Resolution-PC 91-152'~ ;, , RES~LUTipN Nn• F~C91-152 ' A RFSOLUTION OF T4iF ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIIG COMMISSION ' RECODitdFNDING THAT THG CI:Y CpUNCII~ , ~ TO APPROVE DEVFLQPMENT AGREEN,. NT NOD gl O1 AN URDIPIANCE ~, (MUUNT.AIN PARK COMMUNITYI ,+' ~, WHEREA~, pur.suant to authcrity set fortli in Californi.a Goveznment Code Sec~iUn 65864, et aeq., The Irv.ine Com an ' busineas as Foothill Coinmunity Bui.ldere (hereinafterMDeveloper),~hagtrequ~QtQ~ ,~. the Ci.ty to enter ii:+:~ Development Agreement No. 91-01 t~ fu.rtY~er goverr. tY~e i.r.~p1ementation of *he previously-appLOVed Muunta.Ln F~ark Specific Plan `, encampassing epp~uximately 3,1~9 ar.res of unincorporated land located within the Count}~ of Orang~ in ttie City of Anah~im's sph~re-of-influepce generally ~ bordered on the north hy the Riverside Fx•eeway (SR-91) and the Gynaum Canyon ) Road int~rchange, on tha weat by The Sumrnit of Anaheim HilLa and Sycarr~ore ! Canyon development~ in the City uf AilaYiei property wit}iir: n~~ an the eouth by unincorporated the County of Ora:ige in the ~it og , ~ sptlere-of-influence, arid on the east by unir,corporatiad property witllin ohPn~ets of Anaheim'y s:phF~re-~f-influenc~ /L-he propo~~d C re~a Y : developa~ent); ~~nd YP Canyon Spec.if.ic Plan WEIEI2EAS, pur~uant to the CaJ.ifr~rnia Envir.•onmental Qual:,.ty A~~, Environmental Tmpact Rep~~r.r No. 302 has be~~n pr~~•i,oiesl.y c;~iti `ied by the C.tty Council on July 23, 1991 in canjuncti~n with G~ne•ral Pl~ln Amendr,ient No. 318 and environmental impacts and mitigati.on meaE.;ir~; ~saociater.; with the M~untai.n park Specific k.lain Praject wer~ addr•~soed through the c~rtification proceas, anC~ YlG adr~itional i.mpacts would re9ult from tl:e approval ar executi~n ~~P this DPVelopm~nt Acreement; and WH~R~AS, purauant tv 5ections ~.1 and 2.2 of the Procedurc~~ Resol.ution, the Anaheim C.ity Planning Conuniasian c~id ho?.d a public t~earing at the Anah~im C:i..vi~c CentE:r, Council Ch~.mber, 200 Soui:h Anaheim Boulevard, in the Ciry of Ar~aheim, ~~n ~ctober 7, 19y7., at 1:30 r•m•, iiotice of aaid public hearing ;~aving beFri duly given as r~quiced k,y 1aw arid in accordance ~oith thc ~r.ovision~ oF the Anaheim Mun;.cipal Code, Chaptex :i.8,p3, ~o }l@r3r and can~id~r evidence far and againat aai.d development agrepm~nt and to investigate and make find.inya and recnmine~datiuna in connection tharewith; and WHEREAS, pure~uant to the F~rocP~ur.ea Rea~lution, ~he Dev~loper ha~ demonr~trated pligibility to ~r~ter i.nto thin ayrement by sh~w3.ny ttie following: 1• T1iat tt~e Project ahall occupy at leaar 50 acres (site encamnaases 3,179 ~sciea) upan completion; and 2• That the Proj~ct wi.l.l r~sult in the construction of at leaet 250 c:wellictg unite (7,966 uni~s approved); and, 3. Tha~ the Project will b~ cnn~tiuct~d xn phae~a over an anticioatad perio9 of not 'le~o th~n 5 y~~ry (15 year~ propoaed). CR1303EH -1•- YC91-152 WH~REAS, said Commiasion, after due cona~deration, j.nspoctio~, investigation and stud~ made tiy iL-self, and Hft~r due consid~ration vf all eviclence and reports offered at said hearing, DO~S 1HERBBY FIND: (1) That the proj~ct ia coneistent with the Gar,era.l Plan of th~ ~ity of Anaheim; (2) That the pr~oject is r,ompatible with th~ uses authorized in and tt~e regulatiox~3 preocribed f.or in the applicable zaning diatrict; (3) Tha~ the project i~ compatible with the or~derly devel~pment of property in the aur ounding area; a~lc~, (4) That ~he projec+: is not otherwise detrimental tc, the hQaltYi, eafaty and general welPare of L-ha citizPns of Anaheim. iV~w Tri~AErURE BE I7' RESOLVED, that the Ana.heim City Planning Commi.soiun does herF~y find tt~at Fnviror.mentai Impact Report No. 302 hac~ been provio~~sly certified by t}ie 'City Counci.l on July 23, '1991, i.n conjunct~.on wi.th Gpn~ral Plan Air,Pridment No.. 318; and that eiivironmer.tdl impacts and mitigati.or~ measures asr~or~iated with the~ Mountain Park Spr?cifir Fl~.tl Prcject •~uere addresaed through the certification process and th~t no ~dditional..tmpar.ks would result from the approval or execution of thia Devslopm~nt Agreement and ia, th~refnrQ, adequate to ser:ve ~s the reguir.ed environmer~tal dor.umentation. BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVc^,D, that puryuant to tt~e above fin~linga, th~ Anaheim City Planni.ng Commissian daes hereby determinF tt~at the developer haa demonstratad eligibility to enter into Development AgreErrient No. 91-01, and does hereby recommend that ct~E City Cour.cil approve and enter into Develo~ment Agreement No. 9C-O1, subject ta L-b~ followir-y t~uo ~orroctians: ~1. Secti~n 8.1.1 - Changing r.equirement th~t the f.ee payment ~ccur upori recordation of ~:Yie final map, rathtr than atter recordetion ot the final map. 9. Sectian 4.1 - Char.g.ing date fror~i "on or b~t~r.~ January 1, 2002~~, Lo '~on or before January 1, 1995, or as may b~~ extended due to th~ l~ngi:h of time tha* the ar.nexatiun may bs dc-layed duc t~~ litigation. ~~ ,... r" i'"~ ~ v ~ `!~ f~~-,~'C C ~ ~ / ~ /~ ,C' -~ ~G, n ~ -{-~ /y~r r ~FTAIRMAN, ANAHETM C:[TY,PLANiYI CO~'ION ATT.F. ST : Y~~~ :f ~~ -• ~ ~ ~ ' .'~.~% ~ SECRETARY ANAHE IM CITY PI~ANNIIVG COMMISSION -2- PC91-152 :~,~'•. .,; ~, ... . sl~ii~ ~~~ ~„` STATE OF CALTFORNIA ) s~.<'. COUNTY OI' ORANGE ) so. 4? ~Y;. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Ha.rri~, Secz-etary af the Anaheim City Plann.inq Conunission, do hereby c~rtify that the .'oregoing reaolution was passed and adapted at a meeting of the Anaheim Citx P~anni.nr Commiaa.ion held cn October 7, 1991, by tl:e iollowing •vote of th~ ttiembers tt:ereof: ~Y~~~ COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOL, H~LLYER. HF;NNINGER, b1ESSF;, ~ERAZA NU~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE; ABSENT: COMN,ISSZONERS: 'LEMEL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have her.euntn set my hand thi.~ ~~~day of ,1991. ` ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ SECRET7IRY, ANAHEIM CITY. PLANNiNG COMMI£STON -3" PC91-152