Resolution-PC 91-182~ ~i, ~ _ ;;, , ,:,; ;, ~., ' ; i2L;;>OI,'JTI~I NC~~.. P~~~= ~a2 A 1?Gf;O1~U'S'ION O'E TEfE ANAtiLxM C'iTY PLAI~CJiriG GOMt~tISSIUN TFiA'1 E'r'r7'CLQN T'OE2 CONUZTIONAL U;SF: P~RNIIT NU. 341i'1 F3F: Gft11NTEb WNLRE:AS, th~ Ana1:c~Lm C.iti.y ~lunning Commi~aion did roce.ivo a vF,riC~.eci P~r.iL•inn far Condition~l Up~ P~rmit fo~- certain raal pr~p~r~y ~iti"~tQ~ i.z~ f;i:f~ c:1t; of AnR'r~c~!.m, C~unty of Oranyo~ Stute of Cali.fornia, doar,ribeQ as: THAT FORfIOD! OF' LU': 'r ~r' ~1NAEi~IM EXTENSION, IN Tt~E C7TY OF p~1A}cg'Zld~ COUN'TY. OF UE2ANGr.~ STATC OF CAJ.,'irUR:.:[A, ACCORDIN(: ~rp A MAE' OF 5uRVF;'f i~inu"e: oY WILLIAM. fiRMEL, ,hCXNnW~.FOGr ~ F3Y AI,rREG I20HINSUN, TRUSTEEj,~~ND~NGELES~ CUUNTY,O~G~UI~~RNIA~ C~JUf1T'l ItECORDER UF' L~ESC.RIC~E~ AS FOL.LAWS: BEZitG AT 'rfl)~ SOUT}3I.AST ~OE2P~E12 OE' LANL' D'r.;SCf2IE3Ei~l9 ~IN~BOOK ~•7ILLIAf: M. AAU;d APiD wIFF., R~:r~~ItDED APRIL. 20, ;;,131, ?'AGE 2f3~, OFFICIAL RECOFtDS, ~A7D POSNT IIEI:K: IN RHE ~~:tl'I'~R 1.T~~I, U'r' Pt.RCEt~ITtA n'lE~IUE AND iiISTAi:T SOUTFi 0° 07' •~~•' v7ES`s i3!i.?~? FEL'T EROtd 'I't1E INTP:RS~CTION OF SAID CENTEit i,II~E WI'I'i; 'Z'ri[: CF~t~'il:Fi :,Tt3E ~JE 5XCAMORF. Al%FttUE:, A.°i SRITi H.F~nRUEQ ICJ S'I'RF:E;iS i~iic: SFiU+i:l Uf~ A.411P OY TitAC:i C7Q. 1451, ~~C)x ;V, ~'t~(;E;j 2i? AtaD 2° Uc MTSC~F.:.LAt~E:nUS t~iAP5, RCCORDS OF' c:i?A;IG"r', CCUt~TY, CAI~IF'ORtiii~„ T(iEtSCE SUUTH 89.93 FEET ALONG ';t:E ~:L:a;ER I~ItJ~: UF SAZU ?LACENTIA AVEiIUE T(3 TEiE idOF?1HEAS'~F.R''.Y E'ROLU~i~ATIOt7 OF THE f+ORTH LT.NE OF LOT :.23 OF S~~Ey 'Sa~(~'T ;10. i451; TNGt7CF £iOUTE{ 74° 22' 45" Wr.;ST 10' .1C FEE7' iU ':iiE i:ORTiiWF.ST CORN~R OF LOT 124 OF SALD TFZIICT NO. i~~~~ •rt;gjtL~; P3oRTEi 49.A3 F'ECT TO 'THE N4R;ilEAST CORNER OF' LO'1 l25 UF SAIi3 TRACT NC~. 1~i5~; TEIEtJCE IdQRTki U° n%' 25~~ FTL~: 1+10:i~ TtI~ F.AS': LTtiE OF LA:iD DESCRIFiE~ A5 PARCEL 2 IN ~c'cp 'fU 47Ft~DFLL, R. BURGF:S~ AI7D WIF~~ REC~ORU~D MJ~Y 6~ 1949 n;t BOCY. Ia4~;, PACF. 42 7F QF~':ClAL R~CORDS, TO THE SOU;ii'r;E:S'" ce:irter~ U~ SAIa LA~ln UF WTLLIAM ~i. RAUM; THEl3CE tiUN.Tfi 7~~° 2° 35" EAST tl31.15 eEET TU T.N~ POS~i'~ OF up;(, i ~;I1 C i:(; . •~•~• ~ s:t:e Ci.r_ Plannir.g Ccmmis:sion dicl hold a rublir hearing t•..t..RLAS, Y ~ 1991, ~t 1: 3U p.-n. , 1r_ ri:e ~:i~'LC C:E!t1CnY in the c:i`y of Anahelm,an it1vemb~Q ~~quited by law an~i itti .~,~rl~,, ~f =;,.c1 ,~~blic :eirin:~ 1-a~ir.g baen d.~iy Q~ ~c~:~zdri»c~ :.:'~h the prc'•'~siu(ic ,fotrs~a~nstt~~~.iduproposec:`ornd~tianalru~:e•permit ~,~~ar ,s;~1 co:,~i,t~r e~:.~c.r~ !;'CT1Y~QCtion ~o i.:1•:~:=;~'c;s~`~ an~l make ~:.ndi~,~s n:~rf ~.•~~cornr.~er.c3at_ion~ in a.~'1 `" •!-:crF~•,~tti`~; ar.~l ~~ite:f~::;,`~, ~a~~l c:~rr,nzi.3~:r,n, ~fte_• Jue in~p~c~Lon, inve:atir,atiUn a~~' ,;.,,,,•~, ,T.-.,i~ hy it~y1i; ;jnd in ira cF~half, an+J a:L~r due ~onnideration of all r<, ~•~ ~t ciai~3 h~aYin~~~ ~SoLr~ finc2 and det.Nrmine the i~.~: ~jf~;~~~f~ <lfl~i YP~i:~~'~Cr 3 C.: .~ Y. _. J <<~.Ic,•ning fa,..~~: -1- pC91-182 ' Ci3::3 4 4; ::; ~..r~.~, ~4n~';~ ~ 1. That Lhp prorosod u~Q is proparl.y ono fnr whir.h a conditional u~e p~rm.it i~ autt;orized by Anahei.m Municipol. Code Gectian '18. h4.050. ~~30 ~o pcrmi.t thc~ commorc.ial u~~ af a rQOidenFi~~l otructure wlth waivor uf: Sncti,ort 1H_!14.063~QhU - Tnt~r.i.or e,~~ctcka a,~utt~,~za~,~dontl~l ~Qn~~t. ~ (M.inimum :LQ-faot npan ar~tback r.~c~uirod; 2 to 4-fuu,~ eotba~k propor~ad along tho oouth~rly por.tion of wc~i~t pro~~ert:y linQ) 2, 'ih~~t t.h~ ren.,uec~tQCi waiver .is heroby grantoa on thQ b~laifl that thei•e ar•c~ n~~~cial circ~um~tanc~~ applicable to tha pr.operly r~:~ch a~ ei~e, ahape, tor~ogra~tiy, loc•~L-ian anc~ ~urroundingo which do not apply tn oGh~r identical.ly ::oned ~~rop:~r.ty in the ~ame vici.nity; alid that atr.ict applicati.on af thQ ?,oning Code deprive~ ttie propert:y ~f pri.vi.leqQS ~n-}oyed by other propEr.tie~ ir- th~ i.dontical ~~,one anQ c:la~~~itic•ation in th~ vir,inity. 3. Th~zt the prop~aad u~~ will not adveree),}• affecL th9 adjoininc~ land ~~~c;s and tiI1G growL•h ~~nd devalupment af the araa in which iL ia propoeod to bc locatecl. 4. That the diz~ and ehap~ of the ~ite propcaed £or ~i~Q ueQ io aderl::zte tu zllow L•hQ fu12 development of the propoEed tise in a mannar nut dc*cimental tv the particular a~-ca nor to the peace, healt•h, safQty and general a.~cslf~jre of LhE~ Cit:izen~ of the CiL•y of Anahc.im. ~. Thar_ tiie ~3Lantirtg of ~--~~ Con~.litional U~e Permi.t under the ~:o~i:lir.io,~t~ impos~d will n~~L be ciEtCLlilCflL'3). t0 the peace, healtti, s~tfety and cJen~r~l :~elfare of the Cilizc~ns of the CiLy of 1lnaheii~. G. That thc L•raffi.c ~enF.r>Ated by the Pr•o~~oaed us~ wf.ll n~t i.r.~po~e an ~~ndue 1~~.~rden upon the streetP and hichwayB dc~~aic~necl ind ir,~proved to c,:rry the r_ra:iic i;i the area. 7. Tnat ~ne pergon indir.ated hia pre~ence at; aaid public hearing in oopv.^,ition; and r}71f. (lG coxr•~n~~ondenc:e was receivea i.n op~+usition to t:he r:t~bject petiti.on. ~l~LTFC~f2t1IA~_F.t~VSRUf~I~tFNTAI. ~U~'~LI'1'Y A~;T FIr1DItJG: That fihe Anar~eim r;ttf Plannin, Commi~~ton haa reviewQd ttie propoaal to reclassify aubject Prop~~rty Frcm Lhe I?S-A-43,OU0 (Residenti.nl/Ayricultuial) 'Lonu to the CL (C~ammcr.cial, Limitecl) or a leoe intenqa z~no to pQrmit the commorciat +sse of a reaidential str.~cture w:th waivex of interior neCbaclce abutting reofdQntial zcn~~ o:~ an irreqularly-ehnped parcQl, of lanci aonai.atir-q of approximat•Qly 0.31 acre, having a fr.ontag~ of approxicnztaly 90 feet or. ~1~Q west aidQ of State College Eiouievard, havin~ 1 maximum depth ~~f approximatelf 7.28 feet, being ]ocarf~d ap~+roxicr~atel.y 1~10 Eent aouth of the cQnterl~ne of SycamorE StrQe* and f~artiticr de~cribed a~ 431 iJorth :;tate Col.l~ge BoulEVard; ~r,d doeB hc.~r.eb~ approve ~he t~e ~ntive D^clar~tian upon findin ~ tha+ it haa cor.sidezcd r.he PlggativQ Declar~r;;~r~ tc~~~eL•her. with any commQnts received dt~ring the puUlic revie~ f~r.oces , ar~d fuc~ther f~ndiny on the ba~ia that the i.niCial. ~tucly a~zd any comr~ents rocetv~~i t:1~t~L- tt~er~~ :a nn aub~t3ntiat a~vidence LhaL th~s ~+rojeci wi.ll h-1vr_ << zigr;ificanc eEiect orti the env.ron:r:E~nt. -'l- oC'3:~1f32 ^.ub~y~ .n•N''r~ NOW, TFxERFP'O~tE, B~ IT R~;SGLVED thut tha Anshoim City ~lanning Con;nits~i~~n doo~ k~erel.iy grant subj~ct Pe1:l.tion £or Conditianal Uae Permi.t, upan tt~e f~ll,owtr~g c~ndltions which aro hareby found to be a necm~sary pr~requir~ite tA th~ E~ropoaed uaca of. tha eubject~ prop~rty in order to pr.enarvE t.h~ pu~Let~y ~.ncl gen~ral wc~lfar.o of the Citizene of th~ City of Anaheim: 1. *'Chat pri.~r ~o .influancy ~~f a building permit, t;h~ appropriato traffi~ c~ign~l t~c~o~a~sm~r~t feo ~hal1. bQ paid to the City ~af AnAhAim in an a~nour~~ a3 t,ncablioh~d Uy City Caunci.l RQdul~atic~n. 2.. 'I'fiat pr:ior t.a tti~ i~euar~ce of a bui.ldi.ng pormit, ~ ei~~ plan al~icill be aubmit:ted t~ r_he ~ngineeri.ng Re~?rc~~~ntar.ive in thE~ Public Worko U~parlment for review and apptoval of ~ito drain~ge. This plan Rhall includ~ exi.Atiri7 oite elevaticns and L~roponQd f ~n.'.aheci surface elevation~ of ~he new a~phalL parking lor.. .3. *'I'hat pia~~s shall. b~ submi.tf:cd to tha Cit•y Traftic and Tr7nr~portati~~n Di~~nager for his revi~:w and appr.oval showing conformance with tho laCest ~•EViaion3 af ~ngineerir~g Standard Plan No~. 436, 601 and GQ2 peit~ining tu parkinr~ ~standar~.i:~ and dr~vcway locationa; and that wheela ~topp sha11 be instslled .in tl~e gar,~gP, an ~tipulat~d t:o by th~ applicant at the Iniblic hear.iiig. S~ibject property ehr~ll ther.QUpon bQ davelo~ed and maintair,od in cor~for.mancQ wLth ~aid plano. 4. Thct4: the GIY: LVr3W3y on State Co1lecJe B~ulovard ~~hall be rscon~truct:~:l to accommodate ten (10) foot rldiuu curb roturns in conforraanc~3 wl~h !:ngineering ~epari:ment Standards. 5. That pl~n~ sub,nitted i~r building permi.ts shall shoc~ conformance with F.n~~i.neering ~tandard Plaii No. 137 pertai~~.iitq to sight diatancc v.iaibilit.y for ;oall~ and ~ig;l. 6. 'I'}ta}.: either ;a) L•he c~nt're str.ucture t~hall b~ fii-e apr.inklered or (b) onl}• +.Y~e commercial portion ~~f the atructure ~hal.l he aprinklere~9 tf a f;.t•a r,all ~~eparatiny the cummercial ~~n~.l resid~ntial. uees is provided, to th~ ~•ati~faction of tnE Fire Depactment. '7. ~'Chat tr~.sh ~t.~rage urea~a :~hall be nrov.ided and maintained in a location accen*•ib1A to L•h~ Dep~rL-ment of Matnrenan.^.~ and in aceordance wi~h a~,_,i•oveci E~lans on f i le with aai~.l Uepartm~nt.. Sur.h informati.un shall be s.peciiicall.y =_si~r.~wn c~n the j~lai~3 rsbm:tted foz• buildi.yc~ permita. ;~. :i~;;t a Plan Shc~et for r~olid ~~,ar3te erorage and collec~i~n ~1nd a plan for recyciing shall be nubmitted to the Department of Maintc~i~anc~± for revtAw and ap-~roval. 9. ;h:it an oc:--ei~e trar~h truc:c turn••arnLnd area ehall bo providc~ci an:i mafnta.i.t~c~d to ~ho s3atir~facCion of thQ DoF~artm~nt of MaintienancE~. Sa~d turn-around area ~hall be aEecifically el~own on plano rubmittod f4r bnilciing pQr.mi.tr~. 7r,. °~Phat ~~11 air conclitivniny facilit.ies and other roof an~ ground mc~unt~d eqi~iF~m~~nC ah~l L h~ pr.opQ; ly ehi.~lde~.l ft'~~m vi~w. Such i.nf~rmatic~n sh~~ll be cpeci£ical:y shown ~n the i~,lc-~ta tsubmitted f~r. buildf-:~ perm.iL•s. -3- f~C91-1~2 ;~ ~•:~US`a 11. * 7'h~t duo to ~hc~ r_tiangr~ in ueF and/~~: occ~apancy of the bui.lding, p1Rne c,17a11 k~c~ nuhmittc+d c:n r,ho Elufldi.ng Divieion ahawing comnli~nr,o with th~ mintmum ~st~ndarc~o ~f the City of Anahuim, inc.ludinr~ tho Unif~rm Suild3.ng, F'l.umk~ir~c~, Electri.cal, M~:ch..nic~l and rir~ Codea ae ~dopted by tha City of Anaheim. Ttie appro~ri~~i:o permito ahall be obt~.inoc~ for any necet~s~ary work. 12. Thr:~t a.ll plumbing or uthc~:~ ~3imilar pipoe an~ fixL•ur~e lc+catac~ oi~ ~he ~xterior ~~f tl-,e building c~h~7:.1 ba fu.l'ly acxeened b,y archit~c~ural devicna c-nd/or app.ropriate butldir.g materialej and, furtnar, ttia~ auch information 3hall. yo ~poci~icallX ehown on the plan8 r~ubmi~ted for building pr~rmiL•a. 13 .* Th~.t a six ( 6) fo~t tifuh masonz•y bloc:k wall ehall bo r.on~tructed ancJ i:~aintai~eci ~11onr, thE3 wea~: pr~p~rty iine. .14. T;iaL ligiltiny fixtures in any pro~osed rarking azaa locatec: a~~iacent ta any rsutdr~iitial ~topert.y aha11 be down-lighted with a maximum height of Lw•^Lvo f12) Leet. 5ai.d l.~ghti.~tr, iixturQS ahal.l be ciirected away ironi ad j~ cent rc:sidei~ti.a: nro~~~±rty linep to protc~ct the roaident3.a1 i.ni:~grity uf tt~~ area. 1'.~. ~* That tt;e pruposal r~hall comp!y with a1'. signing requirpmenta of the CL "c:on,merc:<~l, I,iR,itAd" Zone unl~sts a variancQ allowiny sign waivers i~ aF~provca by the Ci*y Council, Planninr~ Commiosf:~n or 2oning Admini~trator, anci ~xccpt aa nther~•~i~e limited by Con~lition No. 16 hEtr~itt. 1G. Tha~ any prc~pc~ed freoatanding eign on subjeet property shaZl ba a monument-type t~ot exceeciing eiqht (8) feet in hQight and ehall be subj~tct to the r~:vi.~w and approval of the City Traffia and Trar~apor.tation ManaqQr t~ der.er.•mine adequa~e lines-oi-eight. 17. Thar_ a land~rcape zcid irriga~fon plan for eubjec:t l~ra~aecS:y shall be fsubmLtted ta the Zoning Divi,c~for. for reviAw and approval. }1ny dc~cieion made by L•he Z;ming Div~~ion reyarding said plan may be appealACl to thQ Flanning Commi.tic~ion and/or City C~v.nc~.l. lf~. Th4t ~ny ~ree plant~d on-s:.te ah~ll ~e replaccd in a timely manner in the evenr that it i~ removeci, damacied, diaeaaed attd!oL• ~laad. 19. *:h~t subject C.onditi.onal U4~ Perrnit No. 3Afi1 irs granteJ ~ubject to acicl:,tior~ of a zonii~g c~rdinance in con:~ection wSth Reclar~ai~ication PJo. 91-92-II, nc~w pendi.r.g. 20. That a 3CtJ~?L" capacj.ty m.iLiqation fee of ei.ghty dollars ($f30.00) per ane thou~and (1,000) aq.ft. of co:nmercial fl~or. area ~shall bg paid to the City ~~f Analie:.im ~s LhE~ fafr rshare a~ses~ment for thes Vermont Stteet/Lemon Str.eet ~ewer ~~f,~~r7<le. :?3.. Tt~at r~ub7ect prrperty ~hall be developed substantially i.n accordance w;.th plans and epeci'icationa aubmitted to Lh~ City of Anaheim ~y the pariti~nar and whicl: plane nro on file wi.tn thQ Pl,xnning Dapa~tmont m~~rkQd Exhi.bit Noa. 1 and 2. ,^ -4- PC91-18T. ° wwaM~~ _ , . , _y'i ?,'r~,. ;,;4ci,, 22. 'That p.r.t~r to ir~sunnce of a building permi.t or wi.thin ~- pariud of onta (lj yc~ar Fz•om rh~~ dato af l.h.t~ r_osc~luti.on, wh.+_cliev~sr uccurs firet, Condition Nua. 1, ~, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1i, 19 o,r~d 2Q, ~tbovo-•montionad, sha11 ta~ campli~d with. Exl•enr~ion6 far further time to cnmplQto ~taid ccandi.tia~i~ m~iy be gran~cd in acc~rd:~nce with Section J.8.03.090 ~£ the Anat~~im Mun.ic.i.pa]. Code. 23. 'That- p.r.ior to fin~:,l buildi.ng anc] zc~ning inep~c!.•iune, CancliL•ibn Noa. 4, G, 13, 1~ and 2.i, al~ovc~-mc~ntionra, c~nall bQ campliQd with. 2~1. * That ap~r.oval of. thLti ~pplication ronetitutas a,pproval af. t}:Q ~ropos9d ree~u~s*_ only to the extent tl:at it ~omplles with thE Anaheim t~unicipal Znning Cc~dE~ and an}• othc3.r applicab.le City, State and ~pdaral .r~gulati.on~. Approva.l doee no~ iiicludc~ any action or findinge aa to camplianc~ or ap;~roval oL• tho requor~t reg~rding any othor applicak~l~ ordinanc~, regu'iat.io;~ or r~rquiremen~. Conditi~nn marked wlth an astezisic (*) arF r~c~uired by e~ta-aliehed law~, code3, .regulatione and agreomente and <<r~, *.herafore, not aubjeat t~ nogotiatior.. BE IZ ?URTEIT:R RESOLVLp *hat ~ha Anaheim City ?lanning Comcn±asion does hereb~r f.tnd .and c1~tQrmine thafi adopti.on of thit~ Rea~lutiori ia expressly pl:ed9cated u~an applic3.nt's co;n~~liance •,~iL•a each ana a11 of thc~ condi.tioiis herc:inabovc- ~c~t fetCh. Sh~uld any ~uch candition, ot any part thereoE, be declaz~~d ir~valid or unentorceabl~ b~~ the fi»aZ judgment of any court of competr_~t juri~ciiction, ~he~n thi.s R~~aolut!.on, and any approvals herein cuntained, ~+hal.l b~~ cle~med nul'. and void. 'I'h~; .~'ORE~:,OIP~G R~SOLI11'ION was adopL•ed a~; the Ylann Lng Commiesion meeting of Nc~vember 4, ,991. ~~? / /,•!' 1%~/ ~/ ~'•C•~ ~ ~ r., -- ~.H . M X~NRH~Zb'. CITY A NING 23t SSIOtv ~ _ AlTLS'~ . ~~ ~ ~.•' ~ ~ r ~~4~ ~~~.y'~~~~. ' '_ '_t.., __' . ' l~' - t-:~L.~"~'_.~t • ~:_:L_____'__ S~;CRE'PARY, ANAHEIb; I:ITY PL?1NNI IdC C;OMbfISSTON STATE ON' CAT IFC)?NIA ) COtIN'I'Y OF ORACJGI; ) a~. ~.ITY OF APfAHLIM ) I, ~;ctith I,. Piarria, S~crQtary of the Atiah~-im C;ity Plannin~ conur~is~ion, do hereby cer~tify that, the ; orrgoing re4oluti.on o,as paesed and adopted at a m~eting of t-he Anah~sim City Plunning Comr.~iesi~n hold an Novemb~.r Q, 1991, by t}:e folZowi~tg vot~ of the m~mbern thereof: :1YF•.S: C~MDS7SS.T.ONERS: pOf1AS, BRISTOL, iiEf.LY.E[t, FIENN?NGER, MESSE, 2Is"MGL NUL•'S: CUFiM.ISSIONERS: CION~ hHS?N'L': C~M*SI5SIONEI2S: PEFtAZA 2;i 4~IZ'Cl~'SS WHEREnF, I ha•r~ herounto c~et my hand thzo ~~ d~y o t _~_~ l' i,( .-.u..~u,; , 19 L)1. .. -;:, ~ ~' ~ ; ' _~._~: .a<<,C~Fj. S~. : ~ ~-l r.;~l~"L~2, z~ -_.._... SECI2F;:AF.Y, ANAEiF.Tt~i CITY PLANNZ~I~ COMMIS~ION `~' PC9I-18~