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Resolution-PC 91-170
f2FSOIaUT (QN NO_,PC91-170 ~,'~' A RGSOI.UTIC~f! OI~ '1'H1~ 11P7AHETM CI'fY FLANNING GOM~tISSION ' CLARII~'YING "OrP'-ST`1''f; GUIDI~: SIC.NS° LIFII'IA'l'IODi~' WHEREAS, Section 1d.Q1.041 of the Anaheim Municipal c'~.•do s~«~ci.Eio~ t:h~t if an amhiguit,y 8L'lf3E?S c~~ncc~rr,.lny t~,c~ ~ppropc~fatc c1a~~ific~~Cion f~r a partiicular uae withi.n tha m~anJ.ng anci intcant of~ Lhe Zoninc~ Code, it r~hal.l be 1:ho duty of thc~ Pl~nning Commi~c~ion to 13C~Yta.i.n ~i1.1 pG~:~.inent i'acts t~nd Bet fortii is:c; findinga ~nd the reaaons ~ht~r~efor, ancl ~UCh Einr.iinyn nha.~l be rof~rreci ta thH C:ity Council and, if approved Uy Guunci.l, thc>rc:afLi>r. :,uch i_nt.~:~rpretc~tiona c~hall gavcr.n; and WHF.k~AS, on Februai'f 1~, 1'39U the Planr~ing Commiar~ion grbnted CondiCional Use ~ermit No. 320h un~-3ee• t<esc,l+.itioil No. FC90-34 L-o ~.~cr.mic and govF3t•-~ construc~ion uf a comcnr•:oi.~tl L•etail cc:~:t:er~, -en aatomotive repair CP.I1tQL'~ ona fre~~tar,ding restaurant witil on-='.~i:E~ a.lcoflol ~~nd entertair~me~~t, o-lc drivc~°thLOUgh reRtau.ranL•, nervicc~ et~tion ~rr:~ ~~~ini-cnact and car W13}l~ with wai.ver ~f huflding heigt~t, minimurn n+amber of F~tirkin~:~ :~E~ace: , r.ec~uir~d ai.te acreeninc~, and required landscapc~d sc~tback in cc~n~~.~nctinn with LTR h_n. 2RH, Gener~71 P1~n Amendment Nu. 271, and Rec~.assif.ica,:ic;n ;to. t?~i_~?~1-;'2 c,r~ .,ronerty wit•.h Eronta.~e on t•7cai.r. Canyon ~ Road, Savi R1~ch Ro.3~;, ~=ryr,r.ai !~~-i:~e, Pul.lman S~reet and Old Canal Rri~~d, and ' further desctibed as thE~ Anr~hr~im Fu~rr.io^ ~~L th~~ Savi Ranch Busi.•iess Park; JTI~ +1FIERLAS, ~u!>jr.•c!. nr<~n L:~ :•~~rrentiy vacar,:, ar~ci i:> ..ot;2d ~;I.(SC) (ir~du:3Cri~1, I,imir_c~cl-Sce:~i~• i:-~ri~i,:.. Overlay) and Cc~rSC) (Cu,nmerci~l, Uf f ic~-5ce~iic Curridor ovr•rl ~y }; ~.; ~ Wii~RER.~, the E,c,!.it:c,:;~~r r~~~;~.~e:;t., EaLth~r de:ini.L-ion of ;u:cie ~iqna pert,_ining tv directir,c3 tra.°f:c `.o ~~n ~ff-sitc~ ceqional cent~r ~Savi P.anch ls~~sines~ Park~ in tlie CitY e: Y~~~-Y~.~ I,iuci~~ ~nd prol~cse~ to constr~~ct four guid~~ signs to be l.ocat.ed ~>>:.tiiin :'~n.~h~~in;' , E-;oi't:io:i cF the 5svi Rar~ch in orcl~r to help direct traf:ic in .~r,~.l ~~~.~t ::f Y<~c-h:~ t.it;~f-i':> f~arti.on of the Savi Raclch E3tiaLnes~fs Park; anc? WHEREAS, the petit.i ~nr~~- ;~~r~r~ir.~:ec! }::ar~+ Eo~• siyns that :aould direct trafiic• inLo Savi F3arch iiu^.i r~~,~,:: r~:,;}; ,~;:~j r~ut: tr7 r_he Rivc~rsic:e ( SR-91! rTFE?WFl}/ or Weir C~znyon Road/Yorbti i,i=:;1~~ E:~.~•.,i..:~: ,,~:..t WtiEFtEAS, ~ti:~ A~i~ii:~~ i:~~. ..`, ~~lar~n'.r.~~ C<~mmi r>:~ior. di.J COTtfS1C~E~C aubject Y/?<;Ui_'flC 8t: tf1CiC I't!C]1i~:1C Rlt?u '.'.tl~I •;~ O!t~-~J~?E.'t" 11, l~~l~ ..l!1~~ d~t:@C (~t1C l_itV'33LLC~cltlOtl ,• and c;tudy marla by i.L~;r.,! ;;;:' in ;,, ~,,'.~-:, ~~nd ;if t:cr rlue co naidc~raCios~ oi a.l ~ evid2nct~ ~1nd r.apor~..<.; ^F(c,t-r,i, •:. iirr~ ,, fi-;td an~i clE!tr~C(~'-fle Y.h,• follr~winy Facts: . 1. 'P11~it (:~~'1n ;;r~.. . ,. : .'~'~. .. .'):SO ciCfirtr.> C;+:i~1t~ S1.c~^~ 15t f~;:l~`,•.t~~ ~ .03C ~~ut~:~~ .> y:... .,.. - :l''~;~;r; ~i!ial.l inc:lurirr ~11 ~:qr.~t ~nd ._ _~; ~ C! ~ Bf.YUCtlirf!5' 'ol~i lr•~; t~~, ; n :~( [~ l I'r+r;1: COlId~ ~.)L) 1C~G?3 t0 Y~'(;~)CJrll'Lf•(~ ilY~'ci1L= Of ~ r~yionai imF~ort.~;.c•~• rtir;-i r~:~rr<~c:a,~~,, 't if intr.-ndc~d that~. cji~ln3 within ~ thtn catr_~ary :;hi:i t„_, c,,,-r•cri,~*ed with t:r~ff.ic f.lcrw ~R~l Ll^fl:~:n~d ~o at~ r.o aa3i~±: ttt^":. .tnc~..,n~~ r<~. ~;r:izta:] ar~_•as c~i f.~~.~~.:~.:: .., °rin~c_+ ~nd :~ ~ ~, Y patr ~n~~~~,. :~,~ CLiIY.l~}' ,~f~'j ~:~'~ i'~~' .;:1~~~'~ -1C"(1!I O: CE?:j~0llcll liP[:{l:t]i1::F_• Il!"l!~ ~'%~tCiJfIaY~R~ .:~uC '`ypn^ c~f ;~t'~,r~^ ;~...: i:.•,.~;,;~,.; ~ n lir~ inclt:ci.~d: ~;ft : 1202;5 iY 1 ~`i YC~l-1%U ''r>i~~ ~ .031 Recreatic,,,a.l an:l enl:erLai.nment cene~ra of recoyniLed i:eqional ~, aigni~icance whetc~ a~ ]eaaa~ fifteen pe.~cent of the annual attetldance at any ~~.ich cente~: _is com~o~aed of peraone reni<liny o~itsicl~~ the Stat~ of. Gt~litornia; .032 Regional s;liot~ri.ng ~e~nte~~n mai.ntuin.tn~ a minimum of c~n.~ thou~and p4~~•ki.ng ~pacr.:~;3 .in the immedi.aLe vicitiiL-y~ .033 Maj~~r ~par•t_s t~taciium~;, ~~nC~xta.Lnmer.t: cent~t•t3 or r.onventiori center~ havinq a c~~ati.ng capaci~y in Fxces~ of ti:ce~ thousand persona; .034 Any r~cog;lizcc3 histot-.i.c<<1 landmeirk. NOW, T'HER'r.'.1~OR4 , E;c, IT R1:S~~*_,VLD tR1t t he Anaheir~i Cit~ Planning Commission does hereby d~t.r rmine th~~t the proposF.cl siqns do nat meet the critwria of guide aiyn~ as d~~fined in ~.'.od~ Secti.on 29.U5.020.030. THL FURE:GOIt+G NF:SUL'J'I'IUt! :•ias acioptc~d at the Plannin~ c:onuniAai~n meet iny of ~~Ctobor 2 7, ly9.i . : ~ ~ ~,.' . . /f. ~ ~, t .: t ~/~_f'~~~ ,. ~_~ - --- .---- ~..-;-~-t-~ -__ ~'f~I}iD'?1N, AfJ11fIF.It! CITf PLAI3N c_UMMISSION ATTE51': -~~ ~~ , ', .. , - , , ' ' ...~ ._.. S~CRi.TARY, A?IAHE7M CTTY Pi.AfI;IIf:C; r'o!:I•iTSSIC~ti STATE OF CALZFORNIA ~ COUNTY OF ORIINGE ) ~:;. CITY OI' ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jer.s~~~;, s~~crrr~ai-y of. th~~ Anah~itt~ City P).anniny Can~niic~eivn, do ner~by cer*_i:y t}iat th.~ fc~r~~qoiri,3 r~soiutic;n wa:; r,.:,s~c,rl and ac3opt~d at a meztiriy of tr.he Anahei~r, Ci.t, i~l,inni_ng Con~cni.saion t:elci or: Uctc;ber 21, 1991, by tEie follawing vote oF th~ mc,nh~~rs t'~•:~r~r,{: AYES: CQMMISSIONERS: F3F?IS"~p1,, 1iBT,LYF:R, F'ER,',i:A, ZEM'c:L NOES: COM'rSISSIONERS: I1utJi~. RBSGNT: COMMISSIOidc;RS: f9UJ.~1~, HEUiJI~tGF,[~, :i~;SSB lN WI'I'tJ:'SS WfIF.l~F'C)F, , ir.i~.~~~ i~.~re~into aet ~ny ':zr:d ttii~ ~'_ ~/ day o f _._r:___...' - - _, 199 i . - - - ---- SE?CI~E'i~'~R1', AIIAHKIH CI:Y PI.ANC7T.t1G C'Oh!MISSIOP! PS:91-17G ~ 5. 'Phat tho Sp~~cific Plan renuwts in rlevol~pmc~nt of dPalrablo ' charaetQr whi.ch will Ua compa~ibl.e with exiet:Lny and ~r~posed deve]opmant in ` th~ surroundf.ng neighborho~d. ; ~ 6. Thae ~hF• Speeific Plan contributc~a to a Ualance of l.and uses. ?~ 7. That the Spr-.c.ific F.lan r~preoen~~ environmental 1~~d e.e°.thotie resaure~a coneiatent with econo;~iic r~ali.tie~+. 1~! 8. That no one i-~di.cated thelr pre~aence at said publLc hearing in oppoaition; and that no carre~pondencr wac~ receiv~ri in oppcsiti~n to the ' oubject petition. ENVIRONblENTAL._ IMPAC'T ANALYSIS: Env.ironm~~ntal Im~act Repor.t Nc. 280 '~? certified by thQ L'.ity Council or. I'ebruary ?.~3, 198~ in cor.junctio-i with the ' spprovai of Specifi.,r. Plan No. t3t3-3, addresoed the environmenta~ impacts und ~~ mitigation t~~r.atlUrE'9 ~aa~~ci.at~d with th~~ cievclopment. Staff reviQwed L•he ~ pzoposed amendm~nta and ttia lnit:ial Study and .indi.cated t:hat Lherp will bo no ~• addit.tonal impact from ttle proposc~d ~~r,ien~lmer~t urid, th~refvre, t:he PJ.a:~n~.ng i' Cominisc~ion determines that nubject r~~quesr, is in conformanca with the 4 previouca'Ly ~zpprove~:i EIK No. 28Ci. ~ ~ ~ NOFI, THP:R~:FORE, BE i'P RESOLVL•1Q chat the Ar~~.heim City :~lanning Cortimiasion do~sn her~by appr.nve.i the prcp~~~~a ar~~ndments pertainin.~ to per.mitted ~ uzes. .. . ; TF3E FOftF,CO:IIJ(i RE5UI.UTIU[~ was adopted at th~ Plar.ni.n~~ Commiaaion ' ~n~~r_fn~ of Novr_mber h, 1~~9] . /,~~ ~ ~. ~ /~' ~'t 1 j~ c'~ ' ~ '~ ~''' L' ~'_ ' - ,i _- _ ,.i ~;A2R'4:CI, ANAHEIM t.ITY ANC1I G COMFtI5SxON ATT~ST: ~ _~ .~ _ IG • Y ~~~ J ~ u(/' l..!-~~...__ ~...r_ oECRETARY, APJ3ElEi;+ CI"'Y E'I,nr~r>>r~c COMM15SiOC: SiATS OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'l'Y ON ORAI3CE ) o~ • CITY OF ANAFIESM ) I, Edith L. [tarri.3, ;~~cretary r~f t:he Anaheim ~.:i.tv Planninq Commisaion, do tzereby cer.tify tli.~t the foregoin~ r~sulution r:as p1!3EfE?C~ and ~tdopted at a meetinr, ~~£ thc nnai~eim City Pl~nr.ing Commis~ion hc~ld on November A, 1991, hy th~ fo.llo:-•ing vote of th~ memk,~ra L•herec~f : A.YES: COMMISSIONE}2S: NOF.S: COMMISSIONEF.S: AE3SENT: Cc;'QMI55IONEI2S: BRIS'T~~:., E{F:LI.Y~:R, 2F.M~;L~ 1di"~SF. ~Oi.JP.S, HFt1;+TCtc~ER, Pr:RT~IA IN 'A.LTNESS W~iEFtf:~i', I havc h~:::eu~lto ~~ti n;y 1~and t}-i~ _ ~ay ~ f. ._------- .._._.._...~. ~ 19 91 . SE~R.Cs'CAI2Y, ANAEiEZM CI'?'Y ~'LANNING COMtdZSS:OIJ -8- PC91-171