Resolution-PC 91-185I...~~ .r..,~ b~i~ri:~ ~tCSQLI~T~nN NO ~PC~~lf33 A RESn1,UTION OF T'HG AN7-FIETM CITY F'L.ANNINC CCIMMISS:nN "•FIAT,~PLTITIUN FOk VARTANt;F NO. 4150 OG VF27~NTEb WF.EItEAS, the Ann::c~i.m Cir_y I~lt~nr '.ng Commlasion d~.•. rer_E,~ve a vc~rif fod P~t itiori for Vari~n~a for c~rtai~ r.~~al propert} Aitu~~ted in th~+ City of Anehaim, Co~anty of Orange, SCatc~ of Californi~l dc~ncribod so: A YURTICIN OF J.OT 7 OI~' 'PF211C'P NO. 5$, PERALTA :iILLS TRACT NO. 1, AS :;HUWN Ot7 A MAP RL•'CORD~U IN IICOK 10, PAG~ 6 OF MISCELi.ANE~)US MAPS, I2~CORDS OF OF2RCiCE .Oi1NTY, ~:ALII~ORNIA, DF..SCRIl3ED AS E'OLi,OWS: f3F~~1NNIPiG AT THE ~OTJTFIWESTERI,. „ORNF.R O? SAiD LOT 7; THF:NCE T10RTti 35' S4' 00'' WE;T ?.£3fi.09 CGF.T AI.O~1G TiIE SOUTNWESTERLY L7NE: UF SAZO I.OT '1; TNEP7CE NORTH 75° 49' 40" CAST 670,6f3 FE~:T TO A PUINT it~ THF. EA5TIsRLY "LIt7F: OF SAID LOT 7; 'i'FtENC:: SUUTEi 29° ~•G' 00" LJ~ST ALO~~C SAID EASTERLY LIt7I; 334.'74 CEfi'f; THENC'r, SOUTH 13° Q7' 00" WEST 50. 00 FEFT; T'fle:fJCL•' SOUTfi 5° 21 ' 00" f;AST 50.00 FEF.T TO TEl~' MOST SOUT~IF.ASTL•'ItT.Y CORf~ER ~I~ 3AID LJT 7; T'HEP1C~ SOL''CFi 8£3' 39' 3~" WEST ALONG Tl1F. SOUTtiERL.Y L:I3fi O~ SAZD LOT 7, 30~3•f38 FEEx TO TEiE YuIlJT OF E3EGINN?~NG. FXCEFTZt~C TEiE;E2EFROM TfJAT PORTJ.ON TE{EREUF COt3V~YED 'i0 'TFiG COUP:TX UF ORANGE FOR ROAD PUR~~QJGJ B'L UEF.C UATED F:AR~:N 21, 1935 AP~p RECORDEG AYRIL 11., 1335 C;: f3~:JOK '745, PAGE 2?9 UF OFFICIAL I2E~ORUS. ALSO ~XCEPTI~dG THEAFs.~ROM: 3F.GIlItiI!+C AT A P0:~7T 7td Tt1E SOUTEiWf:STF.P.LY LIFiF O~ ::nIG LOT 7, DISTAtiT ttCRTfi 35° 54' 00" WEST 2C6.09 FEFT I~'I?OM Tfif: SUUTHW~S'PF.Ri.Y COR:1~;2 UF SAID LGT 7; TFiEtI.^_E: ttORTy ry5° 4q~ ~l0" gAS: 67~.60 F'c'.ET 'i0 11 POIt~T ItJ THE FRSTEF?LY. L7tlE UP i.U'f 7; TFiF,t~CE: 50Ii'i'N 29° 5~' 00" hFST AI.c1t~r SAID EASmECtI.Y LLt~E 12.2.45 FEET; ^_'HENCE :i0U2t; 7S° 52' 4.`'i" W~:iT 550.6i FE:r:'i iv^ A FOINT LN TH~ SCUTIiWP.STERLY LIi.F. OF SAIC I.OT 7; TFi~'~1CF. "lOP.'IH 35° 54' Op" WEST ALUNG SAIU 50(1TEiWE~TEE2J.Y I.tti,; 9~i :2 FEET ':U 7ifE: P~ItiT' OF G'~GI~~~iItiC. CFt13533.1 _ 1.. ^~~:-185 ~ ;r: .. . r . ;,~s>,, ~.. ^r WEfEF2EAS, t;~e City Y' nnnir~g Conunisaian clid hold a pubt ic h~a.rinq at the C.ivic Cencr~r i.n the Ci~y af AnahQim on Ncvemb~r 4, 1990, at .1:3R p.m., noti.ce af eiaid pub~ ic hot~rtng havin,q be~n clul;~ given na rQquirQd by 11w and in accor.dnncQ with th~a provi.~ionr~ of lhE Anaheim Municipal Codo, CliaprRr. 14.03, to hear and consid~r c~vidance for and aga.inat oatd F~rapoRQd v~riance and to i.nveotiyato and makQ tindi.ng9 r~nd r~cnmmand~tion~ ln connQCtion thFrawith; t5at aaid ~~ut,l~.; h~ari.nn wafl continuc:r.i ta th~ Novemb~i 1l:, 1991, Planni.ng Commineion meet: i.ng; And Wf{ERFAS, saf.d Cc~mmiaeion, after due inspaction, inveutigt~tion and study mac:~ by ita~lf .7nd in ito behalf, and aft~r du~ consicleration of al.l cvidenc~ and r~porta offered at ~aid hearing, dcea C1T1tY and dCtermine the follawiny fact~: 1. F~etit-.ionc.r reque:sC:~ waive•~ of thc~ ~ollawiny tu establ.ish a 'l-lot, RS-HS-~13,OOU(SC) f~in~ll~-La~ni3.y re3ide;tttal subdiviflion: SL:CTIGN lf~. i2. O61 .OlU - Minim~~m 1cL ~re~. (43t5f,0 ~c~ft. re!lui:cad; 4U,075 and 421253 nq.fr. propo~ed) 2. Tha~ ~hQ above•-mentioned 4r~iv~r i~ hereby grar.tcd on thQ bzsi:s that ttiere :.ire apecial ciz•cumfstancec~ applic:able t~ r_he property such as ~i~~, ~hape, topograpt-y, locatior ancl aurroundings whictz do noL• apply to othr~r identi~~ally zcned propert f i-~ t.}~e ~ame vicinity; and that f3trict applic~~tion of the 7,oning Co~je depri.ven ~he prepFrty of privilege~ enjoyed by other praperties in the .identi~al zor.e ar.d cla~nif~cation in th~ v.i.~~nity. 3. Ttiat there are exce~tional ur extraordi~ary circumatances or ccndi.tionn applicabl~ ~o t:t;e ~.roperr.y involved or to the ir.tended use of the pro~crty that clo not apply gF~nerally *_o the ~roFe~ty or cl.asr~ oi uae in the s~atire •: ici.nity and zorie. ~. That; the rFZuc~~L~~d variancn ia neces~ary fo•r the preaer~•ation and enjcfinent cf a 3ub3tantial ~ru~crty right p~sse~ac~d by ot•her property in t'it ~~:ne vicinity and zone, and denie;i to the prupc~rty it: qutc~lion. 5. 'Pt:~t tl;e zequentE~d variar.ce will not ~e ma~:erially d~tr.imenta: to ~:hE~ F;a::lic w(?iE1L'E? or injuri.ou~ to the pru~er~~ o: ir„pr.ovemenks :.n ~~ch vicinity and ~•.,:~e in whi_cF the ~~ro~;er.r.y i~ locnted. G. That or~e ~e~•:io;~ ir:di:~at•ed tt1~~~ir prUQence at ~aid p~~bl.ic h~~~rin~3 in uppG~3£tfocl~ a~;<1 tt~~t no corresnondencc~ was receivr-d ;n oppo~,i.~.ton to subject per_iL•i.on. ~2_ PC9 ].-185 , .~. : ;:,.:< ~ f,.,, ~LIFORMI~'~~ FCt~RnP711E;N'I'l~L ~QUAI.ITX_ ACT!'~TNJJ_INOs 'Thnt tho Ananoim City PJ..~niiing Commf~aiari haa x~evic3wa~ the F~ro~~oeal tc~ ~s~abllsh zi 2-l~ti, R,l'~~•"-•"4~,~3~U(sCy ding2.~-family rEa~id~-~tlnl ~ubdivieion with waive.r of mintmum lr~~ arc~~ on a irregular'l,y ohaPccl p~~cc~l ot' 1~rid conni~ting of ~pproximately 1, f1~1 a~r~:a, h~z~~iny u front~cye o.f zppz~ximatcly 312 fer~~ on t;~~ we~t eide of t'~r~~si~~~ tlillr~ Uri.vo, }~~zving a m;axtrnum dEeptta o£ agprnximuCr,~ly 551 fQC~t, beiny lc~catcad approximatQly ~1£tp fot~t n~uth of. thc; cant~~z~lic~Q of sant~ Anu Canyon Roa~ r~;u! f•urttier do~crlb~d r~c~ 3~6 S~ut;~ pex•iilta Hil.l~s n:rtva; and d~ea hsreby d~p.rav~ tht~ t7egt~tivQ becS.nr.ltic>n ~apor, f..ttiding that it h1H conr~i.dered the Negativc~ Ucclarati.on ~uc~r~t;ti~~r wi.th any ~omments rer_eivc~d durinc~ the pub:Lic review pr~~ce~e;~s ar~ci 1Furthez• ti.~dinc~ ~n tht ba~i.e that the initi.~l ntudy ~and any r.c~m~tc3:lt•~s rr~ce.ivc~cf that there i.a no z~ubr~t•~,nLlai cvidanc~ th~t thQ projQCt wi.ll ti~:i~vc~ a ei:gnf t icactt ef fncr. on ttt~~ ~r.v' r:onm~nt . t~UW, TfI~:REFOF?F:, F3~ I9' I?^;:qL°IF:~ tt:~l t:he An~~tieisn City Planning c'n~r~;;si~it,ic~r~ cioc~H hereh;: granL ~ut~ject l~c~tit;ion for variance, uporl Ctie follawing r~r..ii.r.ionr~ whir.h are hr_reby foueid L•~ bc~ ci n~ce~r~ar.;~ prerec.Iuisitc~ t~ tne F.•'i'Uf?'~c~~~ unc~ of t:he r3ub)f•c;t propF~: Ly in or~er to pre~erve thn aa.ety anc~ qt'-^~:ral w<~lf~~.re r.: ttic~ Litizena af r.hz City of Anaheim: ":h~r_ ~ubSe~L prc~Fx~.rty ut:~.cll ~ce :;erve~.l by untl~.~rc~round uCiliti~~t. R. Tf~at ea~.t~, ~;arct>1 r:hatl pruv.id« fltr~r:~gc~ r~reac3 for, ~olid ~..~a~te conta.i.ner~, wt~ic•ti shal l be :r~: ~Y.e~r1 ouL o~ publi~ vi.ew. _Y, *';`hat r~:-ier to i.~3c.:,i:+cn ,~f r, buitcl~n:_~ F~~,rr,ti*, the apprapriate f~e:~ due fo~ ~rirnary 4:<1~:C:•t.' 1;' ~ iin <ihal l bcs paid r_a Ct~~~ 41att~r Cnyj n~±ering Uivi~ion, i.n a;:eord:~rtcr~ witis it::,:~; 15,~ and ?0 of ~h~c~ Wat•~.r UtilLtf Rat:en, itule:~ and Rc?c3l:~ilt:i~JilE. 4• *:ttat ~riur t~i i~~~ar~ce r~f a k,+.silding permit, L•h~~ ~p~ropriate major t.h~lrU~wr.~}~f~~~e <~nd 13r:cig~~ t'e+> rt~al i t~e paicl Lo ~he Ciky o~ Anahe.im in an ar~aur;r„ as c;;~r~ci f:.ed in the Ma jor ;~:~~r~ugiti~ ~rc~ and :.r. icige F~~ Progr~xm for ~i,+.~ F~.a~hi'tl/j'~~~iterr. ir~~r,:sp7rt~tio;; Corriclnr, a~ c?stahl.ish~?d isy City ::•~anc ~ 1 t'4~f?~JZIl~ LCR. :i. r ~hat p:ior •.o r~r_,3rc~<~t.;on o.'. a F%~rcel map IIlSL7;ILVLC~l:it7 f7ubj~c~ praperr'l. af,~3rapri.,r:Er r~ark an:: rr•c;°ni~ir;;~ ir~-•licu frsn~ shall. l,c~ E,aid to ttte: cir.l of ~,n,~heirr, ;.r~ :~n a°•,o,it~t ~~, cc.t :~,li.f~h~a:1 f~y Cit~ Cnun~il i-c~<aoluti~n. ~.. ' That ~ri.~c t.:~ :;~:5<1~C.'E? "i a t;~.sildim. erraiL, "he a~rn~rfat~. traffic ~ E-' P[ I ' eig~i~i ~7,3hR!f3£3~?f?f}~ fcaa ~};_i13 be paicl L-o the City of Anaheim in an am~~n" ar• eutat~nitshed 1;;~ ri~~ ~•.7~i.;:.i1 Renrluttor.. .. ';i-~t a parc~.~?. m.e~> -o z•c~crr<i '.:he ctlvieir_n o: L~iblc~~i: pruperty •~hall be ~~,.,l~ri~Lc~d t:c.~ ir~c: :is~pro:~~~~1 b~ ti;~• c:xty o[ I~n~he~m <.nd anall ch~n be r=_•c~~rt!~c1 ~!1 4:h~? Q({'fLri O.f :.Zi!! [)C81i•~f? ~:i:i:l~.~/ 15EC:tJYfif_'Y. ~;. ':}.:7L e"ltlf Fs~it?~.•j~1~,21 4r(,r. ., ~ '` ,..,)Vd. ~~'l:i. :;E? £.{:.it:)c~~~ 1-n ~t1C L~~?C nYO:i(?L'V3~.t0[: ~'` ~e:I1t.,',(~nfl ~If i:~1:1[:~4?Y i.:. ;' . G`: }114_ 1~J' lli~~l.~` t'~7:,~..C1(7i12 COC~r~ .~c~rkaining tO z "~r, s,~..:r.;r C.~r.ri<.'-tir ~v . 4'r ..~, ~ri~~ . ~~+ ~C91-185 ; ••'~, ,~-~, 9, Tt;at no x•oof•-rr~~unt~d o!~iiipm:~r-~ sh~ll be parmitted. 10. That aub}oct prap~t:ty ohall b~ dovelop~d aubstant;ially i:~ a~cord~nee with p.lana ancl 3peci.fic~itioc3~ oubmitr.~d to 1:t~e Clty of Anah-c~im b,y t'ie potitionar and whi.r.h p1an~ ar.a ~n filc~ wiLh thQ Planniny l;~~part:m~~nt mark4d ExIliUit No. ]. 1.1. That prior to cor~maricemerir. uf th~ activity t-c~rei~i c-pproved ar wi.t;hin a period af ~n~ (1) year Erom the dato of thin r~c+olution, 4/Y1~C~1G'VE?i' OCCl1L'H first, Condition Nos~. 5~ % and 10, abovo-mention~~l, ~hall be complied with. ExtPneiocir~ ior further ti.cne t~ CGl11UlE.'1:f3 rsaid cond.tti.ano m~y bo granted in ~1cr~~rd~nc~ witti Section :E~.03.090 of tho Anaheim Hunicipal Cod~. 17.. ThaC prior. to .iflauance of a building permir, Conc~ition Nos. 3, A and 6, above-mQntio~iec?, r~hall be c~mplied wit:h. 13. * That appr~val o,`' this ~~plic~-tion con~L•ii;utes ar~provat of the prapoaed r~~qu~r~t ~nly to thc~ exte-~t that it compliQa with the Anaheim Municipal ZonJ.ng Code an1 ~iny other ~~pplicablQ Ci.ty, Sta[.e and Fe~eral. r~sgu:l.atian:s. t~pproval dues not inclu~lE any actian ar finding~~ as to c~~moliance or a~proval of the r~quest reg3rc'ing any otlier applicnble a~~dinance, r~:gulation or requi.rement. ~or.ciitions markc~d with un ast~:~lsk (ky are required by e~tab.lished laws, coclea, YE?CJU11t1.OT1~ and agr~emente and are, t.c~refor~, r.ot 3ubject tc negotiatioii. BE IT FURT'-IER RLSOLVED that the Anah~im c:;i:y Ylanning Commi.~ssir~n doea her~:by finct ~Zrid aetercntne `_~hat arloption af th.L~ Rer~olutian iu expreaely predicat~d ~lPOTI applicant'r~ compliance with c~ach ~nd al.l uf. tt~e condiL•iona hereinabove nQt for.th. Should any FUCI1 con3itionn, or any part thereof, ::e deciared lnva].id or unenforceab?e by the f;nal ju~lgmont oF any court of competF~nt jur.fed.ictton, ~hen thir, Re~o~ution, and any a~~prova2a herein contairied, ~hall bc deemed -:ull and void. THF: rORF.GOIGG RI:SCILfJTLUII was cidopCed aL- the P.lar~nisiy Con~mia~'r~n ineet ing of. 23avembcr 1f.1, 199I . ., ~ ~ /~/~,~.1_! ' ~ ,C, ~~j ti. _1 ~--~--~~-~ ~._ - r_l;pIRMr~tl, T+:aAEiT:IM ~,I Y FL!i~~fdIN COMN,ISSION ATTE3T: ~y/~ ~ ~~ ~ . -____~, ~~~~~~.~s~, ,. SECRETARY, RCIAEIEIM CITY i~i.APitlIllC CU:dl~:ISSiUtJ _r_ PC92-18°. ~'~ ry : ~'~ ~ ~' r ~i ~'.i ,i,~~~ ~. r . 'T`"i ~ .~ . . .:~C' a.1 .,fi ~ . . . . .. . :~~~., ~.,~ - ~qvx..l STATF O1~ CALIFORNTA COUNTY QF ORIINCE ) us. CTTY AF ANAHEIbI ) I, .TanQt: 7~. Jenac~n, sccret~r.y of thQ Anahei,n City Plann,ing :ommis~ion, do hereby certif,y t.h-s+: ~hca £oragoing rsaolu*ion waa p1s~,e~ an:i ado~ted at u mudting of the finah~+im CiL•y Nlann~~q ~;uir~~ci3eion hP1d on N~v~smber 18, 1991, by t.t~e following vot•~ aF L•ti~ member.n thereuf: AXES: COMFfISSIONFRS: SAUAS, ti~I,TYER, HFNNING~R, M~S5E, P~:RAZA NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: 'LI`MEL ABSENT: COMMISSIOP~ERS: BF2iSTO.L IN WI~NESS ~1EiEREOF, Z havR hei~unto ¢E+t my hand tht.e ~.~ _ ~~ay u f _,_.~-~~"' __~ ]. 5 9 I. .~ .__._ /~LQS~~~_~~'lil..c.-i jECRETe11tY, AP7AFl~ TM C:T. ^LrNNIf7G COMMISSION -5- PC97.-185