641 Affidavit Of Publication 8'1'.-\ T E Of1' C AL,IF'ORNIA ('O(~~TY OF ORANGE !o4s. ,._~~_~..w~_t~._..._. ________. of Na.ill county. being first dulJ.' l-iworn. says-that s.he is a eft. Izell of the United State-H. and of the. State of California, over ,the U~P.o of e-ighteen yea.l~S: that she hai-; no interest -in, 110r is she a party to the matte.' herein mentioned: that she is the pub. lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a weekly newspaper }.irlnted, publtshed and I circulated in the sa,id County of Orange that ~a.id ORANU}4J COUNTY X ~:WS is a newspa.pe.r of gene,ral d.'eulation with a list of paid sub scribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and ,~eneral news and intelligence of a general character; that it is not devoted to the interests 01' J:uhlished for the entertainment of a pa.rticular class, profession. trade, ca.lling, race or denomlna. tion. or of any number thereof: that it has been )printed and pub- liHhed in the City of Anaheim. County of Ora,nge, State of Cali- I'm'nia for more than one. year IH.'Xt. preceding the first day of the. publication hereto attached: t ha.t the . ...q~-~~.~~~~.. .~-~~- --~~. ... --...... ...... .-. . .................................. .. . - . . . - . - - - .. .. "" - . . .. - . ..... . - . - .... . . - .. -. ......... -.... -.. ...... ........-.... .. .-..............---........---.............................. of whi('l] the ;!ullexf-.::l L~ a l~~'inh~:'l {'on'. WCl;'; .publishell in H3. id llew:;~ P~lp::'l' at least _._9~_~_..........____.. ('cmmellcillg' on the ----.~1~.~ day oj' ...---~r~h_____.___.._ l!)_..;I.... and l"'ll(1in~ 011 the day of ._......._..._.___.....____. 19._....... and that ~ald .-.-.-O:rQ._~M:n~.~...__...__ .....---'--...----- was publiShed on tlu' tdlowing days: .. _U.~r_Qh.. .27.....li4.1... _..... _u _. .... .. . .. .... .. .. . ... .... .... ..... .. ........... .~................................ ........ .. . .. .......... ............ ....... ..... -. .-. -......... -- -.... ~:':.......:: ~ ........ - - LEGAL NOTICE - ORDINANCE NO. 841 .. AN, ORDINANCE GRtNT.ING . 'A 'VARIANCE . . . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS 'FOLLOWS: . SE'CTION 1, That Margaret Buttree has filed with the Cit~T Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim a petition request;ing .that a variance be granted per- mitting the teachinp: of piano - and stringed instruments upon that real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 'State of California, described as follows: Lot. 1 of Tract 426, "Muckenthaler Addition," as shown .on a map recorded in Book 17, Page 45, .Miscellaneous Maps .of Orange County, Ualifornia. That said Commission has made an investi~ation of the facts and made its findings with respect to the, same, and has determined that facts . exist warranting the grant- ing of sueh variance, and has rec,- ommended' . to 8a i d City CouncIl that a Varia.nce be granted in ac- cordance with certain conditions, Which. conditions are her~after set forth. SECTION 2. That said City Council hereby finds from con- sideration and investigation of the facts and the reports . of said Planning Commission: I (.1) That exceptional cir- cUlJlIStances do exist applicable to the ~perty involved that do not ap.p!y' generally to the pro'p- erty or classes of uses in the ,same district or zone. (2) That a varf'apce is neces- sary for the 'preservation and enjoyment of a substantial ,prtJperty: .right of the petitioner. .(8) That the granting of such conditional variance will not be m~rially detrimental to the public welfare or injur- inus to the' property or improve- 111cnts "'in .the district wkerein said prOpe~ty is located. SECftON 3. That a condition- al variance is hereby granted . whereby.-' the said Margaret But- tree 'is hereby permitted to trans- aet upon, said property t.he. busi- ness.:, of' teaching piano and string_ ed iaatnnnents upon the followinA' concl1tions: ! (1)1 That the bu~ing to be . . er.eeted' upon said property shall . be a dwell~.ng house; . . (2) That no advertising or J .. other signs shall be displayed I . ujon _id prtlperty; . . '. (8) That any business to be . t$ns.cted upon. &aid' .property . Su hscl'ihed and sworn to before me tbl~ ....:_.~/............ day or -. - ?Jt~!.....: 19'/:! ~_' . . ....--.~~~p'~ shalt be confined to the teaeb- ing of 'piano and stringed in- struments; ( 4) That this variance shall terminate at such time as Kar... gafet Buttree retires from teach ing muSie, at which' time' said property shall automatically take on the status of ,the zone of the p~operty- adjoining the same to the south. SE,CTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to bE. pl1nled and published . . - . ~ once in the Orange Count,. 'N., a ne~p~r or gf'neral elleU-' tioD, . printed., pltblisbed aDd' dr- culated in BBtid City, and .tlWtJ" (80) days from and after ita final passap, it shall take effect and be in ft.lll force. . The foregolng Grdinanee ..... approved, signed and attested Wi 25th day of March, 1941. . CHAS. A. PEARSON, .. Mayor of the City of Anahe. ATTEST: CHARLES E, GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ~ '. r ~ (1 ~t II i:'I ~J [I rl fl tf 1:1 ft ~t 1:1 [I H ~ d i fl ~t a [1 IJ tl ',f ~ i i:1 :.. iJ !:~ I'! ci 1.( :1 II l'l II g...... 1'1 I:! Ii :-i :., i, i'i r} Lt I;j 1;1 ~I: it f:l [1 lit :] ::1 1:1 ~ [ rt M 1.,.:.~...'1:~ ~ ~ IJ j'! :1 Lf !I rl Ii 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 I' I' [. 1;- r,' [, 1 2 3 4 5 ~ ORDIIA!lOE 10. 641. All ORDII.OE GRABTIIG A VARIOO:&;;. !HE arTY COUlaIL O~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOZS ORDAIN AS FOLLOIB: SIOTIOR.l. ~t Kargaret Buttree has filed w1th the City Planning Oomm1sB1o~ of the 01ty of Anaheim a petition requesting that a varianoe be ~ranted permitting the teaching of piano and stringed lnstrumen~ upon that real property situated in the City t Anaheim, Oounty of prange, State of California, des.cr1bed as folIo s: Lot 1 of 14ract 426,. Illuokenthaler Addition-, as shown on a map re- corded in Book 17, Page 45, Misoellaneous Maps of Orange Oounty, Oa11forn1a. That sa1~ Commission has made an 1nvestlsatlon ot the facts and made its find1ngs with respeot to the same, and has determined that fao~s exist warranting the gran~1ng of 'such var- iance, and has reco~ended to said City Oounc11 that a var18Dce be granted in accor4ance w1th oertain oODdlt1oB8, whloh conditions are hereafter set forth. SIOTIOI 2. Th.t said 01ty Oouncil hereby finds from con- sideration and 1nve.tisation of the facts and the reports of said Planning Ooim18s1on: (1) That:8zoeptl0Dal oircumstances do exist applicable t~ the property inTolved that do not apply generally to the property or olasses of uses in the .ame d1striot or zone. (2) Tbat;& varianoe is neoessary for the preservatlon!and enjoyment of a substantial property rig~t of the petitioner. (3) That; the granting of suoh oonditional var1ance will Dot be,mater1~1y detrimental to the public welfare or 1n- jur10us to the property or 1mprovements 1n the distr10t where1n sa1d property 1s lo~ated. a 7 8 1. '. "". --.........~. , I J d [I 1~,....1,,':.' I" r, ~, f.":,,.I, rt ~~ [I ~ rl fr ~, [,I' ll' ~.,;::,',,'. ' ~ I' t i,I.~:,':,:.t.f i~ i: t: ~ 'I ~i l,~,.,. I: F,',',.:'l' , f,-' i r ~f fl if -I l'.,,::..,l'..l " lr !'..:'.'If l' fl- I'! J i:I ii q d !i rl f! it ~ I !'f ~J ~,,:i' r; l1. ~ !'!' !J II II i. ;1 r I i II 1 I SEOTION b: That a oonditional varianoe is he~eby I : 2 I granted whereby t~ said Marga~et Butt~ee is he~eby pe~mi tted to 3 I transact upon saldi property the business ot teaching piano and I I 4 i strlnged lnstrumen~s upon the follow1ng oonditions: I ; I I 5 (1) Tha~ the building to be erected upon said property 6 shall be a dwel11~ house; 7 (2)" Tha~ no advertising or other signs shall be 8 I displayed upon 8ai~ property; 9 II (3) Tha~ any business to be transacted upon said 10 property shall be Confined to the teaching ot piano and stringed 11 instruments; 12 II (4) Tha~ this va~ianoe shall te~minate at suoh time 13 las Margaret Buttre. reti~es from teaching musio, at whioh time I - I i 14 I said property sha1-1 automatically take on the status ot the zone I 15 lor the property ad~oinlng the same to the south. .. 18 SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage 17 lot this ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed and ".I~ 18 pub11shed once in ~he Orange County Hews, a newspaper ot general. 19 circulation, prlnt,d,. published and oirculated.in said City, and 20 thirty (30) days t*,om and atter its final passage, it shall take I 21 effeot and be in r.ll fo~oe. I 22 The foreCOing ordinance was approved, signed and atteste~ 23 th1s 25th day ot ~ch, 1941. 24 25 26 ~~ ~. i~ ' I' r k ATTEST: 27 ~~~ ( ',' -- 28 .. . ... e: ~1 t e .-- - y of nahelm 29 J . 30 i 31 f ~' f-l li[f ' I' t t,,::,.'.,'.' I" F ~ H,r.~t, I 32 I I I ;, :i !I I' !l jf IL 2 ,'.....' ~ . [i. ~ s !i 'I I, II l. j\ II II ;1 I : 1 S!ATE OF CALIFOaNI---) COlDlTY or ORAJlGJ: T) ss. 2 Clft OF ANAHEIM ') 3 !' I I I 4 i do hereby certify ~hat the forego1ng ordinance was 1ntroduced at I 5 'an adjourned regul~ meeting ot the,C1ty Council of the Clt7 of I, Charl~8 E. Griffith, City Clerk ot the .City of Anahe1 , 6 Anahelm, held on t~e 18th day of March, 1941, and that the same 7 was passed and adopted at a regular meetlng of said City Council 8 'I held on the 25th day.?t March, 1941, by the following Tote: I 91IAYES: COUNCILMEN.' ~~l II 10 IINOES: COUNCILMEN. 11 IIABSENT: COUNCILMEN !I 12 Ii And I further oert the. Mayor of the City of 13 'IAnahe1m signed and approved said ordinanoe on the ____ day of I 14 IMarCh, 1941. I 17 day of March, 1'9401. IT K. r. r ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~~e1m 28 u. . t r 27 28 29 r 30 I 31 32 r ~ . I~:: ~ : 1"..:, I: r II II I. r It..". .. "~ 3 ..j..... i I I I ! r _.. L__ '..~_ .