Resolution-PC 91-16, ::~, RESI?LUTION ,~JO~ PC,91-1G a1 RLSOI,UTIUN Or THL AP7AFIEIM CITY PLANNING r,OMMISSSON TERMINA'1'ING ALL PRQCE~UiNG5 IN CCINNEC7'TON WI'TH CUNDI'I'IUNA?~ U~E YF:RM1'P NO. f348 ANU VARIANCF, NO. 3491 WFlERk;AS, nn Ju~ia fi, 19G6, ~undltiuna.l Uec~ Permit No. (i48 wan gr.anted t~nd~r R~oalutiun Na. 2~G4 by the Anuhatm Pl~~~ning Commiflsi~r- to pdrm~.t a wfll'c-up reataurant at 324 South Etr~~khurat Str~~~. hdEREAS, on :Juno lp, .19t~5, V~rilnco Nn. 3491 w~o yranted unde,r Resolu~.ton No. PC85-1K by tltc~ Anah~im Planning Commie~~+ion for. waivor af mini.mum number uf par}cing ypac~s to er.pand an oxioting rRateurpi;s:. WHEREF~S, Dale 'L. Sellon, pLOperty owner, hae eubrc~itted a letter requec~~ing terminati.un of Conai.r.ion~l Ucie Par.r,~i~ Na. 848 anci Variance Na. 3491 to compl.y with r.hQ conditi.on~ of approval. of Co~ditiunal U~R Pozmi*_ N~. 3352. NOW, Z~N.ERET'ORE, I3F. IT RL•':;~LVED tlia~ rhe An,~h^i;~ ~it.y Ylanning Cocnmi.sa.i.on doe~ hnr~~,, ~.:L,uinate ~-11 p.roc~aedinge in connQCtic~n with C~nclitiona? Une Permit No. 84f3 ~~rid variance No. 3471 oci the baoia of the foraCJUl.I~y i i~...... ;j.^ 1FiF I'ORECUING F2F..SCLUTiON wa~ adc~~eci aC the Pl~r~ni~~~~ Cor.iml.s~Aion meetl.ng of Janvary 23, 1991. . . . , ,c: .. ~ ,. 1 ~, '. C(~AIRWOMAN, ANAFiEIM ~'I'It PLANNZNG COMMISSIOAt ATTEST~'.' ~ ~'.~.f..F1~--~ `" / ,Y~ (rC..t1LL~ ~'- ----f-•--------- -- SECRETAR't, ANAHEIM CITY F'L.ANNTNG CUN,MZSS.TON STATE OF CALIFOItNLA ) CQUti'_"Y l~F nR11I'ic:,F: ) et3. rITY OP ANAHEIM ) I, Editl~ L. L'oa~ml.saion, d^ hereh~~ c~ adoptQd aC a meer.in~3 ~~ 2fi, 2991, by the follr,uinc~ Harr. i~s, 5ecretar.y cf ths Ar.aheim CiCy Planni.ng a--tify that Lhcr fc~ra~:~oinq renolution waB paeaed and `i~r~ Anahei,. City P1ar~nfr,g Commic~o~on held on January vote af. thr~ memberd thereof: AYES. CUMMISaIONER:i: HUUA5, IIUYC`iTUC7, E~'EL(1E{AU5, HF.LLYGR, Hf';NNLD:GF.R, MESSE, Pf:PA7,Ti t7UES: COMMISSI~NEf2S• t7Ut1~ AB5F.NT: ::UMMTSSI0~IER;: DJUt~F. ,,, '] tt W:T~JC~S WFiEREUF, T h:~v~~ hercun~o net ~ry hind th~ ~~~,~i'~'" duy of __~,~~;;~_:.'`a"_ , 1991. , -. ~ ~J~ ~ 1 < <~ ~ ;= , .., ' ; ~' ~ - :~%~.1,~ ~ W___.__.. ' ~.::JG'___.__~__! _..._ ._._.~~ SGCRE'iARY, AtiI~F1EIM CITY YLANNING CO"SM:~SION CR1106MP -•1- PC~1-16