Resolution-PC 91-193~~~, RFSp~.U'~.I~N NO. ~G -].9z. ~ lA NUNG PFtn 'PUN~C RESOLUTIUN UF THE ANAEIEIM CITY PLANNING C4DSMYSSlON ADfEND'SN(3 R~;SOLUTION PJO. PC91-131 TN CONJUNCTION CJI'1'FI CONDITIANAL USE PERMST NO. 3446 WHEREAS- Tt~e Anaheim City F1ann.ing Commiaalon grant~ad Curiditional U~~ P~rmit 1No, 344G on Aug~i~t 2G, 1991, t~ permit on-p~omioe eato and conoumption c f alc~,halic bovoragaa in an t~oL~roxlmatQly 5, OOQ E~quare-fo~t encloc~~d b~r and grill svith waivor ~f minimum numb~r of parki.ng spac~o on ~n irregular].y--et~aped parcol of land conai~tine~ of appraximately 2.97. acrc~r~, having a frc~ntage of appzox.imate.Ly 1,U80 faet on th~ a~u~h eide of OrangeL•horpe AvenuQ, having n. m«ximum d~pth of up~roxim~t9ly 135 faet, being locs~tiod appx~r.tmately 900 ~o~~ eaet ot the cont~rl.inn of Mi.ll~~r StrQet and Eur*her daocribc~d a~ 3478 East C~rangethorpe Av~nnuc~ (I,ake Cor-ter Shopping Center) . 4~fH~REAS, t.he informat:tun cantained in Reaolutt~n No. PC91-131 wns incarrect pc~rtain.i.n~r tc Gondition No. 9; and WHEFtEAS, c:c~nQicinn No. 9 c~rrEently readn 18 follow9: ~ti "9. That th~a canditionaJ. use pertinit ie herQby qra:~ted fo~ a period of on~a (1) year and ahttll tozminatE on Auguet 26, 1992." WHEREAS, Condltion P~o. 9 should t~e amend~d to rea~ as to].lows: "9. That tht~ conditi~nul uae pQrmit is hereby grante~i for a period of cne (ly year., to expire on August 26, 1992, and that time exter,aions may be obtained by tt;e petit~on~:r. in connection with a duly noticed pub2ic hearing." NOW, 'I•EiIsRGFORE, E3E Z'P RESOLVED that t:~a Anaheim City Plannin~ Ccmr.~i~eion cioos h~:reby am~nd said. conditiun r~o. ~.~ c,~ ~he baaia of the forr~gofng findings. TFiE I'OREGO;NG RrSOLU7'ION wae adopt:~d at the ?l~~nning ~ ~mmise~ion meetiny of Nov~mber 18, 1991. / -..'" ; . r , ~_~~ . ~~ ~ _~ ~ ~, . r ~~~"~',~'L..... c. -i.~ ~~. CHA7RMAN, ANAHr:IM CzTY PI,1~ ZING, ~OMMZSS70N ATT~ST: %1 ~ ~~ --~j _~ ~_.~./~..~___;~L-~--. SECRETA~tY, ANAH~.IM CITY PLI~NNING ~OMMISSIUN CR].361JJ ;C~ -1- ~C91-193 i ,~ ~ '• ~ :• +nm ~ ~a~ay~ STATB l.~F' CALII~ORN7A) (:OUNTX OP' ORANGE ) as. CT.'fY UF ANAFIEl'M ) I, ,7anc~t L. J~noen, Secr~atary of the .Anaheim City Plannin;~ Commiseion, do hereby certi£y tha~ the forayoing reaUlution wnr~ ~~aseacl and adoptod at a nieeting of the Annhairn City Planning Cummiaaion held on Novembez 1i3. 1991, by { i thc~ fnl.lowir~g vato of. t.hQ mc~mber.e thQr~aof: AYES: C,UMMISSIGNERS: BOUAS, HELI~Y~R, FIFNNTNGER, MESSE, PERA7,A, ZEb1ET, NOI3S: COMI•:ISSIONERS: NnNE Af35EN7': (:OMMISSIONERS: BRT5'POL IN WITNESS WkIEREOP', 7 havP her~unto seL- my h~nd thie ti~~ti da of <P..~ .~. ~, 1991. •- Y ~-~;,-,~-C,l."~ ~> '__1~~~'c~..~--, SECRETARX, ANAHI:IM CITY P7ANNINC COMMTSSION , ~. ; .,•' ~:: ~ -2- PC91-193 , .:..% i.s!II~ ,;~ ~,