Resolution-PC 91-180; ~q$ ;~ ~ ~ RFSOLUTIUN NO. PC91-1(i0 ~~n~(~'~ A R~SOLUTI4~N OF THF ANAHETM CITY PT~ANNING ~nMMISSIAN THAT PLTI'I'ION FOR VARlANCT!~ NO. 9148 BI: (,iRANTP:T'i WHEREAS, th~ Anaheim C'ty P].mnning ~Commiesian di~ reoc~lve m verif.i.~d Petit•ion for Variance foz certain real property eituated in the City of Anzheim, Caunty of Orangr~, Stat~ nf ~alifarni.a deacr.ibod ac~: 1'Hk: SUUTH 151.00 I'T:~'T OF THN NORTEI 217.00 HEET OF '~H~ ~AS'T' FIALI c.`F' THI: N~RTEiWE9T QUARTER ON TF3r, NORTHF.AST QUARi'EP. OF TExE~: N1~22T.~WEST QUARTER OF' 5ECTION 17, 7'OWNSFIIF 4 SOUTEi, RANGF; 1Q W~ST, AS SH04JN ON A DiAn P.ECORb~D TN BGGK 51~ PAGi, I1 OF MISCET.LANEQUS MAPSi AECORDS OJ? ORANGE COUN'I`Y CF~T,TI'ORNIA. ~ WHERLRS, the City Planning Gommiasion did hold a pub~ic hAaring '`, at L•h~ Civic Cent~r in the City r>i' Anahoi-n on N~vember 4, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notice cf ~ai~.l pub].ic hearing having bcen duly ~iven aa roc~uired by ] aw ~3nd in accordance with the ~rovisi~ns of the An~he.im Diunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, L•o hear and C011~~.r~QZ evidenc:~ for and against ea! d pr~posed varis~tce and to inve~tigate and mak~ findinga and recommendations in connection tharew.ith; atid WEtEF.EAS, s..iid Commiasiori, ~Pter due iri~pection, invQatigatior~ ancl ~tudy made by itself• and in ite beha].f, and afte~ due con~ideration of aLl ~J1.C~~I1CE an~3 r~porta offered at ~aid hearing, does find and determtne th~ ioll~wing facts: 1, That •~;ie pctiLinn~r prc~~os~s ti~aiver~s of the fallowing uncl~r authority of Code S~ction 18.GF.080 tu er~tablish 1,~328 e~.ft. o£ ~r~edic~l offir.e iiae 411hF11I1 an e>:i~ting 5, B:iO sq. ft. commercial retail ctnt~r: SECTIC?NS 18.06.U50~Q?._.11. - Mi_n.imum, number of parkin~,~ace~. 1£3.06.05:).07.t2 (2E~ requir~~9; 23 pr.o~osecl) 18.OG.CJ50.022 and tf3.44.066.050 2. Tti~~L- the abov~-mentioned waiver ic hereby grantecl on the ba~i.s that *hA ~arlcing waiver will not ~;ausr~ an increaee in traffic cc,ny~~tion in tlz~ immediat•e vicinity no.r. adversely af~ecL any adjuining land 4aeo and ~~ granting of i:he parking waiver under the conditions imposad, iP any, will not bP detrimental t~ the peace, heult:h~ safety and general wc~lfar.e of ttie citizen~ ~ of th~ City uf Anaheim. 3. That there are exreptional or extraordinar.y circumetancQ~ or C011C.~].~10219 applicable to r.he pr~~ucrty involrcd or to the intendod use cf the prope:rty that do not apply gener.al'_~ ro the pzopezty o~ clase of uae in ~he ~am~ vic.~nlty and zcne. A. That ~he reque~ted variance iD necansary for the pre~ervation unc~ enjeymecit of a:~ubstantial property right p~Q~essed by ather propPrty in the a~ime v:;.cinity and a.ane, a~id deni~~d tn the property in fjl1P.3Fj.JR. CR13~122d:i -i- PC91-180 ~ r~~~s~~ 5. 'I'hai. th~ requ~ntc~d va.riance wi11 not b~ materially dc~i-rLmenLal i:o the Z~ublic welfar.e ~r injur.i~ua t~ 1:ho r..raperty or i,mpravements fit eucl~~ vici.ni.ty and zone i,n which tho proparty ie located. 6. Tl~ai: ~n~ person indicai:~cl t-ia p.rasence at said public :ieariny in opr>o~3i.tion; and that nc: corr.~sp~ndenca waa r.eceiv~d in oYpoqition ~:o r~ubject petition. CALIFARNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OU}1LITY ACT FJY~DXNG: That thQ Anaheim city ~lanning COCl1[11~891011 has reviowad the prUp~c~al for waiver. o~ minimum numhor ~~F par.king gpaces tn establ.ieh 1,828 oq.fto of ineclJ..ca.l offiaQ use ~~it~~in an , exi.~+ting 5, t350 ~q. ft, c:~itinprcial retail contet on a rec~angularly-shapcad parael o[ l~xnd consisti.ng oi approximately 0.~9 acre, hzvLng a frontage o£ approxim~tc:ly 11~ feet on tha eoui:h aide af Lincoln Avenue, having a ma:cimum dept}~ of ~lpproximatcly i50 feet, being .located approximataly 522 feQt east of. i:he c~nterline af Empi.re StL~et ~nd further described ae 2010 W~s~ Ltncoln Avctiu~; arid doe~ hereby a~prove tha Ne~~ative LEClarai:ion ugan finding that i*_ has cons.id~red tho Negative Daclaratinn together wi~h any commente receiv~~3 durinr~ th~~ publ.ic rFVi~v~ pracoso and furt.her finding on ttte basi~ that the init.ial study 1I1~ any comments received that therE i3 no aubstantial. evidence that Y_he projec~: will have a~iyriificant ~ffect an ttie c~nvirort~nent. NOW, THI?I2L"N'nRr; ElE IT :ESOLVED th~t: the .'~nah+aim Cii:y Pianning Comi,~ission does h~r.c~by grunt ~ubject; Fetition for Vaziance, upon the following conaiticns which are her~by L•ound to bc a nece~sar.y prer~qui.site to t:he nropo:~ed u,c~ of r.fi~~ ~ubjcct ~roj~erty in nrder to nres~rve the safety and ~~neral welf~3re ~f tn~ Ci.tizen3 ~~f th~ City of Anaheim: 1. ~ That prior t~ r.enclering c~f uny »ew wa•ter aervice, the appropriate teer~ du~ for ~rir~ary o~ater mainr~ and fire p.rotectian servir,e ahall be paid ~o the Water Enr~ineering Diviaian in a~curdanr,e witYi Rulea 151~ ~znd 20 ~f the WaL-er Utility Rates, RuleR ~nd R~gu?ationa. 2. * 1't~at pricr. to iasuance o£ a buildin7 p~r.mit, a traffic signal a9aea~mant fee c~qualin~ thc differ_•ence betwetn ~Lh~ comniercial ~nd rnedical a~ses~ment £ees shall be paid ~o the City of Anah~im in an amount aR e3~a}-lished by City c;OllTl: il Resoluti~n. 3. w`fhat pl.ans .~}iall be submi.ttecl t~ the City Traf£ic and Transpurtation bSa:~ager for. hin r.evi ew dc~d approval shov~ing conformance with the 1ate~t r.e:f.~ion:a oz Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436 and 602 pertaining to parb;incJ ~tandards and driveway locaCi~na. Subject prap~rty 9ha11 ~:heLCUpou be dev~.loped and maintaine~] in con£ormanct with said plans. 4. X That trash ctor~age ai~eas s}:all be p~:ovide:d and ~naintained in a location acce~~tabl.e to the Department of Maintenance a.nd in acaordance with ~ppr~••~a pl~ns on file with said Ueparrmc~nt. Such informati~n ~haZl be sp~cifi.cal].y shoo~n oii the plan~ ~ubmitted for build.ing p~rmito. 5. That a P1an Shc>et for ~~lid waste Ei~orage and callection and a plan for rec~{cling s:xall. be aubmi~tted to tii~ Departmen+~ of Maintenzn~.e for reviFw anc< ap~rova7.. -2~ ~ +' PC91-180 ~, sr~ ,:r~J:u.. E;, That zn on-aite ~rash ~ruak turn-around area ahall be pro~: ir~~d and mai.nt.ainad to t:11P. aatisfaction of tk~o Daparrment of MainY.en~r~ce. Saicl turn-•around area c~h~all be ap~cif ically st~c~wn on p].an~ submi.tLed for b+aildina pezmiLs. ~. Tl~at the uwnQr of ~~abjQCt pro~prty ~ti~ll submit a le~ter requQSttng t~rmina~ion ~f Var.iance No. 532 (tu cnnetr.uct ~ supermarket) ta the 2onii~~g Divisic~n. g, * That a1L ai.r r.ondit~.oning faci.litiea and ather roof ~.nd ~round mountecl e~uiptn~nc s11a11 b~ properlv ahieldc~d irom vt.ew and the oound butfered from arlj~cenc residentia~ pLOper.ti.o~+. 5uch information shall b~ specificll.ly shown on the pLana ~ub:nitted for butlcling permits. y. That a11 ptumpinc~ or aL-her similar pipee and fixL-ures located on th~ exterior of the buildi.ng shal.l be fully scr.ee~iAd by architectural dovicas and/o~.• ~.ppropriaL-c builcling materia7.q; and, Purth~r, zhat such information sh111 Lo spQClficaliy shown on th~ plano nubmitt4d for bui.Ldir.g permi~a. 10. * Thst tk~~ pr.npoc~al ghall corapl.y witY- all gigni.ng r~auireBQnns af the .^.L "Commercial, L.im.ited" zone unlesa a varianca allowing Admtnistxatar~ approved by the City Council, PL~nninc7 Cor.unission or Zoning and exc~pt as otherwi~G r~~~ricte~ ?~y Conditf.oci t4o. 11 her.e~.n• ll. That any proposed freestandi.n~ siyn o~l aubject ~roper.ty ahall be a rnr,nunient-type not exceeraing eight (8) feet i.n height and shall be s~bject; to the r•eview and ar~proval of i:he Cti:y ;raffic azid Tranap~rtatinri NCanager to detei-mine adequai:o line3-~f-si.ght• 12. *'Phat the on••nit~ landacaping and irrigation ~yet~m shall be r~furbished and maintained zn c~mpi~~nc~ wit'r. City atandarda. 1;. *`ph~ti ~{1e p~irking ar~a %~djacent to Lincoln Avenue shall be acroened fznm va.ew in conf.ormance with Zoning Code Se:ction i8.44.06~1.07.0. Such ~creeniny ahall be ahown on plans 3ubmitted Lor buil~~inc~ p~rm.its. 14. Th1t any i:ree planted on-site shal.J. be replaceor{~Qad~imely manner in the event r.hat it i~ r.emaved, damaged, di~~iased anc./ 15. Th~t subject property shall be devcloped substantially in ace~rd~nce w~he plans and epecifiaationo eubmitt~d t~~ ths C~.tv of AnaYieim by per.i.ti.oner.~ an~z wh.Lch pllne are on fila ~sit;h thQ Planning Departniont rca~les Exllibit Nos. 1 and 'l; Provided, howPVer, that the exioting barrier (p and chain) between aubject property and the ddjacent property to the west ~3t1311 bF., rcn;oved to provide ~hrou~h ~cce.sa and ci~:culltion foz L•La3h truck~. i.6. Ttiat a perp~tual eas~ment agreement with the ].ega1 owner(c+) ~f thP property to the wesr~ Pro1~_ding for cirrul~tion of tzaah truck~ from ~ne pazcel Yo thr~ oth~:r, 3ha11 be aubmitted to tY~e City Attorney':~ Office for ~evi.ew and approval. 'Phe approved agreem~nt sha:Ll then L'e recorded in the off.ice of th° Orange County Recerder. P~~of ot i~ecordation sha11 b~ submitted to tl~e Zoning Division. ~~~ PC91-180 17. ~t~at ~~rio~ ta nm~ncement of th~ activity autt.' lzt~d by this reaolution, «r prtor to lanuanac~ of a building permit, ar wfthin a peri~d o: one (1) ye~1r from eha date of this reeolution, whichever or.cura first, Condition tto~. 'l, 3, 4, 5, H, 9, 13 and 1G, ubav~-mention~d, ehrsll Ue conipliod with. Extenatona f_nr furthar Clme to completa e~id c:onditlona may be .,rante~l i.-i ~ccc~rcfan~•c~ with Section 13.03.090 nf tho Anaheim N~~nicipat Ccdr+. :(3. 'I'haL ~~~•i.ur tc~ :;oremer~cer,tent of t:h~ ac:Llvt,ty a~~thnelr.ed by thio roeo'iutiun oc• p,:iUx' to fi-ial buildin, and xoninr- I.n~pcrcti~n~, wltiCh~veY accuYS~ firat, C:oncfit[on t~<~~. G, ]2, 1? and !5, ~-:ovc~-mentione~l, eh~11 be comE~lled with. :?. '':~:a.: ~if?F,r:7vni ~' this a~aplicacion cc~n~••Ltutee approvai oE tn~ ~~re~,~hecl rc:i!.lf':5;: only to tt~r. extenr_ tt~at ir C:IiT~J1LF_~~ w±Ch the Anahe.im ;Stimicipal ",:~:~ing ~ocir. r~;~;i ~i;;~ at:ier af,~,licable city, State .~rzci E'ederal regulatione. r'+,;'r=~'ral 'i•.~~-3 r~o~ incli,ci~ an~~ action or. fin~iingu ~s~ tu compli~ncA or. 1~`F)Yc'7VnE of r.}:~ L'CC~tin~;L Yf)~ICCIiJI'~ ~~ny oL)~~r appli::able ardfranca, f"E?<7~ii.:~i. iC)11 GL" 1'E:"~LI1L'~':r:e:~* . Cr~;~cilr lCiifT {'?el[ ~{f?C~ 4/1~.`tl c7l1 .7fItf21', 1RiC ~*~ 1L'@ re~;uired T~y ~aQt~b:ir~t~ed ~awn, ccdc~~, --~c}ula•,;iona anci ngreemento and arQ, tt:nrefore, n:>t R~.ib jert to r~egot.atic,n. ~° ;; "r'LT;?:f!t R RE,Ui.YEd that tt:e ,1r~~heim Cit y Plarsninq Co~rmieaion c:ces E~~i~nL! -1fi~-~ anc! C~QLQYSR~1'1P_ th~~ ado~tlon off thia R~6oluCi~on i4 exprc~naly S'~I'~?:~1(`i~:c?!~ q]~~Sl 1~r 1~^_3.^.~ .. ...,. ~: ~ .t t, ~}i a C3 ~-,~- "'"i,- ar•~a ;..~„ ea n aii af the COI1di~lOTiH Y:~>rcir,~~L~•v~ ac~ forr}~. Sho~iG any sucF con~.fitiona, or ar.y ~ari. thEre~f, ~e c'.~:c:area i•:•:<.licl or unen:urceabl~ '~y th~a :i~-al ~udgn;artit of t,ny co~:rt o: .:%":j:t'tj?1:` ')17F: 13ciictia;ti, tticri ihi.~ Rcr,c~.ution, a.~d any ap~ ruvaZti h~reir~ c^r~n~::e ~, -!~~z~i ]:c~ ci«e-~d r,isil a.^,~ voic.. :i:.. FOi?'r.';7i::!; Fy~.`~iO~.,.:O.i w83 ~A~S:7pr.e•:3 a'1L :.~:@ P; nr' Ccxfi`S ti sfc,~ . .-~,~t t r. ;' . ,ve- ;r:- ,; .'y" . . -- -.~'~%~-~_~~ / ^ c~r,~~r.~;, F~PiAf#ET?4 c:,^~r. L:-t:ri cox:~ ssro:s -, : . .... . . . . - ,; , . .' ; :. ti. .. ..~lrt/ s: )" , _ ___ _ . _ ...~ _._. _ ~ _._L..~~... i._Y~i :..:_:.1"'__ -=.C:3~.rr~t~~f. f!~iiltt'..~~ ~.:.1 ~'..t1~.ii~ii'r i~~ii!,`!.~~~:.C~`i :~ a i~ . _. ' }: ~::t... t ~':?:e . i. p i-;;ti'..~ . _ C. ~):'A: . _. } .... . !: _ : Y C':` A:ifl~t .::~ i r, ..~.:~'_.. .. ~iarri~c, ;~~~r~r.~rf ~~€ '.~z~ A^aP~es.:t ~~i1:v Plan~irtg ~~(;.^",i`.:~•£'e~::~ :j~ ~:o~TF?.i~ .^_er*afy C:~tdL ~6E forr.~oir~~ C9S['i1RIt1Uf1 WaP passa;! t3T1~ ~~r~,p•~r>~~ ~~ a ~:e~t ir~*~ of Lhe Ar.ahPiY+ ~'it f Pflannin~ Cv-ur.isei.am nelc! an trovp;r,bpr ~., ~, ~ 2, i;y r,:n f~1 :ryw:~., v~~e nf l.he rcf;aba. s*_hartr~f : T:"f?':>: f~!.'::M:S:iIf`2i~r1.3: it:':Dil_S~ IIRiSTUi,~ iiEi.LY~u~~ ~~HNt1ITi;'~3H~ !!£SSfi~ Z~Y.F:L ~i'~:.... .....:?t:.,S~O;f~PS. i:(3:iP, :T1YJ~.'t ~ . ~1i:~:~k ~].J It~Ji~:.:RJ: f ~Rll7ll t tl ~rE': `It.~.J ~lsfar7~:C5? r `~? n n tia pi ~~, F ~ Y - ~!- -- - -- - - , . r . ' a ~: )"~t~ ~ ~ ..~n'1 Fr; s _ _~~ efa7 ~ ,.~~ .: ,*s. ~ i , ~ . -- . ~ ---- ~ ~ ~. ~!' , ----- *..-a~~t~---j':__._!_r'f~ r _ '~'r_~_u _ _._____ "~';:?F.rr~rtiY, h2t~~,•iF.i?4 f,~ i i~ F'i~h'i~1A~f~s" f;~'JY..Sr33~~37i -'-- ~,.`y fl _ I8~'~