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Resolution-PC 91-167
~~SOLUTION NO.~~C91=1G7 , A RE:SOLUTION OF 'Pfi~ ANAHEIbf CITY Yf.ANN1Nr, COMMISS.IUN ' AMENDZNG CER'lAIt4 I;ONp2TION5 OF APpROVAL ()F• ~ ::ONDITIONAI. US1~: FF:RMIT DfU. ?.72£3 `` WH~;fiEAS; c,n Octobc~r 14, 19l35 tr,c~ pl~nning Co;nm. noic~n n_ Conditionnl Uee E~ermit No. 27'lF3 unc~e, ` ° ~art~~~ ~ r Rec~olution Nu, i~C85--22, to p~rmJt ~ 7.-story, induetrib.ll.,~-r~~lar.Qd, oCfice com~~lex un prop~±rty located on ih~ oouth ~i.de of I~x Pr~lma Avem~e, ~pl,r.oximately 1,2p fr~<rt wp~t ,;f rhe c~nterline og imper.iai Highway ~nri further rle~crik,cac9 ae 54G0 Ea~t La Pal.ma Ave:~u~; ~r~~ WHERE,AS, Cordit:fon PJc~. 11 of Re~ul~r~~,n N~. PCBS-2?.5 incluclen a ~,~nt '~~ 19 induatriall.y-rc~latQd af:ic~r :»ee, permitt~:~a in ce~nj~inct.on a•it:h naid condltianal use p~arr:~.;,t; ~~nQ WHEREl~S, L•ha pE?~1C1011CY nuw 1't?c]~.1E?3~o aii amendmE~nt: to ~aici Conditicn No. 'll in order to incl~.~dc: .,Cravel aqenci.es° on the liFit e j~•. within tha pr.nviounly-•appr<~v~r~ inciu~~r.c•i~lly-rel.ated offir.E, cc~mF~lexFe,r~(;~~~d ~~~Ea W~rKEAS, Lhe City l~~.l(1IlI_f]CJ t,~~misezi~r; cl;d hold a~ublic hearing 3t rhe C.ivic Cen*_er in tt:e Ci*yo uf Ana};eiR, ~n O,:t~>ber 21, 1~91, ~t .1:30 o.m., notice ~f naid publir hearing t:ivir~g been d~ly yLve~~ ~ifi r2c~uired hy ).aw and in ~ccordt,nce witr~ the proviaions of thF~ Anahr.im Muni~•il~al Cn._jA, ~~;~~,~~~r It3.v3, tc, I-r,ar and cor.r,ider. n_vidence fc~z• and againnr ~i;~~i pic~pon~d amen,lrnent a, d to ir~voscigate and make findingo ar~d re,~ottuner.da..ions in connecti~n therewith; an~i ~l[iEREAS, naic~ C.orin;fr;~ion, 1E~:C'I' C:Uf' i.n~peccio~, inv~ptiga*_ion and aL•udy made by itae.lf and i.r. ita benair, and after dve r~r,~ider~~ti.cn of all evidence and reporta offerec' :,r ~~31:? heat•inr, does finc: and determine the following factc~: 1. That the ~rop~,3ed use i3 r.c;mpatibic~ «rith and c~~mpliTnntary to the :~urrounding industri.al irea and un,~ , F;e~r~itt<d under Condir.i~nal U~e P~r.rc,;,t No. 2728. Fiown~er, that a:z rFq~i_r~ci wyCh rne .19 oLt•,er ir,dustriilly--rolated officc~ uaen, an travcJ. ~ + ~~ynr;,•~ •diF!''1i1Q tCJ primarily sarve thc~ surrour~d~ng in-fu~,tri.~1 ce;nmun~tlte ~ithin t:hi~ ~_~mplex nha1L , . 'I~tat n~ c~nt~ ini!'tC•~?tr~~j ti~_'r ~ F~• , .. "~ [1'__lE.il('B ..~~ f„11;: i i: opponi.ti,.n; nnd r_h~t „, ~~~~. 1 i:: he:tc ~~:'~ - CUt't•E'f3~]qt~"~F?~1CF~ iJBti L'~?CnjVE2,~ itt OcF'O~•itl':(t *O t!1~? ~~~bject potition. . C1lIIFORFiXl1 £CJVtRO~iMF_tT'AL.__2!-?AI,I:Y 1~CT_~IF?QI'iG: Th~t rF~ An~t:~::~ Ci.ty Planning C.ornminaic:r haA re~.•i~wE~a rhe pr~poc;a:. to Afi@t1C~ COt1t11~ ian ~i~. l; •~r itenol::tion No. I~CaS-22: in or•ci-,r t~ in.•J,_d~ ~•Travel AyEfl~~lr?f3•' orz tf1E? 1'< < permitted UlIAB within rhf~ ~~~-(+•,~y~~~~ a~.~_~., `Yf1t'NCi ' 1 -~`f: Q' c~mplex and c',oeti her~b ~ ~ F~ indusr_ri;,lly-r~larf.•l o,.fice y ~Cind t:.:}t the ~%.?~~dt1VEd Ce~•l:.~ration p,-evi~>us;y a;~,}r~~ve:i in conne~tion wi r.h ~ondit.ter~~2 .~e permi.t tt~. 272f3 i; adrqu.1tE t~, n~~••~., a~s tl;E~ r~quired environmc~nt.~: dU~,:utr,nnt.ir. ;~i, ;;~ C~~t;~~,•t ior. with *_hie ' re<=ues* , rR'324MS •-1- Pr")i-•lE•7 Commi~~~on doeaW• T~LREFORE, HE _.' RE5ULVLD her~uy a~~~n~ RP ~h~t L-t,e Anaheim Ci =y Planning "25 ~a inclt: ie Aggncios" in tho 11at of per.mittedaoFfi~enu~es•unde85Conditianal Usc Pe~••' 2728 with t:ho following ~dd~d co:idition to the "Tt•civ~l previously a n~it Nn, ~~That P~rc~ved re ~alut:inn: tt~e pr~vi.ausly-L•ar_orded covenant relat~d ~ffico 1{.mi.ting thQ : ueea t~ thase diecus~ed n,I:ist:ri,Ylly- rHpor.t, bc~ umended to include in Paragraph No •i of r_hal.l be rc~viewa:~ and ~~ '~Travel AgEnc.ie~~~, . t~~i4 pProved by thP C,~t ~he amend~ d;~oven:~nt bQ .recorded in thQ Gffice Y Artt~rney ~ U~fic~ and whirh ehall ~f the Urange Coux~ty `'h~ll ~~ Rubmitt:ed to the F1~~nninc~ pepaztmentC~withi n~~12~F~~.~Yf fr•om the date of approv~.~1 0~ this reso].u~.ion". ~E ZT FURTHER RB'SOLVF.D that tne Rnaheim ~i~ doea hereb~~ fir~d predicatPd upan ~ a~d dete,:mi ne that aclo ti~•n Y Ylanninr~ 'o;llllll_.^,fl.l0:: PPli.can~ a ~ oF thia R~r~oZut•i.~r~ i$ ~.;~p2-e~s'Y forth. Shuulc3 ''~~PZiancQ coxth the conditi,pn ~, ea.id rondirion, or ~uiy part t- hez•ci i, ,•~e s.~t unenforceable by the fin~-~1 junqment og ~ereof , be declared _~. .,~ l. i.d o~ then thi.a Reooiuticn, and any at~prvvals ,,sny cour.t of ~oni etent j arid voicl. ~ ur. _~3CI1CL';c~n, hc i eii~ cont.ainE~d, ~;hal l be d• ~e;ne•i n,: l l THF. FORECOING RE: ;r)f U'I'IdI~ me~~ ing of October 21, 1991. "'~`1a ad~pted at th~~ Plac:~~.ing c cur,r,ii.~~:;ic,r, / ~ ! , ~ / cE ~~ri~t nrr c 1~`-----=,r L-~.`'~~' -~ .'.-.- ~ ~ ~ ~ AN~\HE ~• ~ ---- -._. IM CIT_ pLAr7NIhr~~pM.~I;,SI~ri A1'TEST: ~ ~ ~;-.:C ' ~ ~ ~~ ~ , . ~ 1 ~wlr~.1+~.~~:.~__ _ SFC,'R~~A~Y. AN~NFIH CIT~ FI.ANNINC ~,O,1DlI5SI('iN STATF. UF CAI.IEnRNIA ) CUUt~TY OF OR~1NG~ ) a~. CITY OF At:AFlFIM ~ I. ,;anet L. Jenaen Commiaof.r», do hareb , Serrc~tary of ths Rnihc im Ci.ty [~lannin, ar.ioptpd at ~ Y ~ertify thak th~_, foregolny ~,•eaolution ~yae: 21~ J991 I~~';oe~l %tncl ~n~.-~.sr.g uf the Anaheim City Plannin~ UOfiLlt7.9J10i1 he. . by thw_ foJ..o~~ing vote ot thc~ memb~r;~ t~~er:~c,f: ld or Octo~~cr AYES: COMMZS5IptJEt25; F~F.I5T'UI., HELLYEl2, [~ERA'LA. 'L~A(EL ~rOF.S: C7MMlSSIONCRS: NONE tlf1S~N1': C~t~MISSI0J7ERS: %!CUAS, f:C;:7NIIJUF,R, ME;;SF; of ,~ . ;t~ WZ1tJESS WtiCR~c)(~, T t:;.vc~ i~c~r.eun~o ~at r.r s ~.i._.,.._-.' -..r`_, 199.1. / h~-nc. thia - -~• ----._ . ~ _ ~1:~, _....`:.._..,_...__~ . ;FCRJsTAf~Y~ AJJAEI jr M CI'I'Y PLAiJN:NG ~, `..___ ----.- OMbf T: : ; i /)Ii `2- t'C<_ . :6