Resolution-PC 91-176!Y-- ~ ~ ~;, '.'4 ':,.•~~~ „~by` ~r,` ~ - _ ~ ~ ~ I?GSOI,UTION_ NO. FC91-].76 A R~^aOLUTION OF' THE ANAF1ET61 CT7.'Y PLAIVlVTNG CObiM:[S.~iION TEiAT YE:T.CTTON FnIt VARTl1NCF. IJq. 4147 BL G~2ANTEQ, IN PART WHh;REAS, the An3ho,im City I~lanning C~m,m.ir~»i~n d,lr~ receiv~ a ver.•ifiUd P~tLtio~i fo.° Variar.cc~ f~r cc~ri:a~.n i~e~l pr~party ai~uatec] in the Cj.ty af ~lnahoim, Caunry of Orange, St~ite of• C~~li.fpr.nia doacribed ao: LOT 9 OF~` TFtACT 4997 AS SHOWN ON 1? MAP TNEREOI' R~CORDLD iN F300K 17, PAGE 3F3 OF MISCEI~LANEUUS MAPS, RGCORD~ OF ORANGE c:c~UfiTY, CALIF4RpI;CA. WIirREAS, the City Pl~nning Corcunir~~aion did hol.d n public hearing at the Civic Ceni:er ln thc~ City af An~heim on Septamaer 23, 1991, a~ 1:30 p.m., n~tice of e~ii.d public hc:arir-g having beeti duly g•aven aa requi.red by law and in accoidanca with ~he pro.~iaic~ns oE tt~e Anaheim 24u:~~c;pa1 CodQ, ~~hapter 18.Q3, tu h~ar and canafder ev.i~'^~~ce f.ur anri ag~.i.nst a~iid propose~~ variancQ rtnd to in~~e~tigate and make findinqs anr9 Lecommendations in c~~nnact•io;~ therewitti; that aaid public hearing wa~ canti.m.~ed to tre Novembcr 4; 1y91 Planning Cummiasion mr_•ating; ancl , WHERLAS, sai.c3 C~mmi~aion, aftar due insp~~ctio;~, Lnvestigation ~~nd ` u<<adY ~4~j~ by iL-self _~nd in its betialf., and aftcr dun con.3i.deratian uf all evi.~aence and reporL•s off~red at 3aid h~~rin~, do~e iinci snd determine the tollowing facta: 1. That ths petitioner propooes waivers af tr~e following t~ CGI1fitYUCt 3 92Cfj~;~;j dwAlli.nq ur.it in con.junction with an exisL-;.ng singla-f.arnily ~•es~dence: (F.) SFCTION._18_32.062.0J.2 - M~~x.imum structural he.Caht, and 18.80.060~p20 (E3) sF,CTIUtrS 18.3?..0G3~012 - M3.nimum structur~~l setLack. and 1t3.8p,p60.020 (15_feet revuirad fram Claudina Stze~~t; ]:1 to '13 feet exiar.ing for einc~le famil f residencQ) (C ) ~.F,CT.iONS 18 . 32 . 053 . U'l._3 and 18~~O.OG0~020 (D) 5F:C•1'IODJS :.8.06.Oh0.020 18.32.056~0?.0 and ].S~PO.C60.020 ( F. ) SECTT.ONS 18. 32`JG3 . U30 and_.l8_AQ.050.OiU - Minimum_yard r~_frement. Minlmum d ir.~en~i.on nf~c ar~a~C o~arkiny_s~~-,aco~. - Ninimu~ti recreationalL,lc i~uxF+area. 2. lhat the above-m~r,tic:ned waiverct (A), (C), (Cly anci (~) _re her~by denied cn the basifl that they wQLr~ deleted fram th~ nubm:tted plans fo].lowing public no~ificatian. CR1339M5 -1- PC91~176 _~ ~ yt . ~~(:.':n~ ~ , p~j','c::.~.Y 3• Thut tho above-mentian9d waiver tH) ia hereb ba~ia that it pertain~ to an exiaL•inc~ building which compl.le~~wi~hnCode~forha oidoXard sotback f~r a Ainglo-family rQeidenc~, but wou.ld bacome nnn~-r,pr.forming duc~ to i;tie adcli~ion ~L• a aecond dwes.ling uiitt on th~- subjoct prop~r.ty (which Ill~l}CE~D i~ a fr~r~t yaLd aethack) . 4, That ther.o are exc~p~ion~11 ar extraord3nary circumdtance4 ~r conc3.itiona appl.icabl.Q to the propc:rty ~,nvolv~d or t•o thR i.ntendod u$P pro~~~rty th~il• :lo not app].y gener~~.lly to the ro ~rt o[ the oam~: viciciii.y an~~' rone, p P Y or CZr.1IIl3 oF Ufl4? in thd 5. That thc requesCed variancE, aa gLanCQd~ i.~ nQC~t~Daxy fur the pLe~~rvat.i.on and enjoymant ef a~ub~L-aritial property ri.g~,,t pn~aessed by other p~Ul.'~rtY in Lhe aam~ vtcini; y stnd zone, ar.d d~nied to the p~ca~,erty :Ln quc:stion. F. '.ChaL th~ rec7uestQd vari~nce, a~ granted, wi1]. not be materi.:~].l,y deLrimental to the public welf.zre or irajurlous ro the i.mprovem~nts in such vici.niCy and zone ir~ which the pr~per~; prnperty or y io located, 7. That rio on~ indicated their preaonr.e at eaxd publia hoarir.g ii1 ~}~[~oyiLion; anci that no correspc~nde:7ce was racei.ved in oppo~;~i~n to ~aa eat l~nklr lOri. ~ ~ALiF~RNIA ~hJVIRONDILNTA£_, QUpLi~ry, ACT FIND7NG: Tha~ thQ Anaheim Ci*_>> Planning Comrnis:~ion has reviewec] the propo~sal far waivera of maximum ~tr~.icr_uial }1~ig}~t~ minimiim ~tructural oEtk~ar,k m± ar~ic e mini.mi.,iri dimen3ivn of g ~ parkir.g apar.ee and mi.nimummrer,reational/leieure ~~r~a to con~trur_t a ~ecorid dwellinc~ uni~ in conjune~ian with t~r. zxiating sir~gJ.e-family rt~~idenr.e en a ~~r;tangularJ.y stiaped pai~c~1 of land consi.eting of appr.oximar~~lY p,:~3 acrE located at the nnrChweat corner of Ellaworih Avor~~e and r.l;~udina Street, h;vi.ny aFProx,mate fronCages of 51 ~eot on the north s~cie Gf E.Lls~•rorth Avenue ard 110 t~eer t~n the wes~ eide of Claudina Str.eet, and further dc~~cribcci a~ 125 L:~~L• Gllsworth 1lvenue; and dqe~ hereb a Declcii-atio;~ u~o~~ finding that i.t hr.e considered theY Negativetpeclaya~ion toge'.!l~?L• l~ litl any ccu7ment:s r~~cc iv~d during thc ~nub].i.c reviPw proc:ess and furtt:ec• findit~g on t}~e ;~a~in tt~at L•hc~ initiai study and 3I1}~ curnment:s rec~?~~ed t;~a~. thern ir no sub~<<~~~_ia.l evidF~nce that r.he project will have a aignif.icant nFfe~r o-i the enviror~menr. P10F7, THEft~FURE, SL IT RESOLVL•'U that the Anaheim City Planntnq Cr,mmi.ssion doea hereby c~rant auhjEC~ p~t-i.tion !'or Variance, '.n part, upon the followinq conditions whi,^,t~ ar~~ hereby found L•o be ct necesoary pr~requisita to the pi•opu~ed u~e of the aubject property in order to prQaerve thQ safaty Znd g~neral wc:lfar-e of the Citizcnfl of the CitX ~f Anatic~im: 1. * That prior to ianuance uf a buLldin~7 p~~mit, ths approhriatc~ traffic ~igi2`11 a°~°~Lmen* f~n ahall be paid to the C1.ty of Anah~i.:n i.n an amaunt ~1A e~t~~blish~d by City Coun~~.l I2e~oluL•ir:,. 1' w Tt~at 9atcf3 sha11 nUt be installed acrc~sa ~hc dri.veway in a manner which ~~~y advE+:~eJy affect vehicular traff.tc• in the ~~djacer,t F~ablic a~reet. Zn~~a).lalion of ~~ny ga~e3 shall conform ta Engincexing Standard Pl~n No. GG9 ancl ahall br. oubject• to the revi~w and .:YYtovat af thQ City Tr~zffia ~~id Tran~portar_ion :danayer prior -:o Lssus-nce of d buiJ.di.r.g permit. -2- PC9]-17i: ~~ .,x:~~~, ~I~t~ , 'r 3. * That ~.lana ~sh~ll be eubm.Ltted to the Cl~y 'Pra~Eic and Transp~rtation ManAger Eor hi.a roviaw and apgrovnl Ahowing c:onformanae wi.th thc~ lai:ne': rovi~zion Uf ~~ngiri~aring Star~dard P1an No. 601 ~artaining tc parJcing arandarclg and driveway locatians. 5ul~jc~c~ property ahall thereupon be cievel~pad and maintainud in confor.manc~a with c~aid plano. 4. That the driveway approach on C1ludinu Streat ahall br oi,r.t~an (16) fc~~t wido in conf.ormance wi.th Engin~+ering Standard Detai]. Nu. 11?_, 5. * Thah tra~h atora~~e ar~a~ shall be proviclod and main~ainc~d in a loration acce~t~ble to thQ Department of Main~eriance ar-d in accordr.ince wi.th appr~ved p1an~ on fil.c with EJc31C; DepartmQnt. Such inCormation sha11 be aF~eciFically ~hown on the plann aubmitt~d for building permil:3. Sa~.d tra~h :7torac~e aLea :~h.al.l not he in public vic~w and ~hal.l be large c~nough t~ acco:nmodate cwo (2) thirty thr.ee (33) inch by thiity eight (38) inch containero ~er dw~~lling unit. 6. That a Plan Sheet for sa~id wa~ls o'cai~agE and collection ancl u plan ior recycl.ing shall be submithc~d co the Dt~par~rnent of: Maintenance for rev.t~w ancl at nroval. 7. * That a fee for street lighting pur.poAes ahall b~ paid tc the City of •, An~heim ba.nFd an th~ length ~f etre:ei: fronLage alnng r, ~lsworth F.venuc ~n an amount as ocL•ablist~eQ Ug~ City Council r~c~olution. 8. *'Tt:at a fE•Q for atr~et Lr~~e pur~poseta s~h111 be p3id tc~ the Cit.y of Anahet~~ aascd on tha length of str~aet frontagc~ along Claudina Streot and ~llsworth Avenue i.n an amount aa ~stabli4hed by Ci.ty Counril a.6EO~L1~j.OR. 9. * That 4ta~eei: lighting facLlitie5 alc~ng Claudina Street shall be installed as :r•quired by the Utiliti.es Ceneral Manager in accordance with :3pecificationa on fil.e i.n 1:hP OffLce of the Utilities G~~~ral Manayer; or Lhat ~ecurity in the form of a bon~3, certifica~e ~f deposit, letter of cred~t, o.r ca~h, in an amount sn~.l form eac.i~sfactUry to the City ot Anal~eim, cih,:ll be }~o~ted 4/.l~i~ the Ci.ty to guarantee L•h~ sa~iafaci:ory comp.letion of the above-mcntio-ied i.mor~vemenks. Said security aha..ll be por~ted ~aith the City of Anatleim prior to .is~uanr.~ of a buildiny ~,~armit. Tlle above-required improvemc-nta shatl be i.nsta.lled prior to occ~ip3ncy. 10. * That: eubject ~~roperty :sh~ill be 3P_tV(?~~ t~y undt:r.ground utiliti.es. 11. *'Tnat prior to iar~uance oE a buiidiny per:nft, ap~ro~~riate park and r.ecrPatian in-].ieu fees ahal.l be pai~] r.o thc: C.ity of Anah~~im in an amount ~~ ~stahlisl~~d by City Council re~cluticn. 12. That if garaye do~ro ar~ provicled, roll-up gar3ge doors shall be shown on nlans aubmiCted for builciing perm.it~. ~aid donr:s ohall b~ inatallocl und ma?.r~tained as ohown on aubmittec', p2ano. 13. * That: fire aprinklQrr~ c~ha11 bs in~t:al.led ao requfred by the Fire Dep.:.rtment . -3•- PC91-176 ;;,`' ~ ~~7 ,~ t,~r;•r,1 ~,.-. ~a,i}r~.y+, 1~. * That all air ronditioni.ng faciliti.es and other rooF ancl graund m~untod equipmant 3ha11 be propr_rly ehielded Erom vi~w and the sound bufferec: frorn adjaconi: re~ic~~r.ta.al pzopeztiep. Such in~'ormatian ohall b~ apUri.fically sti~wn on ihe plana submttted f.or buildin~J p~rmita. 15. Th~zt a11 plumbing or ~ttier aimilar pipee and fix~uren located on tF~o exteri.or of tYio buildirig aha'll be ful].y sr,rEEnod by architc~ct~iral r~avic.ea and/nr appra~riate b~~ilding mat~ri~lo; ancl, furthor, that ouciz informati~n eha11 b~ specifi.cal].y ~,k~nwn on the plana suamitted for building pormita. 16. * That prior tn i£suancn ~f a build.tng permit, oatisfar,torx evidenoe aha11 be prdsenteci L-o the B~,~ilding Divis:lon ehowing that the ~roposad project i~ in coz~form4nce with C~tincii Pulicy Number 542 "Sound Atteriuation in Resi.dent3.a1 Yrojectl'~ ancz witl~i Naise Ineulation Standard~ sper.ified in ~ chc: Californ3.a Aciminiat•rativn CodQ, 'I'itle 25. ~~ ~7 • P k That. a six { 6) Poot high mas~nr,y block w~ll shall be construr.~,~d and mai.ntained alonc~ the noL~th praperty line; provided, ttowever +~hat L•he ~ , c ity Traf~fic an~' Transportation Manlgnr shaLl have the avtharity to reduce the height of the wal.l to prot~ci: v:.sual lines~-af~-sight where pede~trian and/or veh.icula.r cirr.ulation intersr~ct. Sai.d bloclt wall ~hall be plar~ted an~i maintai.necl with clir~ging vines to el?minate graffiti opportunit.i~s. .- : i.d wail and ].ar~d~ca~~ing ahall bc r~peeificlJ.ly sl:own on the plana submitted i:.,• building p~rmit:~. 19• * ThaL• the ~n-sitc landscapinc~ and irri~atian :~ystem ~hal~ be x-efurbi~hEd and ai~iintain~d in compliance with c.i.ty stanclards. 19• That prior ~o i~suance of a bui.lding p~:rmit, the ].Ag3], FzoF~lty ownnr ~hall prepare ai~d record an un~ubordir.ated c~venant 2imiting r~cupancy of ~ach apartrnen,t unit •to no rnore than two (2j peY$ons (ota~r than cttildren unde.r tho ag~ of two f?.~ yeara) per bQdroom. Sald limitat;i~n shall be , included. in each lease/x•ental agreemeat. A copy of tk-e c~venant phall be . submitted to and apprnved by the City At~ornQy pri~z to recordatian wii:h tt?e Office of• rhe Oranqe County ~t~carder. 11 copy nf thQ recardQd c~venant shall be :Ur'R~.AI1~4' to the 7.uning Divi~iun. 20. That a covena~7L• shall be rccord~~d with the Off.ic~ of ~he Orange County Recorder ae~reei:~ig to prcvi.de ~he r.ent~~r of cach dwelliny unit wi.th ~.vr. i_tteri informatian obtained from ttie UIICIC-?z'1~/111GJ schonl diatrict ( s) pertai.ning ta passible overcrowded conditionn ~nd bus.tny statua of t:he schoo:ls servir,g the dwell.ing unit. A copy of the coveriant sha,l be ~ubmitted to a.nd approved by the City Ai:t~rnFy prior tu recordation, R copy of khe .rec~rd~ d cov~nant st~all h~ eubmitte4 to th~ 'L~ning f)ivi~ioii. 21. Talat aubject propei~ty sk:all be dc~vel~ped ~suY~r3tantia~ iy in accordance with plans and sp~cificationc~ submitL-ed to the City of Anatieim by the pet f.tiorier. and whi.ch plans are on file with ttte Plann.iriy Aepartnient markEC''. 12evision Nu. 1 cf E:xhibi.t Noe. 1 through c~. -'~- nC97.-176 ~~~ _ ',~;~;~ ,;r~a~-~:~ti ~;, ' ~ , ,°`~"~~! ''~ 22. • T}iat prior to i~HUance of. a~ building permi~: cr withln a p~3riod of one (1) yoar from the dat:~ of this ~:o~ol.ution, wh:lch.evEr ~accuro first, Condi~cior. ~Q~• ~~ 2r 3~ 5r 6~ 7~ 8,, ~?~ 11~ 1?.~ 14~ 1,5~ 16~ .17~ 13 ~tnd 20~ abave- m~nti.oned, ohall be cr~mplied with. Extena.ions f.or furtliez~ timc~ to comglete said condit.iona m,sy b~; granted ic~ accordance w,ith 5~ction 13.03.090 of. thc Anaheim Diuntcinal Code. 23. That F~rinr to fi.nal bui.l.diny ~~nd T`fl.LI1CJ inspectiori~, Conditi.an Noc~. 4, 9, 10, 13, 1.7, :l8 and ?..1, a~ove-mc~~,t ~~~d, sha11 be co,t~~alied wii:h. 24. * Tha~. appz•ova7, of this applicat;ior; cons~.itutes aporoval c~f the propos~!d r~q~i~st nnly to the ext~nt: that it compliea with Lhe Anaheim Mun.ic~,pal Zoning C~de and an~• other appla.cable Ci.ty, Stato~ ~nd Federal regulations. Approval doesa no~ include any action or :Cindzng~ a3 to c~mpliatic~ or approval o: r,he request regarding any oth.ar applioabl~ ordinanc~, ragulation o~: requirement. Conditiona mar.kr~d wi.th an astorisk (*) az•e require ~ by ei~tabli~hc:d laws, r.odea, ragulation;~ ar~d agrePme;nts 3nd are, thereforc~, not auf~ject; to nsqu~iation. 13E IT FURTH~;R R2:SUL~:~D that tl~ie Anah~im City Planninc~ Cc:~mmiabian dc~es i~~ere~y fi.nd arid dpt;ermine that ado~tion oF thia lte~olui~iar~ is expre~.ily ~redicated upon aprlir.ant' a camplj.a:1CP wLth ~ach and all uf. th~ conditicros hereinabove ae~ forth. Sliou:Lcl any eiiclY conditions, or any ~ar_t th~3reof, be dec.larsd invalid or~ unenfo.cceaql~ by the final judgment o. any court o£ c~~mpetent juri~d~ ction, ~hsn tliis RF:so~ut~'.orZ, ancl any appx~ovala here~in contained, ~ha11 b~ d~~med null and voici. THG I'OREGU7NG R~:SOGUY'Sp;; was ~~dopted at ihe Pl.anni.rig ~~ommisst.on mecting oF November 4, 1991. ~ " / i'~ i'~ , ~,;9 ,~- .~ . f ~, / ~ ~ /~'• . ~ / / ,, ,`~~; 'r,•,' ~f G'~ i?..L_r CCiT~If~:MAN, ANAHEIM CT Y~,~fi1G~ISSTON AT'I'J,ST: (, ....- ' ~ •24~,~,G [~_ ~; ~~ !~•.. .rt~..~ •~~_:~ _.._... SLCRETA!tt, ANAHEIM ~TTy pL;~NNIIVG C.pMM,iSSTVP7 STAi'E qF CF~I~Ib'ORNIA ) COT)N'PY OF' ORANGE j ~.~R, CI'PY OI' .ANAI•lEIM ) T, F.dith L. Iiarria, Secretary of the Anaheim City 1~laiining C:or,imis~ion~ do tlere~~y certify t1:aL- the for~go.ing reoolution wap pa~:ged ana a,lo~red at a meeting r~f the ~lnaheim Ci.t: P.lanninc7 Commts3ion held ori Novomber 4, 1991~ by *he fcllowicly vo~c~ of the members tt~ereof: AYES: COMMISSIOIJERS: f30UAS, DRISTOL, HELLYEI2, HF;N;:INGER, MESSF,, Z~Mr~T. NOFS: COMMISSION~RS: NONE AASLNT: COMN.ISSIpNERS: PERIIZA Zt WITNES ~ p7HERE0F, Z have hereunlo s~t my hand thi¢~ ~~~i- ~ay o f ~C nt,~.~ ~- r, 19 91. ~ --- • I /~ c~.l.r._.~ ~?~~ ~~ ~Z.-^l~ ~ ~. ~.~_ SE~P,ETF1kY~ ANAHi:IM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION -~r '~" Pr91-176