-o reduce tt~e hei.ght of t}~e wall tu prohect vi~u.al liri~~-cE-sic7ht where pedn~tr! an and/or vehi.c~il.ar c:ixc:ulation inter~FCL. Said block wal.l rihall be planked and mr-intain~d with cling.ing vine3 to eliminate gr.affit~ opportunities. 2~. Tttat clothes wash~r ~ind dry~r hookupe ahall be incozporated into each condominium dweJ.lin~ unit and t3tia11 ~e ~t~own on the plans submitted for b~~i.lding permita. 21. That any propo3ecl freest~~ndiny 3ign on ~uf~ject pro~erty aha].l bE~ ~ monumett~-type naY. exceedi:~q e.ight {8) fenL' in hei.yht or toient}• (20) square teet ~.n s.izF. Said siyn ~l~all be subjerY. ta the rcview and a~proval ~~f thc~ C.it f 'I'raf f ic zind 'tran~poc•tat.ion tdanager to d~tfsrmi.ne .ldnquate line:.•-of-sight. -4 PC91-151 22. * That the on-aite landacaping and irrigation syatem shall be maintained in r.ompliance with C.tty atandards. 23• That any tree J~lanteci on-eite shall be raplaced in a timQly ma;~ner in the event ::hat ±t i~ rpmov~d, damaged., di.sf:asod ~znd/or deacl. 24. That an unsubardinated covenant sr,aii be r~corded wii:h the Uff.ice o.f the Orange Coiint}• Recorder agrePing to providP the buyor. of each dwelliny unit with writton information obtained Prom the erhool diotrict(s) pertaining to possible overcrowded conditl.ons and bustng etatus of the ~chool(8) ~erving the dwelling un~t. A copy of i:he covenant 9ha11 be submitted to ancS appruved by the City Attoriiey pzior to recordation. ~ capy oE the r.~corded covenant shall be ~ubmitted to the Zonin.ry Di~~ision. 25. * That thir~ Conditi.on~1 Use l~ermit is grantcd s~bject t;o adoptian of a zoning ordinance ~.n.. connecti.on wil-h R~clas~i.ficat~_on Nc. 91-g2-.p5, now pend.iny . 26. * That a tract map to iecord thP siibd.i~i~ion of subject propezty st~all be submitted ta and ~pp~oved by rh~ City of Anaheim and shall then be recorder: in the Uffice of the Orange County Recor-der.. 27. That subject pr_operty sha11 be develnped ~ubstantisl.ly in accordance wit!i plans and ;~pecirications submittPd to the City of Ariaheim by the petitioner and whir.h plans are on file with the Pl~znning DFpar~m~nt marked Exhibit Nos. 1 throuc~h 14; provided, however: (a} That the identification ai.gn aha11 n~t exceed twent,y (20) sq.ft. in area, as speciPi.ed by Code; and (b) That the desiyn of L•he outdaor r~creaL.i.on area ar.d mi.nimum twenty (20) f~ot: wide land~cape h>>ffer to the rear (nortn) of khe building nhall be madified and constructed as follows: (1) The er~Li.re area shal l be at 1~:ar~k ~wo ( 2) feet Lowcr tha» t.he adjeicent RS-7200 zonecl ].ots to the IIOY~~I; and (7.) The blaclc wal.l along the ncrth pror,c_~rty Line ahall include a rQraining wa1L which shr~ll mea~ure six (6) feet hi.gh on the north ~Lde (facing the exiating nc:ighbc~r.ing ~xngle family dwellinga and as mea~uzed abov~s the fini.ohPd grade on said nortt. ~ide) and ~:ight (8) feP~ hi.gh on the south nide (f~~cing the prnpo:~a'_ and as mea:~urPd abovc the finished grade on saiQ south side). -~'"' PC91-152 ~ ~`1' R+ ~8• 'Tt~at p:iar ta iosuar.ce of a build~ng permit or within a period of ~ne (~~ year from the dat~ oE tl~is resolukion, whichever occura f~rst, Co~~dition ,~ Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 20 above-men~ioned, ahall b~ complied wxth. ~xtenaions for furthe5 tnm~2to comple~e said c~nditions may b~ granted in accordanc~; wit!i Section 18.03.090 of the Anahei.m Munic.i+;al Code. 2~. That prior tu fina?. bui~aing and zoning ir~spections, Condition No~. 3, 9, 10, 13, 15, 14 and 27~ ab~ve-mentioned, si~all be camplied with. 30• ~ 7'hat approval of this application consti.tutHS approval of th~ proposed request only to the ,extent that i~ complies with the AnshPim Afunicipal 'l,o~ing Code an~ an;~ ather applicab~e Cit:y, S~ate and Federal rAguiations. Appr.oval does not inulude any action or £indings as to comp.li.ance or ap~roval of the rFquest regai-dii~y any other applicable ordi.nance, regulation Ur requirement. Canditioris marked with an asterisk (*) erP required by r~~gtablished la,~~, codes, rc~gulations and agreemeiics and are, i:herc~fore, no! oubject to neg~t.iation. BE IT I'URTHER RESOLVED that th~ Anahei.rr, City planr~ing Commis~i.on doc:s hereby find ,inr3 determine that adoptiun oti thi~ Resolution is expressiy predicated upon appl.ican~~s compliance witF~ each and all of the conditians hereinabovc set for•~h. Should any eiich condition, or• any p~irt tt~ereof, be declared invalid ~r unen~orcea!.~1e ~1 the final judgment of any court of competciit juz~idiction, r_hen thia Resolution, and any appr~vals herein containec~, shall be deemed nu].1 and void. TFiF. FOREGGINC RESnLl7'CION wao adppted at the Planning Comrnission meet.ing of Septemb~z• 23, I.9y1. r-• ~ ~ ;. ~~~~t.-r-z 1/iL.~ / _L~:~1''L' FIIRMAN, ANAHEIM :.I~T.Y ! AhNIN(3~,.~J SS U~1 ATTEST: d~=~`':!sL. ~'. ~ %`~~~~/L'l~t-> ~ SECRF.TARY, ANAN.EIM CITY PLANNINC COt•!FfISSTON S'I'ATE OF CALIFORNI:1 ) COUNTY Or ORANGE ) z~, CITY OF APIAHE~M ) I, Edith 'L. Har.ris, Secretary of the 11nah~im City Planning ~.ommi~sion, do hereby cert;.fy thaL• tt~e for.ego;.riy resoluti~n w~is pas~ed and adopted at a. m~eY.ing of the Anaht~ir~ City Planning Commissicn ttetd an September 23, J.991, by tr~e followinr, vote of: the memL•err~ ther:eof; AYES: COMMISSION~F2,S: 13UUAS, BRISTUL, iiEI,LYEFt, HENIVINC;ER, MESSE, p~p,pZp NGES: C7MMISSIONC?<S: ZEMGG ABSENT: COMD:TSSIOA;ER;: NONE {~'~~~ I!+ WITNESS WHEREOF, I iia~e }~ reunto aet my t and ttyt~ ~ o f ~~C~ .~ ~ 19 9 3. . - . ~ `~' i~'~ d a y. _ / / , S~ , " SECRF7'ARY, AtdAH1;TM CITY PI,ANNING COM24JSSIOH -6- PC91-151