Resolution-PC 91-163~.'4 ~ + ~ RES--. OLO'PION NO. PC91- }~ -----__.._163 `i ~ A R.ESOLUTTON ,Y. ; ~F TIiE ANAHEIM CITY PL,ANNING COMMI.S~TON AMENDING C~~Tp;N CpNDIT20NS OF ~' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~PPR~V`~' ~F ~d• 3082 WHERERS, on October C~nditional ~~~ 24, 1988 church Permit N~. 3C~82 un~~r Lh~ Ylanning Coir,~iis~ion faci.lity within I~e~~1uti.on aAproved r,umber of an exis~inq of:fice N°• pCeg-30i ~o parkxrig spaces r~n building cvith permi~ ~ ' c1PAroximately 2p5 feet Proper~Y loc:at~c~ Waiver of mipimum describeci ae e~~t df ~he °n the noxt~~ gzd~ o f ~• 16$1 West Broadwa centex,~in~ or ~uclid Street and~roadway Y: ~nd further ~'~ WFiEREAS 4 the ~ Condition No, u~e o~ subject ro 12 °f R~solution y~3re, to ex 1zQ p Pert vo. PC80-302 apeciFiea ~ ~`. P~ on october 24 y as a church is lim.ited t;o ~ hat u~ ~991. period ~~ 6 ; ~ three (.3 ~ ~~' 12 ~~'HEREAS, the petitionar har~ .rec~uested amendment tu s ~. aid Condi_tion No. ~r' WHERFAS, thc~ a~ the Civic Center Ci~y °lanning Cammission ,'~ not.i.ce o~ natd in the City of Analieim on ~id hold a public hear.in a=cordance with the1iL hearing hav.ing been ~~ily ~venber 7. 1991, at 1:30 p.m. ~ ~ ~~pdz and P'ovis~ions of the Anaheim Munici a~ r~QU1r~d b ' cr~nsideY evidence pal rode Y law and in ~n'~estigat~ ~l~d make fot• and ~ ChaptQ= 1g.03. to findin fl a5dinst said proposed amendment 4 and rECOnune~~ati~ns in connectinn and to WH~R~~~ tlierewith; and s~UdY made ' $aid Co evidence bY i.ti6~~t and re_p~rts fol.lowing fact~; 1. That ~ub:j~ct mann~r not dPtrimental ~~ tt~~ F.nf.orcem;~nt ~~vt$~~n. 2• That a 4 y~~r limitation Commission review op aubje~~ U~~ upon expi.r~,t~,~n. .3. ?'hat no in opppa'ttion; and that subject p~tition. mmi~eion, aFter d~ie and in inepecti.on, invp$tigation and .it~ behal,~~ ancl after du~ cGn °ffered at said hearin9~ doea fi~}d $ideratzon o and determine the "'i~i allow Eur~r,er P:.anning one indicated thpir presence at said -~~ corre~p~ndence wa:~ z~,;,, ~ public he ived in aring °T~Po~it±on ~~ the CALIFORNIA ENVZRON City Plannin MENTAL OUALT~.PY 9 Commiasiun has rev' -~`-""--- A-~T---FINDTNC: ~ Reeoluttan No. PC88-302 lewed the propo~a2 ro Th~~ the Anahei.m find that Pertaining tn a~_~ amend ConUit~on No. 12 of the Negative Declaration lear time limi.ta~ion and Conditional Us~~ Permit PreviouAl dAe~ hereby enwir~nmentaZ NO. 3081 L~ y°~PProved in conr,ection documentat•ion in connection Watqu~r.a ~o wi~h serve as tn~ required his requeyt. CR131~3MS u~e has op~rat~d Far a per•iad of immediate area as aubstanti~ted3bxeara iil a y the Code ,~ ~1- PC91-163 C'~rtuniasiun doeeWl 1HEREEOaE, tiE If R~SOLV~A that ths Anahe Ln Clt,y Plnnntng hereby amend Co~ditian No. ~ of -teso.luifon No. P~88-302 to , rd~'~ a~ followe: ~: ! "12. That du~j~ct ueo ehall be p 1 for a (throu h ermitto~ pNri~~~ o~ 4 9 Ort~ber 2q, iga5~ wirh furth~~ extonc~iune ofytin,N bein9 PQ~•mitted ae reviewod an~ a ` c:ortmiaelon ne ,~ , PPraved by thQ planninq p~blic haar;nq ltem nnd ~t the writtt~n rQquent vi the ~~pplicant.~ 7'HE E'ORE;CqINC RF:;O;,UTION kan ado~;rE?d ,-,t. t~.he Plannin<~ c-mmiaeion m~etfng of October 7, 1<>~~~. ~. ~ ~ . ,,:~,, -~'---.~~__.~_.:_=.-~._ 1~ -~, -,!"* ( l~ ' ,~=i-- ~ CNAIfi?lAK, ANAi1~:I,-f CITY PL71N11INC~" OFSMZSgtOti AT; t;ST: r~ ~ , ~• ~ , . . ,(,,".~_......_..----.~~.. y SEC:RE~AlcY, ANA~IETN, CI:~ U;__.___.._.------- _.,___.~___ ~•A~~~jLfi~:r CU~IS9I0.`7 ~ STATE :~F c.ALIrOR:::A ~ C.~UP~TY UF ORI-NCE ~ F; ~ . CITY OF' A"iANE:H ~ ~. .fanat 1.. Jens~en Con~ci9eiGn. ~o . Secr.et~ry of ti;e h~afiei.m City pl~nninq ~ hereby r_ert~.f~ Lhat ~he foregoir~y resolur.ion was pasec~d and .~doptEC, at a meeting of tt,~ Anah~im Cir.y Flannin 1991, by the following vote c,f the memNerR th~rer~g.`omnsisaion ~U1~ ~~n October 7, } AYESs CO;!HISSIOttERS; :~,s itOES: CCKMISSIOtJERS: ' JnS, KnrSTU~:., fiF.Li.YEit, HF.ti;iltiC'-:~. NgSSE tiO1~Q . PF,RAZ:. ABSL:NT: COKMISSLOtifiN:~: 'l,F.?!F:i. ' NI ii ;liF;'i°i C: ' i 'riffLR::(~r. i I1J:f? t:6?Cy~ --~•--_ s~..~_~__----. :99:. ~r•.~o ,r_t ;~~y ~~a:td thia %~d$I .~ _..- ---~---`- _~.___...._: __ _ SPsf:AF i ARY ---- -----...~.~_-----_..__~ ' '1«AF~6jl4 CI i'Y PLA:i;7t~;c; CpMHISSION -z- Frg~_~,~3