Resolution-PC 91-194~ ~~~, ~~; _. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~i`~~~~~~ti~r , `~ Rr:,sc~L~~Trari rrc~~_~r_~9:1.,_ 7_9~1 ~ A RLSOLUJ'IUN OF' TiiE AN}1HEI1•! CI'1'Y pLANNING CnMh1ISSIUf1 1'HAT 1~ETIT?C~N 1~OF2 C:ONDITIOCIAL US3's P~R61I7' PIh. 3470 FlI; cr..~crrr.R, IN I~AI:'!' WI~fLRPA5, ~hE~ Anaheim Cily I~l~inning CGmm~.s3~~ion ciid rec~ive a veriti.rd I~~t:ition for Carlditi.onal U:.~e Pcrm.it for COI~t.~in rc~Gql p:ro~orty ~itu~itc:d in the CiL-y of A11t;J'lE~l~ll~ Counly ot Orrznge, State of. Cal.ifarnia, d~=;~,~ri.bed as: PARCEL 1 IN TfiE CITY OF ANnHL;TM, COUf~TY OF 0(2ANrE, STATE: ~i' CALTFORClfi1, AS SHOWN ON A h1X1P I'ILF.D IN F100K 5Q, F'AGL 3G OP' PAF<CEL t•fAPS, TN TH~ OrFSCE OF~ THE ~C~UNT'1 I2ECORDi,R UF SAID COUP11'Y. WHliREA5, the Cit~ P1ann.ing Conunission cl.id iiold 1 public tiearing at th~ Ci.vio Cr~nter in L'ne ~ity o~ Anahei.m oi~ Noven~~.~r. 18, .1991, at 1:3U p.m, , notice of hai.d public heariag }1dV111CJ b~en ~-iuly cJiven a~ .reqi~irod by law ancl in ar.cord~-~nce ,~i.th the provisi.an~ oi•' the Anahr~im Municipal Cor.l~, Chaptee 18.03, ko hear and coi7sicier evidcr.ce for ~~nd zgainsL :,aic.i pra~~os~d condition~~il use perm.i.t and to invc:~tigate anr.! make f.inding~ and recomniendat.io:~~ in connection Lher.ewi~ti; arid ~hat: s<~id publ.ic heai°ing ~ra~ cc>nkinucd ~.~ the Deccmber 1~, 1991 Planing Conunissiori mc:eting; zncl WFIIII2EAS, saic3 Cr.,mrni~;si.on, ~tE'teL• c];~e ip;;pe~~ion, investic~ati.on and study made by it.~e~i: ~liid in its behal.f, and afher. due carisid~ration of aJ.l evidenee anci report:; c,~Yerec? at: sa3.c3 Ili?11"1.!"17, docs find and dE•termi.ne the folluwinq facts: 1. i't~Z~ th~ pro.,~o~e~i ust~ i.:; ~.i-op;~rly onc for w;~ich a condLtior.~l ~.~se pe~::7it i~ authorized by An,~hrim P:unici~.al C::dca Sect:.ion 1E1.4q.050.300 t~ ~~ermit d S~Il1L-C-'I1CLl).~'_,C'f; r~~~taur.ar.t ~rit:h waiver:a of: (A) SFCTIONS_.18_05. Q91; 0?~ - t•;Zx imum numt~~r ~f. wa] 1 sirtn_;. i 8. 44_0G7 ! 1 pc~rmitt~ct pec• ter,ant f t'o~zt entrar.ce; ~f~~_t~'~`~-=-~~?.0`~-Cl ~ I~ropo~ed fal- one t~nant'r~ frant entrance aild rc~~z' of bui.ldiny) m. ,~ .~ t ~ : ;. c~~ ~~~c1~r~r~s ir3._>>_.o~~_t 1 f3_. 4~1.,0 G 7 and-- 18_ 44 . 067_ 0.10 (C') JEC7'lOtdJ_]c~~Oh. ~5U_C1I, 18.Q6.U50.~7?.. 1£i.06_ 05~,. U237.. lB;GG.050.02.33 ]_~,06^ f)t30 ~nd_ 1£3.4n~G6E~.0,p _ pE~c~mit:_ter.i fr~~est~nd;n~ si^cnf;. - - - --- -- - _ 1--- ~- -- - :di,n.ir~um nunir;~~.r._~,f_1.~'q+~irc~d_~ai_kin~c , ar.~~. (G7? recluirec.l; 5_13 t~xisting) 2. 'fhat the rei{ue~>tccl 19F1].V~)Z' (J~~ ;,~ herc-~by c~rat~ted on thn basis that r.here are r,pecir-1 circ~anstances r~pp; LC'L1F~LF_~ L'O the pr.o~;~rty nuch as size, ~hape, t:opogr~~~~~hy, locat:ion a~id surrc~uncii^.q:a whi.ch do n~~t apply to other identically zoner~ prorerty i.n t:he ~.;cime vici.ni~y; ;inct t_;iat :>tri~r application ot the Zoniny Cod~ dr.pri.ve3 the propr r. Ly c~: privi]eg~~~ c~n joy~~c: L~y other propert.e3 in t:he identic:_tl zon~> >nd cla~s.i_ication it~ t:hc vicinity. Ci2136?.t•1S -].- PC91-19q , ~*n~\ f'~t\ ~ 3. That: tho r~r.~uE~~t;ed w~ziv~r. (C) .1.~ ha~r~b~~ dEniec9 on the b~eis L'.I711'. 1L' wa;~ d~letc~d from the flubmirted pl~.~ns fol].owing r~ub.l.ic noti.fic~ztic~ri. 4. '.l'hat th3 zac;uc~:~tecl waivc~r (C) is h~reby grant~cl on the b1~in L-hat th~ pzrking waiver w~ll not; cau:~r an .Lncr:a~c~ in trat•fir, cunya~ttion i.n Lho i.mmeciiltca vic~i.niL-y tlOt' adversnly zffect any adjoining land ur~es and g.rz~nting of the p~r;cing w~iivt~r under the cor.d.itioris in~po~~:c1, if any, wi.ll not bp deCrimenl:al to the p~acc, hc~a1L•h, saf~t:y ~n~t gr_~ner~11 weJ.fe~rF of t,~~ r.it:izens of thc Ci.ty of Anahei~n. 5. 'lh~zt. h.he propo:3~~i u:3c: will r~ot; acav~r:~ely af fec~ ttie ,~d joining land us~° and l-he c~rawtt'~ a~1ci ilcv~loprnent: oE the are~~ in whicli it is propoa~d to be located. 6, '~hat tlie si.::~~ ai~d sh~ip~ c~f ~:1~ 3i.Le proPasc~d foi the tts~ i~ ~deqtiale t•o allow t.lie f:ul), devc~lopment of the propo~ed use in a m~inn~r not dotrimental ~o the pr~rt:.icular ~~rea nor tc~ t}~~e peac~:, healtl~, safety and cJeneral. walfarc of the Citi.zc_n~ af the C.ity o£ An,~hnim. 7. That ~tic gi'•~nt-inca of Lhe Conditi.onal Use Permit uncler Che ~:oridition~s i.mpo ~:c] ~~lil.l .~nt be detrimen'tal to the pc~ace, het+].th, saf.eLy and general 4Jf'ltare u;: ~}1~ CiL-i::er,s of L•he CicY of Anah~im, ~i, q~hat t ~~ traEfir, g~+ner.atec: b,~ the ~~r.oposed use wilJ. not impose an undue bu~dc~n ui ~ th~~ 3tre~t:s ~ind highways dc:s.igned anci improved to carry L-he traffir. i.n i~he area. S 1'haY. c~nc> inr_er~~~t~~~ P~'r'=on indi.cated laer presenc~ at said puulic heari~ig; and thak no correspr~nc.i~::i<<~e ~.~aa rcceived iti oppa3ition to the ~ubject pE:r iti.on. CAL_IF_OI2M.I}1__L:_~IVIFtOClh1C~!TAL .~'/~i_I_1'Y__F1~:.;I'_F'IPJUif.'G,: 'lhe Planning Uii~'ct:or ar hi.:~ ~SUL-hariLeci regi~e:sent.at:ive has dPterr,iinecl thac t:i~~ pro[u:aed project £alla within L-he definitLon of C~,t.ccyoric•al E:xc~mptions, Cla~a 5, as definerl in the gtai:e I:I12 Guiclelines ~si:.l i~, tt~ei'efc~r~, categ~rically exempt from thE~ rey~ai.remenL to E~re~are an ~:IR. f•lO,~, IEILREI~URL, E3F IT ft:i50LVEU that the Anaheim City Ylanniny Commi~;~+ion cioe~ hei-ehy qr~nt _~ubject l~etition for. Cor.ditional Use Permit, zn par;., upon thc fc~llowiny cendit:ionss wtiich are hereby fc~und to be a nece~sc~ry prerequisi.tc: to thc_ propo:~c~.l use c>f the ~ubj~ct propc~rty in order to ~rescrve the safety a-Zd ganci-al welf~1rc of the Cit:i~cnsi of the Cil•y r~c A-Zahei.m: 1. " That ~iqhL-tng of siynzgf' tor ~>ubjecc. pro~erty sh~+ll be pcohibited b~stween rho~ -~our-, or mi.dnight nnc.t 6:30 ~t.m. a~ speci.fi<~c9 Y~y 7oning Ccd~ SPCtion 1a.C5.091.052, unlea:~ a variance .i~ zpplied for and gr~nted. 1. That at~bject laro~~~rty ahal:l L•~a develapc~d substa~~tiaLl.y in accordance with ~lanc and :;p~~cf.f ications ~ubmitted to the ~.:ity o£ Anaheim by the petiti.oner anci which p?«7~~ arE on file o,iti~ t:he Plann9.ng De~aLtmQnt marked Exhibit i7o~. l an~! 2. -2- PC~)1-19Q ~~ - - ~ ~ '` ~ ~ '~~~'~ ~471p, V'." ' ~ ~ 3. That th~~ aa,n~r ..i subjecL• t~ropHrty ~ha.ll ~u~. .it a lctter raquos~ing eQrmin~,r.ic~r~ ot Condit.tana.l L1~e YnLntit N~. 1250 ( Eur const,ructS~n of a ~~r.vicc~ strition wl.i:hir, 75 Peet oi ~ rer-;id~nca, witii waivQrg oP rP~uiz•~~ ~ ` 1.c~r.rit;ipn ~nd pez•ntlttErl ~sigrin) tc~ tJiF: ~uning Divinion. 4. That Condi.ti.on Non. ?. and ~, al.~ove-menL•ioned, sh~~ll ti,o camp?e:tecl wl.thi.n ~z ; ~~eri.od of :~ir.ty (60) clay:~ frc~in Lhfa date of thi3 r~~:~c~lution. 5. h Th:iL- ,xp~roval of thi~ a~:,pl.icat.i.on conetituL-es zi~apr~val of thc ~roposed z~q~.icsr, only to tl~e e:cteni: th1t. i! r~~~il}~LlE?H wi.th the Anal~~e.tm M~inic!,p~.~ 'l,oning Gadc and uny o;.hor app]..ic,~t; .:ity, State and T'eder~l .requ.l.ation~, Approv;•~1 does not; incl~ide ariy acti.r~n cr finc~i~c~~ a~ t~ compli~.nca or. ;, a}~pLO~~al at th~: rr~c~ue:at reyarclinn ~iny oCtte~r applicabin orcli.nancc~, , rec7ulation ~r requirement. ConcliGion~ mar)cecl ~Jith an astezislc (*) are rcqui~•ed by e:~te~blished ~AIJ~J~ cocle~, rogalat:ic:.rt~ and a•.~re~mFnts aind are, thc~r~f~r~, iiot ~ubject L-o rtc~rJ~ty~~tiatt. E3E IT FUF;TH.F.R RL•'50T.VED that. tlie An~zheim City n.L~11I11t1CJ ~:ommiss~.~n ~ doe:~ hereby finc? ~ind determin~~ tt~at aclc~pt.i~r~ oL ~hi:s Resolution is exp~essly predicnted u1~o~i ap~licinL-'s c•~mpliancG with each and all of th~ conditiona hereitlabovc~ set foi•th. Shauld any ~t~ci~ condir.ivn, or any part t}ir~reof, be declared i.nvsl.id or. unr~nforcec~t~lc Uy the f inal judgme~+nt of ~n f C~urt ~.E 4omp~tent: ~urisdi.ction, khe~~ tk~1.~ Resr,lution~ and al~1 7~~7rOVc1~.S h~:'ein contain~~cl, ,hall b~ dcemed null and voiCi. '?'HG' I~ORLCc3IP1G F2LSnLUTTON o:~~;s ~idapreei at tlie ~~lanning Com~rission mectii.ng of Ucc~rnber 1G, 1991.. • ~~ /' ~1~ ~ '~~ ~? ~ c C / /,~' r ; ~ /i/ ,~ ~ ~_ ~. ~ '~ ,.~ ~.a'(,'- ~ `~ c,, ~FiFiIP.~:1f1, ANAHE7t~i ETTY F'LA~I~NIIJG UhitdISS:CON ATTL51.' : /~ ,t ,~l , ~~~ ~~. ~i; C ,,~~ . ~ •' -. i , •- ~ ~ i"...~r.'__°_ S~CRET7IRY, ACJAH ••YIDt (JI'PY PI.APIftT[~G c,UMl:TSSIGC! . , ~, . •' i - ~ STRTL OF ~•l1I.IF~~i?CJTA ) COU~IT'~ C)[•' URAPIGH: ) :;;; , CI'P1 OI~ AI:nElE:Itd ) I, Janc~ J.. Jen:,e~n, Secrer.ary c: the An~aheim City Planning C7lllll113fi10I"1, cio h~~i-F~t~y certify th.~t the foreguing re,OLUt1~7t1 waq passed and a~lcZ~ted cit ~, m~~er ing of t:hr~ Analicri~n City Planninc~ ~:ammi.~sion t~e.la or. U<•~Pmbc~L• 16, 1991, t>y th~~~ fol~o~•~i.ng v~~ti~ of, thc: metnber~ therr_~of: AYES: COMtdISSTOt~GRS: EiOUAS, C3RIS't'UL, HI:I•LYEiZ, EiF~PJIdINGk:R, N,ESSF,, pE;RF1i.A [dUrS: C02•S:dISS:[UPJ:?RS: 'LE~•SL•'1~ F.E3SECJ'I': C~:dMlSSIOfIE?S: NntdE: IC! l:I't[dE;,:~ t•!EI?~:REOi', 1}~e.vc herc~unto 3er r,y hanci L't11 ~ 3 :~~' _ da Y rf ~ ^~///. , 1992. _~_"' • i `' / __«r...:i...f C~."> ~--!.'Ll~~t j ~ .`r__- __ - SkrCRL•'T'ARY, 11Nj1~flf:It•1 CI'fY PLAtJNI~iG -- C~h1t:2SatON ".3_ PC91-194 ~ -.tl-" - •;'irl ", ,