Resolution-PC 91-173..i ~,~ ~'i~SULUT~ON NO. P~9.1-1'73 ~~:t^i:4 , I~ RESOLUTION ON Tii~ At~AHL.IM CITY pLANNII~G C.~MD4ISSION ALNYING TF~G I2LQUEST FOR A MONUMENT S[GN IN CON.7UNC'1'IUiV WZTH SPFCTFIC PL,AN NO. fi8-3 (Tha FaciflCent~r Anahoim Spec~fic Flan, ~pz~vioual.,y '.C1id Santa I'e Par,ific Plaza Spec:ific Ylan) WH~REAS, on F~'ebzuary 2t~, 1989 the City Council, undar kesoluti~n Na. ~tg~Wg9~ dpprc+~ved S~ocific Plan DTo. 08-3 (a mixpd us~ clevelopment canaiatii.ng Gf approximakely 5~U,Of10 gq.Fti• ~~ i.nduetri111y•-relat~d off.ic~: apace, 24,000 sg.ft. o~ inciu~trially-related reCail. area, an a,OQU se~.fL. freeatanc~ing reataur.ant;, ~ 4,000 ~q.ft. d~ive-~hrough fant fooc~ r~s~aur~~nt, a 150-•room hot~l and ?, parking c~tructuree) wkaich ip ta be 3.mplemented in three phasea on an irregularly-ohapad parcel ~f l~nd canei.:~ting of aprirc~ximat~ly 26 aaree lacated at the aouL-hweat coLnor of La Pal.ma Avenue 3nd T~aatiri Avenue, h~xving ~~.pproxim~ztc f.ror-tages of 6a9 £eet ~n the south flide uf La Palma AvFnue ancl 1,214 f:Pet ari thr: weUti ~ido ~F Tustin Avenue, and furthei: dE~~c.xibed ~~ Pa.cifiC~ntF~r Anaheim ;5~~98-3}; and WHEREA~, khaae I of rhe ~ppr~ved SpPCific Plan wa~s to corisiat of 100,000 aq.ft. of inc~ustri~~.lly-rel~~t~d ofiice E~~7dCC'~ 24,GU0 Hq.ft. of induai;:ially-rolated x•etail are:., an 5,000 sq.ft. frenstar.ding reataurant, a 4,000 sq.ft. drive-through fast fo~~d re~tzurant and a 150--room hotel. However, on August 28~ 1989, tho Plannit~g Commisaion agproved prec.i.3E~ plans for only 97,789 sq.ft. of ±nduntrially°rela~ec3 officc~ Es~~ace and a 2-building, 15-unit, 23,830 aq.~~• industrially~related retail. ~rea; and ~AFiER~A3, on October 23, 19fi9 khN Planninc~ Commis3ior. 4onsi~lerQd and GppLOVCd a coordinate~~ eic7n pror~ram for aubject 26 acres aa required by Condti:ion No. 25 of Reeolution Ei9R-59; an~ WHER~~1S, on March 11 , 1990 I:l:e City Enginc~er appi~:'~~d Farcel Mt~;o No. 87-446 to ~ubdivide subje^.t property a.iito t3 parc~la; and ;9HEREAS, on J~aly 30, 1990 Planning Comminc~ion cor.aid~red and approved precise plan~ fc,r a_1,516 aq.ft. freestandiny drive-througr fan~ f.ood reetaurant (Catl'e Jr.) as part of DevelapmenL• Arca 2 of Phase I; and WH~,REAS, on Augusr 27, 1990 P.lanning Commis~sion co:~~idored and ~pproved precieE pl~n~ detormir.ing aubotanti_a1 conform%ince with the previoue plans for De~elopment Ar.ea 1 of Phase I thereby permitting the integration of 20~678 sq.iY. of Atorage ~rea (ta be uee~d sxcl.u~ively by on-~;i.te office tensnts for. accessory storage) LI1tU the Future F~arki.ng aLruccure planned tox Pha~e IZ; and WI?EREAS, on Uecember 17, 199Q Ylanr~ing Conunission ap~~roved CondS.ti.unal Us~s pg=r,~it No, 3371 per.rnitting a 1,:1"35 c~:~.ft. pizr.a rQStaurant wi*_h on-p11e beer ar.d wine; and Ck1135MS - ]. - PC91-173 , ''. ~ ~ :~~ `~ F/E~IER~AS, on January 1~, 1991 Plann~ny Comminaion r.oneidered ancl appravac~ Amtndment No. 1 to 5PSt'-3 grri.ittin~ „ facllity in sur~p~L~ a~ p~~.pi~t~d ~n_aitea~ofEice oueesa~gh°use~~and dis~ributian rQCrea.tianal facilit.teA in au ~or.L ~ ~nd indoc~r ~hyeicdl p~ ~ p~rmitted on-eite offino usua~~ a3 acae~sary uaea ~1nd ~tructu.reu iri D~v~lopmc,~;t pre~ l; and tVHERT:A5, on .7~mxary 14, 1991 pl,ani~ing Cornmisc~ion alop approv~G Couditional UAp Permit [Vo. 336E3 I~~Lruitt3.n~J ~3 1,U08 sq,f~, doughnut ahc~p in th~ industr.ially•-rclatec~ rQtail bull.diiiy; and WH~;REAS, on F'~bruary ~, ~5~90 Ci~y Council approved Var~.anco Nc~. ., Pait. wai.vi.ng the maximum number c~f. freestanditl 4103, i.. freeshuriding ai,gn3 to eonst•ruct 2 neaw freestanding aigns and p~xmiti:od location of "pr.imary pro~~ct identificatian mor~i~me~nt si. r.s~~ ~ signs ;cor~;~iotin~J of additiunal pieviously appLQVed unde,r the aiqn F~roc~ram. A i:hirdlpropos~~~`~n to 3 aimilar ~i.gn9 :1U f.oot hiy}a, 42 3q.ft. pole r~ic~n advertiainy the fz~t food 1~ 7n (~:onsiet;ng Uf a ana zurar~~ ) war~ denied; WHFK~AS, the p~~~.ti.on~r now pro;~o,3es Rmendment No. .~ t~ ~Fscific P1ari Na. 88-3 consi3ti.nc~ of (lj Permitting addi.tion,il us~~ ;;,;,~hin eact~ r,~ Lhe development aroas a.nd (7.) Modiiyinq the pacif3.Ccnter °i n 18.73.02()-.100 of the Anahei^~ bivnici~~;;', y Program and anienciing SPrtione for SP88-3 to -' C°~e (rhe zoning and Deve.lapment Standarde ) permit conyi:racki ~;; ~,;: ~ a,~~j„tional freastan~ling e~ i~a advertiAi,ig ~hQ d~velopment, the r~a joz• o;[fj ca tenant, thc~ hat;ei t9r~ant~anci~the full ~ervica rPptau,~ant; and une monument. 3i n 9 ~id~ertising ~}1e Far~t fand restaurant); and WEiEP.~?A5, the uetiti~ner in ro ~ , monurneait; ~i n to fParPo.iing ,:o con4truct a 6~ Fc~at }ligh, 94 aq.ft. 9 adve•rti~a ::h~~ lo~d i~;,taurant located udj~cent to T,.a Palma Avanue. The £ollowing chart :~haw~ tha appro~~c~ ver~ua propos~d freestanding and wall s~ic,naye for the tenant3 • _ TENANT SIGN TYPE I~'ast f.ood ~^ I Morlument res~aur~tnt: Wall Ful'. ~ervicP I Monum~nt re~taura-1~ Wall Hotel M1' y Monument I Wa11 Retai.l & ~ _I ~ Comrnercial Office~ (except major tenant) Major office i:Pnant (plus project i.d., hotel & full ~brv~ce re~fiaurant .nr~ pole r~ign) F~ERAfITTEU DIUi48ER OF SZGNS Not ~~er,mitted 3 Not permitted 3 Not permitted 3 Monum~nt PJct ~,•~rmitted Wh 11 ""----- Pr r ~ . ML : igci Code Monument . - Nc~t ----_.._ --- permittF;l Wal.l _ _ 15~b of bldg. t~~ce i Pole Not __ i~ermi.tted ~ Wall 15s5 of bldg, face .~..._.~-__s__._...~_--- -=.-~ ~_.-y._._...__ 1_ - Z - PROPOSED NUMBEI~ ~jk' SIGNS 1 ( 94 ~q. £':. . 6'~' hic~h ) 2 0 2 0 2 0 Per: MI. Sign (;~~e 0 15~ of bldg, ~a~,~ '_ 1 (350 sq.ft., ~4' high) 1~~t ot' uldg, face i~: 91-173 WHEREAS, ti}l~ City P1ar,ning C~rmnl,enion ~i;.~ hc,ld a~,ublic hearing a~ t;he Civic Cente.r in t:tie City of An~h~im on Oct:~Uar 21, ~99~, at 1:30 p.rn., notice of Aaid public hEarir-g having been ~luly givon as rec~u~.r.•ed by law and in acco.rclance with the p1wisior-r~ of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, C:~apter 18.03, 4o hear and consider evidenae for and agzinot eaid F~ropofl~d ameridment and to .inveetigate and make findings and rQCOmraQndation~ i.r. cor~nection thr•.rewith; and that sa~.d p~~blic hearing wc~e continu~d to the NovembEr 4, 1991 2~1ann:ng c;amm.i.ssion me~ting; snd wxL~~cr~s, ~1~~ requedt to p~rmit c~.rta~n ad~jitional land uyea in the developcnHnt 3roas was approved this date and is contained in Reaolution No. FCS1-171; ~nd WIICRE;AS, the ather ,~ropooed fzee~tar~ding a~gn ~a 44 foot high, 350 aq,ft. P~~Q afg~t ariontec3 towards the Rout~~ 91-Ri~•~~:aicle Freeway and adverti.sing the nam~s ; of i:hc d~vel~pment, Lhe major ofL-ice tenant, the hoNel L-~nanr and the full service r<:.~taurant) wad d~nied thi~ ~1ate under wi.i;h Resolution No. 1yC9~-i12; and WHEREAS, sa.id Commi~~~.on, af~er du~ inspection, ~nve9tigatir,n and study , made by ita~lf and in it~ behalf, and ~~tcar due consideration oi all Q•vidence and LePolty o.ffez~d at ~aid hearing, doF:~ L•ind and dc:termi.n~ the fallosoi.no faci:s: 1. That the reque~t L-r~r a 6'~ funt hi.gh, 94 c~q, ft. monument ~ign to advert.t3e a e~ingle tPnant (a drive through fast food re~3l:aurant) is hFreby den?.e~ on the baai$ that a coordinated sign program waa app:ovy~ ~Y {;h~ p~annin~ C~mic,ission for the entire Pac3.fiCenter Ana.heim S~;eci.fic P1an and, as prpviously modified, it inc'ludea adequate provieion for ir.di•ridual tenant eignage; that Varianr.e t1p, 41p3 wzo app~~o~~~ k~y thH Cicy Council waiving the maximum number of ireestanding signa and permiL-L-ed loc~ltioti of fr.F~~standiny ~.;,gu.y to canstrur.t 2 additional entrance monument: o~,qn~ (in additic~n '~;.~ 1 identif.icat.ion monumerxt and 2 entrazice monument signs previously appi~~vea und~r the ~icrn Program) and spec;if.ic~lly c~enying a 10' hi.gh, 42 sq,ft, po~~; siyn for the fant food j•estaurant (which Fraposed pol~ s;.gn w~s smaller than the monument sicYn currently being pzop~,~~d); tha~ flubject monument ai~n woulci advertisL a freestandiny dr.ive t.hr.c~ugh reskaurant k,uilding which is locater~3 ~djzcent to L,a Palma Avenuc and wliich bui~ding already hae wall ~iqnag~ ea~ily read fr~m i,a p31R1<3 Avcnuc.>; that therF applicable tu thE vrup~rty sucti as ~re no sp~cial circu:n~i:ar~rea ~ize, s~ape, topography, lacation and surroundir.gs which do not ,apply to othar i.d~nticaZly zon~d pLOpp_~y in the oa;ne vicinity; and that slrict; ,ip~;.ication of th~ 2oning Code and/or thN dev~lo~ment st~ndardfa ~f Specific Plan No. F3a-3 do nar ciepZ;.v~ t}:e praperty of ~rivilsgos eii joyed by othex propertiea iri t}ie id~ntical 'LO;lP_ ar~d cl~aeiffcation in the vicinity, 2. That Ilo ~ne indicated thei.r pr~o~nce a•t ezid publ.ic hearing ir, ooposikion; and tt~at no correspondenc~ was r::cr:ived in opposition to the oubjecL• petition. Is'NVIP,OPlhIF^J'PAL I:~SPACT ANAL,YSIS: Environmeiir.zl -m act~ p ,. certified bY the City Coui:cil on Fel.~ruary 2g, 1gg9 in con~urirti.on withrtYleNapprovs! cF Sgecitiic F~lan No, 88-3, addressed the enviiotimer~tal impact~ and mitigata.on me~~aur~s a~~o~±at~~ With the development. Staff revfe;ved the proposec? amEncur,erits and thr: Initial Stucly and icidicated th~t there wi11 be n~ a~iditional impaci: from ~h,e proposed amendment~ ~nd, thc~r.efore, the Planning Cammis~ion detPrmined that Subject requeA~ i.D 1n c~nformanca with tha prPViously apprav~d EIR No. 280. ~ 3 PC91-173 ~, f~~,.:~~,i: . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~'_i~;~ , t u.~:°i~~l NOW~ Z'!-IFR~~ OH~. ~L IT AESOLVF.D that ~he .•,nah~ ~~~~ hereby deny ~ho requettt f~,L im City Planr~.ing Com~nisaion advertise a r~r.i~r~ thro~;gl1 fa.at fcod rentaurantGOt h.iyh~ 94 sq..ft. monu~n2n'c oign to ~'tt~ FORE~uzN~ RrSOLUTION wae a:l~pt;Pd a~ tt~~ Plannin :lovemb~r 4r 1a:)1. g Commiaaian me~tiny aF ,-~ .._ , ~~ . j,~ ~ ./ .~s j~~~ ~r ~' ,/~/%~' ~r / / t•- ~ ~ C v.~'1~' ~-L ;,: ,~HAZ , ANAfIETM ~;IZ,y '~ , --~" PLAN'N?~~1 r 5 InN az~7~~s~r; ...~ `~ ~ SECRETARY, AN, HEI ~ ~ ~ ~L~~~ ~• M ~zT_ pI,ADiNING CO.SMISStUN ~„ ~ ' STAT~ OI' CALIF'ORNTA ) '~ ~ COUNTX Or ORANt~E ) es. ; ! CTTY OF Af1Al~iFI1K ~ ~ T' E~l~h L• Harris ~~ 1ier~~b}: c~r~~ f , Secrc~tary of tl~e 11r~ah~im Cit Y that the tor.egoing re~o1utxon ~a~, X NZ1nnin the An~heim ~ity Plannin. naseed and 9 C~mmiseion. do of tne memb~rg the `~ Commission held on Novcmber q adopted at r~ m~Qtir~g of reoz: ~ 1991, by the f.ollaw~.~ng vote A~FS: ~OMDf~SSIO NUF,S: NERS: SRIST'OL, FIELLtER, bt~SSE, ZEM~L COMMISSIONERS: PIONE AFiSEN~T: COMMTSSTUNERS: QGIJAS, fiENAlziJ~;ER, pERAZ?1 ZN WITNESS WHEP,~OF, I have hereuntr, set o f. ~ J ,~, .,~,~,~„~ ------__ , 19 91. mY h a nd t h i. E~ ' ~ ~ "~. .~,~i d~y _ ~ ~ ~,~ ~~ _ _._.-----______---_._._.~z.. ~~,.... ` SI.CRf;Tt1AY', RNAH~IM CITY pLA~NIh~~ ~r"~,--- ~MMIS,,TON - 4 - PC91--173 ~