Resolution-PC 91-186~"'"`'~ ESUT,UT'ION NC~_~C91=,1~6, ~Y.,;~-v. A F2ESO.LU'I'ION ~F TFiE AP1AElEl:M CITX PI~ANNING CO;dMISST~~N ADOPTING AND T2~COMMENU:iNG TU TElL C:[TY COUfiC2T, ALIOPTTUN UF G~NERAT, PLAN ADSF!3DMEN7' NU. ?22 PLF2TAINING TO TH~ LANU US~ ELN~MFNT WHEkEAS, che C.Lty Couricil uf the City ~f AnahF3im dia zdapt thQ 1lnahelm t;a~oral P1an by Re~olution No. 69R-6~14, ahowing tho genoral d~scription and ~xt~nt of paHnibl~ future dr•.velopr~~ent within rhe rity; at~d WFILRGAS, Planning Cummiaei.on dirc~ctad ~taff to initia~~ an amendment to i:h~ I~and Us~ F1~menL of the General. F~lan to rF~d-r.~i.gnate th~ ~tudy arQa fr~m th~~ existing I,oa! llansltv fie~idential de:~ignatiar- ta the Low-•M~d.tu-n Den~i.~y Reeidential des.ic~na~ion f.or the atudy area consisting of approximatoly 0.40 acre tiaving a fronCage of upproximately 179 f.eet on thQ nor~h e.id~ of 5all Road, having a maximum ciepth ~f appraximarely 11'7 f.e~~t, being Lc~cat~d a~proximal:~l.y 35Q :E~~t eaat of the cent~.rl in~ of Oalcllav~n Dr. ive and further described as 3253 Weat 8~11 Road; ttiereaf W'r1L;REAS, thv Anaheim City Y.lanning ~'nmmia~ian did holc] a public h~aring at the Ar.ah~im Civic Centor, Council Ct~amber, 200 South ~.nahQim Boulevard, ori Oct~~ber 21, 1991, at 1:3G p.m., r-ottce of sai.d public h~:aring having been c]uly giv~n as required by law and S.n accordancr~ wl.th the provicions of the Rnah~tm Municipal CodE, to haar.• and coneid~r ev.i.dence for and again3t ~ai.~9 G~nc~ral ~lan Amendment• and to invest.iga~~ and maY,e finc~ings and recomm~nda; lons in ~:onr~ect.ton therewiCh; that ~~aid publ.ic kiear. ing was contiriued L-o r.lle No~~ember 1F3, 1991 Platining Commisaion meetiug; and WIiEREAS, ~;aLd Cor~missfon, after due coneidPrltiun, inspection, inv~Rtiqation and study made by it~Qli, ~nd after due con~sic9eration oP a~.l evidence ~nd reporLa offerc~d at sai.d hearing, D~ES FiEREt3Y FIPJD: ].. Th.~t amendment to •~he Ar, redeoignat.ing aubject rather Ctiari I~c:~~.~ Den~ity 2. That 1111:I une ~Jensit:i.e$. evidence pre~ented sub~tant~~t~:n the nQed fo+- an zhei.m ~~eneral P1an ancl ttlat :<:~ibi.t A be adorted ar~a f.or Lc~w-Mediun Dcns? L-y R~~i.de.itial 1.and usee, Re~id~ntial. the propoaed amr~ndm~n~ i~ c~n~iatent with tl:e exi~+tiag ~ALTFOFtNIA_ LNVIROt7MGNT1II, OUALITY AC'_' FINDING: That Che Anah~im City Ylanni ng Commi~~ioci h~a r~~vi.ew~d t:hc~ propc~A71 to amend the Land Urio F:l.ement of th~ GQneral Pian, re~eflignati.ny au?~ject prcpert•y fr~m the exi.oting I,ow D~aneity Kesidenti~l designation to t.IlE3 Tow Medium Den~ity ReHidenti.al de~i.gnation; and L•o recl.asaify :~ubject ~roperty from the RS-A-43,00~ (Ftecl.dr~ntial\AgricuiCural) Zone to tiie RM-2400 (R~sidantial, Multiplo-ram..ly) or a le~sA intense zonc~ to e3tabli.sh ~ 1-lot, ~-unit, R.d-2400 conclominiucr. sub~'.i.vit~fon on a rectanqularly-~ha~e~ parc~l cf larid consiBtLCig of a~.proxima~~ly 0.4^• ar_re having a frunr.aye of aF.praxim~~-Lely 179 f~et on thc~ north aide of. Ba.ll Road, havicig a maximum cleptt~ of apprt~:cim.ztely 117 feet, b~ing located approxic;~:etely 3SQ f~t~ east: o~ the cc.~n*.erlinfl of Oaknavon A~~ive and furth~.~r. dQr~cri.be9 ~ar~ J253 weat Ball Road; .~n~.i doea her~by approv~ thc~ CR13543J -1•- FC91-?95 ,»~~,.w ~,~r~~,>, . < < NQyativ~ Declarat.'_an upun finding th~-t it haa considezed the No~~L•ive Ueclarati.on tc~geth~x• witli any comments received during thQ publ.lc reviow ~rocee~r and fur~:her findLr.g on the banie that the inl.tial stucy and any comm~nte received thaL ttiera ie no ~rub~FAntial evi.denoe that tha prc ject wi.ll have a sigaificant sffecc on the environment. NUW, THEREFORF, BL IT RESOLVED, that pur~uant ~to the abovc~ Eindtng, the t~nahaitn Ci.ty Planning Commieaion does hereby ado~t and r.or.ommend to tha City Counci.l o£ the City of AnaY.Qim adopti.on of G~n~ral Plan Amendmc~nt No. 322-I~and Uae Elemont, Exhibit A, ~o redQaignate the stuc~y are~ ~zom the Low Ueneity Reaiclential to the Low Medium Doit~ity Rnsidential land us~~~. 'rHE FOREGOII~'G FtE50LUTIQ~1 was adopted at the Ylanning :~mmi~sQion meer.ing of Plovember 18, 1991. ,/ ., " ~ % / ,%'~ r ~ ` J:I /1 ~~lJ, r~ v ~ .! . _~. ~ ~/ rf" L ~ AIRMAN, ANAI3ETM CTTY 'Fj`LANN NG CJMM7SSION ATTF,ST: _..~~~`'L'- " ~=/1'"" -- - SECRF~T~RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COPIMISSIUN STAT~ OF CAT.,IFORNIA ) COUNTY O? ORANGF ) s5. CITY OF AtdAf•IF7M ) I, Jan~t L. Jensen, Secretary nf the P.:Zaheim Cit~~ planniilg Commis~i.on, do hereby certify that the foregoicig reetolu;.ion wan pan~.~ed and adopted at a cneeting d.t th~ Anat~eim City Plannir-y !:ommisaion held <<n h~ovember 18, 1951, Y~y thw fullowing ~ote o£ thp memt~ern th~r~of: AYES: COMMTSSIONERS: HEI~I,YER, HrPiNINGEFt, MGSSE, PEI~F+ZF1, ZEMEL NOES: COMl3ISrIUNFRS: NONL RfiSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BR7STOL ABSTAINEq: ~OM2dIS520NE12:i: DOUAS 7N WITNESS WHi?RFOr, of ~Q~Z,+~~L _____, 1991. T have h~reunto set my hr3nd ttiis _~~~ _ clay ~~ .~ _~~~:z -- . ~._ SECRETARY, ~~NAHEIM CITY P.LANNINC CObihi~SSIC)fJ CR"295.TJ -2- PC91-186