Resolution-PC 91-192y ' :':_~l'I ~; ':1:~.11:~1 /'n~''q R~SOLUTxUN NQ. PC91 ;1,~,2 A t~U~1C PRO :'UNC RE5CILUTION OF THE ANAFI~IM CITY PLANNSNG COSiMISSTON AMLPIDING RESOLUTION NO. PG91-lti2 TN CONNECTION WITH GONDITIONAI, USE PERMI'P NO. 3459 A~EiERI;AS, on Octobar 7, 1991 ~he Planninq C~mmir~Q.ion c~ian~ed Condit~.anal Uso P~.rmit No. 3~59 undor Re~oluLiun Nn, PC91-162 t~ ~~ermi~ a ~j motore cl.o re air ehu with Y P p parte aales ot~ an irreg~alar.ly flhr,~ecl parcal ~f land consieting of appr~ximAtely 4.y acrea .located at the southwoat r.orner o: OrangoL•hcrp~ Avenue and Placc~i~tia Av~c~u~, hav.ing ap~roximatQ frontttyes of' S75 f~ot on the south ei.d~a o~ Urangoi.i~or~Q AvenuQ and 293 faet on the caoat aide of Pla~on'ia Avonuo, and further described ae 23f32 ~.aat Orangeth~rpe Ave;~ue; and ~,; W::EREA~, the infor.mation con'r.ainec9 in Rc~oolutian No. PG91-162 ~,~~ae ' incu-rc~ct pertaining to Cc,nuitiori No. 16; and WHFREA5, Concl!_t.ion Na. 16 cuzrently read~s as follaws: . "16. That any parta ~a1es ehalJ. b~~ limit~d t~~ n.~w parts only, as ~ ati.pulated t~~ by tha peti_tior,er.'~ WHEREAS, aaid Cor.ditian No. 16 should be amended tu read as followa: "lfi. :Chat parta e~~lea may include n~w anci used p~irts, prnvided that tho Fali.r_e Deparl•menr ~hall re3erv~ the ri.ght t~ inspvct Gny uged part4 offered for oale~.'~ NOW, THGRE:~ORE, BE IT RL:SOLVGD that the Rnaheim City P1lmiing ~~onvnie~sion doos f:ercby amend ~~id conditfon No. 16 ot, the basis of the foregoi.ng f.indinge. THE F'ORBGOTPJC Rk:SOLUTION wafl adopted nt ~he Pl~snni,~g ~~c~~,e~io;~ m~eL-ing of Novembc+r 18, 1991. - G,~. "~, .Y~L l. `" r C~ ~ / ---=-~.~~ -a.~ CEiATRMAN, ANAEiF.IM CI?'Y P~.ANfITNG COMMISSZUN AI'TESTt .-, ~-~n'~ __.~ SE~;RETAitk, ANAfIEIM CITY PLAtJNIti~: COyMISSIOit ,, ~'.,rt CR1360JJ -1- PC91-192 ,. j 'AV~ ~ r~~ STRTE UF CAT~ZFURNTA) COUI~TY UF ORANC}L ) a~, CITY OF ANAHL"IM ) I, Janet L. Jen~en, ~ecrota.r~ oF the ~1nah~in City Planning Commiesinn, do h~reby cQrtiCy that th ~ f c mor3ting of ~tie Analielm Ci.ty oreqoin7 reoolut~.on wa~ pa~sed ttnd adcp~~+c~ ut a Plann.ing Commieoion he1 d ,, . on Novemb~r 1f3, 1991, by thQ f~llowing c~te of the mamr~ers th~reof: .~1YES: COMMISS20NERS: $OUAS, ' HLLLYER, FiENN7NGr}'t, NfEu5~, P~Rp,7,p ZgMEL ~ OES: CAMM::SSIONERSs NONE , AEiS~NT: CODSt4ISSION3sRS: BRI3TO L TN WITt~ESS WHF,,RE;OF, o;: ~ ~ /~^- 1991 I tiave here;.~nto ~~t my 2iand thfs `~_ aa f ~ , ~ _._.., . ~ ' _....____.-~-~c~L . , / L ~ ~ _._ SECRETAR'.Y, ANkHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2~" PC92•-192 F : '!t ` ~ ~ p . . Kf`iCt~'.. '~;~~,~b~~~.:\~i^I`' .