Resolution-PC 91-2~ RFSOLUTI,QN NO. PCy1~U~ A RE;S01:li'CI()N Of~ 'I'I-I@: ANAFIESM CTTY PLANNTNG COAIMIS5ION 2'HA1' PE'i'J'TION FOR CCND7Tl:ONF. USE PEF2MI1' NO. 3368 $E CGR~IPITP:D WHEft~A;,, the Anaheim Ciry Plannicig Cn:nmiasion dic.9 r~ceive a veri=iad Petition for_ condti~:i.onal. Uee Permit foz ccarta.in real properky situated in tl~e City ot Ariaheim, County of Qrango, Stato of Ca;ifoxnia, deaciibed aa: E~ARCFL 3 OI' PARCEI~ MAP F~7-446, IN TFIE CIPY OF ANAHEIDi, (:OUIQTY OF~ URANGE, STATE Gk' CALIFORNII~, AS PER MAP FIL~k:q IN BObK 253, YAGES 41, 42 ANll 43 OP' PARC~L MAPS, 7N THG OFFICE UF TEik: COUNTY REI:ORDFR QF SAiD COUNTY. Lr'HEREA~, the City Plannzng Commiesion did hold a oublic hearing at tt:e ~ivic Centei~ i.n the City of Anahoim on January 14, ].9J1, at 7.:30 p.m. , nutice of aaid public t~earing having bee~ duly given ar~ required by 1aw and ir. ar.cordance w1.rh ttie prov~isions of L•ho Anaheim hIunir,ipal ~^.ode, Chapter 18.03, tc~ hear and connider evidence for• and againot sai.d proposed conditionaJ. u~se permit and to inveotigate and ma}ce findinys and r.f:commendations in coi~:~ection therewith; and WfiER~AS, said Ccmmiasion, after. due i.nepectioii, investigation and Fztudy made by it~elf and in it~ b~half, and after due consicieration of ail evidEsnce and repor.tr~ offered at 331C~ hr~aring, doce~ fi.nci and determine thp ial]owing facts: 1. That the pr~pos~d ~zae ia pr.operly one for whir,h a condit.ional u,~e permit is authorized by 7~na3~eim Muzicipa7. Code Secrion 18.73s050 and Section VI F.l.d.l vf Specific Plan F38--3 (5P r~8-03) to p~rmit a 1,G0~7 sq.f~. douc7hnut ~hop in Devclopment Area 2. 2. That th~ pr~~posed use wi.ll. not adversely ;:ffect the adjcining land useei and the growth and ;ievel~pme~~t of the area in which it ~s propcr~ed Co b~ lc~cated. 3. That the size and ~hapE~ of the ~ite propoaed for the use is ac9equate Yo alJ.uw the iull developn;c-iit af. the propoaed uae in a n,anner riot dpr.r.imental. t~ the ~articular a.:ga nor to tt~e poace, healt-~i, safety and yenera?. welfarc~ of L•:le Citi;.ene of the ~ity of Anah~?m. 4. That the grar~ting of thE C:onditional Uae Permit under the conditions fmpoaed, ii any, o-~ill not be detr.i.nental to the pea~e, health, s~fety and general welfar.e of the Cit-i.zene+ of the City of Anaheim. `i. Thst the L•rr.ffic generate:d by ~hc~ proposed use will not impoae an undue. burdFn upon th~~ atreek~ and hiyh~~rays designed and imp.roved to c:ax'ry the traffir, in the area. CR1088MP -1- PC91-02 ~.~; :,r~ f~• Thac. no one indicated their presencF at said ~ublic hearing in opPosition; and that no cor.reapondence was r~~ceiv~d .in npposition to the ei.~bject: pt,tj.~ion. CAI,IrORNIA EP7VIR~ ONrfFNTAL OUAI,I'LY ACT t'~~TNDIt1G: That t;he Hnahe3.m City Qlanning Cor~un3aeion hae reviQ:vPd th~ pz~po8al to permii: a 1, 008 sc~, gt, doughnut eho~ on a;i irregulary-u:~Aped parcel o f land conaiating ot approximately 2i~ acr~e~ l~cated at the a~uthwQC~t corner ag L$ Pa.lma Avenua ~tnd Tuet±r, ;,~~;~,~~ having ap~raximate frontayen of 659 feQt on the south aidQ of L~ p~:~m3 AvNnuE and 1,2J4 feoi: an the weot aide of Tuetin Avenue and 2'urther :+aocribed aF.~ Santa F'e Paciflc Centor; And doeg hereb;y appr.ovo the NEgative Declaratiori upcn finding that it has coneidered tlae Ne~ative Declarati~~n t~gether with any commen~e received during the publi.c review procees ar~d further. finding oil the baaia tiiat the initial etucly and ~ny commentA rer_~ived that there is no ~~abetantial evidence khat the project will tiav~ a significant effect on the env.ir.anment, NOW, THERFFORE, BE iT RL'SOLVED that the Anaheim City l~lanning Commi~sion doey her.eb,y grant ~ubj~~ct Peti.ti~n fc~r Conditional Une Permit, upon the fc,.llowin~ cond.itians whir.h ar.e h~reby founcl to be a nQCeQeary prer.equisite to the prupor~~d u~f~ oi the subject property i.n order L-o pr.eserve the safsty and qe~n~ral we;fare of the Citi.r.ene of the Ci.t,y of A-iaheim: 1• * That the proposal sh~11. comply wiL•h al.l oigniny requi.rements of SP 98-03, unle~s a variance al.lowing ~ign waivero is approved ~ay the City Councii, Planning Commi~nion or Zaning Admini.otra~or. 2• That an A+~}^~l~ey ur.~ubordlnated covenant i:~ a form satiafactory tu thQ City and Zo~in pi i County of g v eian ahall be recorded with th~ Office of the Orange Recorder to epecific g~iarantee t}~at the entire complPx within the plan area ~f SP 88-03 ~hal l integral . bP man~zged and maintained ae one (1~ parcel foi~ the ej.gnage, purposeA cf parking, vehicu].sr. circulaL-ion, larid uc~agc and azchirnctia~:al shall bE control, and L-hat Raid r,ouenant refe~°enced in all deeds transferrin l'1 property. g a or any part of the 3• Th~.t s~xbjAC~ pr~j~pLty eh::~ll be deve].opHd ~ube~~ntially in accordai~ce witti plane and epeeii`icat i petitioner . oiia ~ubrr,itted k~~ tlie City ~f Anaheim by the~ and which i p an$ ar~ on filz with ttie Planning De~art~ne~nt marked Exhi.bi.t No~, 1, 2 :~nd '?. 4. That prior to comm~ncement of thc activity authorizect by th~.s rr.so.Iution, or prior to ienuance of a building permit, or within a period c~f one (1) year from ih~ clate of L-hi~ resolution, whichEVer occurs first, Conditio:n No. 2, above-ment•.ion~d, shall be compl.ted ~oith. ~xtensione f~r furthc~r time ko camplote e:~id conditioii~ may be gr.2nted in accorda~nce wi:h Secti~n 28.U3.090 of the Anaheim N,unicipal (;oda. 5• xhat prior ta commenceroent af the aativity au*_harizFd by this i:ec;olution or prior co final building and zonin9 inspectione, whicliever occ~,ir6 firet, Condition No. 3, above-mentionecl~ ~ha1.1 be comgli.ed witi~. °2- F'C91-02 ~`',~,;. LfJ:~ ~.i r: ;~•',~~ ~ :.~.1 ~~ 6. * Th~t approval of th.ie appl.icaLfon canstitu~es approval of the p~-opnsed roqu~st only to the extant that it compl.i~d with the Anahein Munici.pal Zoning Code and any ott~er a~ipl.i.cable City, Si:ate and Fed~ral r.egulations. APproval d~ea not includn any ~~cti~n or tindings aq to complianae or appr.~val of the r.eques*.. regar.ding ~ny other applicalale ordinauca, regi.i7.ation or requireme»t. Co~nditiono marked with an asterisk (*) are r.equired by er~tabl~shed latiz, codE+.e, reyulationa and aS~rFementa and rir.a, ther~f~r.e, not aubject to negatial:i.o~i. B~ IT FURTHER I2GSOLVrD that th.e Anahpim City Planr,~ing Cocnmisaio:t doee hereby find a,nd determinr, that adapkion of thia Resu.luti.on is exp•resaly ~~r~di.cated up.~n applicant'e comi,lit~nc~ wi•th P.i.CYI and all of the conditi.ons her.ainabov~ s~t for.tt~. Stiauld any such conditian, or any part: ther.~3~f, be de~lzred invali.d or uiienforceable by the fina'1 judgmont of any court o£ compet:Qnt j~trisdi.ctian, t.heti thie Res~~lut:..ion, and 7i1Y ii~.p~YOVc'~1f3 herein cantained, shall h~.3 deem•=d c~uil and void. 4'HE FOREGOI:NG RESOL'U'.PIUN ;aae aci~i~ted ~t the Planninq Cornmi~r~ion meetinc~ of 3anuary I4, 1931. ,, ~~ , ~•, ,y, ~ ,~ ,~' t~~ '• ~ 'i' ~. _~ ,f ,~; 7..__.__. /' ,~c'.~ t' .` '~ i''~,~ , -, ~_..:.~~ ,, .C.i.+t,~_..; !:HAIRWOMAN, ANAEIEIM` CI'TY~PT,ANNIP~G COM'MTSSIOM AT': E.°,7.' : // r_....~ / r , . -- --- --•--- ._ SECRETARY, ANAHFIM CI7'Y PLANNIIdG COMMISSlON STATE OF CALIFORNIR COUN'PY OC ARANGE ) ea, CITY OF ANAHE3M ) T., Edi.th L. Harrio, Secr~L•ary of the AnahE:im Cit:y Planniny Commieaiun, do herek~y cer.tify that the foreyoir.g re~olukic+n waa passecf and adapted at a meeting oF tl:Q Ansheim City Plannin~ r~~~nisai.on held on Jar.uary 14, 1991, by the fol~owing vate of the rneml~el-s t'siereoi: AXES: COMMI..~'iS70A'ERS: 90URa^, BOYUSTON, FELUHAUS, HFiLI.YEF:, HENNINGER, MF.SSE, P~RR?,P. NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: t70NE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~ IN WITNESS WHFREOI', I hav~ hereunta set: my h~~nd thi.~ --G.J ir~ d~ o f , -N~. ' , 19 91 . ~ Y / ~ ~y /, ~~ ,~~~" ~ ~.,j~ ~.~/~ -y-~.'~~~:L-=-- '--~--~-~LZ•`~__ Si. s~1?T RY, ANAHEIM f;ITY PLAfININC COM.'3ISS7UN -3- PC91-02