Resolution-PC 91-177N ~'~F~1{~ RESOLUTrnN ntn_ A~y1_~~ ~~~R p, RESOLUTTON Ob' THE ANA[iEIM t`ITX PLANNING CODiMISS'ON RF~CUDiMEPJpTNG AMENllMENT TO pRpINANCE N0, 4860 F'ERTAINING TO SPLCIP'IG ~I,AN NU. $'7•.1 (THE HIGHLANDS AT ANAHE.IM HTLLS} WHFsREAS, tihQ ~~~y C~uncil G•pprava3 SpQ,,,~fic Plan No. Ef7-1 ~gpg~_1~ (The Highlands ar Anaheim Hills) on Jur1a l3, 19g7 and subsequentl ,~~ Ordinanc~ p1p. ~}8C0 ~~a~ablishing Chap~:er 18, 70 which implemeni:~ ~p~~y ~~o~ted ' and De~-elopmcnt Stai~dard~s) and Ordinance 1 Zoning ;~' No. 4361. (establishinc the SPA7-1 ron~~) ori Auguafi 25, 1987. SP87-1 is intended ta provicle for the develapment of a total of g1G ,zcr~9 including a ma:;imum of 2 cc~mmercia.l ,147 residential uniL•A, 8 a~rce of uaes, a parlc aite, an 8-acre F.,lem~ntary achoo:l site and a~proximat~XY ;92 aciES ~f open space; ~nd ~ WH~REAS, ~he I~etition~x, preslcy of Southern Califainia ,;, ~ ame-~dmerzta to UrdinancP Nu. ~ltiep , requasts residential to (1) pErmit devQlopmQrit oP a 162-uni.t condominium complex instead oE a 234-unit senior ciL•izena' apai tme~it complex in n~ve;.opment Ai'83 11 anci ~ 2~ ~at~ibllsh cortAin de~,•~1Qpmenk standarda for ,residQntial condomi.ciiuma in the ^ for nevel~ onning r-~nd Deve].a~iinGnt Standard~ P~erit ilrea 11 (Cc~de Sectian 18.70.060,pG0). , GvriFFtEAS, the City Pl.anning Cummi~gion did hold a puY~? ic nearin~~ at th~ Civ.ic Cente~r in the Gity of Anaheim on October 21, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notice cf ~~~,-~ public t~e,3riny havinq bc~en duly given ae requ.ired by law and in accord~3nce with the provisions of :he Anahcirri htunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and con~ider. evidence foz~ ~nd again~t eaid proposed amendcnc~nt and to investigate and make findings anc.i recammenc3st.ions in cc~nnectien thcrewith; and Comn i~sio~ ~»t~~zn~,: h~ar' ng way continued to t}i~ flovemher 4, 199:~ i~lanning Wf•IERL,AS, ~zid Commie9ion, after duo ir.spection, invepi-iq~tion and sr.udy mc3d~ by itsel.f ~nc~ in its behalf, .3nd after duE cacisideration ~t all ~vid~nr~ and i•~~,ort~ pffere:~ at 3ai.d 1z~arincJ, does find 3~1C~ datermino the ~ul.'awing facts. ' 1. That the fi:.~c rp~ uest~ DeveJ.opment c~-~nuards , ~ d amendment L•o th~ 7oning and -~ Eor D~vel~pinES;~; prea 11 .pE.rL•ains tc, r~quired lot frontage i.n ~ :ie RM-3~ ppp ~on~, ~~~1~ re:~uire~ that ~L1 lots sY~all frank on a ubl.! c ; street. Tlie petitioncr pt-op~r~~ that a}~rivate atreet systeni bE perinitted~ 2. That th~ s~cond requea~ed amendmpnt to eaid Zoning and Deve.lopme;~t Star,darda pPrtains tc, the -ninimum lot wi.dtri z9quir.ement in t'r.e NM--3,000 Zunc, G~dc~ rec~uirec~ tnat a11 lote m~intnin ~ minimu.n 1ot width of 70 , ~ecc. Th~ Pet.itior~er propoaee ~llowl.ng ttte lota uti.li2ed zor priv3~e streeL- puip°~sf'4 ±~ r~ai;~tair~ a minimum lot width of. 20 r~ ' ac..~.~~. r 3. That the th.ira zQqu~ated Development Si:ai1dards p~zt ins t amendment t~~ ~aid Zo:zing and a ~ the mini.mum n per dwe~llinq unit. Cade currAn* l bas~ umber ~f required pa.rkinc~ s aces P y a "~n~`'''Y"-~=~~~" 4:~ics on t11e :~~ number of bedrooms in the par)c.ing ' requirement for ~; 2-beclrc~om unit and 3., ~pa~~8 p~r 3-bedr~om each uni. r_: 2,5 sgacea per 1- or y~ nrop~3es to base tti~ r~g,~ir~ment o ~h or larger uni.t. The p~titioner e a n ~ spaces par 1,225 cq.ft. qua;re footar~~ of or smallPr unzt and ? 5 each unit: ).5 . ~q.ft. space~ per unit exceedi.ng 1,225 ~~~~`~'~: Cn~ 335MS rl FC91-i;7 , ti~~ ~~''' ~ ~ P ~+`•: ~ ,; i ~~'~~ ,~ ~ ~~~~ ,. ~ ~~ ~' ~ 4. r4"lIU~~ ~~~ 4, Tlzat the propo~aed redesigi~ation of. Development Area 11 fram a 9enior Citizen~n aparhment complex to a Multiplo-l~amily, Attachc~d designation is con3fat~r.~ Wj.th and com~li-aentary to surrounding ~,and ~.~se~. prov9.d~d tha~ ttie propu~ed project cor~lorm~ to :he Zoning and Dnvelupment 3t.at~clarda of De~velopc.:~nt F.rea 11, as propo~ad. 5• Tl~~at propar~ed d~velopment stand~rde arc~ conaisten~ with thor.e preseni:l, utilixed by othe.r rondominium camgl~xAa wi*.hin ~'h~ Highlande at Anal:~im Hi.l.l~s. ~ 6, ~hat the pro~~erty proppaed far thE SpeciEic Plan, ~a amQndod, Yia~ txnique s~,t~ characLa;:iotics su~h as tupngraphy, loc;ai:ion or eurrour.dings which 1r, enhanced by s~ecial land urie and development standara~. 7. 'rhai: ~hn SpECific Plan, a~ amended, ;~y ~onaiatent with ~he goal3 ar~d palirie:> ~f the G~neral Plan and with thF ~i~Lposea, standards ~nd laild u~~ ~Juidelines cor,t.ained therein, 8• 'rf11t the Gpec Lf ic P.lan, a~ amended, r~gUl~g in d~vei~pment of d~:3iraUi~ ct:ar~irt~r ti~h~ch w~.l.l be compatible with Px,~~ting ancl pr~poead devel~pm~nt in ~he yurrouncli.ng neighbc~rhoo~. `~ •'That: th~ SpeciEic Plar~., a~ amended, contributes tc~ a balancP of land use~. 10, ~rtlat the Specific Plan, aa amendc~d, respects en~c~ixonm~nta.l and aesthetic re~oUrc~~ can~iet~nt witli ecAnomic realitie~s. CAL7FORNIA _~NVIRONtQEPl~AI_~UAIYITY ACT FIN~~; That the Anaheim City FLanning ~o~.~ssion haa reviewed the prop~sal tn Amftlla Crdinanco No. 4860 t~o ( 1) Fe:rmit c~~v~lopment ~~f a 162~unit resir~enti.al c~ndo~ninium complex i.nstead oF a. 234•-unit aenior citizen~ ~ apa.rtment complex and (2 } Establistz certain developm~nt ytandard~ foz residEntial conc~omitiiums i.n th° Zor.ing and Ue:~lopmenc St~tndard3 fcr Devel.~pment Area 11 (Coda S~G~ion 18.70.p60.060~ ~n pro~~erty which ~~nsiatfl ~~~ approximatel,y 12.40 acros general7-Y '~~unded by The Summit of ]lnaheiin Hill~ Dtvelopm~nt Area 101 to the narth~ast, xhe Highlands ~t Ar.ah~~m Hill~ pe•~~lopment Ar.ea g~o the nor.thwcaL, Th~ High.lande at Anah~im Fzi].ls Dev~l~~pment Ar~a 12 to the suu~h and The Ei~ qhlands at Anaheim Hil'ls Devcl~pmrant Ar.ea lU to the we~t and further de~cribec] as Usv~lopmPnt Area 11 of Tl~c Fliglilands aL• Anahe~im Hills Specific Plan (SPS37-1); and dnes h~raby approve the Cregativc~ Ueclarar ion upo~i f inding thaL• ' t has c~neicleled thp Negative Dcclaration l:og~~ther with any con~r~ents recei red c;uring the publl.c r~view pr~cess and fuL•L•her findin~~ an *_he ba~i~ that the initial study and any commentr~ receiv~a that thern is no ~ubstantial ~v.idence ttiat the prQject will ha•Je a~ir,ni?:icant effect ~n L•he environm~nt. NUW, THF:REb`OR~, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim C:.ity Planning Cor~mis~i.on does hereby ~-~~,~R~;~~end amendmont t~ Devplopment Area 11 includinq th~ i,o~i.iz~g ~~nd D~, ~lopment: Standard~, aa requested b~r t;he ~ppiicant, and fu.rth~r iQCOmmends that the Ci,~;y p,tto_ney prepare an ord.iria:ice to eU-ainQnd Chapter 18.70 of the t~natieirr~ i;uni.cipal Code, aa follows: ~2- Pr91-.17' ;;;i: [IEVf;LOE'MENT_.Fi_Tr ._i)1RDS. Ttiat rUCtio11 1ti.70.OG0.OG~ be um~ncl~d i.n ito ent:iraty to road: "Devolopmnnt Are~. I1. Art~K~ ~o be devalopeci fa~ attncF~~d ~inqle family clu3r_ec typ~ hous;.ng, Ali StandArdn of the "RM-3,000(SC}" Zo:te (Cha~~er 1f3.J1) ah~ll r~pply ~x.c~pt ne ott~2rwist~ p['AVj.CIE34 belowt" 'I';~at S`c~ivn ~d.7~.OfiO.OGp(n) be ~zmendQd i.n ith ontirQty to roc-dt "~?e~:~uired t.~t F'r~;~t~ye. Any ]oc: may fronr, u~,on eithQr ~7 privat~ ~r c~ i)>l ic ncce~:3w,iy, ,~ T;iat Sc~ctien 28.'J0.060.OG0(!~) bn amc~r.clc~d in f.a entirety to read: "tiiiil.mum I.ot wLdth. Any lot utilized ae a vehic~..lar acconeway ohall }:av3 ~~ minimum widt•h of not lonn than twenty (20) feQt." ';t:<7t a new Sect:or :8,70.060.~JE;O(c) be add9d to r~ad: "M.tnimum Numb~ar o; Par~k:rg ~;pac~~. At leaat two ai;d ~ne-hbl f( 2. S) parking epacoa s-~~~11 bc~ ~~rovi.de~.) for.- ~acr~ unit having a lloor .:rea of twelve hundred Lwent-~ E3.ve (],.2i5y ~quare EeQt ~r leos, at Ieast two (2) ~.i which ~!;%~~.. pA cover~:l; ~~nd at l~a~t thre~ a~u1 one-half (3.5) parking 6paces _~':at i }aE> ~;z-c;vi.`~~d f:~r e~,cY: ~~n it 1:a~•sng a t':cor are~~ yrentQr than twel•~e ..1Y::E!!~ L:;~?;iL•~ ~ :V~~ : ~~L2~:~ ..i:.ii8 i~P.Q:~ tlL ~@]P.~ CWO (7~ Of which _...71.~ ~i<? C;,:f?C~'~. ' :~~t_~, ~oR~•co:;;, Ri.5o:.;~::o~~ :adi! dop~ ~ a eci at tf~e F~annin~ Co:r,:1~S810~ ~^.('f'rlf:~ ~~ ~~.~.-E?~.:~._y r~ :`~'~1. / / { ~ ~'t' ~L / ' ~ '/ "b^~ ~ -_ / ~~ . ~i{71:F?XA:'i, Jl~:AE{: i;! C2T LA2eti ~G O:tM:SSIO,i AT'= "r'`;'. . " i .°-----~.___L'.~~~~1L..__..;~:L~_~L~~...._'_~_--------------• - S: C'i?i_°Tsi>Y, il:J~li,~:!: C..'i i'::A'i;..~~~: Cr~•;~~~, ~ -._,cC):i `: : 1: ~, c1 F' CA L I i Oi?:7 I A ) CC1J:~~f ..• Oi?AifGc. ) RtS. C ~ ""i . .,:AF:'r. I r; j Z, E~ith t,. tiar.rie, Senrer_ary Uf the A~ahef~r~ rity Plann:ny c'~=,:s.~=':;~~~;, d~ f,~-ebf c?riif~ tna~ the f~re~~,ofng resolution wae pasae3 and a~fo~;?:«~;] a~, a r:~eri~r:~~ c~f `tie ri:~~;~~fr~ r.;it~ Plannin~~ C~xrxh:sef~~ held an tPove:~b~rr ;,~ -°';. Y.s;~ 'Iye folic;-.~`.r,~ vc,~e af 4.ti1~? c;s~;;,~:era thnreof: !'.':c.`:. i,,y„~r:,`~:~:~',...~'~. F3Ci:;A', ct'>.. , a : J ~" . ..._~:~JL, f f,.,., i:r'~, if~';i:'ri~iGFR !S~'S`iE ZfiM.:'. :/ ., i : :'~''!: : . y ~ r .. . Y.3J .)~Yt,f~. . i1~i~Y='. T.~S:~:.;i; . r'~~~~viSSiC'i'.r:i>S: i't:iaA ~l ~ ~ i~. 1'iii:i:':`i:s S~i"tSF:f~r~S: ~ %11V~? rAK~ie~~itJ £If?~ .'~~ ~i1/1~~ t_~i14 _I..1~""_, ~;3j/ >: _~'[_~.-i:3.71`s_c~~l+i _~ i'1°'l. - / .. < <~~_~~~•J7'^- .i` J1~iI ~ ~ - - _. - ----_ .---~ _. ~_~ '- ~ ~ _ ...~._':;v;llii.S, 15."d4ife i?S ~'i`Y 't'S.7ti~i~iTt:{. Ct};;vi`'S?~O'i ..3" ~C3:-Sy7