'-":1~~' r"'~i~ ~1(:E Nt;. St.,,:
11 " ,.'
2 1i * "
~ i
~ ~
4 ;: SECTION 1: It has come to the attention of the City
5 llCouncil of the City of Anahe1m that the profuse and promiscuous
~ i
6 II01rCulatlOn of handb1lls, without regulation, 1n the streets of
t'l llsald City, and on the premises, porches, dr1ves, sidewalks, and
8 ~: in the yards of the res1dents of the City or Anaheim, and in
9 ~jveh1cleB standing 1n the public streets, results 1n the blow1ng
10 ::of such matter 1n the streets, alleys and other publio plaoes in
11 liea1d City, and has become a public nuisance by the littering of
12 : the streets, alleys and other pUblio plaoes~ and thereby oausing
13 i:an uns1ghtly condition, as well as a menaoe to the public peaoe,
14 ihealth and safety by the risk of fires, of clogging storm drains,
15 and of apprising prowlers and orlminals of the absence ot reSidentsl
16 from their homes, and generally annoying and disturbing the
17 general public; and,
18 ~~ The safety, comfort and .elfare of the citizens and
19 1!res1dents of the City of Anaheim and of the public 1n general,
20 :jdemana that this oondition be remedied,
21 Ii SlaTION 2: The practioe ot throwlng, casting, d1strl-
22 ljbut1ng, scatter1ng and depos1t1ng handb1lls upon pub11c and
23 liprlvate property 1n the C1ty or Anahe1m, without regulatIon, 18
24 I!hereby declared to const1 tute a public nuisance.
~ !
25 !i
SBCTION 3: Defin1tions. The follow1ng words, terms and
26 j!phrases when used in this ordinance have the meanings ascribed to
27 ilthem in this section, except whe~e the context clearly 1ndicates
28 1la 41tferent meaning;
29 Ii (a) 'Person" inoludes any person, f1rm, partnership,
30 :;assOclatlon, oorporatlon, company or organization ot any kind.
31 :: (b) 'Handbill' includes any printed or written adver-
32 tieing matter, any saRlple or dev1ce, dodger, ciroular, leaflet,
1 Hpamphlet, newspaper, paper, booklet, or any other pr1nted matter
2 ij or literature.
D18trlbut1n~ on Public Prooerty. It shall be !
4 ;;unlawful for any person, e1ther directly or lndlrect17, to deposit,;
5 place, throw, scatter or cast any handbill in or on any public
6 thoroughfare, park, ground or other publ1 c place w1 thin the 01 ty
7 of Anaheim; the provisions ot this section shall not be deemed to
8 prohibit the hand1ng ot any handbill to any person willing to
9 accept such handb1ll.
11 for a person, either directly or indirectly, to distribute, deposit!,
Plac1n~ in Veh1cles.
It shall be unlawful
12 ;:place, throw, scatter or cast, any handbill in or upon any automo-
13 ~iblle or other vehicle; the provisions of this section shall not
~ ;
14 !\be deemed to prohib1t the handing ot any handbill to the owner or
15 ~,other oooupant of any automobile or other vehicle. I
ii I
16 ii SICTION 6: D18tr1butl~ on Pr1vate Pronerty. It shall be I
17 Ilunlawful for any person, a1 thar directly or indirectly, to distri- I
18 !lbute, deposit, place, throw, scatter, or cast, any handbill in or I
19 ilupon any pr1vate yard, grounds, walk, porCh, steps, ma1lbox, I
20 ;lveetlbule, house, res1dence, building, or aA1 other private propertr.
!1 i
21 Ii SECTION 7: P08t1n~ Property Prohlblt1n~. It shall be l
22 !!lawtul for the owner or the occupant ot any property to pla.ce a
23 ie1gn 1n a conspicuous place near the entrance thereot indicating
24 'Ithat no handb1lls are desired; and it shall be unlawful tor any
25 !Iperson to go upon sa1d prem1ses so posted and d1str1bute, depos1t,
26 Ilplace, throw, scatter, or oaat any handb111, or to solicit the
27 ilright to make free del1very of any handbill thereto.
28 \! SEOTION 8: Hours ot Dlstrlbut10D L1m1ted. It shall be
29 IlunlawfUl for any person to distrlbute any handb1ll between the
i ~
30 ilhours of 6 P. M. of any day and 8 A. M. ot the following day.
31 l! SECTION 9: ExemDtlons. The provisions of th1s ordinanoe
32 I!Shall not be deemed to apply to the distr1bution of the United
i 2
~ :
1 States mail nor to the del1yery of any handbill to any person who
2 has requested delivery of the same. In making delivery ot any
3 handbill to any person who has requested the same, such handbl11
4 shall either be delivered personally to suoh person who has
5 requested the same or plaoed upon his premises 1n such a manner
6 that such handbill w1ll not be blown trom the premises ot such
7 person onto the private property of other persons, or the e~reetB,
8 alleys or ?ubl1o places within the C1ty ot Anaheim.
SECTION ~: Severability. It any provisions ot th1s
10 ordinance, or its application to any oerson or ciroumstance, 1s
11 held invalid, t.he re:na1nder ot the ordinance, or the application
12 of the provision to otller persons or oircumstances, 1s not affectedj.
13 ;"
SECTION 11: Penaltl. Any person who shall violate any
14 prov1s1on ot this ordinanoe shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor and
15 upon conv1ct1on thereot shall be pun1shed by a tine of not more
16 than Three Hundred (t300.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment 1n the
17 ,city or oounty Jail tor not exceed1ng three (3) months, or by
~ I
18 !!both such fine and 1mprisonment.
~ ~
19 H SECTION 12: Paragraph 5 of Ord1nanoe No. 507 and
20 ;;Ord1nance No. 522 are hereby repealed.
II "
:' I
01 ;; SECTION 13: 'l'he 01 ty Clerk of the 01 ty of Anaheim shall I
kJ ii i
n I
22 iicertifY to the passage ~f this o~~:n~~cause the same to I
2311 be publ1shed once in th{)27~-' a trPiy newspaper of ~
24 !igeneral circulat10n, printed and published 1n the C1~ of Anaheim, I .
~ ! I
25 ~iand thlrty (~) days trom and after its final passage, 1t shall
26 1: take effect and be in full force.
27 i; the foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this ~
28 :\day of Apr1l, 1941.
Kayor of the "1 ty ot he1m
29 ~:
32 :;
,~it rk or the" of &helm
! comrrr OF OWGE )
I, Charles E. Grift1th, City Clerk. ot the C1ty ot A.nahel~,
4 do hereby oertify that the foregoing ord1nance was introduced at
5 l!a regular meeting of the City Council of the City ot.Anahela,
6 !! held on tl"1e 3;h dJ:lv ot
i! - -II
: ~
7 n passed at an IIdJollrnt:d r€enlar
i1 '
, 1941, and was tlnal17
meet1ng of said Counc1l
8 :,beld on the 2j'tt day of
, 1941, by the follow1ng vote:
9 :: AYES: aOUN a ILk EN : r i' i-T!;':) n, II a:tl Ii ~&ynA". V'l""" 1 ,,+." : VA..h..6 t. Jr. and She ri d~r..
!~$>> ti.b
12 ~
,/~~ ~~ ,--
1 t le 0 t the 1 of Anahe1~
14 '
16 !
1"7 I'
18 1;
i ~
20 ;;
21 II
22 :;
23 L
24 H
~~;6 "
29 ;:
31 '
32 :
Affidavit Of
. .I~.~.~.~~~~.g~.l~.. _._.. .._.......____
or said county. being first duly
~worll. says-that s,he is a. cit-
izen of the United State,s. and of
tJl(~ State of Ca.lifornia, over ,the
ug-e- of e.ighteen year,s: that she
ha~ no interest in. nor is she
a pa.rty to the mattel" herein
mentioned: that she is the pub-
lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY
NF~\VS a w€,e.kl)p newspaper
printed. publLshed and' circulated
in the said County of Orange
thut said ORANGf4~ COUNTY
X l'JWS is a newspaper of general
dl"(~ulation with a list of paid sub
~l~ribers, and is published for the
rlissemination of both local a.nd
~Nleral news and intelligence of
H goeneral character; that it is
uo t devoted to the in terests 01'
rnblislwd for the entertainment
of a pa.rticula.r class, profession,
t lade, ca.lling, race or denomlna.
tion, or of auy uumber thereof:
that it ha.s been lprinted and pub-
liHhed in t.he City of Anaheim.
County of Orange, St.ate of Cali-
"t)).uia for more- tha.n one year
l!p.xt p.receding the first day of
flu" Pllb1i{~ation hereto attached:
t ha t the
.ORDI-N4NQi..ffQ~~~~..__ .
.. .. -.. . .. .. ... .. - -. .. ....... . ........... .. -.......... .... .. ...... .. ... ............. .... ...........
....... ..... ...-.--............ .......--........... .....-.................--...........
"" -........ -...... ................... ........ -........ ...-.. -. ---.. -......-..........
of which the anneXEd is a printed
CopY. wa.s .published ill said ,'lleW!04-
P:l p.er at least ___.~~~~..._..___..__..._
('(Jmmellcillg on the __ . let __ __ day
of _........~y__...__.___.._ 19___~~.. and
pIHling all 'the __._________..__.....___ day
of '__... ...__...___.......___ 19_._..___, and
that said
..'..--............ was published on the
tollowing da.ys:
..... ....~...1.,u_19_41.___.______..__.
........ .... ...... --............. _...... .e___... _.....,..:......... ______..
I . I
ORDINANCE NO. 642 cU'p~nt of any automobile or other ,'hereb:Y ap'pl
vehicle. April, 1941
AN ORDINANCE REGULA TIl\1G' ~ECTION' ~: Distributing on
THE DISTRIBUTION OF HAND- Private Property. It aha~l be u~:- :Mayor 0
BILLS. . , lawful foz: a~y person, .<<:Ith~r dl- ATTEST:
THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE rectly. or IndIrectly, to dIstrIbute, CHARLES
CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- depOSit, place,. ~hr~w, scatter, or City Clerk (
. cast, any handbdlln or upon any
DAIN AS :FOLLOWS: private yard, groUndR, walk, porch, STATE 9F
SECTIO!i 1: It h~ come to steps, mailbox, vestibule, nouse, COUN'l'Y (J
t~e attentlo~ of the Cl~ Coun,- ,residence, building, or an.v other CITY OF ),
cll of the City of A~elm t~at . private property. I Charles
,the prof'.lse and promISCUOUS clr- C"I ":'I r-t. f th C.t
. culation of handbills without reg- ~ECTION,: Po.tlne Property 0 e. I y
ulation in the streets if said Citv Prohibitin.. It shall be lawful by certify t
'01 , f th ' th t f dlnance was
and on .the premises porches or e owner or e occupan 0 .
drives, . sidew~~, and in the yard~ any p.roperty to place a sign in a ubu' mee~ln.
of the residents of the City of conspICUOUS place near the en - of th~ CIty
An&heini., and in vehicles standing trance ,thel'eof indicating that no the 8.th day
in the public streets, results in the hand-bills are desired; and it shall WdBS finall:y ]
blo'wing of such matter in the be unlawful for any .person to go e. regular I
streets, aUe:ys and other public. upon. said premis~s so posted and cd held on t
places in said C.ity, and has be- dIstribute, depOSIt, place,. throw, 1941, b~ tit
come a public nuisance by the lit- Hca~~r. or c~t any hand61l1, or to A YEH: ~
tering of the streets, alleys and s~hclt the right to ~ake free de- son, Van
"~ther. public places, and thereby livery of an~r handbIll thereto. Mal'teuet, J:
causing aIi unsightly condition, as SECTION 8: Hours of Di.tri. NOES: C
well as a menace to the public batiDI' Limited. It shall be un- A B S E N
peace, hea,lth and safety by the lawful for any person to distri- II None.
risk ()f fires. of clogging storm bute any handbiU between the ATTEST.
I drains, . a~ of apprising prowlers hours of 5 P. M. of any day and CH A.
an'd . crimInals of the absence of 8 A. M. of the following day. C't CI k.
residents from their homes, and .. I Y er 0
generally ann-oying and disturbing S~~TI?N 9. . EzempboD.. The
the general 'Public' and prOVISIons of thiS ordinance sh~1l
" not be deemed to apply to the dlS-
The safety:. comfort 'and. wel- tribution of the United States
fare of ~e CitIzens an~ reSIdents mail. nor to the delivery of 'any .
of the ~lo/ of AnaheIm and of handbill to any person who has
~h~ publIc.l!l general, de~nd that requested delivery of the same.
I thIS conditIon be remedIe~, I~ making delivery of any hand-
SECTION 2: The practIce of bll'l to any .person who' has re-
throwing, casting, distributing, quested the same, such handbill
scattering an~ depositing hand- shall either be d~livered person-
b.ills upon public and private prop- ally to such 'person who has re-
erty in the C.ityof Anaheim, with- que~ted the same or plac~d up-
out regulation, is hereby declared on his premisp.~ in such a manner
to constitute a public nuisance. that such handbill will not be
SECTION 3: The following blown from the 'Pl'emises of such
, words, terms and phrases when person onto the private property
I used in this ordinance have the of other persons, or the streets.
meanings ascn'bed to them in this alleys, or public places within the
section,. except where the context City of Anaheim. .
~learly indicates a different mean- SECTION 10:.. Severability. If I.
Ing; . any provisions of this ordinance, I
(a)... ,"Pe.r.son" incl~des a!lY or'its application to any person o'r I
, person, firm, partnership, aSSOCIa- cricumstance is held invalid the
. 'tion, corporation, company or or- remainder ol the ordinanee o~ the
' ,ganization of any ki~d. application of the' 'provi~ion to
(b) IC.H.ndbill" inclUdes any other persons or circumstances, is
'printed Or written advertising not affected.
..matter,. any sample or device, dod- SECTION 11: Penalty. Any'
.ger, cll'eular" lea.flet, pamphlet, person who shall violate any pro-
neW8pap~r, paper, bookle~ or any vision of, this ordinance shall be
other...~~~d matter or ltterature. guilty of a misdemeanor and up-
SECTION 4: Di.trilnatiDa ODv on conviction thereof shall be pun-
P.bUe Properly. It shall. be un- ished b:y a ftne of not more than
lawful for ~n~ 'pe~on" ~~.~er.: ~i-. nree' H~nd?-"ed ...<t3tJO.OO).; Dol~,
rec~y ,or Indirectly" to'" deposIt,' lai-s, or by Impnsonment In the
pIaee. .throw, scatter, or cast any city or county jail for not ex.
ha.n~ill in or on any public thOT- ceeding three (3) months, or b:y
ought are , park, ground or other both such fine and imprisonment.
public.. p,~ace within. ~e City ~f SECTION 12: Paragraph 5 of
AnaheIm, the. prOVlS'lOnS of thIS Ordinanee No 507 and Ordinance
section shall not be deemed to N 2 . bId
prohibit the handing of any hand- o. 5 2 are here y repea e .
bill to any person wiUing to ac- SECTION 13: The City Clerk
cept such handbill. of the City of Anaheim shall cer-
SECTION 5: PlaCiD. ill V.. tify to the passage of this ordin-
hicl.... It shall be unlawful for ance. and cause t~e same to be
a person, either directly or indi - publl1!~hed once In the Orange
rectly, to distr.ibute, de'posit, place, CQuntr Ne~, a ne",!,spaper of gen-
thrOw, seatter or east, any hand- e.ral CI~~UlatIO,!, pnnted a~d pub-
bill in or upon any automobile or hs!,ed In the CIty of Anahelm, and
other vehicle; the provisions of .~lllrty (30) days. from and after
this section shall not be deemed Its final passage, It shall take ef-
to prohi&it the handing of any fect and be in full force.
handbill to the owner or other oc- The f.oregoing ordinance is,
cupant of any automobile or oth'er II hereby approved this 29th da,
vehicle. April, 1941. . '
SECTION '. 8: Di.tributiDc on CHAS~ A. PEA'RSt
Pri..te Property. It shan be un- :Mayor of the City of Ariah
lawful for any' person, either' di~ ATTEST: .
rectly. or indireotly, to distribute, CHARL~ It. G RIFFIXH,
depoSIt, place,' ~h~w, scatter, or City Clerk of the City of Anab
cast, any handbdl In or upon any .' .
. private y~rd, groundp;, walk, porch, STATE 9F CALIFORNIA)
SECTIO!'l 1: It h~ c'ome to .steps, mailbox, vestibule, house,- COUN1..-y OF ORANGE ., SSe
t~e attentio~ of the City.. Co~n- ,re~idence, building, or any other CITY OF ANAHEIM )
cll ot th~ CIty of .~elm that ,pnvate property. I Charles E G .iftith Cit C1
the prof'.lse and promiscuous cir- ~ ~ ' . .:.I, ~ ., Y:I
, eulation of und1bills, without rea'- ~~C:r~ON 7: Po.tin. Propert7 .Qf the ~lty .of Anaheim, d~ he
ulation, in the streets if said City Prohibita... It shall be .lawful ~y c~fy ~t ~he foregoIng
a,nd on the premises, . pOrches: for the owner or. the . occ~pan~ of dlnance w.as lntroduce~ at a r
drives,,, sidewaJ.~, and in.. the yards any p!operty to place a SIgn In a ular mee~Ing of the ~Ity COUl
of .the residents of the City of CODSPICQOUS pl~ce. ne~r the en- of the City of. Ana~elm, held
Anaheim., and in vehicles standing trance. .the:reof ll!dlcatlng t!tat no the 8..th day of. April, 1941~, ~
in the public streets~ results in the hand.bllls are desIred; and It shaD was finally pass~d ~t an .adJoo
blo.wing of such matter in the be unlawful for any person to go e~ regular meeting 01 saId Co
streets, aUeys and other public. upon. said premis~s so post.ed and cll held on the 29th .day of A.I
places in said City, and has be- dIstnbute, deposIt, place I. throw, 1941, by the fono,Wlng vo~:
come a public nuisance by the lit- sca~t.er. or c~st any handli111, or to A YES: COl1NfJILMEN:.... Pt
tering of the streets, alleys and s~hclt the rIght to ~ake free de- son, Van WagoDer~ Y~ngbl1
other public places, and thereby livery of any 'ltandbtll thereto. Martenet, Jr., and SherIdan.
'causing an unsightly condition, as SECTION 8: Houn of Diatri. NOES: COUNCILMEN: N.
well as a men~e' to the public butiDa Limited.. It shall be un- 1 A B S E NT: COUNCILMl
p!!ace, health and safe~ by the lawful for any person to distri- None.
ns~ of fires. of cl.op1ng storm bute any handbill between the I ATTEST:
I dr~lns, . a~d of apprunng prowiers hours of 5 P. M. of any day and CHARLES E GRIFFI
an~ . crImInals of t~e absence of 8 A. M. of the following day. C't Cl .k f th ~C.t~' f A h
reSIdents from theIr homes, and . 1 Y ~t 0 e I y 0 nn
generally annoying and disturbing S~~TION 9: . E][.m~tloD.. The
the general public. and prOVISIons of thIS ordinance shall
" not be deemed to apply to the dis-
The safety:. comfort and. weI- tribution of the United States
f~re of ~e CItIzens an~ re81dents mail nor to the delivery of any .
of the 91~ of. Anahetm. and of handbil1 to any person 'who has
~h~ pubhc,l!l general, -de~d that l'equested delivery of the same.
I thiS condItIon be . remedie~, I~ making delivery of any hand-
SE~TION. 2.:. The. l?ra~tlce. of blH to any ;person who ....has re-
thrOWIng, ~sting,. dIst:r:ibuting, quested the same. such handbill
s~attering an~ deposit~ng. 'hand- shall either be d~livered person-
bIlls upon pubhc and :pnva~. prop- ally to such person who has re-
erty in the CitY" o.f Anaheim, With- quested the same or placed up-
out regulation, :is bereb,....dee1afed on his prendsp.s in such a manner
to constitute a public nui~ce. that such handbil1 will not be
SECTION 3: The folloWIng blown from the rpremises of such
. words, terms and . phrases when person onto the private property
used. in this ordinanoe have the of other persons, or the streets,
meanings ascribed to them -,in this alleys,. or public places within the
section" except where the .cnntext City o.f Anaheim. .
~le~rly indicata a different mean- SECTION,. 10 :.. Se..rabilit,.. If .
lng, . any p-rovisions of this ordinance, I
(a). "Pe.rson" include.s . 'any or its application to any person or I
. pel"son, finn, partnership;. associa- cricumatance is held invalid the \
. . tion! cO!poration, eo~pany or or- remainder or't1)e or4Utanee, o~ the
. gantZatlon of any kl~d.. application of. the provision to
, (b) ".&ndbnlt~ ". in.clades any other persons or circumstances, is
printed or written ,advertislng not aifected..
. matter,,-any saD)ple or deviee, dOd- SEcTION 11: P...lt7. An,..
ger, CIrcUlar,. .leallet, 'Pamphlet, person' W'ho shall violate any pro-
newspap~r, paper, bookle~ or any vision of this ordinance sball be
othe~..~~:d. ~~J~.. ~~ ~~te~~~:re. guilty. of a misdemeanor and up-
SECTION ...:. 'Di.t,n'nati... 0.... on- Conviction thereof shall be pun-
Public Prop_ri:~.' .- It shall be un- ished. by a fine of -llot 1I1ore than
lawful for ~n~ ;~~~~ e!~e,:".::.di- '. n~'". 1I~~~ ,'J'MD.OO).: Dol~.
reetty '.or ".1"~Vt-.. ..-t'O..,.~t," laht or by Intprt80nment In the
plaee., .throw, 8C.tter~ or. 'east. any city' or county jail for not ex-
handlbill in or on any public thor- ceeding three (3) months, or by
oughfare, . park,' around or other both. such fine and imprisonment.
public ~ place within' the City. ~f SECTION 12: Paragraph.5 f
Anaheim.; the. p~viBlons of thIS Ord. . rd-' 0
section shall not. be . deemed to lDaJ)Ce No. 507 and 0 Inance
prohibit the -bandbil': of any hand- No. 52~ are hereby repealed.
bill to any penon riling to ac- SECTION 13: The City Clerk
cept such. handbm. _ of ~he City of Anaheim shall cer-
SECTION.. I): Placiq in V --ltitY' to the passage of this ordin-
_____..~.~__::_.._.....~_:__..u_.....*!...:::--...... hiel.... It Sh~l:. be.. unlawful for ance and eau~e t~e same to be
Subscribed and sworD. to before a. person, 'e.i~er directly or indi- publi.b~d once m the Orange
rectly, to diatribute, deposit, plaee, ~untf Ne~, a ne"'!8Paper of gen-
me this :;" lte! d of thrOw . seatter. ~ east any hand- era! clrculatlont printed and pub-
l~"'Ci._.__.:U_._"'._~if/Y :~~e~~"2: :~~=:: :f \:= i~3t~ ~~~s o::~a:~m~
...... <. ....... n .. -~1-"? this seeti~n ~la.aJl ~ot. be' deemed :~ts final 'p&~e, it shall take ef-
. _ _ .... U n_...... to prohifnt .the handIng of any feet and be m full force.
.... B!: .,' I~C . ' . handbill to the owner or other oc- The foregoing ordinance is,
-' I#- .....
-'" r
Affidavit Of
. - -.. ~ .~~. -~ ~~~-g~~~. - -... . .. .. .. -. - - - -.
(.) t" said COUll ty . beill~ first c1 uly
sworn. says-that ~he is a. cit-
izen of the United State'~. and of
the State of CaUforllia, over ,the
uge of e-igbteen yeal's; that sbe
has no interest in, nor is she
a party to the mattel" herein
mentioned; that slw is the pub-
lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY
NEWS a wee.kly newspapel.
printed, pubHshed and I circulated
iu the. said County of Orange
that ~a.id ORANG-~~ COUNTY
~ EWS is a new.spaper of general
cir(mlation with l.J. li~t of paid suh
~(~ribers, and is published for the
llissemination of both local a.nd
g-eneral news and intelligence of
a general character; that it is
not devoted to the. inter'ests 01'
j"ubliRhed for the entertainment
of a pa.rticula.r claSH, profession,
i rade., calling. race or denomlna.
tion, or of auy number thereof:
that it has been lprinted and pub-
lished ill the City of Anaheim,
Count.y of Ora.nge, State of Cali-
fornia for more- t.han one year
next preceding the first day of
t he. publication hereto attached:
that the
. .ORD:t_NA.NQ~._NQ~~~__.. .
or which the unnex€-d i::i a. printed
COPY. was .published in ::4aid !UeWH-
()a.per at lea.st ____9~~~......_.....__...
cummenclng on the --.1.1:;_.__ day
of -.---........Y__....n______ 19__~~., and
C'udillg on the _....__...u__u..._..._ day
or _____. ..___n.._____..__._. 19__..____, and
t ha t sa.id
.. _... ..... _ _ ...... was
published on the
tollowing days:
...... _. .1IaJ...1.,.__19.41u.._________...