Resolution-PC 91-159RFSOLUTiON Np_ p~gl_~~9 A RE;;O.LUTION OF' THE IANANEIM CITy pLnNNING (:O~;MISuIUIJ TF111T PETTTION FO,'2 CONDITIONAL USF Fk;i22{!T pJO, 3463 Ei~ ~;RpNr~,~~ IN ~~~~i, W~LI~~'A``'~ ~h~ AnahGim Cit ~ verifitd peti~~on f~_ Y~lanning Commies~.on c,itd rECeive a j.n tha Cit:y of Anaheim,cCounty~~,flqU~ng~perS~~t~~o~~G~lifornta1 p.roperty situated , d~acribed as: PARCE7, A: PARCEL 2, IN THg CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNT'y p~ ORANGE, STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA, 1~5 PER MAP ~z',L:D IN BOUX 107, PA,ES 3fi ANU 37 OF PARf:E; MAPS, IN ;FiF O!~'1~Ic:E OF' TN~ COU.TY RECURUER OF SATU COUNTY, PARCEL t3: 'I'HF SOUTH 400.OU FE'E'P OE' THI; AIOf2T'Ff 436, Op FF,FT OF i,0'I' 2 IN f3LQCK A OF TRA ~"I• P70. 13, TN 7'FJE CI7'Y O~' ANAHETM, COUN'?`Y OI~ ORANGE, S'PA'I'1. OF GAI.lE'OE2NIA, p.~ p~~ t'~~~' RECORDEC IN BOOK 9, YAGE 12 UF idISCELI,AN~UU~ hfAPS, IN TFiE UF'FTCE C~I' TfiE COUflTy Ftf~r_OItpER OF' SAtD COUNTY. PARCEL C: LOT ~ ItJ BIOCK CITY pF~ A UF 7'iU1C'I' ~JO. 13, IN '~'HE: ANAHEIFi, GCUPJ7'v OF' URACJGc, S'I'Ai'b: {~E; CALTFORN:A, AS I'F:It t•fAP REC~FtDED IN ~300K y, F~AGE 12 OF MISCELI.ANc^~~US MApg~ IN TyE OFF'ICI: OF 7'HF. COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUtJTY, t' EXCEPT T'FIE NOR1'H .J6.00 F'EG'f TE;E;RLOF. PARCEL D: THF WESZ 97. 0 FE:~:T OF TH.E EAST '104. CO F~:E'I' ~F '!'HG SOUTH 320.00 FEFT pF LOT 1 IN BLqCK A~F TRi1CT VO. 13, tN fHF. c;TTY gZ~Tr ~, 0t' ANANF.IM, COViV1", AF ORANG~:, ~• CALIFCRNIA, AS SHOWN ON 11 MAP F2LCC~RC~ED rN ~~K 9' pAGE 12 UI' MISCELLAP160US MAPS, FiECORDS OF SAI~ URANCF: CUUN'CY . WHGI;EAS, tli~~ Cit- `~t Che C:ivir. CenCer ~ Y Plannin. Comm.isoiorz di~l hold ~ ~n ti•~r.~ ~~t ~ public heariny nr,t.i~~~ og cjatd puk,lic hearin~ : Y of Anaheim c~n OctoUc,t• '7, 1991 ar accordance w ~ tavinq becan dul ~,~ ~ 1:30 I:,.rTi., lth r.he E~L•~~~A10(ly of nc~ Y)i~cn ai:; r•eyuir.~d b hear and Anzitic~i.m Munici~~-al Codt~ r; Y law ar.d in :'~r~~i.d~r ~vic.lence fur anc+. t aptnr i8.03, t~ , an Y.c, in~..~stig;~te and m•ike '~9`''in:~t: said l,ropc~,fd CllflCilCAUfl.al therewith; an~ ` j~;~dincl~ and rec•ommendaticc;fs zt~ ~~:3e r~~rrnit connc.ct i~n I9HF:REFIS, r~ni.c: C:om:ni~nion, ~~f'~er c1Ue j.riz c ntudy made by ite~l, tind ir itc~ behal.', ~''ction, i.nv~~s~tiq eviclenc~ ~zn<9 incl attr.r c~u~ coris,tdE~ `~r.io•i anci re~ort3 offnrE,d ~t ~t,id F~.>. rati.r.,n pf ,~12 Eolloo~inc3 fact,3: 31 i.n9, dner; f. i.nd ~~nd :ic~t.n ~ - minc~ tne Cfi 1.f I OMS -1- PC91-159 I• } '' 1• ?'yat the pc•o~~o:~~d usc~ i,e prcPcrly one i~or wl~ich a cc~nciitioi~al <<~~ permit is ~uthorized uy A~iaheim Munir.ipal Code Section t;~ ~ p~i~mit r.on~tructi•~n ~f a 108-unit, 3-nL•ory c:ondominiu;n com~lex with w~ziver of the following: , (~; SCCTIONS _1t3.32`p50.0~}S - ~ind I8.3_?._063.U28 s ,+ (H) Sr^_,CT_IOh`S 18~32.750_Q4!i - and 1,8,32,062~011 (~) Mini.tnum_ 1~~nd~ca~Ed 9~tback~., (RequirEad: 2Q_ftet fully lancisr,aped ~,dj~~r,~~~r ~~ e~ngle-tamily r~sidential zoninc; Pr~posPd: 5 tr~ 23 fee~ f.rom aae! (lts-5,U~0?, 5 fe~t 4~ Pi~Pexty line trc,m suti_h properr_y 1inG [RS-7, 2U0 ] including ?.. t;L•ash bin~ at 5(<,~~, ~ Maximum_ structt~ra 1 h~iqh_r_ , (2 otori~~ permitted~ 3_~;turies propcs~d) Sf;~~~_^TpNS 1f3.0~.0 ~3~101 - Maximum fence h.~iqhti 18,3?.~OSC.045 ~1nd 1$.;~2 .Oo4 070 (6_foot higl~ fr.~nce • , permit ted al~ng ir~~eLi~x _ _ pt c;pert , y ii.ne;}• F3 t~ T foot. li.tyh wa11 consi~t ing of r,c~t iiic~h blor): ':rs~lli~ wcill . topp~d ~ait-h :£oot wocxl pro~v~.ed ( ItS•-7 "1 OG .:~long :;c,uttl C~l'OpE!L't~ line , . roniny ~ ~ " 2. That the zec~uenr~d waiver (A) is t~~ereby deni.ed ~~ri thf~ basis ~ L•t~ac. the: parkin:~ areaa j~2'O~JO:;F?f~ aci~acerir, to L•ha c not be ader,uately buffcred b ~ ~inyte-family rF•sidence:; wotilcl oi th«~ 'l0 fe ~ Y a 5 uot lar.r~~,caped ure~ wtiich i. ~ on.1y on~ Eaur4t~ ct required 1,y C'ode. ~ 3- T:tat the rec ue:3ted w~ ~ ~; 1 iivc.r~ (Et~ and (~) •:1'E~ here~,, 7' t.iic basi:~ knat there are o-,peci.,~l circu:n3tance:~ npplicable to ~'lranted cn as 3i•r..e, sh.zpe, to~~ogr.aphy, iocation and ~ the !•'rok="rly :~uch other ident ical! y zcne~i ~., surraundinys wh ic}; do not ap~,7.y to ~~' apF,].icatiun o: ~ ~-o~~erty ii~ th~~ ~ame vi.cinit ~he loniny Code de rive~• S'~ and L•hat :~trict oi:hez' [o~A r'_ P the ,~rop~rty oi ~ri.vilegc~ enjoycd k,y P r-r-»n ia Che idenCical. rvne ~nd CLci.y3.lf1CltlO[i in the vicinity. ;:. 4. That the prc~poP~d u~~ as ' the adjoininy lancl uaex and ~he 7rowth ard devc~i~~e~, will not advArsel.y afFeet ie prupoaed t.o be located. °~'me~~ ~f rhe area i;~ which .it• .:? 5. That the 3i.ze ~~nd nl~ape af the aitc~ pr~poaed for the use, as ~ grant~d, is adequate to all~w r.hc f.ull developmant c~~ the propo;;~d uaP in a manner nnt detriipent~il ~.~~ ~ , ti: partic:ular r~•ca ~ior to ~1~~ peuce, h,~alt:h, ~afecy ar,r1 ~~~net~al welfarc ~f t:he Citi.z~ns .~f thE- ~'iCy c,f Anahei.m. ; 9 ' b• T'}18T t~lf? r ~rant iny of tt~e i:oncliC iorial tJs~ ?errtti ~. uncler. the conditir~n:c irapos~d t•~il.l n~,~ be rletrime~~ir,~l Lc~ thc~ ~;~~ac~~, healt•h, :s~,fet}~ ar~~l y:. 9eneral we.lfare uf the CiL• izenu ~t tt~e City of R~~~~heim. ~ ~ '7. 1'hat the tr~ff.ic general~cl by the ~,rc~C~ot~er.l us~~ wi? 1 not impo3e an undu~ buracn upon the c~treeta and }~igtw~ay:, designed and im~,r~ved Y.~ ~, carry the traffic i.r the arra. II. 1'hat no r,nc• indicatrd their preser~c~ ar sai.d pu~t i.~• hc.~aring l:l ppE~U~;il:ic>t'tJ 3I]C~ C~li1C I10 ~:G!'L'f?:ip~~nd~n••F~ ~.•~:1}. CfiC~1VC!C.~ ifl OEJ(.iO:il.', 10~1 CU (:jl@ sub~ject ~~etitiari. -2- PC91-159 CAI~~FORNIA ENVIRONMHNTAI. QUALITY AC7'_H2NDiNC: Th~t t•he Anahelm City Planning Commiesicn has revi.ewFd th~ propooal t~~ reclaseify Portion A(3.2 acrea) from the PD-C (Parking District-Comme~r.cia:l) Zone and Fortion B(3.27 a.:r~g~ from the CL fCommarr.ial, L3.mitc~d) 7,one tc> tl~e w~-aaao (Residential, Dfultiple-Family) atid to permi.t conatruction of a lOf--unit, 3•-$tory cand~minium comple:c witt~ waivers af mini.mum landacapc~d setback, maximum ~tructural height ~~nd maximum f.ence hFight oil an irregular.•1y-ahaped p~.rce.l of land cansisl-.ing c~f apprc~ximately o.47 acres hav.inr a frontage o£ ap~:,roximately 33?_ feet on the soutl: gide of Lincoln Av~nuc, having a maximum depth of ~ipprvximat~ly 60U f~e':, be.ing locatscl approximaLely 1~2 f.eet west•. of the centerline of. EmE~.i.re straet 7nd further described a~ 2144 W~st Lincoln Avenue; and cioss hereby approve a miti.gated Negative llec.laration ~~n~ adopt thn Fii_igatic~n Monitoring ~rogram purAUant to Sectior. 210f31.6 of the Public F.e~ource~ CodE on the basi.s that che Planning Commis~ion has cansidered the F~roposal •,ait~~ the mi~igated Nega~ive Ueclar.atioiz and Monitoring Program, tugethetr with any comm~nt9 received during the public review procea~? and furi:her findir~y, Un the b~~~i~ of the Initial Stt;dy, th~t there i.s no ~ubcstantial av;,d~:nce that the project wi11 have a significant effecL• on the environment. NOW, 'I'HFsRF'I'ORF, BE 2`~ RESOLVL:U that the Anaheim City Plar,ning Commi;sion does hereby grtint ~uF,ject p~tition for C~ndit.ianal Use Permit, in part, upon the following cnndit;icns which ar~ hereby found to be a necEeslry prerequisite ir,a the pr~poaed use of the aubject property in order to preaerve the eafety and general welfare of the Citizen~ ~~f tlie City ox Anaheim: 1• * That ~rior to is3uance of a bui.ldi:ig X~ermi~, the app~:opriate traffic aignal aaseasment fee ahall be pa~~d to t}ie City of Anaheim in an amoun~ as ~~ta~alishc~d by City Counci]. Re~o].txk.i.~n. '? , ^rr 7.. That plar.~ shall k~e ~~bmitted ta and approv~d by the City '1'z•af Fic and 'i'ran4portat.'ton Ma•iagel- :~howing how ~he vehi.cular se~:urity <~atc~ anct vehicle turn-ai-our,d ax•~a wi.ll funcL•io~~. 3• * T'hat p.lans ~hall be 3ubmi.tted tu t:lie c.iry Traff.i!; and Tran~}~ort~.~tian Manager raz• his review anci a~prov4J, showing confor.mance wi.th the latn;~t revisions af E!iyinc~~rinc~ SL•andard ~lan Nos. 40?., ~36 ar.d 601 pertain.ing to parking ~tandards and drivew~iy )ocations. Subject prop~rty shall thcai-eupon be developec] an~.l maintaineu in conFormance wi.th said plans. h. " That rol].-up y;-irage cloors 3ha11 be ~tlown on p11n:7 ~ubmitted .for 'a~tildin;~ permity. Sai~~ doors ~hall be ins~a].1<rd and maint.a.ined zs shcwn on submit:Y.ed plans. 5• That a thil•ty tliousand dollar (a30,U00) contzibut.i.on :;ha11 be p~id to the r,ity of Anaheim to funci irnpr~vements (Iooy detectoz•s) to the intersection of t3rookhurst Str~et and La Pa1ma Aven,~e. Such cr~ntr~:butl.un sht~J.1 he subject t~~ udjustme.~nr~ in accord,ancca wir•/i *_he E.'nq.int~ering N~ws Record- Canstructian Cost Index for the Los Angeles area. -3- PC91-159 ,~~ ti. * That a tract map to record th~a clivision of subject p;_•op~rt.y ~piall be submii:ted to and approv~d k~y the City of Anaheim and snal.l then be recor.ded in the Office of the Oranqe Coui1L•y R~corder. Specific provision ahall be made for homeowners' maintenance of the lattice exteneion of the southerly block wall and ehall be in~luded in the Conditions, Covenant~ and Reatrictions jCC&Rs) that ehall be recorded concurrently with thE tract m3p. 7. * That prior to cammencement c~f ~tructur.al framing, on-site Lire hydrant~ ~hall be installed and ctiaz•g~d as reclu.Lred ail~l approved by L•he Fi:e DeparCment. An ~11-we~ther ro<ad sh::i.ll be pz•c;~•iclecl to the hyc~zants at all times, as required by L-t~e F'ire Depar~.n,~.iit. 8. +~ Tht~~ fire 3prink ~ers sha.tl be installe,j as rEquired by tfie r,~.•a D~parkment. Eac11 dwelling unit sha11 be prov_.ied with an individual 1nd separlto sprinkler riser. 9. k That a~zbject pr.operty 3ha11 b~ searved by un~erground UC1~LtLGS. 1~. * TflAt l:L'dS~l 3LOL'd'_)G ci1Q~iS 'Jflilll ~?~? ~I"UV.LCIBC~ ii[1C~ niaintained L!1 d IOCu~lOCl acceptable t0 1:~1e Depar.l~u:nt OF tdainte~iance ZCiCl 1'1 accordanc~ Wlt.rl apprav~ad ~l~.~ns on iilt with ~zaid De~~a~ .ment~ Such infoi-mation shall be ~pecific.ally 3]70Wt1 c,n tne p1r311:, subm~,tted foi• building pr~rmits. Storag~ area~ ~ha.ll bc provided out oE the Public view For two (21 zutomatecl barrels per unit. 11. 't'hat a Piar~ Sheet for :~oJ.id wrinCe al-orage and collectioil and a plan f~r recycli.ng Ahall be •ubmitted t~~ the Depar`ment of Maintenance for review and approval. 12. That an o!~-site trash truck turn-ar~und area 3ha11. be provi~ed and mainCained ko the c~at:isfaction ut ttle Departmant o'~ btaitltenanc~. Said turn-aro~.i~id ~irea shall be :~~aeci.ficrilly :itto~.~n on plar~s ~ubmirteci for bu.ilding per;nit~. 13. 'I'ttat t.he nUt'Cflc"i9E?Y CJf aach dwc~lli~lg u;~i.l-. ehall b~;.~ orovic~~~c1 with writhern informati.on concerning x'~naheim Muiiicipal. Cc~d~ Section 14.32.500 "Parkinct Rer~tricted L-o Faci.li.t:ate Street Sw~eping." SucFi t~iritten .in~ormation shall cJ.early indicar.e whF~n on-str~~t parki.ng ia prohiLit~ad anci the ~r~nalty Eor viol~~t.ian. 14. k i'hat: aiJ. necess~Zr~ National PULLllY,1Ut1 Di:~r.harye ~ind }:iimination Sy~t~m (NI~DES) ~er.mits zhail b~ obta.'tned, ei:j reyui_r.ed by the Department of. Maintenance. 15. 'i'hat all pri.vate sit.reets ( i.e, the lo~~p ~~~ad) ~-ial.i bc~ de~~~loped in accor~ancc witti Engi.neeriny Standard De~ail No. 122 except L-ha~ aidew3lk~ on a~ly one (1) si.::e ot the ntreet ~;:~ ~.1 be permit.tec and rolled curbs may pe used. 1G. Z'hat prior to a;•-y final build.ic~y and zon.ing insp~ction, ail tamporary ~trest nam~ signa for any new private atrQet ~sha.ll be inotallcd i£ permanei~~ atr.eet name sign~ have not yQt be~n inatallad. ~;- PC91-159 17. * Tt~at gates ehall not in a mann~r which may pub]ic stree~. Tn~t Stanilard Plan No. 609 the City Traff.ic and building pc~rmii:. bu installF~~ across any driveway or privatu ~treet ~dversely alfect v~hicular tr~~rfic in tho adjac~~St ~1lation of any gates shall conEc~~.~n to EnRin~ering and shall be subject ~.o the review ancl approval o£ Transportah.ion Manager prior to i~3su~,nce c,f a 18. * That n~ required parl~ing ar~a ahall be f~noed or ottierwis~ ~nc1o:~Fd for outdoor storage ur ot:her non-parki.nc~ use;. i 19. That the water backflow equipment. and any other .lat:ge water Syst.em equi~ment shall be installe~ to t:he sat.isfaction of ihe Flater Uhility D.ivision in either. (a) und~rgro~ind vaults or (b) k+ehinr~ the street -., setLi~ck ar.ea in a maiiner fully screaned from a1.L public st;reets. ~,; 20. * That a11 lockablP pec~estrian and/or :•eliic~.ilar acces~ c~atc:s sha21 b~ •~ equi,.ppcd with "knox box" dev.ices as required and appr~ved by ~t~e Fire Dep~:~rtment . $'~ 6 21. * That: all a~r conditi.oning f~zc~liCie~ and o*her rooE Znci yround mounr,ecl ~' equi.r~mer.t shall h~ E,ropcr.ly sh.ielded f'roiu vicw and r_h~ sound buffered ~ fron eu9;jacenL• reaic:lcnl.ial ~ropertie~.. Such i.nfr~LmZtiun ~ha.ll be ~: sper.~ ficall.y shown on the r~.lans ;~~;k~~,.:.i~ted tor building permits. ~ ~ 22. That all plumbir~q nr othEr aimilaz pipcs ~nd fixture~ ioc~ted ~n the !; oxt;erior of the bui?uing ~hall be fully cscr~ened by archi.tectural devices '!• and/or ap~r~priate bui.lding materia2Q; and, further, eluch infcrmatiun ~ i. shall be spec.ifir.al].y 3ho~n on tht plans :~ubm.itted far buil.cliny faermits. , 23. * That prior r_o issuancc~ of a ou.ilding ~ermi+_, :~atisf.ac;ury evidence shal.l `; be present.ed to tl~e a~iilding D.i.vigion showin,~ that tll~ pr.op~sed ~~rojc.ct j is in conf~,rinance with Counci.l Po1 icy Plumber !~42 "Sound Al-tenuat'tor~ i.n ~ Re~identi~l Projects" arid wi.th Naise Insulalion Stanclarcis spec.iEi~d i.n the Californi~ Adm1t11Sttative C:ode, TiL-lc: "l5. 2~1. - That, excepr a~ otherwise approved herein, a~;ix (6; foot high ma~anry block wall shall. be cnnatructed and ma.i.ntai.ned alang the interior property lines exc:eptincj tt-~e fr•c.nt ~etback wh~re tne wall hei.ght shall nut excec::1 threca (3) f~et; pr.^vid~d,, h~~wevr.r, that the Cihy 'CrafEic a~d , ~t ~~' 'i'ransgor*_+jtion Manager shall have tlze authorit~~ t~ red~;ce the h~ight ot the wall. to protect visual line~s-oF-aight where pede~trian and/or ~ vehicular circulation int~rsect. Said block wall aha11 b~ pl~~nt~~ and maintaine~.1 with ciingiri~ v.ines to el..iminate graffiti cppoitunities. 25. '1'tlat lirhting fixturc~~ i.n any propo~;eci pcirkiny area locat~cl ad7acant t~ ~'. any r.esidential ~r~p~rty shall k:c. dowai-lighted with a m~ximum height of twelve ( 12 ) feet. Saicl 1 igtiti.ng fi.xtures yhall be directed e.way fr.om ,,, adjacent rt~identiai proPer.ty li~les r_o protect 'th~ resident;.~l iategrity ~?~'~ of t:he rarea and sh:.i11 be :to-epecif~.ed o« thc p.lans Qubmitted for building ~,; permit~. -5' PC'91-159 ._, o `~'lll r ~ITY~. 26. That clothQe washer and dr er condominium ciwelling unxt; and ehall~bepsho~9haon tbP pL~~lded in each buildi7g permits. plan~ eubmitted f.or 27• xhat a landsca e submitted to p an`~ irrigation Flan for subject ~roperty shall be the 2oning Aivi~ian for review and a ~ ahall include ppt~va).. uaid plan twenty (2~) foot landacaoe~~ buffers along tP~e adjacent ~.ingle fan;ily zones, as required b Zaning Diviai~n rQgardin Y Code. Any decision made b Com~niaeion andfor Cit g~aid lan pp y~h~ Y C~uncil. p may b~ a ealad to the pl~nning ~B. '~ That the on-site landseapi.ng ~~nd irrigation ~ysL-em shall be maintained complianr.e witYi Ci,~Y standarcis. ~n Z9• That ~ny tree on-aits shal.l, be replaced .in a i.im~• that it is ramoved, damaged, diseased and/or dead, lY ~~~al~ner in • a '..h_ ~vent ~~' * That this Conditiona]. p~e zonin Per.mit ia granted subject to a~.lopEion ~F a g ordinance in c~~nnection with Recla~sification Na. 91_02_~~~ noW pending, 3~. That the dev~.Lopel ~1~~1~ b~ ~c~sr$ aa respansible for c~m lianc~ and an ~ Qociated with the Mitigation Monitoring Program establishedebY the City a3 zequired b ensure Y Sec~ion 210A1.G oi- the Fublic Resnurces Coda to impl.ementation of thos~ mitigation measures Recommended Conc3itiuns r~t xdent.if.i~d in the Declaration. ~PProval for the Mit~.g~~E~ri Nega~i.v~ 3Z. '~ha` the pet.itionez• sha11 com 1~ DistricL (SC.AQMD p,s W-~~h S°Gri~ Coa.st Air ~ualit• ) Ru1e 4Q3 duz~ng e~-~rt}1 nrvvin .Y Ptanng~iRe~~~ ~:ctivities fio ensur.~~ rhat f.ugztive du;;t g` ~radin,, and con~truction ~accepCabl.e 1.evels. 1evcls ~re ma.in.ta~ ned at ?.3. 2'hat che petiria~~z• sh.a.1.? site i~f~at. mat~z-ia1 stocK~.i.ies awa ~ y e~u1pmen~ stag.ing ~~rfaas and bc:.ilding m,aintain cvns~ruc~tion noiy ~'i-~~fn c1Q~j°ininy single-farnily ~esidNnces e at_ accepta6le 1evc~ls. to 3~. rhat pi•ior• to iss , uanct of .a bui1dlny perntit, tP~e u~~d~c• rocrnd ~ ident:ifi.ed in Ghe sub~;urfauea znvestigatian shal g" ~ta , w.ith Fize pe 1~~~e tank pa.~-tment requ.i.z-ements. 1~~ 1~~~»oved in ~ccor•c'wnr.e audit sha11. be ~~erformecl t~ , Fallowin~ rcmuval, an environnten.tal occurrcd in the vicinit~~ QtL~z~rttine if ~~7y s~~.1 c•vr~taminatior. has sh~11 bP remedJ.ed ,°j th~'' t~nk. Ider,tz.fied ~ai1 c~ont.arp~;n~ tion t° t1i~ .~at.isfac•tion of the Ursnq~+ CounCy ffe~lt:h Care rlgency. Pz•oof ~f com ~~; P. •~nce sha1.? 6e subrnitL•ed ~.•a tht~ 7.oninq D.iv.isior.. 35. 7'nat removal n~ ~sb~s ~ to., in c~~njuncCion wir,h the demolltion of the Pyis~ln9 structure (~) sha>.1 t~e in con~pliance guidelines goverrinu a~'~est ~• ~~ith StatE and Fecic~r~1 o.~ a.b~3 C ernen t. 3G. That P A l~n~, su~'j~ct ~o ~'~•ty shall be devEloped suhytantially ir, accocd~~nce with P ~ and sp~cificat.LorA submitted to tt~c ~etitioner and which plans are on ' City of Anatieim h mazked filc with the Plannin ~F, Y the ~,xttibit Nos, 1 chrough lU; pr~vid~d, g PartiY,ent twenty (2~) foot widF~ .fully lands~aped buff~r ~hal~~~~Ver, cha;: a minimu.n adjacent sirig].e family residenti.all E~~ovided a~ony ali so~~tti, 3~ required b Y zoned pi-opertie3 to thA east and Y Code. °6- PC91-159 ; ~ 3'~• That prior to issuance o.E a buil.ding permit or within a~~riod of one (1) year fr.om the date of. this resolution, whichever occi~rs first, Cond.ition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, .12, 1~~, 17, 21, 22: 23, ~5, 26, 27, '~U and 34 abc~ve-•mention~d, c~hal.? b~ complied with. Extensions E~r further time to com~,lete eaid c~ndi.tio:~s may be granted iri acr.ordance with Section 1f1.03.090 of ti~e Anatteim bfuni~ipal C~de. 38• ~'h~~' prior to finaJ. b~iilding and aoning inapections, Condition Nos, g, 9, '-::, 16, 13, 2U, 24, 35 and '36, above-mentioned, ~ttall ae camplied with. 39• * That approval af l-.t~i~ appliczi:ion constitutes z3k~proval of thc ~roposed request only to the extent ttiat it complies with the AnahF;im Municipal %onin~ Code ~nd any other ~pplicable City, StatE and led~ral regulations. Approval cloes not includ~ any action ar finding~ as to cnmpliance or approval of the recjue3t rec~ardi.ng any other t~pplicable ordinancE>, regulatiun or requirem~nt~ Conditiona marked with an asCerisk (*) are required by established laws, codes, ~egulations and agreements and are, thereFore, not subjert to negotiation. BE I'.C FURTHEF? RESCLVEU tt~iat tiie Anaheim City Planniny Commission d~es hereby find and det~rmine that ad~pti_an of this Resolution is ex~ressly (~redicatc.cl u~~on applicant';; complia~lc~ w~th ear.h anci a).1 of the eonditi.ons hereinabov~ s~t f'oi-th. Shc>uld any such condition, or arry part thcreof, be cl~cl.ared i.nvalid or urtenfc~rccable by ~he final judgment. of any court: of cornpetent jurisdir.r_ion, th, n this I;asolution, and any approvais hes•ein contained, shall be deemed null and ~~oid. THr FOREGOING R.~SULUTION ~cas aclopY.ed at t!Ze Planning c:ommission mceting of Occober 7, 1991. ~---- , ~ }-,~(~--~"'""' 2'"~ , / ~~'z - .'' ' ~t- C;HAIIta•SAC,, AIVAHE.IM CJ.i'Y FLANNT.Pf:-~ISSIqN ATTE;ST: ~ ~ -~---- __._._~'~~__ /J SE;CF;G1'ARY, ANAH.EIM C.I'I'Y YLr1lV~G COtdMISS10N 5'PA'I'E OF CA'LII~ORNTA ) COUNTY U~' 01211NGE ) ss. CiTY GF ANAHEIM ~ I, F.diL•h L. Harris, Secretary of tt~e Anah~~iin City F1anr.ing Commission, do hert_>}:.y certi.fy that the foregoirig reso'.ut ion was passed acid adopted at a meet-ing of the An~heim City Planciing r~~nRiis~ion re~.d on october 7, 1991, by the f~allowing vo~e of. the m~rnbers tl~er.euf: AYE;S: c;Oh129TS;iIc~NGRS: idUA3~ pRIS'PUL~ HELi.YER~ FiEMNIMGE:R~ MES;ig~ Pt;IZA'l,A NOF'S: CUMMISSTI~NGRS: hpN~; A~iSEN'I': CQMt4ISSIONrRS: 2EMEL TN WITNL':;; WyE~EOL~, I have/ •-~iercunto set ~ han Lhi~ °f 1991. ~ - ~ , .cz~_L'~da - _, _ (~ ~ y ~ c ~ SrCFtETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PI,A[JNIN~ I,SION -7- PC9].-159 it .