Resolution-PC 91-190RESULUT~QN NO. P~9.1-190 A 12ESULU'PION OF THE P.NAFIEIM CITY PLANNING COhIMISSIOPI THAT i~E:'CIT:[UN FqR CC)NDTTIONAI+ ilSr PF;RMTT N0. 3472 B~ GF2.~INT~D WHEI2EAS, ~hE~ ~lnahfli.m City Planning Commie~r•s.L~n d±d r.~aceive n verified Pei:ition for Conditlonal Us~ Permi.~ for certair~ real pzhpQ~ty aituated in the City ot Ahaheim, Coucity of orange, Stato of C~zlif.ornia, de~cribed as: PARCrLS 1 TO 4 I~ICLUSIVE OF PARCEL 2f~1P NO. 87-~116, TN T:-I~ CIT.Y' OF ANtL~IGIM, C~~UyTY OP' ORAN'GE, STATF. OF CALtFOFLNIA, AS ~Z30WN ON A MAP ~'IL~b IN BOOK 24'l, FAGES Z THROCJt~H 4 TNCLCJSIVE, UF P.YiRCEL Dit1b~S, IN THE OP'r'ICE UF iHF. COUDiTX Rk~'CORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WFIEREAS, thQ City Plcirining Comn~i.r~sion did liold a public heartng at the Civic G~n~er in ttie c:il:y of rlnahPim on .Iavember 1f3, 1991, at 1;30 n.m., notic~ c~f eaid pubyi~ hearing having been dul,y c~iven as requir~d by law arid xn accnrdanca cuith thc~ provis;.one ~i tha Anaheim Munic:ipal t;ode, Chapter. 1£3.~3, t~n hear and r.or,~ider eviden<;e for a~~d agli.nst ~aid propcsed ecnditi~nal us~ permit and to investigate and make findingr~ and recomr.iendatione in cUnner.tion therewith; and FiHEREAS, said Commi~sion, aft~r due ici~spection, iiivestigation and otudy macle by it3elf and in it~ belialf, and utt~r du~ cons,Cderatiun of all evidencc~ and reports offered at aai.d t~earing, does find and determl.ne the fnll.owing Eacta: 1. That potir.i~ner requer~kfl agproval of a c:oriditional ube pPrmit under authority of. Code Sect:on 18.03.030.U.10 ~~U:iliotc:: iJses" to pQrmit foi.r of.f~site "tz•affic circulation" oigns, 2. That Lhe propuaQd ~ape sa yrarited for a period of 2 ~rFar~ w1Ll. nat advozsely affect the adjoini.ig lnnd useA and the c7rowth and ~.ievelopment of th~a ar.ea in which it• i~, prapoeed to be I~aated. ~, 3. Tr~at the c~ice and ~hapa oE ~he oite proposed for the use ia adequatc~ to a].low the full devnlopment oP thQ prc,pobed use in a m~.nner not; h datrim~r-tal to tF~e particular area rior to the p~~~ca, hoalth, safety an~ e~eneral welfare of the C.itizens nf the City of Anaheim. "~ 4. That thE 5rantinc7 e; the Co~iditional UQe Perrnit unde:: tM~ ccr.d:tions imposed, if any, wi.ll not bc detri;~ental to h.he pc~a.;e, health, eafety and g~nc~ral welf3re of the c,i.tizenca of the City of Anaheiih. Ck135£3JJ ••1- PC91-190 ~ ~ ~ 5. That tho traffic generflted by ~he propoaed uea will no~ imp~,.~` an undue burden upon the streets and hignways d~aiqned ~nd improvod to carLy the traf.fic in the area. 6. ".'aai: n~ ~nA ind:~r,atod th.~ir pr~serice at said publir. heari~g iii appoaition; arid that na corr~spond~nce wa3 r.eceivezd in opposition ta ~he ~tub ja~.t p~tition. CALIFOR~IlA ENVIRUNMENTAL ,~Up~J'lY F~CT FINDIf~G: The Plannirt~ DireGtor or his author.ized reproeQntative h:s determina~d t:hat the propased proj~ct fa11e wlti.in tha definiti.~n of Gat~~ol:iczl Sxemptione, Claoe 11, ae defin~d i~l tne 5tato EIt? Guidelin~s ~nc? i3, th~+r.afUr.e, categarically exnmpt from the requiren~ent to prepare an EIR. NOW, THERFFORE, BF' :CT RESOL~I~D that the An~~heim Cihy ~I,anning Commiacsion doed h~reby y2-ant subject• Peti~ion for CQnditional Use Pe.rm.tt, upon the follow.tng conditione which aze hQreby taund to b~ a necassary prarEaquisite to th~ FrapoQOd u~e a~ tha aubj~cL• property in ordQr to preaerv~~ tne s~!'etx and general welfa.re of the Citizens af the City of Anaheim: 1• That oubject ~tgn~ ~ha1L not be illuminated. 2• That th~ wording c~ntained on eubject n.i.gnac7c, shall be .limit~d t4 the geryeral wordiny epecif_ca11y ah~wr~ an t;he exhibita presented Y~y Lhe petitioner at th~ p~blic hearing, dnd that no other advertieing ahall be permiLte~i on the ~iynd, 3• 'Phat p1anD s~bmitL•e~ for aign permite cahall ehow conf.orma::ce wi th EngineQring St~ndard Plan t~o. 137 r,eii:aini;~y to siqht difltance visibiltty. 4. Tt~a•t oub jQCt nropert f aha.ll be dev~lopEd substantially in accordance witli plano and speci'~icati.onn submitted to ~he City of Anaheim by thea petitioner and which p7,~zn~ are on file wi•.h the Planning Ue~artment marked Exhibit Nras. 1 through 6, 5. Tha•~ prior to iusuance af a~uildi~g pe~zrnit or wit}iin a period of one (1) year from the date of thig reso.~.4tion, wliictievex• occurs firet, Condit.ton No. 3, fibove-ment,ioned. ~ha11 be comF~liecl wit;h. F:xtQrision5 for furth~r time tu complete eaid condit.ione may be granted in ac:cordanco with Sr~ct;ion 18.03.090 of the R.nal3eim Municipal Coda. 6. Tli~i~ priar to f.in~l building and zoning inapections, t'ondition No. 4, above-monkioned, E,hall be cumpli~ci kith. 7. Tttat aPproval o!' tniK a~pl.ication con~titutea approval of the proposed rec~uest only to the extont tt-at it compliQa wirli the Anaheim Mur.icipal 2untng Co~e and any oth~r aa~li.cable City, State and FadQra.l ragulations. Approval dooa nat includQ any action or findi.nge as to compl.tance ar a~~proval of thP xQq~.l~~~, regurding any ottier anplicable ordinanr_e, reguZation or requlrement. ~~- PC,91-190 ~*` •~ ~~li;ii.i1 ~• Tha~ this conc~itional uae permit i,g h~reby grunted far a p~r3.od oi two (2) Y~~r~~ ~~~ oxpire on Novomb~r 18, 1993. Tima axt~ans3.ona may be pFar•mitted tn r.~nn~ction with a noticed ~ublic hoa.ring aa may~ be requestad ~y the ~atitioner. HE IT FURTFII:R RLSOLVED that th~ Anahei.m City Flanning G•omm±asi~n does hereby find and detarminR t~hAt adoptipn ot this Resalution i~ e~cpre~f~ly X~r~ed.tcated upon applic~snt' ~ comp7 ianca with Qach and all of tha co~zdition~ heroinabove aot forLh. Should any euch condition, or ar~,y part there~f, b~ ~' decl.ared invalid or unAn~orcoablo by the ~ina1 judgmUnt of any caurt nf corr;petent j~~riedicti.an, then thia ~teeolut.ton, and any appr.ovals heroin cont.a:.ned, r~rsali be deom~sd null and roid. THL FOREGOING F2ESOLUTION waa adopted at ttle Planniny Commise~ion , mc~etin~J of No~ecnbc~r 18, Y991. ..._. , 1 r~ . ~~, ~ /~~ ,l~ ~, ' ~- ~..- , „/%'. ~- '~' ~- ~-,. ~:• .f ' =-+-•e---~ ~..... - ~~Z/ 1.-~ +-.+,~- , ('HAI~MAN, ANAHEIM CTTY ~PLANNING COb 21M' SSIpIV F.TTEST : ., /~ '~ ~ Q,l"~U_"., .- SECRF; }1R~NAHF;Tr1 ~:zTy pLAPJHZNG COMMTSSJON STA'~E l~k' CALiFORNI}1 ) COUNT'i OF ORI~N~E ) ~tA, CITY OF AtdAFIELM ~ I~ Janet• L. ~7ensen, Secretary of tho Anaheim City Planning Gommission, do her~~by certify that ~he foregr,ing re3oluti~~n wae passed and adopted at 3 meeting of Ghe Anatieim Ci.ty Planr~ing C~~runis~ion held on November 18, 199;, bY the f~ollowing vot~ of the membera there~f: ~ ~, AYES: GOM.~SrSSIONEHS: BOUF.S, HEL.LYER, Hb:IJtJING1:R, !•lE;:SE, PER?~ZA, 'LEMEL NOES: (;pt3MI~SIpNERS: DiQ~QE AE3SENT: COMMTSSTQNF.RS: tiRISTOL ,(~ TN WITNE;SS WHEREOE', T ha~e hareunto Act my hand this ~.~~~ of ,.Y4~-~. 1991. -~._'~'".__ day F_~c~'~'~' - :~...~~~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C;U~titMIS:ION -3- PC91-190