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Resolution-PC 91-181
Rr~:>L_v_rx~N r,.+4, c~C.~:.~8~. A FtESULUTIUN OF THF~ ANA;f~IFt C:1TY PLANNIt~C COMMIS5I0;7 ~'ftA'r F>~TITION FOR ttECLASSIPlCATIOt! NO. 91-y2..q8 Dr;, CMNTED WHFREAS, tii~ Anafiei.m City Planning Commieaion did re~eeive a ~:erif.~.ed p~±tition for. RQClar~hification tor r~11 propc~rty ~i!:~~ato;l !n the City .;f RnahF~im, Cnunty of oxsngc, SkaL•c~ o£ Calx' a, dQr~cr3.b~d a~~ followo; 'I'liAT FORTJOi7 OF ~,UT 'i OF 11rlA}iE:iM EXTE:t7SIc~N, IN TFlL~ CiTY nI' ItNAHF:iM, COUfiTY t)F URAP7GF:, 5TATE UF C1LIF'(1RNIA, AC•CCRbIt+C 'f0 A A;AF UG' ~UitVF;Y MADE P,Y WII.LIAM NAMEL, ACKt.UWLIi~Gi:b BX 11LFR::U F!Of31t7Sh17, 7'f?US7'?E, ~plp ~~p~ F'II.C I[7 'I'HE OPFICti: OF TH6: CUUtJT7 itECORb$F? t?F COS A;iGELt`S CQIII:TY, ~`At.IE'c)Ri7IA, U~:SCitZBi~:U A£; ,~OLT.Or~:;: i;~ ~~~~: AT TfiE SOUTNF;AST CU7'.tiE:ft UE' I,AtiG~ D~SCRL(3L0 It; ('iEEU '~n WII.LLF1tt M. FtA'1M. AtiD WIcE. RGC:;,iD:.U APRTL '20, 19$) It7 EiC~OK 1£i3:, F;1CG: 283~ Q'rF'ICIT.G Rf:(:QFL~~. S~it) POl:tT F3F.I~iC .;7 'ifl:~; C'c:~l:G~! L2t3~ U'r F'LA~~'r.';;TIA AVE[JIJE AtiU ~ISTA;:2' SO(iTH ~` ~~1' ~^.J" St:S'" ]3.'"i.70 :~EET zROM THT~ (tiTERS~C'ii0:1 OF 3AT~ Ci~~~TF:2 :.2'Jc: Wi':'N 'Y't~c: Cc:;ti~Ft :,:t~F, UF iYr:~ll?ORF. AVEC7U~:, RS Stl:i~ 3iF2re.i:i elRe. SrfCl':J:I Oi1 J~ ~~a ~~ mn. f'"i~.:ORDF.U I?: r •~•~~~i tiG. 14:iI, BC~Y. ~0. PACc:S 2E! A::n [9 OF' I~:ISC't".f.:.l:IEOGS ;{~~pc. ~p,::~J~na G~' UFJ~fiG£ C(~U~iTY, CAL:F'UR:1IA~ Tti~iJ~.c, ~Cli~ff '''•~~3 FF.~: AiOi~C 'iii'r' C.c;iT~:Ft ..?tiF. UF SA;~ P-.ilCEfiTIA AVE:tiU£ `=U + i1E t:UFcTFi~'RS, ERT ` 1~ROLn?eCTiTlO;i OP THE tlOA:H LIt~E UF 1.C3T 123 U'r :iAII) TTiit:: ~i0. 14ri2: ?Hf::iCE S!)UTN. 'I4° 22' 45" ;•:r:S^ :~i.I~ FF:iT T~ T~{E; ~OF1TEiWb'ST C'UR~]£Fl OF I.OT 12~3 OF SA i U ': i?A'~T :j~). 14 5:; ; Hx:?J,^,E t70RT1~ 49 . 43 FEE7' 2C3 TH : '~!7itZ':fEAS: C(:i?;:FR L O• 1.pT 1 ~ ~ ~ .:iF:'~t:F: ~iOR:EI (,`^ ~7• ?R .~,, n~ ~A?il TR1sC: ii0. 1 ~5l~ v Y~:~ ~. f~~,~.1~ ...-;Ci2tI3E~ 11:~ i'ARC ., ~_ ~ii£ F,A~'I` E.:~iE nc r . ~ :.nli7 ' =z~--. i~:~~~(}7';i.ii ~~ ~ •. •~~i:il :J 'rl"r,i:i:ELL 3t. [)JIZ~LJC A::~ •~ it'1~ i, : ;~~_~ :'i ~3".~JY ~ <i"r. :C;hT, itf:C:C•~ ;q ._ . ~ 'i`+~~, i'rlt;t: ~i7 t~r A '~~ v r ~:l~ .:t'. :>J',:ti:~L..'~'i C:~j~;`ii:R C~ JrZi • ~ i,.. ~ J. , ~~~1',)~ • ;; ~ _ ~: F.el:iii O': ~1~J~~ t:t i'-...~ .'~J i:... F'~i:.,. c:. `i;i.' .. .._.:~:>. L ~ J~} _:i•S'. . _,. .~ 4;:'.::i>F,t~.S~ :i;E> r•~r ~, , ~f , -% i .~.~.:Y:i:`~ f_'Cr~,~;a<S: .:7 Cii ~ ? . 1L , : i.C ~•n,•,tooi- i:. ' !~~? C* • f .:. _r3 rt :,:]Fi~ ;.C f:(_ ~YL' `„ -! ~ i~~:l~l~?if` C'i ii- ~'e ~~1~ } j ~1i' . . . ` 3Z~ ~ Ir5i.1: ~:f`:lt i~i3 }i:!l:f. !:~?n•~ ~~_ l..~f?~':7)ei r s F~ 17 ;4 FY.f.'~ ~ .._ T. .•4~.:~~ ,r.l_!i• f}.~~ I . ~1' ~~`1/ !1 :rfl ~13 1'E.';~`Jir!?:~ i~'~ il'.•! ](i.~~ . ~iB :tifi 7 ' ~g A':~~C.~;,r 1:4 _. ....%t: '~ CJfi:i<<;n fo r n ~. -' Y.:;rswCt_~.3~ 'J~r~.~fi~ ~F7 ~~3C 1ii ' . , r- / <I .^~ x ;y~ ,.3~ ~ P .G3, u.^. ~ ':~: ~~:r±r;`~:J~~ ~ Ft ~; ,'.:7/:~ t , f~'~ ^•a tSr3D_!1 ~)CI~Fi.~3~)Lt Y-~n~.rl£?S!f i_::l`~.^.-Jl .~:{,~~, ~4.. ,J ~ .ar: I` i4 l:.'!' Ynt_r,~:'.-(;-o•. : _, ... ., ar, dat:icr,s ir; cnr;ne.•ta, . WFi~P.E,'~:i, s,~ i ~3 .. . , ~ ,~«.i ,~ : f .K1~~ ~}~ Yt:S~i: 3: ..~'....".. -rr- .'~I'li •1:~~aii (~'.:i~ i~A~~~~~i.C)f1~ ir,~vest.i ,z`.:~~;'. r_.;.:r;~;;:.~, , ~1 in its F:p~;:.lt~ a,;~~ a:~er ~i~,e .:,z..•l~ration 3: a:t c171'.e reri~rtQ G~~fF['Ftj <l~: 3cli'~ ~:~!:3C7_T:',~~ (~.7~3f; iL~ rl'l~S~ /j~'!~sYi^4p;o `Q~n ~ `i,.~.,~i'.~ f3:.`~3I ' . ~ .. ti: •l': . _ . ,. : thu_ a,•+ • ~ _ i r~ a~,,^.~ni° ~ i"S~it1~P_:f I•~,~ t t~:. ~t.o.. :t':.,.. t!;ii ,, r~:~-'/'~1'~~M,S r !~ • ieiA'R.ii=d.`.1^.^i 7~f ~ii:~i~n~~~ ! _ <....;~1 ..~r#•_C.-' t ` ~' rR~~.r9<~rrti~t/h';~ i u:+=_~ri:~y Zor.e ~,~, ~~ . j 1: } ir~ __ ,.;i?:n,^,.:p ?.C7rc,, T.~ !,b ~.... y'._j:~:i -~ F~c.'~:-~3~ ~AR•a 2. Th1t. thc3 An~~heim Gener~.l N' .~n dQfliqnata~ aub jert proporey fot' C~?n~~t'~~1 Co:mnc~rCl.a1 .IanQ t1~~8. ;~. That tha proEN_>ned roelaacif Lcat f.o~~ uf uub jarr ~+iop~rty i~ ~leC'~~t3~3dCy and/or d~airablr~ f~r Y.h~ or.derly ~~r~a pruper dav~~la~me~~t u; ~he commiiniLy. 4. Th.at the prr~p~~Becl r.ecl~aaifiratior~ ~f eubjeat pro~aorty doea pi~o~~c~rly iolat~ t~~ th~ ~onea ~~ncl thc~ir pF.rmittQd uons loc~lly o~t~tbli~hc~d fn clr~sc pzoximit:y c~ auhjQCt pr~party Ar,d to ~hn zo~Qa and their pormi~r.~d uAO$ genc~r~lly e~.tablinhc3d thrc~ughout tttc~ community. 5. That th~! prupoa~d rQCl~~nsiEi •at~on ot s~~bjQ~t pr~per~y rf;cl~~ii~c:~ thci d~d.tcation ~f F~buCting stcQ~t~ 1nd a11Nye in a~:cordan:.e with ~he circt:lat:on F.l~mnnr_ of the Cen~ri.t Plan, due to th~a anticipatod incre~~e in tr:if~ic: o:hich ~~I1: bc~ genarated by the fnten~lfication of land u~e. G. That c,na pc~r:ion indicaLed ni~ presenco at naid oub:ic }:C':]Yi;icJ lil ~ppo~it.i:.n; d71(~ Y.ilc'1~: :'10 CfJl'Yf?f~P~~ndence Wa1EI r.ec~~~VGC~ 1i1 O~~[iOF31.~.~Oli ..:~ ...;',,,,c.~ }-;~ar.;.r.ioit. C~1C,:E:(1P_;:i_%!__ I:;i'JIFO:~.'_•;E_'i'iAi,_.QUALI'iY_11CT F~t1i)II1G: ThAt thG-~ Aitlh8lm i:;r_, I't~;~~~:_n~ C~ ..;i,ric~i ha~z r~~Le.;ed Lhe proposal t~.. recla~~ify cubyect i:i~-r-~~r:.y frc:;-~ t!;E> ,t:~•~A-~13,C,3G (Fic~,idencial;Agricutt~:ra.t} Zune to th~ CL !C~_~L<:'.n:"C':il~ :..1fT11C°~j) Or <l ~4:R4} 1:tc~.QP.3h ZJiIA C.O ~QL'0'ti'.: tf1G~ CC,T~{T1G'YC~c11 U3C Of J r~~~i~:~~s;!:ial st.r~:cttire wi.t:h waivf?C cf inrerior netE.~ck:~ abutting re~ic.iantial ;c~:•,~~r c~r, :~~ irreg•.itart;+-:~hap»cl parcel cf land conaicting ~: approximatety 0.3I ,i::re, h~,vir3 ~ franLag4: o~ appro~.inat-ely 9U fePC cn the weat oide af 5tate ~~~ Ite~~e E3ou:evar<~, havinq a rra~ciminn dept.!t r_f apprvximately 128 feet, befng :^C7`E~'i approxima~`ly t40 '.`eet auuth uf the centerlinQ of Sycam~re 5treer_ and : srtt:~r described ~~s ~'.31 tiortfi St?te :.o22~ye Qouleia.d; and doen haraby a;;~:,~~vn r_tlE> tiega*_ive Declara~ion LS~C~1 finding that it hao consicSerp:f the ;'~~•:~at ~ve Ueciaration ~~ge+.hH: with any ~~onsr~ents recQived durir.q f.hQ public rc~vir.~:~ ~rocees and furt}zer f irdisic; c;~ tt~e baoin t_hat t,ne i~itial atudy and any .. ,...,r.e;~~~_s re~cived t„a+ tf~ere :.E~ r~o Si1bH:,~[t'.=i'LL ev~dencQ tha~ *ha ~ro~ect will Eti:~n •.l ~: j.':~;f_C~L:~ ~!fC~>Cr .~[t ~fiE' E'i'.'lLYOt1^'~':1Z. ;;OiJ, ~'f~F,f?F,t'OP.r;, i~F. I: R~~UI.VwD th~r_ Lt;e An3heir Ciry Planrrin~ ~'-::-~;~:-,.;',r_r, d^~_•a h~~reb;~ ~prrovh rF:~ ~.ShjecL Pe~itior. :or i?E?Cid~38iCi.C~LECr. tc, ~l':',i'.-;C~7F? :it1 ~(Y~CTI'::~",F_'{lt: tci Y.fi^ 1;anin_~ ~~f,} Q~ i~'iF? An~huim Mvnj.cipa: CCfiE+ S'.O ~~;:-~:. :•~~ ,.~..e c~:`7VG'":.2A~:L'~FJfd prcrerty from titie RS-A-~i~,0~00 (Re3idpnt.i.a1~ A-; z• ~-~•; e t:~:r ~.'. - Z:~;i~ lii~~ t~ ~ ncorE; ~ra~n r~aici c1es-., :bed prr~pert~ into ttte to th~ ~;i. '~;~"•i nl'rS~l~~ i.l!itiitf>•~j L•^.ff? ':~~.~0'1 ~Fi~3 iCT1:0'rlttl~ 'Gf1LjLtion~ wl1i+_'h %]:'@ fSf!I~~JJ t•::.... L.. Cf? <l f:f3!'6?~;f?'riCj~ F',~4~Ct?;LSE.3.:i" ~:CJ ~~~n F~rF.~:~J3C?i.~ :IfIP. O: 53JF)~CC~ }:COD~3I?.~7 ~.. ,_-'"tnr !.lt ~;rta~3er':~? ~ffE' 'S:li~?'~ BII.: C~@(:fSrAi :JP_~fIYE~ J.~. ~:~i4'. ~.'.':~7.C^S OZ r~S<3 . _. ` A:. . ~,.n :,., . ;. •=..-zr_ ~~ ~e~ f~~ 3~r~G~~ ;i~_';~_~..z ~;~srE;:~~, rhail. b~~ ~aicl t~ tFn Ci.~f of ',.f._};kr°i'.. ,~?£u.~S Cii L~t:f? 'iF>71~~"t: O; Fi`Xf2~D!~ ::.:Jr:~cl/j!? 1:~~rQ SLa`~a !''lZ:E?~3F? 3,..Si~t'.7Y'Z 17, ?~i ]:.._~..511': :}B ~"?~zLhCr.~i'.'"f f~.~ C2.~ f ~[S'.SR^_L~. Yf~SOi+.]~.i-;):V. -2~ i~r~i~iE1 `. 3 ~ '~ - - ~_ ~ ~ . .. ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ,~ ' . , . I~~ e~r ~. *'I'hat a fQQ Eor ptr~~et t.rc~Q pur~~~~d ~hnll bc b~ised on th~ len~th of Ei(;Y.E~f3L frontaqF~ ~11nng StaCe~L'allo~~ 1 c~1Q~,~Ldnin~r~n °1f°011~~~ ao er:it~-~l7liuhEd by City Counril resoluCion. 3• ~'.'hat r.he lor~~7~ qwner ~f sub j~ct property ohall irrevoc~lbly ~tfer to cleciic~~r.~ to thc~ C;~y ~i' Anaheim ~n add.ttian~l ~~r~emont r~long Staho College F3oulc~v~~rct, m.sz~aur~d eouthorly fr.om thc~ ulti.m~tQ right-o~••wa~ line at the : orne-• of the intez•sect.Lun of La Nnlm~3 Avanuo and Stata Ca11egQ E3oulovnrd, `~nd varying in wid~h from twalva (12) f~or_ f~r the t'irnt thro~ hundre~d (J(10) fect ~nd thr~n tr.nn~it.fonLnq from tweive ~12~ gEat r~ 0 fc~et fur th~ nexr, rhr^~ hunci~•ed (3C0) f~at. 4. ":'h~7C arior r.~ ~le~cement ot ::: ord.in.~ncc: re~oning oub ect ~ro n tigenda for r.ity rouncil. can:~i.:lQratlon, Carclitic~rt t7o~, i P_rty or. ~~it .tibove-r,ic~ntionF:i, nhal; t~o corr~~plQted. The Ci.ty C,~unc ~1 ma ~ `~nd 3, <ii:zapprov.3 r~ zo.~inq ar.di.nance at i~4 diecration. Y PAiove or ciicc,Ppr•oved, ~h~~ ~rocedure ~et k'ort)i in A~:ahefm Muni.cipul Codans~ceion 16.03.Of3; shall aPpiy, The pro•riAion~ or ri.hte L•~~~c1uL•ion ehall become null and void b ~ Q 9='anted by this t~:ile;;~ ~3i~,~ c~nciitiona arQ ~:omplied with within cnethl plqnning Commission ~~: t.tlis resoli~tion, ~r euch f.ur.:her. time ae the Pl~znni.nu~c:ommission~ma}• ~~r~~nt. `-~• ' :hat aE,;lYUV11 0: *hi:; applic.~ti~n con~stitute~ ~ -~~~c,E:e~L nnly r.o the cxtent rttiat i~~ r.ocr. lie~ o, PProval of Che ~roposed :'~-n::~g ~o:3e ~ind ar~~ c~1i~r appt icab:~~ Cit P~ ith ~th~ Anaheim :dunicipal ~? ;rov:. + ~ Y, ~tr,te ar.c~ I'e!teral P! `i ~oe., riot in~lucie a::y ac~ion ieytilatiot~a. a_r..E„•~•,a; o: ~i' f ir.ding3 as to comrliance ~r the r.equesr_ L'n~arciing an}~ other applic~t~.la 4rrjj.n~lnC2, i-:,:~~:iar_iar~ or t-eq;~Ire:nent. Condir.ior.s m~riced ~.aith .;ii aateri~k (~} ara ~ c",z.t ired b estabi i~hed ~' ~~ iaw:a, cocizQ, r~g;a.ati~,r.f- and aqr.eemer,tn and arc~, ': ~erefore, no~ ~u5je-~ *o itE!~Gt1JL1Jf1. E;~ IT fJF?TFiF.ft 2E5pLVF,U Ltir.L ~tii~ reao2ution 3ha11 not conntiCute ~~ r~."~;n : r.rr r>f, ~r ccm:mitmt±ne: by the City r.o °er.cr,e the c~u~j:~ct prog~rty; any such r^r.-•:i::;; shal? rer ti: re ~ .'-n ordietiarzce of t.t-e Ci.ty ~:ounc~l whictz ahall bn a ~l4~`-L'-~r'~~i~i+C clC~, W~1L.^.~1 ill3j' t:n aF:~~IfJVF?C) C)r CIE?il~'?cI h~! f.}7(? !!~t~r ^:~URC11 <lt ~t8 ~olc ~'f; ZT Fl;j?THb'F2 RcSOLVE~ ;,hat tfiA Anal~~sim City Planning Co,:mi~~sion do~a PiE?I'~?~:l'f F ~C~C~ 7J1ca ~ ~~ :3~tn_rr..ine that adoption o: thin R~s~olution i~ expre3rsl;~ I'~'f=~=c~,,c,:. u~:on 3ppiicant'~ ccnpl;_ance with each an~.l a1i oE the ..•onditicna herei.:;:~t~~,,~ a~« EorLts. Shoul<t any Huch con~i~icne or anv dE~i7r~~ ~ i~~~=i~ :~r ur-er..orceable h• j ' P~rt th°eeof, p~ ~+ the f.nai ju~.lqme:nt o'.' ar.y court of =~°~I~"°°~~~ ;;ur:~<lirtion, r.hen con~ ~ir~nr~, ^.~;ali b~ thLg Re~~lu~io~, and any appro~,alg tier.ein d~e,:Er.2 nu:l and vc:d. _;_ I~C9:-l£~1 ~ '~`~ ~ ~ ~ ':~,;;Y; /jjK~~ ~ THC FOR~GnTNC ~ ~'~ FtESOC,UTtpN was adopt~ct ~t ~h~ plnnni.ng Commis~ion ~n"~'c~.ng of• Novemb3r 4, 1y91. i' ~ Kt' N, ANAFIP;IM ~CI P'LAN (~ ~ - ATTEST; ~., lISSIUN .__ _~~~,L: `~ ,~ ~ ^ ; -~ . ~ SECRETARY ~~ ~. L~,.c ~ ____ , , RNAtlf:IM C'!TY ~I,ANPJ7NC: CdMMISSIUN ~ . S'I'A'i"r." OH CALIHORNIA } ~~OUTl1'Y OF (7RANG~ ) ~~. CITY UF 11NAFi!;IM ~ I~ Cdith L. Fiurria ~- Comrnia~ic>n, d~ he:eby ' ~`c1•~r~ry of the 1~nahEaim Cit~ ~~dapted at certify chat thQ foregoir~g reaolutfon wae~ ~l.a~r.ing a me~ting of the AnaiiRl.m City P7,annin Co ~z~~ed and `~ ~ 1991, by t.hQ followir~g vr~~~ of the mamLara thereof ;~i~ni.on held ~n NovQmber AYES: C'UMMISSIUNERS: frC:.:S: EiOUAS, ~RI5TOL, HELLYER, HENNTiv"C~R, M~SSE COt~MISSIONERSt Np~E r ZEMEL ~~ AF33E;71': CObiM:IS5I0(r'ERS: pi,;Rn~7{ ~. IN eWITr7F:~~ WFIERF.O~ ~ I ha~o hQr ~.~r~to aet m / Of ,~Jlk~MC.~Iv~-._ r -----~.__, 1~91. Y hand this ._,__ N~p-~ day ^ ~ .-- ._._.,_~~...~~.; ~~- ~_ ~~ . SF,C.i%TARY~ t{Np}ja~ Ty PLANrj~ ~`''-------~~.. . NG COMI~SISSrJtI 1. ., _f _ IrC'~:-161 ~_ _...__._. . r